#6 weekend/sleepover....

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// here is part 6! i hope the last chapter was good because man was it long... but it doesn't bother me though because i personally love a chapter that is long so yaas. anyways. i hope you like this chapter as long as i loved writing it and please like, share and add to your library!//

you wake up to the sound of barking when you sat up and saw it was morning already. after getting you ass out of bed, you walked to the shower where you took a nice warm bath. afterwards from that nice time, changing into a plain black sweat pants and a big shirt, you walked out your room as the barking could still be heard making you groan walking down the stairs to the backyard. " I'm going I'm going..! no need to be so loud...." you said as you opened the door and in came your dog named kim. he was a complete black furred dog and was big, since your 5'6...the dog was 3 and half feet tall up to its shoulders alone but was close to 4 feet to the tip of its ears. " good morning kim....i hope you slept well? " you smiled as you walked into the kitchen putting some dog food mixed with some small pieces of meat in it as the dog wagged its tail soon eating happily after you placed the bowl down onto the floor. soon it hit you that you had a guest sleeping in your house as you walked upstairs going to his room soon knocking. no one answered but you heard water soon you opened the door and saw the bed unmade in which made you sigh but your thoughts stopped when you heard the door to the bathroom open making you turn....only to find a shirtless jungkook with wet hair and in grey sweat pants with a towel around his neck. he turned to you and froze as you did the same. the both of you stared at each other...well mostly you....you eye balled him up and down soon blushing hard and covering you face falling onto the two small beds near the door( if you go to the last chapter where jungkook's room is shown you'll see what i mean) " IM SO SORRY!! I DIDNT MEAN TO WALK IN! I KNOCKED AND SAW THE DOOR WAS OPENED SO I LET MYSELF IN!" you started to yell as jungkook stared at you then smirked shaking his head to the sides as he finally put a plan white shirt on and walked over to your curled up laying body on the beds as he sat on the edge and poked your thigh making you jump abit. " i have a shirt now... your allowed to look" jungkook said as you sat up and looked at him as he tagged on his shirt making you narrow your eyes as you sat next to him" you should really need to lock the door when your showering.." you said " well i didnt think i needed to but i guess i was wrong" he said making you growl bit and punch his arm somewhat hard as he flinched but laughed after saying ow in which made you also smile as him as you stood up." want some breakfast? " you asked as jungkook nodded soon standing up behind you but then stopped as he grabbed your arm making you turn to him. " whats wrong with you..?" you asked as he pointed to kim the dog who was at the door way and started to growl making jungkook pull you back and being him as he extend an arm infront making kim growl and bark" stay back!" jungkook started to yell at kim as you grabbed his amor trying to push it away but he was stronger. " hey! it ok! he is kim and he won't hurt you or me!." you yelled making jungkook stand straight looking at you. " kim?....." jungkook asked confused as you nodded and walked over to your dog and rubbed its head.

" jungkook...meet kim...my wolfdog" you said making jungkook slowly walk up to you and the dog still untrusted by the huge dog. " wolf dog?....arent thought illegal?..." jungkook asked as you nodded " yes but kim here was hurt and was sent to be killed because he was to tamed to be in the wild and no one wanted to take him....so i made a deal with rap monster and the main company in which they gave me permission to keep him. " you explained as you bend down and rubbed its face and kiss its head. jungkook blinked and nodded as he got close enough and looked at the dog. " he is a very pretty dog.." jungkook said amazed becuase he had never seen a owl dog up close before as you smiled. " yea...he really is isn't he?" you responded

he really is isn't he?" you responded

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