.YTPME. >>> joshler

By thecondomking

11.4K 358 163

Josh is depressed. Hell, if I were him I would be too. He slowly but surely fights off his own 'blurryface' w... More

that thing at the beginning of stories meant to interest you in the story
.e n o.
.o w t.
.e e r h t.
.r o u f.
.e v i f.
.x i s.
.n e v e s.
.t h g i e.
.e n i n.
.n e t.
.n e v e l e.
.e v l e w t.
.n e e t r i h t.
.n e e t f i f.
.n e e t x i s.
.n e e t n e v e s.
.n e e t h g i e.
.n e e t e n i n.
.y t n e w t.
.e n o y t n e w t.
.o w t y t n e w t.
.e e r h t t y t n e w t.
.r u o f y t n e w t.
.e v i f y t n e w t.

.n e e t r u o f.

400 17 4
By thecondomking

RIP Joshua

Blackness was much more comforting than I had thought. It was warm, and had music.

I lied, the music is more of a drum, a drum going bumbumbum, faster than anything I've ever heard in my life.

I expected to see my father, perhaps my sisters and brother, but still, I saw nothing but black.

Maybe since I took my own life, and they all had theirs ripped away from them, I was banished, I was a disgrace on this plane of reality as well.

"J-Josh... no oh please god no"

I breathed in, coldness burning my lungs.

I heard... sirens.

"Excuse me sir, you need to back up"

The voice was deep, and suddenly the drumming stopped and my head felt cold.

"N-No you don't understand! I need him! Damn it I need him!"

The voice was so familiar. It took a moment to process, it was Tyler. It was now I realized I couldn't move. I felt straps across my body, and suddenly I was floating, only to be slammed somewhere else.

I opened my eyes.

Er, someone else did.

A man with a blue face mask held a flashlight in my eye, and I felt a sharp sting in my arm. There was something being pushed through my veins.

Everything fell black again, and for a while it stayed like that.
Nothing but beeping and medical shouting.


"Are you his mother?"

I came back to, to the sound of the wretched beast chuckling and repetitive scribbling.

"Unfortunately so, I didn't want to be addressed as his mother in this sense"

Everything was still so dark, I couldn't see nor make a sound.

"Would it be ok for other visitors to come in to see him?" I heard the click of a pen.

"Gosh, I would say yes but, he doesn't have any other visitors but me."

I started getting one eyelid open, seeing my mother through my black eyelashes.

"Well actually, there are three people in the waiting room currently, all saying they're here for Joshua. I'll let them know."

Before mo-  Laura could say anything else, the doctor was out the door and down the hall.

She looked at me, as if she knew I was awake.
She stepped close, putting her mouth close to my ear.

"You better hope you die in this bed, boy"

She took my hand, rubbing it with her thumb, feigning mournfulness as Tyler and his family come running through the door.

"O-Oh um, hello?" Laura batted her mascara coated eyes.

"Hi, I'm Kelly Joseph, Tyler's mom. Tyler and Josh are friends." Mrs. Joseph placed one hand on Tyler's shoulder, the other extended towards Laura.

When she didn't budge, Zack spoke up.

"Tyler's the one who saved Josh."

Laura's grip on my hand tightened to a painful level, then released all together. She walked out the room, turning her head towards no one.

Tyler ran to my side, grabbing for my hand.

"J-Josh?" He whispered.

I wanted to say something, anything, but no noise came from my mouth.

My other eye opened partially, giving a better view of the broken family in front of me.

"Jo-osh... p-please. I n-need you a-alive. I need y-y-you. A-Ali-ive." He was crying now, and no matter what I did I couldn't move.

I breathed in heavily, which seemed to kick everything into gear, and I could finally open my eyes.

"JOSHUA!" Tyler yelped, hugging my head.

"T-Tyler?" I looked at him.

"G-God d-d-damn it Jo-osh. I th-thought I lost y-y-you." His voice wavered, cutting himself off with each new word.

I awkwardly chuckled, patting his back.

"No... not yet" I tried joking, but his face turned an even paler shade of white.

"H-hey, I'm kidding!" I nudged his shoulder, and he sighed heavily. I turned my eyes to Mrs. Joseph, who had an arm protectively around Zack, eyes cloudy towards me.

I smiled at her, as she did to me, then the doctor knocked on the door.

"Hello, I'm assuming you are the guardian of this boy?" She raked a strand of hair behind her ear, flattening her perfect bun.

"I will be, very very soon." Mrs. Joseph held her hand out, "Kelly, Kelly Jospeh." (I'm tempted to leave it, so I shall)

"Is his current guardian here?" she tapped her pen.

"She just ran out the door." Mrs. Joseph nodded at the door.

"Alright, well, could you forward a message to her?" She wrote something down on a piece of paper, ripping it, folding it, and handed it to Mrs. Joseph, before walking over to me. She looked at Tyler's hand inside of mine.

"So, Mr. Dun, do you know why you're here?" She sat down in a chair, pulling it to the side opposite Tyler.

"I uh, I didn't fall into water?" I scratched my neck, my heart monitor started beating faster.

Tyler let go of my hand, giving the monitor a terrified look.

"You're here," she grabbed Tyler's hand and mine, gently pushing our fingertips together, "because your boyfriend here saved you."

At this, Tyler and I blushed heavily.

"U-Uh... we... we aren't um, we're n-not... ya know... i-it's n-n-not like that" I finally ended the monstrosity of a sentence I tried to form.

She didn't seem convinced.

"Anyway, the-boy-holding-your-hand-and-looking-at-you-with-admiration-and-cried-at-the-fact-you're-alive had pulled you right as you tried to jump off a bridge. Do you know what that means?" She put her pen in her shirt pocket.

"That Tyler is an actual life-saver?" This made her chuckle a tad.

"Well, I suppose that too. But no, you tried to commit suicide, Joshua. You'll be put on some medication, to help ease with your unhealthy thinking, okay? We want you healthy, and obviously we want you alive." She looked at Tyler, and he grabbed my hand.

"O-Okay." I nodded.

"Do you have any questions before I send a nurse in here to take out your IV?" She smiled.

I breathed in deeply, and closed my eyes before letting out a shaky breath.

I looked at her, staring helplessly.

"Where can I file a report on abuse?"


Sup fuckers, sorry I planned on uploading this once I finished it yesterday, however I didn't get to it. I was with my cousins, and we were riding on a golf cart around my grandparent's neighborhood, and my smart ass self thought "wouldn't it be sick if I jumped off (I was in the back facing the street) and jumped back on?", so I jumped off, but we were going so fast my feet didn't stop and I fell right on my face (yay). I had to go to the hospital and we didn't get to leave till 1 am this morning. I'm ok tho lmao. So I'm sore as fuck and tired, but here have this. (1179 words rip)

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