
By liv_dennison

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You know those situations where you don't know how you'd react unless you were actually in that situation; ye... More

Chapter One: PRESENT
Chapter Two -- ONE WEEK AGO: 9:01 PM
Chapter Three -- ONE WEEK AGO: 9:58 PM
Chapter Five -- SIX DAYS AGO 12:47 PM
Chapter Six -- SIX DAYS AGO 2:15 PM
Chapter Seven -- FIVE DAYS AGO 6:37 AM
Chapter Eight --- FIVE DAYS AGO 9:57 PM
Chapter Nine -- FOUR DAYS AGO 11:48 AM
Chapter Ten -- FOUR DAYS AGO 4:58 PM
Chapter Eleven -- FOUR DAYS AGO 5:32 PM
Chapter Twelve -- FOUR DAYS AGO 6:18 PM
Chapter Thirteen -- THREE DAYS AGO 1:13 AM
Chapter Fourteen -- TWO DAYS AGO 5:57 AM
Chapter Fifteen -- THIRTY-TWO HOURS AGO 9:59 PM
Chapter Sixteen -- TWENTY-FOUR HOURS AGO 5:58 AM
Chapter Seventeen -- TWENTY-FOUR HOURS AGO 5:38 AM
Chapter Eighteen -- FIVE HOURS AGO 12:53 AM
Chapter Nineteen -- PRESENT 5:55 AM
Chapter Twenty -- PRESENT 6:03 AM
Chapter Twenty-One -- PRESENT 7:27 PM
Chapter Twenty-Two -- TWO MONTHS LATER
Author's Note

Chapter Four -- SIX DAYS AGO 10:43 AM

57 15 20
By liv_dennison

Danielle's P.O.V.

     Coming to was the worst part; was what to follow really worth it?

     I had opened my eyes as if someone shot a gun, like waking up from a nightmare. Darkness. Darkness was all I could see. After opening my eyes, the only thing I could see to notice was the sickening taste in my mouth. I started to gag as I forced myself to turn over, pain erupting throughout my body. It took everything in me not to pass out.

     Suspecting to become sick, I spat, but nothing came up. I started to sob, terrified of what was going to happen. My whole body shook as I tried to calm down and figure out what to do.

     I rubbed my hand against the floor beneath me to try in hope of maybe figuring out what type of room I'm in. It was dirty, hard, and cold, almost freezing, like concrete.

     The air smelled damp and moldy, causing me to cringe. Perhaps I was in a basement? Of course this was going to happen to me.

     I sat back down on my bottom and brought my legs to my chest. A noise loud enough to temporarily disable your hearing, caused me to cover my ears. That was when I started to feel a weight on my ankle.

     Hopeless and terrified, I allowed my fingers to run across the restraint as tears rimmed my eyes, wondering why this was happening to me.

     I started to think about all the girls in the newspaper, the ones Sammie would talk about in a hushed tone to Dad. She had told him, "They were raped and murdered; what kind of monster can do that to a teen girl?" Was that going to happen to me?

     After what seemed like hours of sitting there rubbing my sore arm that they injected that stuff in, the door creaked open. Goosebumps rose on my arms and legs as I shuttered. Blinded by the light, I made myself move my arm to cover my burning eyes. The lights flickered for a few seconds but eventually stayed on brightly.

     Three pairs of black shoes appeared in front of me. That's all I would allow myself to see. I don't really know why the thought of looking at them frightened me so much. Maybe it was the image of their eyes being lethal.

     "Good morning, beautiful," one of the men greeted, smugly.

     As he stepped closer, I moved back. Eventually, my back hit the wall, and there was nothing else I could do to distance myself from him.

     "Ain't Tyler lucky?" he chuckled.

     I couldn't stop myself from looking up, confused with what the man was implying. He was in all black from head to toe -- all three of them were. The only thing that exposed them was the opening showing their eyes.

     The man who had made the comment was the closest to me, and I could see his eyes raking my body. He knelt down next to me, so close I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

     My heart and breathing rates increased rapidly. I had to close my eyes to calm myself.

     "Do you think he would mind if I borrowed his play-thing?"

     Anger started to build and build inside me until all I could see was white. I don't know how or even why I did what I did, but it happened, and I blame my little ability to control myself.

     As the three men guffawed loudly about the vile comment, I spat. Of course, I regretted it, but I knew I couldn't change what I did. What would've happened if I didn't act so impulsively?

     My saliva landed right on his eye. Everything went quiet; it was an ear-deafening silence. Then, the sound of flesh-on-flesh contact echoed throughout the room, followed by a small cry that left my lips without permission -- the cry would only show the weakness I had for them.

     My hand immediately found my left cheek and tried to stop the sting.

     He, then, grabbed a fistful of my hair in his hand and yanked me closer to him. I could feel his lips brush against my ear as he threatened me. "Don't ever do that again."

     I tried pulling away from him, but he tightened his grip.

     "Got it?" His voice was loud in my ear, making me flinch as he spoke.   

     I nodded my head quickly, so quickly that when I stopped, the room was spinning. It almost made me sick again.

     After he let go of my hair, he took a step back, took a moment to think, and then stepped back in front of me, kneeling down on one knee. He made me flinch when he reach up and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

     "Boys, leave me alone with her," he ordered, his eyes not leaving mine. I looked away. "Just want to discuss the ground rules with our guest."

     The two others walked out, shutting the door behind them. My eyes focused on  the door as my heart pounded against my chest. Suddenly, the only thing going through my mind was how I may never see anything outside of that door. I may only see this little room in some basement for the rest of my life.

     A tear skipped down my already wet cheek. I didn't try to swipe it away; he already saw, and I honestly didn't have the energy. Not letting my eyes leave the door knob, he forced my head to face towards him.

     "Now, El -- I can call you that, right?" He asked but didn't give me any time to reply. "Well, El, if I were you I would listen very closely if I wanted to make it back home safely with poor Daddy, okay?"

     My eyes widened at his words. I haven't even thought about how Dad was going through this. Does he even know?

     "Great!" he continued. "So, El, I don't want to hurt you. Trust me, I don't. All I want is for you to cooperate with me and my pals. It's that simple! But I promise you, though, if you make one wrong move, I may not be able to control my anger."

     He went on to explain everything. Obvious stuff, like: if you don't do what I say when I say it...and don't try to go anywhere because every door is either locked or guarded. In every movie or book, the person tries to run but gets caught. The only way I would try is if I knew where at least two of them were, and I knew how to get passed them. I don't even know the layout of this house. With my luck, I would end up at a dead end.

     As he walked back and forth across the room explaining the rules, I watched him, but something caught my eye. An object in the corner that looked like a safe. It was tall and rusty with a big lock on it. To my left, there was an old mattress with a pole next to it. I followed the chain on it to my ankle and bit my lip. That's all. Just a door, a safe, and a mattress with only a sheet to keep warm.

     "Finally," he concluded, raising his irritated voice. "If I'm speaking, your full, undivided attention is on me!"

     Immediately, my eyes were upon his. They looked enraged, lethal.

     "Have you even heard a word I said?" Nothing leaves my mouth. "This is exactly what I mean when I said the wrong move may be worse than anything else! Do you want me to get mad? Huh, do you?"

     I shook my head, pulling my legs up to my chest.

     He seemed to be delighted to see the fear I have of him. No longer mad, he continued with a less aggressive voice.

     "Now, I will be back later after I give some of my..." He smirks.

     I knitted my eyebrows together in confusion and wait for him to continue.

     "...close friends a call. Well, they're more of your friends and not mine." He paused. I suspect he was waiting for me to say something, get terribly mad, but I didn't say anything. I was wondering what he meant by what he said, however I don't really think I wanted to know. "You don't talk much. Do you think they'll even notice you're gone?"

     They will. Tyler saw it happen. He'll go to the police and then to Samantha. They know, they have to.

     "I'll leave you with that to think about," he smirked. Stopping at the  doorway, he turned back to me. "Lights on?"

     I didn't say anything. I was too busy thinking about what was going on at home.

     "I'll take that as a no."

     With that, he turned off the lights and slammed the door. Goosebumps rose all over my body when I heard the door lock. Without them in here, it started to smell more like a basement than a rundown bar.

     I thought maybe if I could fall asleep, I would wake up, and I would be at home in my warm, fluffy bed. The only problem was, I was too scared to sleep because I knew when I would awaken, I would still be here.

Hey, guys! Please comment your feedback! Whoever comments what they think, I'll give you a shout-out and I might give someone a dedication!

I'll start a question and answer thing next chapter!

Thanks!! Love you guys!

Shout-outs: unicorn_ways, harrenstylescheesefists

Sorry, there was more shout-outs but for some reason it didn't publish with the chapter, I'll get everyone else next time!

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