An endless fight for love (A...

By SurvivingXx

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An endless fight for love is a supernatural Larry Stylinson Fanfiction. ~~~~ Louis is the prince of the black... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 2

759 27 11
By SurvivingXx

But when will our leaders learn - war is not the answer - Helen Thomas
Harry and Louis both woke up hearing that whisper.


Harry's POV:

I went to my father's room early in the morning to know more about the upcoming battle.

-So as you know their prince William Tomlinson, the one that failed the last battle, is going to join this one. I hope that you will not disappoint me. Don't let him beat you, he is a failure. He didn't even fight back!
My father told me laughing.

-I won't father.

-Niall is going to be there, they are using him as bait so be careful.

Oh Niall.

My throat tightened at the mention of his name.
I felt tears at the back of my eyes. My stomach started hurting me.
They kidnapped him in the last battle. Then there was no sign about him.
He was my best friend; he was so cheerful and positive.
He was the only one that didn't annoy me with questions like Liam does.
He just understood and supported me.
And now he's gone.
I felt my stomach burn and I tightened my fists, clenching my jaw.

Then I looked up to see my father…He was smirking.
So that's what he wants?
He is trying to make me furious to fight?
Okay then... I calmed myself and tried to steady my breathing then smiled at my dad calmly until a frown was drown on his lips.

-Aren't you angry about it? Your best friend, they tortured him!

-I’m, father.
I answered as calmly as I could.

-You can leave.

I left without a word to my training session thinking about William Tomlinson.
He didn't fight back? They call him a failure because of that?
I wonder why he didn't defend himself. I wonder what he looks like.

Louis is it?


Louis's POV:

I was at my training session, my mind didn't stop thinking about Harry, when I tried to stop, my thoughts drifted back to him and I couldn't concentrate.

I excused myself and flew to Niall which was in his room as always, looking absent minded at the wall.


I asked as I stepped into the room after knocking numerous times.


Niall yelled surprised, finally noticing me.

-Can I....Can I ask you something? 

When I thought about Harry I always tried making a picture of him and I just couldn't concentrate on trainings without it.

Niall nodded

-Um...What does Uh Harry looks like?

-Sir Harold Edward Styles?

-Hum, yes sorry .Edward Styles.

Niall smiled at me

‘I call him harry too, he used to be my best friend'

Then he started describing him.

-He is a handsome angel. He has deep green eyes, Curly brown hair, He is really tall his skin is pale he has one of the strongest wings in the kingdom; he is always lost in his thoughts. I never want to annoy him with questions but I know that he is different. His personality is close to yours.

I found myself smiling dumbly as Niall described Harry.

-You know…I’m worried about him.
-He is so peaceful and ...I'm not sure if he can hurt anyone...How can he join a battle?

Oh...I have the same problem Harry.

My heart started beating really fast...I want to see him.


The last day before the battle, both Harry and Louis passed it thinking about each other and training hard for something they couldn't even do.

Tomorrow is the war.


Harry's POV:

It was late at night and I just couldn't sleep so I flew to Liam's which wasn’t too far.All the warriors live around the castle.

-Liam!! Liam. Can I come in?

I yelled as I knocked on his door.


I heard Liam's voice from inside.

-Yea.It's me.

Liam opened the door and looked at me with sleepy eyes.

-What are you doing here?

-I just couldn't do it. I can't sleep Liam.

-Come here.

We went over his bed and laid there.
Liam had a window on his room's roof and we could see the moon shining through the glass.

-They say that in our mother land ,the earth, the moon doesn't look as big as this.

He talked and i thought about earth.

The beautiful paradise that we lost because of these stupid wars.

-I know...Umm... Liam this is your second battle. How did you do it? Your first one?
I said after a long silence.

-I don't know, just turned my feelings off and defended myself.

-It’s hard for me...Liam if this war didn’t start Niall would be here with us right now, he would be laughing at something stupid and...He ... ugh.... ‘I said through broken sobs

Liam hugged me tight.

-I’d be by your side the whole time Harry...Don’t worry...'m here for you.

-Did you see Louis William Tomlinson? Your first battle was the one where he didn't fight back right?

-Yeah. It's the battle which he faile- um...Didn’t fight back in.

-What does he look like?

-I don't really know if only saw him falling from afar before one of the black angels rescued him...He has Blue eyes and brown hair...He has huge black wings...And when he didn't fight back I stopped. I just watched him fall. Everyone stopped actually...we were all looking at each other and everyone backed up.'

And we slept like that...tightly hugging each other and I cried for hours.

I just hoped time could stop.


Louis's POV:

I just couldn't sleep. I was stressed and I felt guilty for fighting with Zayn.
I flew to his house...He opened the door an annoyed look on his face.

-What do you want?
I simply hugged him and cried.

-God, Louis you're so sensible I sometimes wonder if you aren't a white angel spying on us.

He joked.

I laughed and entered his house.

-That was an insult by the way.
I laughed harder.

-I hope you have a good reason for waking me up.

-I couldn't sleep.

-Seriously? Get out!


-Okay what do you want?

-Tell me about your first battle. I said sitting on his bed

-I don’t know I just killed who ever came in my way and smashed them one by one. Why do you think I got a medal?

I winced at his words

-I hate you. You’re a heartless idiot.

I said with a pout.

-Sensible fucker.

-Fuck you I’m going back to my house.

-Byeee! See you tomorrow! Don’t worry I’ll stay by your side Sensible fucker!

I looked back smiling at him 'is this my new nickname?'
He smiled back before disappearing in his house.

I went back to my father's castle and tried to sleep.
I ended up dreaming of ‘mysterious green eyes’.

It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it -Douglas MacArthur

Louis and harry woke up THE 'awaited' day, terrified and stressed.

Harry’s POV:

All the soldiers were waiting in endless lines and I was near my father in the front my knees and hands were shaking and my heart beating faster than usual.


My father yelled.

And the cheering was so loud that I had to cover my ears. I panicked and looked over Liam in the front row. He smiled at me reassuringly with a nod. I was still terrified when we started flying to the meeting point , I tried to think about Louis and how he looked like ,then we arrived to a huge green land , I swallowed a lump in my throat...and used all my force not to run away right then...

I hate war.


Louis’s POV:
I knew what we had to do since this was my second battle.
My father yelled some encouraging sentences to the endless lines of soldiers in front of us that cheered with all their force.
Zayn, which was in the front row, gave me a reassuring look but I still was scared.

Father: take the bait and let's go Louis.

I took Niall in my arms and secretly smiled at him, my thoughts drifted to Harry and how he looked like...I hope that he won’t try to fight me. We arrived to the meeting place.
It’s a beautiful green land near the forest which won't be beautiful anymore after the battle, it will be soon, full of dead bodies and blood.

I hate war.

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