Arrest me anytime..

By ichilover

59.2K 1.9K 1.6K

This is a story about a girl who is a police officer in korea. In highschool she had a rival named jungkook... More

info about and important stuff
#2 rival's arrival
#3 first mission! .....with him
#4 the scars.....
#5 unexpected visit.....
#6 weekend/sleepover....
#7 pool fun then work again...
break from story!
(fb) middle school...and bad boys...
(fb pt.2)....BTS......
(fb pt. 3) just a normal day....
(fb pt. 4) it was you?....
(fb pt. 5) teach me
(fb) teach me pt.2
dear readers....
(fb) teach me final
(fb final) leaving childhood behind
#16 Halloween special pt.1
#17 Halloween special pt. 2
#18 interesting day..
# 19 man around the block
#20 new roommates
#21 work on vacation? pt. 1
#22 work on vacation? pt. 2
#23 work on vacation pt. 3
#24 work on vacation 4
# 25 work on vacation finale
#26 Migraine

#1 new building shocking news

6.4K 157 161
By ichilover

// alrighty!  First chapter! Now this chapter is mostly about introducing bts and your character. So please be patient, the story will become more and more fun I promise//

It had been 5 years since I graduated high school to become what I wanted to be ever since I was a little kid...A police officer. After high school, I went to a 14 week academy for the police force where I met my friends for life...and my rival.

Hello, my name is (c/n) and I am a 20 year old girl, single,  and ready to mingle! ....I'm kidding but yes I am a 20 year girl who is a police officer, but you already know that.  Just like any other drama shows...I have a dark past. A year after I graduated I lost my mother in an accident...and there is not a day that goes by that I don't wish I had gone to her sooner...
But enough of this depressed stuff and now to the good stuff.

While I was in the academy,  I couldn't finish the school because I had to move away for a few years for family stuff in America, so I didn't graduate with my made me sad but I was happy to see them all leave together when they sent me a picture of the group...I was even happy to see that rival graduated...hehe I missed them when I was gone... but 2 years ago I returned to Korea and work there for good. Little did I know that all my friends worked in the same building.

// end of explaining

It was a normal day at work, and you were sitting down in your desk area working on filing some old solved cases. The room was very quite which you liked because your work area was in a huge room where not many come in and out so it was peaceful. So you were sitting on your chair while doing work in your computer when you hear the elevator gate open and a calming voice could be heard. " hey there (c/n) how's work treating ya these days?" You turned to find a tall man in a white lab coat named jin. He is a 24 year old man and one of the police/ doctor in the building, his job is to examine the bodies and living victims for clues of the criminals. His job is both cool...yet gross..  

 " oh ya know...same old same old...what about you? Have the bodies told you anything about their cases? "  jin chucked shaking his head as he walked over. " very funny (c/n)..."  he ruffled your hair as you yelled hey as he laughed and sat in his desk while you mumbled and fixed your hair.

Jin was like an older brother that you never had...he was kind, caring, protective,  and just brother material.
" so...jin...have you been able to find the finger prints of the subject that killed mr.sam? " you asked as you got up and walked to the printer and print copies of your report on a different case. " I haven't found matching prints yet...but I did find some interesting marking around the chest and upper stomach area tho..." he said as he looked at his computer as you walked over and looked at his screen. " like what?..." you asked looking at a picture of the markings around those areas he spoke off ad you stared then a light bulb came. " they look like...whip marks around the stomach and rope around the chest...which means that mr. Sam could have been tied up while the criminal whipped him non stop before ending his life with the gun..." you said as jin nodded studying more th picture as the elevator gate was heard once more to find around red haired young man. A 22 year old man named jimin. He is the file keeper, he files all the cases and has to put then in order and other things I don't understand. Anyways...he is just the best in filing or finding a certain file, he is also one of my best friends.

He blinked as hehe saw both jin and you as he sighed walking inside with his hands busy with holding stacks of papers and folders as he went to sit in his area. " so..what are you two up to this time? " jimin asked as he walked over also looking in jin computer. " oh nothing...just letting sharp eyes over here solve my case" jin said as you gently pushed him as you chuckled and sat back at your area to work. Jimin looked at you and laughed at jin's response. " and what are you doing? " jimin asked once more ad he went in your area fixing his glasses while looking at your screen. " just finishing files that I will have to send to you to keep safe like always. " you teased as jimin groaned then layed his head on your shoulder. " oh come ooonnn (c/n)....give me a breeaakkke...." he complained as you laughed and patted his head hair. " wish I could but orders are orders my good friend..." jimin life his head away from your shoulder and sighed. " that's true....I wish rap mon would give me a break...I swear that guy is just to much..."  you were to reply as you saw a person in the elevator as your mouth closed as you looked over to jin who saw him too and shaked his head. " jimin...! Shhhh! "  " no (c/n) don't shush know I'm right...just cuz he is the big man doesn't give him the right to treat me like a sla- "  he was cut off by a somewhat deep voice making him freeze up. " treat you like what?..." rap monster walked in as jimin looked and nervously laughed as he rubbed his head. " I meant to say that you treat your workers with very good respect sir! "   " mhm....anyways...(c/n) how are the cases that I gave you coming along? " rap monster walked over looking at your work.

This is rap monster,  he is the boss of this building  and us of course. Rap mon was always the leader and now he is the leader of an entire building! Who knew.  

"well.. I'm almost done with the first 20 finished cases.....i should finish before i leave today.." rap mon nodded as he signed walking down to the elevator " oh! before i forget...please come to my office in 3 minutes... i need to speak with you. " he said as you nodded once as he did too then waited for the elevator came up and there stood a man taller that in you in a grey suit and shorts...and that man was V. this guys is your typical nice, and funny caring guy who is much to handle sometimes...just a heads up...just because he wears glasses, doesn't make him smart. V is a investor/newpaper writer/ police. he has a lot on his plate but he gets shit down like you wouldnt believe! it scares me sometimes..

Heeyyy rapmon! What's up boss man?! " V said as both rap mon and V did a hand shake and said their hellos as you chuckled and turned to jin as he leaned in as you did as well. " the three minutes start after he leaves? Or do I have to leave with him? "  " good question...I dont know...I guess just wait the three minutes after the elevator stops at his floor then go.." jin said as you nodded and sat on your chair and worked the last few cases you could before leaving to speak with rap monster.

Then a arm was placed around your shoulder as a somewhat deep voice was heard making you freeze. " hello hello hello! What is our maknae doing? " V said as he leaned down to your head level." Just finishing 30 case files...then turn thos in to jimin to file...but it's abit to much for this time of day..I wonder when I will officially go out on my own with you guys on a real case.." you frowned abit as all the guys in the room looked at eachother then smiled as they got around you and hugged you warmly. " awwww! Our maknae misses us! " V said as jimin rubbed your head placing his cheek on your cheek still hugging. " don't worry! You will come on a case with us soon! I'm sure of it! " jimin said as jin nodded. It made you smile that you were able to be with your best friends again and joke, laugh, cry, and all the other chessy things with them. It made you smile as you tried to hug the three young handsome men but your somewhat short arms could not reach but they didn't mind ad they laughed at you for being shorter than them.

They let you go from the hug as jin and jimin went to their areas as V grabbed a chair and sat next to you as he looked in his phone.
It had been 5 minutes and you still had not gone to rap mon's office as you forgot from finishing the cases. Then you looked at the clock. " hey guys...isn't our hope supposed to be here by now?'s abit late for him to not be her- " you wear cut off by the sound of the elevator making you turn and there he was. J-hope...or hobie.  " you called?..." he said with a sexy look while holding his helmet on one arm and his jacket over his shoulder with the other.  Then his expression became all goofy and smily. " I am your hope! Your angel! I am j-hope! " he said as we all laughed and walked over as he also met us half away while he did the guy greetings then hugged you that took you by surprise but hugged him back soon breaking it as all of you talked within them selfs. 
J-hope is one of the fastest people in this force when it comes to car chases and other things like that. He also is fast on finishing paper work and other things that are in his area of work.  

" oh! (C/n) rap mon said to meet him at his office now. " after he said that it became silent then you freaked making everyone flinch as they got scared from her sudden freak out, then you ran to the elevator and pressed the button as you closed the gate and the elevator went down. After a few moments the elevator opened to a more bright hall way with more people as you ran out then ran into his office, making him jump abit as he was eating ramen. " sorry I'm late! I forgot because I was doing work then hobie  came and ugh! A lot of things happened! I'm sorry! " you finally shut up as rap mon was just staring at you with a mouth full of ramen that he then swolled and stood up walking to the window. " we are friends ya you don't need to be all formal and saying sorry for being late for doing's a water.." you blink and took the water that he gave you then you watched him. " now... (c/n)....I have good news! Do you remember jungkook from middle school? " you open your water bottle but freeze as that name came as you looked up at him. " yea....what about that guy?..." you said before taking a drink of your water. " he uh.   He will be working here from now on...and will be sitting three desks away from yours" he said.

After he said that jungkook was going to come and work here for good? Your eyes widen as you spit the water our your mouth."  What?!!!" Your yelled as rap mon covered one ear turning to you. " how is this good news!!? They are bad news!! " you yelled once more as rap mon placed his hands on your shoulders pushing you to his office door ad his opened it. " yes he is coming so please play nice ok? " " what do you mean play nice?!! How can I when that guy pushes me I've my limits! " rap mon shurged pushing you out completely but gentle pushes. " I don't know how you are going to do this but try your best! Fighting! " rap mon said as he closed his office door at your face. " hey!!! I'm not done with you! Get your ass back out her-! " you realized that everyone in that floor was looking at you making you blush in embarrassment as you speed walked to the elevator going back up to your are of work.
As the elevator opened and everyone was about to welcome you back but stared as your face was pissed off. You the  walked out and kicked a box across the room making the guys freak and move away and get close to eachother watching you rage out. You then were so pissed off that you yelled and punched a glass window as it broke. The guys gasped as you froze then took your now bleeding hand in the building falling on your knees and scream from the pain as jin and the others freaked yelling for the first aid cit as jin ran over and started to clean your wound and take out the small glass pieces out your hand, as V ran back with the first aid and jin wrapped your hand as you were now more calm. After that, jin lifted you up on your feet and took you to your desk. " why are you so mad? What did rap mon say? " V asked as all the men looked at you worried.

" He's coming..." you said as the guys looked at eachother then at you. " who's coming? " jimin asked once more. " he! Is coming here...." you said once more as the guys looked at eachother and a light bulb turned on. " oh! You mean jungkook? Yea we know. He's coming in for his first day tomorrow.  " V said as you looked at at guys " you four knew and didn't tell me?! I thought we was good! " you said as the guys chuckled. " you were the last om to know about him coming. Rap mon knew you would reject the idea so he didn't tell you till now when he is coming in for work tomorrow.  " j-hope explained as you groaned and complained.  " moootherrr help meee..." you said as you rolled your chair to jin and hugged him laying your head on his chest. He chucked and rubbed your back. " I wish I could but there is nothing I can do.." jin said.

Just give him a chance (c/n)! Maybe he changed after he graduated from his academy. He might be a better person. " V said as he sat on a chair and pulled you into a back hug as you just groaned.  " I guess your right...maybe he did change...but I'm telling you guys right now...if he started shit with me...if will not hold back..not anymore.." you said as the guys smiled and nodded as jimin rubbed your head as you smiled.

" maybe he did change...i hope he did...because if he didnt....then I will have a very hard time doing my job with that guy around.."

To be continued://

Wow! Very long first official chapter! I j-hope you liked this chapter!

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Thank you so much and I hope you will enjoy this new story.

2602 words

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