Nice Boys Don't Have Fangs

By IKissedQupid

30.4K 371 113

"You promised you'd never hurt me, you said I could trust you" My voice broke as tears stung my eyes. Klyde... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six [Rewritten]
Chapter Seven (Part 1)

Chapter Two

4.5K 50 9
By IKissedQupid

Chapter Two

Sweat dripped from my chin.

I dribbled up the court, looking for someone to throw to. Nobody was open, I was on my own. I looked at the girl in front of me, a grin on my face. I went left, then right, then- she stole the ball. I groaned before running back down the court. I sucked at basketball. She scored a lay-up, my temporary team mates glaring at me.

“I’m sorry; I told you I don’t play point.” I cried answering their unspoken questions.

How I hated Phys. Ed. I stepped out of the locker rooms and headed towards Vampire History, the only class we shared with vampires. Humans stayed on one side of the room, the vampires on the other. No line separated us, just fear and anxiety. I fell into my seat and laid my head on the desk. I was so exhausted; there was no way I was going to make it through this class.

“Well, don’t you look darling?” Payton said a big grin on her face. She sat next to me and pulled out her notebook.

“Ah, shut it. Not everybody can be pro-everything like you.” I mumbled before slowly sitting up. I grabbed my notebook and pink pen. It definitely gave that extra “pop” to my notes.

“Don’t be a hater Hansel” her tone was playful but I still grimaced. I wasn’t a hater I just have no hand-eye-coordination. “I love this class, it’s so…different.” Her eyes were practically dancing. “Don’t you?” She questioned and I shook my head.

“It’s awkward, and a tad disturbing. I despise this class” I lied with a smile on my face.

“Don’t be a smart ass,” she commented and I shrugged. The teacher began, sipping his coffee. Mr. Langston was tall and lean. A little on the older side, gray hairs poking through his bush of black curls, he was rugged. He had stubble on his chin, dark, cocoa colored skin with brown eyes, and a killer smile. I sighed as I watched him walk towards the board. So I had a small case of jungle fever, but the man looked good.

“Alright class, let’s get started.” What a great opening.

After class I made my way towards lunch. I wasn’t paying attention, not to the line, or anyone else. I ran into someone, and as I fell everything around me seemed to pause. I hit the ground with a small thud, my books falling to the floor. When I looked up, I was more than surprised. Not only had I ran into someone, I had run into a vampire.

It was the blonde one with the staring problem, but that didn’t shock me. What he did next is what shocked me. He purposefully stepped across the line and offered his hand. I looked around me, everyone watching my next move. Before I could take his offered hand, a boy named Hank smacked his hand away. That caused the blonde vampire’s head to whip towards Hank.

“Get away from her,” he ordered. Someone came up from behind me to help me up while I watched the altercation (that I had caused) unfold.

“What did you say?” The blonde vampire questioned. Hank kept his head up, he didn’t cower or run away, he stood his ground. He looked the vampire in the eyes, took two steps towards him and spoke, “I said get away from her.” His voice was so demanding, the vampire tilted his head.

The vampire stepped closer, got into his face, “are you planning on making me?” He asked and Hank’s jaw clenched. His fists, which were hanging at his waist, clenching and unclenching, I prayed they wouldn’t do anything stupid.

“Stop,” I said pushing Hank back. He looked down at me before looking at the vampire. A red headed vampire girl grabbed the blonde’s arm, tugging him back onto their side of the floor. I saw heard her say “not now”. It made me wonder, then when?

Once Hank and I had turned the corner he punched the locker nearest to him, “I hate the filthy blood suckers. They don’t deserve to be near us. They’re monsters for heavens sake,” his face was cold. Eyes blazing red with anger, was it all that serious?

“Please calm down” I begged. I didn’t mean to cause any problems, all because of my dumb mistake. “He was just being polite; he didn’t mean anything by it. Besides, he’s new. Probably didn’t know any better.” I tried to sound convincing but Hank just glared and stormed off. At least he stayed on the right side of the line. I went back to get my books.

The rest of the day was more awkward than usual. Not only did I get stares from humans, but vampires also. They must’ve known something I didn’t. I plopped my tray on the table, everyone at the table became quiet. I sighed, “Seriously? Do I need to go sit by myself, or will you all act normal?” I asked, giving all of them a serious look.

Payton patted my shoulder, “cheer up butter cup. We aren’t trying to make things hard, we just wanna know every single detail.” A big smile on her face, I chewed on my cheek.

“What do you wanna know?” I gave in.

I had never been so happy that school was over, only problem was, my day was nowhere near over. After I shut my locker, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see who wanted me, but jumped when I saw his face again. Pressing my books to my chest, I backed into the locker, the lock digging into my flesh.

“Didn’t mean to startle you,” his voice was so soft and smooth. I would not succumb to him, vampires weren’t good predators just because of their great hunting skills; they were deceitful.

“Why are you doing this?” I asked him and he smiled.

“What am I doing?” How innocent he sounded, but there was knowledge in his eyes. He knew exactly what he was doing.

“You know what you’re doing, don’t play coy.” I glared at him and he raked his fingers through his hair,

“Well it’s nice to meet you too” the playfulness of his tone put me at ease. I almost smiled, almost.

“Can’t you cut me a break? I’ve had a hard enough day” I pleaded. When did I become such a push-over? I had back bone, just didn’t know where I had misplaced it.

“That wouldn’t be much fun, now would it?” His teeth were pearly white, looked rather normal actually. Not weapons used to rip humans throats out. “My name is Klyde; it’s nice to finally meet you.” His offered hand was over the line, and I swallowed. What did he mean finally meet me? People were watching, I was just bringing more and more attention to myself.

“Hansel,” I tucked my hair behind my hair and reached down to grab my back pack. “Goodbye,” I said before turning and heading towards the exit. I smiled at the gawking students staring at me. I had done nothing wrong, had I?

I was almost out of the school when I heard the cough of none other than the principal. Mr. King stood by the door, his arms crossed, with a questioning look on his face. “Please follow me Ms. Grey,” He began walking towards the office. I followed behind him; this was just not my day.

I sat in one of the burgundy cushioned seats, setting my back pack down beside me. Mr. King sat in his chair, his fingers locked on top of his desk. My leg began to bob up and down; I set a hand on it trying to control it. If I wasn’t guilty, why on earth was I acting like it?

“Tell me Ms. Grey, have you always had a fascination with vampires or is this something new?” His voice was domineering, his tone making me think that I was enjoying the attention. I narrowed my eyes, where was he going with this? “My problem is,” he leaned back in his chair, “why now?” His eyes went to the ceiling as he began to think. I could see the wheels turning; he was trying to figure out my motive. But that was just it, I didn’t have one.

“Let me stop you right now,” I said and he cocked an eyebrow. “I have never and will never have any questionable motives when it comes to vampires. I talked to him because I didn’t want to cause any more unwanted attention. Think of how he could’ve possibly reacted if I had turned him down completely. Especially after his encounter with Hank, that could’ve caused trouble right?” I asked and he thought before nodding his head. “You’re welcome,” I said reaching to grab my back pack. When I stood he spoke again.

“Let’s not have this conversation again alright? Stay away from them, and I won’t have anything to say” I nodded before throwing the door open. Klyde was doing more than spice things up; he was making my life hell.

                I parked in front of my house and jingled the keys while walking to the front door; I could hear music from outside of the house. When I opened the door, a smile grew on my face. There, in the living room, were my parents dancing. My father dipped her and my mom laughed, her eyes twinkling with happiness.

                At least someone had a good day.

                Dinner was ready and I wasn’t in the mood to eat. My hands were slipped into the pockets of my baggy, gray sweats as I walked down the stairs. My parents were too busy flirting to realize my discomfort. I slid into the chair and stared at the bowls of food.

My dad had made salad, salmon, and toast. Broccoli and carrots in a bowl near where he sat and a pitcher of lemonade on my end, the round table kept us close. But at the moment, I felt so far away. “Do you want to pray?” Asked my father and I shook my head. “I got this,” he winked and I smiled.

“Dear father, thank you for bringing us together. Thank you for allowing us to enjoy another meal, dear God. You do so much more than we realize and we thank You for that. May this food nourish our bodies to enable us to do Your will, in Jesus name I pray. Amen.” I looked up and grabbed a fork. My mom put some salad and a small piece of salmon on my plate. I simply stared at the food.

“What’s wrong?” She asked and I shook my head before cutting into the fresh salmon. It smelled good, and as I took a bite, it tasted good too. I just didn’t have much of an appetite; I ate as much as I could. I felt sick, what was wrong with me? “May I be excused?” I asked. My mom and dad looked at each other before nodding. I picked up my plate and put it into the sink.

I jogged towards my room, my eyes heavy. Perhaps I was just tired.


Farely short, hmph. Well I'll try to do better next chapter. I hope this chapter have left you all with some unanswered questions. That was my point =D Welp, it's been real. I wanna know what you think, do comment! And er.. vote if you like =] Oh & Unedited!

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