He's my Teacher

By kkharv

9.9K 473 133

Jonathan Denis is just another kid at Lofus high. He has his crew, and that's all he thought he'd ever need... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10

Chapter 9

697 38 11
By kkharv

Bryce P.O.V 3rd person

Bryce sighed at his friends, shaking his head here and there.

He had told them to be quite, but they just wouldn't listen. If they kept it up, they were going to get a detention, and Bryce couldn't afford that.

He was already late to first period. Sure, Ohm had slipped him a note, but he was still late. If he got a detention, the good side of him wouldn't be able to handle it.

He glanced at the two out of three of his friends arguing. He wanted to comment, but kept quiet.

For now, he'd just listen.

Delirious P.O.V 3rd person

"Why would you do that?!", Jonathan stated as he frowned.

He was angry that Marcel would provoke his teacher so much. He could've seriously got them in trouble, as well as the fact that he just didn't like seeing Evan mad.

"Do what?", Marcel asked innocently. He turned and looked down at his fuming friend, chuckling slightly.

Do you have that one friend that when they get mad and turn red in the face, you just can't take them seriously? Because they're so funny when they're mad?

Delirious was that friend.

When Delirious got mad, his face would turn a shade of red that would put a tomato to shame. He would then glare at you and narrow his eyes, clenching his hands into fists. He'd even start to shake if he got that mad.

Now, don't get Marcel wrong, sure that was funny and all but that wasn't why he was chuckling.

If you knew Delirious well, you knew that he hated his voice.

It wasn't a bad voice, not one at all. It was a very unique thing that many people enjoyed hearing. But do you know why they enjoyed hearing it?

It's because his voice tone never changed.

Delirious' voice always had the same tone to it, playful and cheery, and that's why he hated it.

Think about it, the only time you'd here Delirious' voice change is when he was concentrating or trying to fake cry, be dramatic, etc. Even at those times, he just sounded off.

That's because his voice was just naturally playful, it wasn't meant to be used to yell at people with. It was meant to make people laugh and smile, at least that's what happened  whenever he laughed or screamed.

Now that you understand, and if you don't that sucks, that's why Marcel found it so funny.

His voice just didn't match the faces and expressions he was giving. It was quite cute too, but still hilarious.

Delirious glared at the taller male, huffing slightly.

"This is NOT funny Marcel!"

Marcel chuckled again before holding up his hands in a defensive manner.

"Ok ok, I'm sorry. I'll stop."

Marcel then put a hand over his mouth, trying to hold in the giggles. He forgot that there was a human being, a small and British human being, in his arms though.

Mini quickly wrapped his legs around Marcel tighter as he clung to him for dear life.

"Marcel, I am not a monkey ok, I'm not like your people! I can't hold onto stuff like this, I need your support."

Mini grinned at the joke, looking up at Marcel. Marcel shook his head as he laughed.

"You bitch!"

He then raised his eyebrows as he looked down at the younger male, slightly smirking.

"Well, just so you know, we all come from a common ancestor so if my people were monkeys, so we're yours."

He then swung his body side to side, making sure not to hold onto Mini at all.

"With that being said, I'm sure your inner ape is in there somewhere. C'mon, you can do it.", Marcel cooed. The smaller male however, was not having a good time.

He jiggled each time Marcel swayed, and was now clawing at the taller's back, trying to hang on.

"Marcel, this is not funny! It feels like your grinding on me and it's getting weird."

Marcel laughed before jumping up and down, making the British man bob up and down onto him as well.

"Now THIS is grinding Mini, take notes."

Mini squealed, holding on tighter because he could slide off more easily if Marcel kept moving like that.

"Marcel, this is gay!", Mini whined/laughed. Marcel just laughed with him.

"I'll stop if you act like a monkey and say you wanna climb my big brown tree and get my banana."

Mini automatically shook his head.

"No way, fuck that and fuck you."

Marcel started to spin in circles, shaking his shoulders, making it hard for Mini to stay on.

"When your ready, you can say it, otherwise this is just gonna get worse."

Delirious finally turned away from the two, pouting. He had been completely ignored.

He looked up at Bryce, seeing that the other was an odd shade of red.


Jonathan waited for a moment before receiving no answer. He tried again.


Once again, no answer. Delirious poked his stomach lightly.



Delirious proceeded to poke Bryce on his nose, sides, ears, cheeks, belly button, forehead, and arms. Still, Bryce was in his own little world.

Delirious sighed, frowning. How was he supposed to get his attention? He thought for a moment before an idea popped into his head.

"Bryce, look! An Xbox 360, with games!!"

Bryce quickly turned his head to the right, then left, before making circles while repeatedly saying "What, where?!".

Delirious laughed before shaking his head.

"I was joking, I've been trying to get your attention for a few minutes now so I figured that that was the only way you'd snap out of your daze."

Bryce blushed before looking down at his shoes.


Delirious grinned as he ruffled Bryce's hair.

"No need to be so serious, you're all good."

Bryce looked at Delirious before smiling a bit. He nodded before pausing as he tilted his head to the side, confused.

"So why were you trying to get my attention?"

Delirious thought for a moment before his eyes widened. He totally forgot for a second, but he remembered.

"Oh right, what were you th-"

"OOO ooo AHH ahh, I wanna climb your big brown tree and get your banana!"

Marcel was dying of laughter as Mini looked mad beyond reason. Marcel wiped a tear from his eye before nodding his head in approval, gripping onto Mini's thighs.

"Thatta boy. That's all I needed to hear, I gotcha now."

Mini grumbled, relaxing slightly.

"I could sue you for this, assaulting an already injured and innocent citizen."

Marcel laughed, patting the poor boys head.

"I dare you white boy."

He then made his voice go deeper as he did his best impression of a stereotypical black guy.

"I'll get my homie on you, we'll bust a cap."

Mini giggled and shook his head. He felt a sensation and looked to the side to see that Delirious was glaring daggers at the two. Mini gave him a questioning look.

"You interrupted me."

Mini said a small "ohhh" before flicking Marcel in the head.

"The coke sniffer wants to talk, listen up."

Delirious bit his tounge, trying not to comment on that last part, as he turned back to Bryce.

"I was trying to say, what were you thinking about?".

Delirious tilted his head to the side to show that he was confused, and as Bryce began to blush uncontrollably, the pieces in his head started to click.

"Oh my fuck, you like someone!"

This certainly got the other two's attention now. They both turned to Bryce, their eyes wide open.
Mini said a simple "Who is it?", while Marcel said "Are they hot?".

Mini glared at Marcel as Marcel looked at him innocently.

"Whhaaaat, I just wanted to know."

He then turned back to an embarrassed Bryce. He grinned and sat down, making sure Mini was comfortable too.

"Tell us all about it man."




They all turned to Bryce, their mouths wide open. They were sitting on the floor, in a small huddle.

They then spoke in the order of which word they said, Delirious going first.

"So you and Ohm went to his classroom....."

Mini then followed up.

"....where you two got a little frisky...."

And Marcel last, but not least.

"....and that's why you were late?".

Bryce nodded his head, covering his face out of embarrassment. The rest just stared at him, shocked.

Bryce was the goody goody, the mom, the one you counted on when you decided to do your project the morning it's due and needed major help.

How could he......it was all so surprising.

It was silent before a voice spoke up.

"Well that's interesting."

Marcel jumped before turning around, staring at the male who was now leaning on his shoulder.

"Lui?! When did you come back?! When did you leave?!"

Lui grinned, throwing a dorito into his mouth.

"When you guys took me out of class, at the end of the hall was a vending machine. There were gummy worms!!! I was only going to buy the gummy worms but then I realized that I was super hungry and......"

Lui held out his arms to show at least 10 different types of chips and candies. The others would've been surprised but, well it was Lui.

"And to follow up on what Bryce said, I like Mr. Nogla so....."

Lui said this as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, as he munched another pack of chips.

Everyone turned to Lui, clearly surprised that he liked someone at all. Delirious had suspected that something was going on with them, but he now knew it was one sided. Still, his suspicions were correct.

Mini then spoke in a small voice.

"T-Then, I'm dating Mr. Wildcat.."

Delirious and Bryce weren't surprised, but the other two looked like they just saw Chewbacca.

Mini then looked at Delirious. Delirious looked back at him, confused. Mini then said a small "Ehem", raising an eyebrow at Delirious. Delirious tilted his head, completely unaware of what Craig wanted him to do.

Mini face palmed before quickly stating, "Delirious is dating Mr. Fong."

Nobody looked surprised except for Marcel. He glanced at everyone before looking at Delirious.

"Seriously?! No one's shocked?!".

Lui shrugged, eating some M&M's.

"We all knew already."

Marcel looked even more surprised. He glanced at everyone, feeling a bit hurt.

"Am I the only one out of the loop?"

Mini shook his head, "Terroriser doesn't know."

Lui then shook his head at that.

"About that, while Marcel was messing with Mr. Fong, I told him everything because he asked me about Delirious and the teacher, and well.  then everything else slipped out."

Marcel now felt completely betrayed, turning his head slightly away from his friends as he pouted. Lui looked at him, raising an eyebrow as he smirked.

"But don't you like someone too Marcel, and you haven't told us?"

Marcel's face felt warm as he glared at Lui.

"Of course not, why would you say th-"


Marcel was cut off by a voice that rang through the hall. His face felt hot as Lui chuckled.

"Speak of the devil."

They heard footsteps as the teacher walked towards them, narrowing their eyes at the kids sitting down on the floor. He recognized one, as he had him 4th period.

Although he was trying to be serious, the teacher couldn't help but smile at his favorite student.


Marcel slowly turned towards the teacher, scratching his head, embarrassed.

"Heyy, Mr. Scott....."

It's almost been a month and a half guys, I'm so sorry!

School was making me want to get a nice cold cup of bleach with all the homework, but it's good now.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and I'm gonna make ANOTHER book.

It'll be based off of my life, so look forward to it.

Well, I love you all, be safe....

And I will see ya after Harvz!

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