Ready? (Dean Winchester x R...

By WeirdyMcWeirderson

11.8K 231 46

~You had told him about your turn ons, just like he'd told you his, and you'd found out you had a lot of stuf... More

I always keep my promises
Screen saver

Your choice...

3.2K 62 4
By WeirdyMcWeirderson

You almost failed to suppress your laugh when you saw the two men on the screen grinding on each other, an image of the expression Dean was probably wearing popping in your mind.

Since Charlie had told you about Destiel; you noticed how flustered Dean got every time her, or Sam, made some remark about it, and you couldn't help but joining them, just to have him chase you around the bunker and tackle you down until you took it all back.

"(Y/n)? You gonna change video or what?" You closed your eyes and steadied yourself before speaking, "I don't know,'s kinda hot" He brushed some hair off your shoulder and rested his chin.

"Fine, the faster you get all hot and bothered, the fasted I win. Didn't know you were into gay porn though..." You tilted your head and locked eyes with him, "Well, after being in the same room as you and Cas for more than a few minutes, one can't help but start appreciating it..."

He rolled his eyes, and you couldn't stop yourself from laughing, prompting him to smile, "You know, someday you guys will have to let this thing go" You nodded, and looked back at the laptop screen, "'s not that day!"

He shook his head, and you went to search for another video, hoping to find a decently filmed one. You felt his hands snaking under your tank top, and then his strong arms were wrapped around your waist.

"Seriously, Dean? Again?" He nuzzled your neck and breathed in your scent, "Shhh, you're warm, and your skin is sooo soft...and you smell like freshly ground coffee" You smiled, your cheeks turning red, something you hoped he wouldn't notice.

"Oh yeah? Wonder why is that..." He grinned at your answer, before adding, "And cookies too" You didn't have an explanation for that, so you just shrugged and focused back on finding a video.

You clicked on one, after reading in the tags that it featured a female and a male, and settled back against Dean's chest. The video started off like usual, the guy acting all manly like, and the woman trying to seduce him, bending at random angles to show him her poorly covered body.

He had just started trailing his hands on her, and they were kissing; when your stomach began to growl, "Looks like someone is hungry!" You felt Dean shake with laughter, and you couldn't help but join him.

You ended up opening the pie, you eating a slice and a half, while Dean devoured three slices and the half you had left, and you were sure he would've eaten the whole thing if you hadn't stopped him.

Once you were done, you focused back on the video, where you found both stars already naked and going at it. Everything was going smoothly for you, until your mind started to notice how much the male porn star reminded you of Dean.

They didn't look the same, that's for sure. Dean Winchester was one of a kind, and that was exactly why he was so appealing to you; not to mention he was gorgeously good looking, with the greenest eyes ever and a heart of pure gold.

Still, when the guy's hands squeezed the woman's ass, you found yourself thinking of Dean's strong hand tracing the tattoo around your belly button; when he bit his lower lip, you became extra aware of the proximity of Dean's full, luscious lips to your neck.

As the woman trailed her hand up her lover's arms, you relaxed and let your body feel every inch of the muscles in Dean's arms, as they held you close to his body. The lady kissed down the man's neck and you bit your lip, wondering what it would be like to do the same to Dean; to suck and lick on that tattoo right under his collarbone.

You sat there watching the laptop screen, as thoughts of Dean clouded your mind; not noticing how your breathing got heavier, nor how your hand that was resting on his thigh, started to move up and down, squeezing his hard muscles from time to time.

You were so lost in your fantasies, that you failed to notice how Dean's hand stopped moving, or how his breath caught in his throat when you dug your nails in his upper thigh. He bit down on his bottom lip and swallowed the groan he felt rising in his chest.

He tightened his arms around you, and pulled you flush against him; his eyes following the smooth skin of your legs, until they reached your bare thighs and he looked away, feeling like a teenager afraid of getting caught watching porn for the first time.

He noticed how your chest rose and fell, with every breath you took, 'Damn, I'd just have to move my head a little to the right, and I'd be met with the sight of her perfect boobs' He closed his eyes at that thought, and pressed his forehead to your shoulder, making you shiver as his hot breath fanned across your back.

Closing his eyes obviously hadn't been one of his greatest ideas, because he was instantly met with more images of you; more extremely inappropriate images of you. His eyes shot open and focused on the video, as he desperately tried to keep his mind on track, and avoid ruining your friendship.

And then, a thought crossed his mind, a thought he'd been having often during the last months; he just needed to know if it could work, if you'd be willing to give it a try. "(Y/n)?" He whispered your name in your ear, and you subconsciously arched your back, 'Yeah, your body isn't enough Dean, why don't you add your God damn sexy voice in the mix?'

You shook your head from your thoughts, "What's up, Dean?" You cursed yourself when your reply came out in a breathy moan, praying he'd just pin it as the video's fault.

'Was it really necessary to moan my name like that, (Y/n)? Really?' He bit his tongue to stop from saying what he was really thinking, "Nothing, just, it just me, or that girl looks like you?" He didn't think you looked exactly like her, no girl could ever look like you in his eyes; he just wanted to let you know he was thinking about you.

You nodded, really looking at the girl for the first time, and noticing she had your same hair color, and body shape; even though her breasts were bigger and probably fake, "Well, now that you made think about it, yeah, she does. And the guy looks like you"

You chuckled at the coincidence, and Dean didn't even check to see if it was real; he was too busy grinning at the fact that you admitted, you too, had been thinking about him, at least a little.

'That's it, Dean, it's now or never' He nuzzled your neck once again, his lips slightly brushing your earlobe, "So, basically, one could say that's you and me; making out...naked" He felt your body temperature rise, and saw your neck turn red, as you released a little chuckle.

You waited for him to add something else, but he didn't; he just casually sat behind you as if nothing had ever happened, "Dean, that's cheating..." He shook his head, and you felt him smile against your neck, so you tilted your head back, and locked eyes with him.

"I'm pretty sure it's not cheating. I mean, it's not like I told you that, that's me; kissing down your neck, making you moan my you'd make it sound so good, though. Didn't say that's my hand stroking and squeezing your sexy thigh, while the other plays with your perfect boobs..."

You couldn't believe he was saying those things to you; you couldn't believe he was saying those things to you while looking you straight in the eye, his voice calm and low as he managed to make you blush even more than you already had.

You licked your dry lips, and he didn't even try to hide the lust in his eyes as they followed the movement of your tongue, "I didn't say that..." You felt your panties dampening and you bit down on your tongue when you moaned his name.

He smiled at that and you felt his member twich against your lower back, but he didn't seem to mind; he just pecked your cheek and turned back to the video, leaving you staring wide-eyed at his stubbly jaw.

'He's just trying to make you lose, (Y/n)! Come on, focus!' That thought didn't help you forget about how much you wanted to rip his clothes off of him, but at least it made you look away from his handsome face.

You couldn't sit still, not after that little stunt Dean pulled on you; so you kept moving, shifting from one position to the other, not realizing you were actually brushing against his hard on every time.

When you couldn't find a comfortable position, you sat back like you were before, and took in a deep breath to calm yourself just a little. You bit your lower lip as you tried to wrap your mind around what had just happened, and Dean couldn't help but fantasize about what it'd feel if he'd been the one biting it.

You were finally starting to breath like a human being, when you felt his lips against your neck, 'Okay, this is not happening...I'm probably just imagining everything. Hah, I bet I'm actually asleep on my couch' You pinched yourself as subtly as possible, your mind going in overdrive when you realized, he was indeed kissing you.

You opened your mouth, ready to ask for explanations, but he beat you to it, "You're probably wondering if I completely lost my mind, but ehm, yeah..." You furrowed your brows, failing to understand what that sentence was supposed to mean.

"Look, I know that I'm not supposed to be doing, or saying, this...cause you're my best friend actually , and I love being your friend, (Y/n)...I really do, but..." He trailed off, hiding his face in the crook of your neck, and you knew he was mentally kicking himself.

You placed your hand on top of his, interwining your fingers and squeezed it a little, to let him know he could go on and tell you everything. He took in a deep, shaky breath, and then started talking again.

"I want you, (Y/n) more than just friends, and God, I know; I know I shouldn't be feeling this way, but I can't help it! It drives me crazy to have you this close, and know that I don't really have you, not like I want to at least..."

You felt your heart beat increase with every word that escaped his mouth, and hoped he's ask you what you were dying for him to ask you, ", I-ehm, it's okay if you say no, if you say you don't wanna be more than friends. I'll get it, but we could have so much more, baby..."

You were grinning from ear to ear, but Dean couldn't see that from the position he was in, and you wanted to answer him, but you also wanted to know what else he'd say.

"Just say the word, and we'll pretend like this has never happened, like I didn't just tell you all this stuff. We'll go back to being friends, cause I mean, I don't wanna lose you for being an idiot...or you could, you know, let me show you how much I care for you and see where that leads us. You choose, (Y/n)'s your choice..."

'Is it just me, or this room has gotten super hot? This is totally he's fault. I should answer him, right? What the hell am I supposed to tell him? Whatever I'll say, will sound so stupid after what he said! Ugh, I hate him, and his voice, and his lips, and-damn it, focus (Y/n)!...He said something about showing, right? Maybe I can show him...'

You settled for showing him what you were thinking, cause you weren't sure that voicing your thoughts wouldn't be a good idea; so you took your hand, the one that was still holding his, and placed it on your left breast, hoping that would help him understand how you felt about his proposition.

"Son of a-Wow, that's I-uhm, (Y/n), I kind of need some verbal consent before we, ehm I...well, you know" You couldn't believe you actually managed to make Dean Winchester, The Dean Winchester stutter, but you were more than proud about your accomplishment.

You turned to face him, and he removed his hand from your chest, looking up at you with guilty eyes, almost as if he'd been caught doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing. You smiled at him, and placed his hands on your waist, as you leaned towards him.

"Dean Winchester..." He gulped, and held you just a little bit tighter, bringing you closer; you chuckled and pecked his earlobe, before you whispered, "I want you to make love to me"

You heard him mutter a 'Fuck yeah!' before his lips were attached to your neck, kissing and nipping at your tender flesh and his hands were hooked behind your thighs, trying to make you straddle him properly.

He bit down on your collarbone as you combed your fingers through his hair, and you smiled, mentally praising yourself for accepting his challenge; and then, you remembered the bet.

"Dean, wait a second..." he looked up at you, with forest green, lust-filled eyes, but kept his lips against your skin, "Dean, I wanna win the bet" He raised his eyebrow and gave you the 'are you kidding me?' look, but you just smiled and kissed his forehead before turning around again.

"(Y/n)? Are you serious?" You were still straddling him, but this time your back was to him, "Yes, Dean, I wanna drive Baby, and to do that, I have to win this thing" He sighed, and hugged you, resting his chin back on your shoulder.

"This is mean, you're mean! C'mon, (Y/n), this is torture, actually no, you know what? This is worse than torture..." You tilted your head back, and kissed his cheek, moving slowly until you reached his lips and pecked them.

"I'm not giving up on driving Baby, so you better shut up, and let me focus, the faster I win, the faster we can both have what we want" He frowned when you pulled back, but said nothing, and let you go back to the video.

You were shocked Dean did actually shut up, but that was probably because his mouth was too busy leaving kisses down your neck and along your shoulder; making it impossible for you to think of something else that wasn't him.

"Deeean, I-..." He shushed you placing his finger against your lips, "You want me to lose? This is how it's gonna happen, sweetheart...mmhm, so much better than porn!" You chuckled, and as soon as you turned to face him; his lips were on yours.

You moaned into the kiss, as his tongue licked your bottom lip asking for entrance, but when you didn't grant it, he bit down on your lip, dragging it between his teeth, before he pulled away and left you all flushed and panting.

He licked the spot right behind your ear, and every rational thought, was thrown out of the window. 'Damn it, he's good' you practically purred against him, and he nipped at that spot again, smiling at the small noises you were making.

"Fine. You win! I'll let you drive Baby, just...I've waited 9 months for something like this to happen, (Y/n), don't make me wait longer" He finished his sentence with a little whine, and you couldn't stop yourself from giggling, before you turned your body to face him once more.

You acknowledged him shutting his laptop, but didn't really pay much attention to it, "You'll let me drive her?" He leaned up and kissed you, nodding and moving his hands to grab your ass, "I'll let you drive her..." You whimpered when he pulled you closer and your clothed crotch rubbed on his thigh.

"Yeah?" You couldn't even keep track of what you were saying anymore, too focused on his hands sneaking under your tank top and caressing your bare back, making you arch closer to him, "Yeah..."

You smiled and began leaving open-mouthed kisses along his neck, as he did the same to you. You were heading for that tattoo you'd fantasized about for so long, but his t-shirt blocked your way. You brought your hands to the hem of his shirt, and he lifted his arms to help you remove it, before they were wrapped around you again.

You sucked on the freckled skin right under his collarbone, and he rewarded you with a deep, sexy grunt, while he ducked down to capture your lips in another heated kiss.

"This still your favorite?" He motioned to your tank top, smiling up at you, "Ehm...yeah, yeah wh-DEAN!" He grinned widely after he teared your top apart as if it was nothing, "I'll buy you a new one...promise" You glared down at him, and then just with a brush of his lips against your neck, you had forgotten everything.

You frowned and looked down when you noticed he had stopped every movement, "Ehm, Dean? What are you doing?" He locked his eyes on your (e/c) ones, with a cheeky smile, "Taking my time, admiring God's work!"

He said that as if it was the most logical thing in the world, "You shouldn't say that, unless you want Cas to pop in your room" You chuckled and he smiled, before his hands went to gently knead your bra-covered breasts.

"I thought you liked it when me and Cas are in the same room..." You bit your lip, and raised an eyebrow as you gazed into his green orbs, and he gave you a dirty look, letting you know he'd understood were your mind was heading.

"Yeah, that ain't gonna happen! I don't share, sweetheart" He shifted with you in his arms, and laid you on the bed, so that your back was against the mattress and he was hovering over you, "I don't want you to share. I'm into green eyes and adorable freckles, now"

You winked at him, and he smirked, unclasping your bra, before slowly sliding the straps down your arms and throwing it carelessly behind his back, "Oh, you better be, (Y/n)"

He took each one of your breasts in his hands, and played with them, flicking his thumbs over your nipples to get them to attention; all the while mumbling 'Boobies, boobies' in a sing song tone, causing you to laugh.

He leaned down and circled your right nipple with his tongue, and that was when your laugh morphed in a moan, making him smile against your breast. He took care of both your breasts until he was satisfied, and then you felt him leaving wet kisses down your stomach.

He kissed around your belly button, stopping to nip at your supple flesh, and just when you thought he was going to unbutton your shorts; he let out a sigh and pressed his forehead to your lower stomach.

"You okay?" He looked up at you and gave you a small smile; a smile you knew meant he was nervous, "Yeah...ehm, no?" You pulled him up, until you were face to face again, and pecked his nose, "What is it? Changed your mind?"

He didn't answer you right away, he stared at you, studying your features, and then kissed you; his lips burning into yours, as they moved passionately but gently, and you swore you would've lost your balance if you'd been standing.

He pulled back, and you leaned up, following him with your lips, trying to make the kiss last as longer as possible, "I know you're gonna make fun of me, (Y/n), but, ehm...I'm, I'm kinda nervous, okay? I don't wanna screw this up"

You threw your head back and drew in a relieved breath, you were sure he was going to tell you he had changed his mind, and you were so not ready to stop kissing and touching him; not to mention that you were nervous too, actually you were sure you had never been more nervous in your entire life.

"It's okay, Dean, I'm nervous, too. Why do you think I've been giggling like a schoolgirl all this time? Besides, you were doing great, making me feel sooo good" You purred the last words, and you saw his eyes glaze over with lust, "You remember that..."

You arched your back, pressing your chests together and ground your hips on his, making you both groan in pleasure, "Of course I remember that. How was I supposed to forget that the hot stud, also known as my best friend has a praising kink?"

You crashed your lips on his, licking his bottom lip and he immediately granted you access, his tongue battling with yours for dominance; while his hands worked to unbutton your shorts, slowly sliding them down your legs.

He left your lips to trail kisses down your body, leaving you a panting mess, while you tried to keep from bucking your hips towards him. He reached your panties and hooked his fingers in the waistband, before looking up at you for permission; and when you nodded, he removed those too, leaving you completely exposed before his gaze.

"Definitely better than porn" He winked at you, with a smirk tugging at his kiss-swollen lips, and you blushed furiously, feeling your skin burn with desire. He parted your knees and bit down on his bottom lip when he saw just how wet you already were for him.

"Can't wait to taste you, baby! You smell delicious!" You subconsciously arched your back at that, 'Damn it, he's totally pulling the dirty talk card on me', your eyes fell shut, and you willed yourself to answer him, "You're such a weirdo, Dean" You exhaled a nervous chuckle, and grabbed the pillow next to you, bracing yourself for what was to come.

"I am, and you love it!" You could hear the smile in his voice, as he slowly inched closer to your heated core, "No, I don'-Oh God, yes!" He licked a broad stripe from your dripping entrance to your clit, and you clenched your fists and bucked your hips to get closer to him.

"Mmmm, that's what I thought" He grinned proudly and you wanted to come up with a witty remark so bad; but you couldn't, cause his mouth descended on you again. He took his time working you into a quivering mess; his tongue caressing every inch of your mound, but constantly avoiding your clit.

'No one ever got me this close so fast, just by using tongue...what the hell am I talking about? No one ever got me this close so fast, period!' You felt your muscles tense and your hips started to buck up towards his eager mouth, silently begging him to pay attention to your bundle of nerves.

He got the message, cause the next thing you knew, his big hands grabbed your butt, pulling you closer, as his lips latched on your clit and sucked it into his hot mouth. You arched your back off the mattress, your hands fisting the sheets as a loud scream of his name left your lips.

He kept his tongue on your clit, rapidly moving it from side to side, as you convulsed around him and momentarily closed your thighs around his neck, coming down from your high.

"That was hot!" He crawled up your body, and placed a small kiss to the corner of your mouth as you slowly brought your breathing in check, "Oh, that was amazing, Dean! You've got...a really, really talented mouth"

He smiled and ducked his head to nip at your neck, "Yeah? Like me eating you out?" You felt shivers run down your spine at his husky and seductive tone and licked your lips, " gotta stop dirty talking to me..."

You felt his fingers caressing your folds, "Why? I can feel how much you like it, babe!" You started to move your hips following the motions of his digits, while your hands worked on removing his sweatpants, "Uh, cause your voice, uh, your voice does things to me..."

He chuckled and brought his face back to yours, a devilish smirk plastered on his lips, "Oh, I'm totally using that one against you" You jokingly rolled your eyes and kissed him, your lips immediately parting to let him explore your mouth.

You wrapped your hand around his member, giving it a few slow stokes, and he groaned biting down on your bottom lip. You smiled against his lips as he started to slowly thrust in your fist, and tried to get him to switch positions, so you could repay him the favor.

"What are you doing?" You smirked and increased your rhythm, enjoying how he closed his eyes and let out a small moan of your name, "I thought you'd want me to show you the few tricks I can do with my tongue..."

You look up at him with an innocent smile, and he huffed out a laugh, "That would be great, but I-shit that's good...ehm, I-I don't think I can last that long. I need to be inside time, okay?"

You nodded and went to place open-mouthed kisses down his neck, as he searched for a condom into his nightstand drawer, stopping to look down at you when he felt you suck a hickey right under his ear.

He grabbed the condom and rolled it on himself as you teased him; tugging on his bottom lip with your teeth, or sucking on his tongue making him grunt. He lined himself at your entrance and searched your eyes for any sing of regret, and when he found none, he slowly entered you; his green eyes locked on your (e/c) ones.

You both groaned when he was fully sheathed inside of you, your walls stretching to accommodate him. You rolled your hips when you were ready and he huffed out a breath, gently withdrawing his own hips before thrusting back inside of you again.

"Son of a bitch, (Y/n), you're so fucking tight and wet, baby" You moaned at that, and lifted your hips to allow him to go deeper, feeling him wrap his arms around your back and lean down to press his lips on yours.

He started to build his tempo, going faster with every thrust, and you dug your nails into his shoulders, dragging them to his biceps, making him hiss, "Oooops, sorry, just-God...always, uh always wanted to do that"

You flashed him a shy smile, and he nodded, "Oh, 's okay, me likey" He gently bit down on the spot were your neck and shoulder connected, and you scratched his bare shoulders again, "You like it a...little rough, huh? Me too"

He crashed your lips together at your statement, making your mind dizzy with a bruising kiss and started pumping his hips faster against yours, as you met him thrust for thrust. He kissed his way to your breast, and took one nipple in his mouth, as his hands caressed your sides, making you giggle.

"Dean, that tickl-Oh fuck!" He looked up at you after your exclamation, with a victorious grin on his face, "There?" You nodded your head furiously, as he kept brushing your sweet spot, your hand tugging on his soft locks, "Yep, yep, right there...oh God, right there!"

He trailed his hand down your stomach and began drawing tight circles on your clit, as you shook and whimpered, your mind going completely blank as you climaxed. You ground your hips down on his, and a few seconds later he came too, grunting your name and pumping a few more times to help you come down from your highs.

He pulled out of you and rested his body, half on you and half on the bed, to avoid crashing you with his weight. "Totally his loss..." You looked up at him, with a confused expression, "Whose loss?" He combed his fingers through your hair, "Your ex'..." You smiled and kissed him, and then you lay there, both trying to regain your breaths, before he got up and cleaned you with his shirt, walking then to his bathroom to throw away the condom and clean himself.

He walked back to the bed, with a dumb smile on his face, and scooped you up in his arms, kissing you, "So glad I can do this whenever I want now..." You smiled into the kiss, and rolled the both of you over, straddling his hips, "So glad I can rip your clothes off of you whenever I want now..."

He laughed at that, his hands caressing your bare back, "Always so aggressive, baby!" He kissed down your neck, as you traced the hickey you left on him previously, "Says the man who hunts monster for a living"

He chuckled at that, and looked up at you, "Well, I do that to keep pretty girls like yourself, safe" You kissed his cheek, smiling as a blush spread across your own cheeks, "Mmmhm, my knight in shining armour!"

He placed his hands on your ass, and squeezed, before rolling you over again until you were lying underneath him, "You know, you tease me too much, (Y/n). Maybe I should cuff you to the headboard and have my payback"

You felt a shiver run down your back, and leaned forward until you were next to his ear, whispering, "And maybe, I would let you..." He groaned at your answer, and tightened his hold on you, pulling you closer to his body, "You're playing with fire, babe"

You innocently looked up at him through your lashes and grinned, "Good thing I got an angel friend ready to heal me with his touch, if I get burnt" He frowned and pouted his perfect lips, and you had to stop yourself from kissing him.

"You think about Cas way too often for my liking, (Y/n)" He lifted himself from above you, and lay next to you, still wearing his adorable pout, "And yet, I think it was your name that I was screaming earlier..." You kinked your eyebrow and he flashed you his cocky smile.

"Damn straight you were, made it sound damn sexy, too" He pulled you down and kissed you, his hand going back to massage your butt. You lay there teasing and making fun of each other, stopping now and then for small pecks that always ended up in full on make out sessions.

"Uhm, well now Sam and Charlie won't tease you about asking me out, when they find out..." Dean laughed and turned on his side to look at you, "Yeah, I'm ready to bet Sam already texted her, cause there's no way in hell he didn't hear you with how loud you were"

You smacked his arm, and this time it was your turn to pout, "That was all your fault, buddy!" He leaned down and brushed his lips on yours, before adding, "Yep, and I'm proud about it. Ready to take full responsibility for it, like the outstanding citizen that I am"

You playfully pushed him away from you, but he pulled you closer and kissed you, as his hand slowly made its way between your legs, making you end the kiss to give him the 'what do you think you're doing?' look.

He just shrugged, smiling and leaning back to kiss you again, and only answered you when you both had to pull away for air, "You can't lie naked next to me, and expect me to keep my hands to myself, (Y/n)"

"Yeah well, I wouldn't be lying naked if someone hadn't torn my shirt and got my panties soaking wet, Mr. Outstanding Citizen..." He grinned smugly and pressed one last kiss to your lips, before he got up and went to his drawer; putting on a pair of boxers and bringing one for you too.

"Deeeean? What if I wanted to roll naked on your nice sheets?" You chuckled and began to wiggle and roll on his mattress, as he stood at the foot of the bed smiling at your cuteness.

"I don't know, (Y/n)...I think I would join you. Always glad to roll naked on the sheets!" He climbed on the bed, and tangled his legs with yours as you both rolled over and over, laughing like two idiots, "God, you're so stupid sometimes!"

He kissed the tip of your nose, and brushed a strand of hair out of your face as you still giggled, before kissing your lips, gently parting them with his tongue and then pulled away when you both needed air, "You're awesome" You nodded, trying to sound serious, "Yeah, I know!" And then you pecked his stubbly cheek.

He helped you wear your own pair of boxers, and stopped to place a kiss on your clit, making you wiggle out of his reach, "What? Jeez, I was just saying goodnight" He kissed his way up your body, and then lay next to you.

"Where's my bra?" You went to get up and look for it, but he pushed you down, pinning you under him, "No bra, my girlfriend said I could sleep with the girls tonight..." He wiggled his eyebrows, and ducked his head to peck each nipple.

"Oh yeah? You should tell your girlfriend, she's really generous" He looked up at you, and left a chaste kiss on you neck, "Oh, you are generous, and beautiful, and sweet, and funny, and adorable, and sexy, and-" He was pressing a kiss on your body with every adjectiv, but you cut him off, adding, "And hungry..."

"Seriously? You've just eaten" You smacked him across his chest, turning away from him, "I'm sorry if I didn't eat half the pie like you did, Winchester" He got up and grabbed the rest of the pie, bringing it back to you.

There were three slices left, and you both ate one each, before you saw Dean looking at the last one, "Last piece's mine, Dean" He redirected his gaze on you, and smirked, grabbing the last piece, "Aha, you wish, baby"

You glared at him as he was about to dip his fork into your much deserved slice, "If I don't get my pie, then you won't get the boobies tonight, baby" He looked up at you with an incredulous look, and you just shrugged, going back to finishing your first slice. "You wouldn't..."

"Try me!" You stared at each other for a while, and then Dean flicked his gaze between your chest and the pie for a few times, before he put down the pie, with a defeated look on his face, "You're a monster, (Y/n)...but you know what? You can have the pie, cause I, I've eaten something far more tasty"

You had just finished chewing your last bite, when he put his hand back between your legs, rubbing your clit gently; the fabric of his boxers creating amazing friction. "Dean, you'll get those wet too!" He stopped to remove your boxers, and went back to playing with your clit.

You closed your eyes, your body singing with the sensation of Dean's rough fingers gently working on you, his middle finger barely dipping into your entrance, driving you crazy, "Uhm, what if I said that if I didn't get the pie, you wouldn't get to drive Baby?"

Your eyes snapped open and you glared at him, "You promised, Dean!" He chuckled and leaned down until your faces were just a few inches apart, "I'm pretty sure I didn't promise, just said I'd let you...besides, (Y/n), you totally took advantage of me earlier; I mean I was a poor, lust-driven man, couldn't think properly"

"Took advantage of you, huh?" He nodded, a devilish smirk plastered on his face, and you frowned taking the hand that was on your centre off of you, "Wouldn't want to take more advantage of a poor, lust-driven man now, would I?"

He caressed the insides of your thighs, his fingertips tickling your skin, "You really don't want me to stop now, sweetheart, you're half way there" He was right, you were pretty worked up thanks to him, but there was no way you'd let him get that pie and you sure as hell weren't about to give up on driving the Impala.

"I'll get myself off, Dean...wouldn't be the first time, sweetheart" You purred the last part, and saw as his eyes darkened with want, snapping to where your delicate fingers were teasing your moist folds.

You arched you back and moaned, maybe a little bit more than necessary; as you slowly slipped one digit inside of you, and Dean bit on his lower lip, subconsciously moving his hand to toy with your bundle of nerves; but you smacked his hand away, and he pouted not ready to take back what he'd said.

He tried to kiss you, but you pushed him away, making him groan, and you could tell he was growing frustrated by the second. His breaking point was when he reached for your chest and you shook your head, causing him to whine out your name and press his forehead to your shoulder.

"I'm not strong enough when it comes to you. Fine, you win...again! Now please, let me touch you? I swear to God I'll let you drive her, (Y/n), whatever you want..." You smiled and snaked your arm around his neck, pulling him closer, "Whatever I want?"

He nodded absentmindedly while his eyes were still focused on your hand that was touching yourself, and you took the opportunity to push him back on the bed and hurriedly took off his boxers, grabbing his length in your hand.

He watched you with hooded eyes, and threw his head back when he realized what was about to happen, gasping when you teased his head with your tongue. You took him into your mouth, one inch at a time, making sure to stroke with your hand the part you couldn't fit in, and began to bob your head.

He tangled his hand in your hair, and gently tugged as you felt his hips rise a little, gently thrusting into your mouth. When you felt him twitch, you pulled away, and lay back on the bed, spreading your knees as Dean settled between them.

He thrust into you, your wetness making him slide inside smoothly, and he set a fast and hard pace, his hips working to bring you both to your peaks. "Touch your clit for me, baby!" He grunted out the words, as he picked up his tempo, and you obeyed, rubbing yourself matching his rhythm.

You began to spasm, you walls clamping down on him, as you arched your back and scratched his shoulders, screaming his name; and you felt him swell and twich inside of you, "God damn it, (Y/n)!" He pulled out and pumped himself a few more times before spilling his seed on your stomach and collapsing next to you.

When you had both calmed down, he picked up the shirt he'd cleaned you with earlier, and wiped his cum from your stomach, grinning like a fool, "Sorry about that, but, protection, couldn't come inside of you"

He pressed his lips to yours in a slow and gentle kiss, and you rolled on top of him, smiling and playing with his hair, "Actually, you could've, I'm on the pill" He sighed and tickled you a little, pretending to be mad. "Could've told me!"

"You could've asked..." You kissed down his neck, and he hugged you close to him, "Ugh, I hate you" You giggled at his statement, hearing the smile in his voice, "I bet you do, now, where's my pie?"

He stared at you with an amused look on his face, as you brought the fork to your mouth and deliberately moaned at the taste, winking at him. You leaned down and kissed him, letting him taste the pie on your lips, and then pulled back, scooping some more dessert on your fork and offering it to him.

You smiled at the shocked expression on his face, "Told you, your girlfriend is really generous..." He nodded and this time, he was the one to kiss allowing you to taste the pie on his lips, making you giggle.

You managed to finish the last piece, between kisses and laughs, and then you handed him his boxers and put on your own, before his hands started wandering down your body again, not that you minded; but you both needed some sleep.

You cuddled under the covers, teasing each other for a little longer, before he wrapped his arms around your waist and practically pulled you on top of his firm body, kissing your forehead and wishing you a goodnight, "Man, am I glad I walked in without knocking!" You kissed his neck, and he chuckled, pulling you closer.

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