Falling for my Brothers Best...

By -sincerelyyourstruly

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{ UNDER MAJOR EDITING } You never know when you might fall for someone, so hard,so fast. More

Falling for my Brothers Best Friend An Austin Mahone Love Story
Chapter 1; Miami
Chapter 2 Carnival Rides and Concerts
Chapter 3 Sorry
Chapter 4 Exes
Chapter 5 The Wedding Dance
Chapter 6 Artwork
Chapter 7 Hurt and Flashbacks
Chapter 8 Walks
Chapter 9 Hospital Beds
Chapter 10 Tear Drops and Moving On
Chapter 12 Stay
Chapter 13 Air + Last Chapter
something big

Chapter 11 Texas

5.8K 166 16
By -sincerelyyourstruly

December 22nd, 2013

Song of Chapter: "Heart On Fire." By Jonathan Clay


It's been months people! It's finally Christmas and me and Sam broke up,


Ehh, we didn't think it was working out, but I'm still single and I know I hate saying this, but I miss Austin. Like a lot. But he had Camila, so I'm happy for him. I called Robert today, and this is our exact Conversation.

Me- Hey Robert!

R: Cass! It's been forever!

C: Right! I miss talking to ma brudder

R: Same, except your my sister. anyways how have you been?

C: Eh, good I guess hey I heard your dating?

R: yeah, I found a girl. She's perfect, her name is Naomi.

C: I'm happy! I'm glad you found someone

R: How have you been? Any dudes?

C: Sam, but we broke up back in October. Um, how's Austin

R: The Truth?

C: The truth

R: well, he has your and his pictures all in his room, he has you as his Lockscreen, um, let's see, he sometimes talks about you but jealous bitch Camila gets aggravated, but he truly does miss you, and he would be better off with you then Camila, you can tell

C: oh, I thought he would have forgotten about me....

~ Long Pause ~

R: Look, I'm not saying what he did wasn't right but, you can see when someone is sorry. And told by the months he cried, he's way past sorry. Look, he's coming to Texas for Christmas, and if you wanna fly out here, then you can. But only if you want to.

C: I'll think about it. Your gonna be there right?

R: yea, I gotta visit the ol' familia!

C: aha, yea well I gotta go, but it was nice talking to you Roberto

R: it was nice talking to you too Cassandraa, love ya and miss ya bunch byeeeeeee

- Phone Call Ended -

So I have about three days till it's Christmas, and I truly want to go to Texas, I mean, I've only been there once. I thought about it and decided.

I'm going to Texas.

I grabbed my black suitcase from my closet, me starting to fill the case up when my dad, as nosy and loving as he is, asked me.

"Where ya going?"

"Well, Robert wanted to see if I wanted to go to Texas with him for the holidays."

"And your gonna leave your old man behind!?"

"You can come if you want dad."

"Naw, I'm fine. I'm gonna spend it with Rachel, but have fun Andra."

"You sure dad?"

"Go your a teen. Live your life."

"Thanks daddy."

I grabbed my suitcase and my phone from the Ihome, placing it in my back pocket along with my earphones. I pulled it out again. Checking for the planes flying to San Antonio.

San Antonio, flight ***, leaving 9:30 p.m.

I looked at the time, seeing I only had about 1 hour to get to the airport. I had my dad drive me, so he would get his car back and they wouldn't have to call him to pick it up. I got out, kissing him on the cheek rushing inside. I ran to the ticket area, getting a ticket. I sat down, waiting for the system to call the plane for San Antonio. After some waiting, they finally called. They checked my ticket, me getting into my seat.

San Antonio here I come.


I seriously wish Cassandra was still here, I made a huge mistake and I regret it. Robert and Alex finally started talking to me again, Zach, well Zach talks to me sometimes since Cassandra was like his little Sister, but were cool. My plane for San Antonio was leaving today, and everyone was going back to Texas, which I am really happy about. We all aboard the plane, getting settled in. I sat back. Relaxed, and waited for the plane ride to end.

~ 15 hours later (I dunno how long it takes, sue me)

We finally arrived, us all jumping out and getting into the car. Mama was excited to see the family and so was I but I was most excited for Whataburger, oh how I missed that place so much.

I heard a phone buzz, Robert pulling out his phone. He smiled at whatever he was texted, texting whoever back. "Who was it?" I asked. "No one." He said, placing the phone in his pocket again. When we got to my house, we all unpacked, getting settled in. I grabbed my phone, messing with it.

I soon fell asleep, with no intention on my mind.

I woke up, only because mama made me wake up. "the Christmas party is today! Wake up and get up already!" She said, closing the door. I got up, rubbing my face.

Today is gonna be good, I can already feel it.


"Room 206." The woman said, handing me a key. My dad helped me book a hotel, me getting a somewhat fancy one. I went to the elevator, clicking on the button to lead me to the hall my room was in. Stepping out, I grabbed my bag and luggage, dragging them down the hallway. I looked for the room, finally finding it and getting in. I set my stuff on the ground, closing and locking the door. I looked out the window, the beautiful sky morning of Texas. I laid on the bed, grabbing my phone and charger, plugging in the charger to the wall. My phone had 24%, and I needed to text Sarah and Robert, telling them I made it. Sarah was here, and she wanted to see me. She found a wonderful guy, and I'm glad she moved on.

She really needed that person in her life, she called me every month, saying she was still heartbroken.

I texted Sarah and Robert.

To; ROBERTO TACO MAN: Robert I'm here, made it safe. What time is the party? Cx

To; Sarahhhhh: I'm here! Come see me already I miss you bunches ;**

From; ROBERTO TACO MAN: 5:00, I'm glad you came. I miss you :,)

From; Sarahhhhh: YAY!!!!! What hotel are you staying at?

To; ROBERTO TACO MAN: Okay lemme sleep then I'll see ya later

To; Sarahhhhh: Mayview Inn. Room 206

From; ROBERTO TACO MAN: okay see you soon little sister.

From; Sarahhhhh: Okay see you later, I'm with my boy fwend lmao but I miss you!

To; Sarahhhhh: Okay lemme sleep, it's been a long morning, see you soon though (,: miss you and love ya byeeeeeeee

I closed out of Messages, covering myself under the sheets. It's been a long morning, I need my sleep.

Aye long time no see! Small update hope you like it. No edit, just wanted to update for all chu guys. leave a comment if you like, haven't updated in foreverrrrrrrrr lol but yea that's about it. :)





sincerely yours truly

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