Don't Keep Me Waiting

By RainMarie

16K 271 29

My name's Nia. My dad is rich, and he spoils me. I get what I want and I do what I want. I've been moving to... More

Don't Keep Me Waiting
Chapter ~2~
Chapter ~3~
Chapter ~5~
Chapter ~6~
Chapter ~7~
Chapter ~8~
Chapter ~9~
Chapter ~10~
Chapter ~11~
Chapter ~12~
Chapter ~13~

Chapter ~4~

1K 18 2
By RainMarie

The movie was almost over when the door opened and slammed shut. Maybe Nate’s home. There was stomping and sure enough Nate came stomping in. “Hey Nate” one of the guys said. He grunted as a response and kept going. He didn’t even look. He went up the stairs and I heard another door slam shut. He’s not in a good mood. A minute went but before there was a crash and then Nate came barreling down the stairs.

“Where the fuck is she? Did you let her leave?”

“Which she are you referring to?” I asked sarcastically. Nate turned to glare at me but it softened when he saw me. I have a feeling that if a guy had asked that they would have gotten punched in the face.

He smirked and said “Even with as little clothing as you do on, you still managed to blend in with the guys.” I stuck my tongue out at him. “Come on kitten. We’ve got things to discuss.”

“Can it wait till after the movie?” I whined. I loved this movie. It was like one of my all-time favorites.

“No” he growled, “now get up.” I frowned and tried my puppy dog eyes on him. He looked at me for a minute. “That isn’t going to work, now get the fuck up.” I growl/sighed and got up. My seat was quickly taken by a blonde guy that really needed a brush. Nate wrapped an arm around me and led me towards the stairs. I moved out of his arm and walked up the stairs with some dignity.

He led me back to the room where we had been the night before and where I had woken this morning. Nate closed the doors behind him. I jumped on the bed and sat down Indian style. Nate pulled a chair over and he sat in front of me. For a while he just looked at me. We didn’t do anything for a while, just staring.

I couldn’t take it anymore after a while and I said “You wanted to talk with me.”

Nat sat back in his chair and crossed his arms. “What do you remember about last night?” Did something happen between me and Nate last night? Oh no, what if we hooked up and that was the reason I was in a big shirt. Well I still had my bra and panties on so maybe not but…what if?

“Which part?”

“The part when you got that scratch.” Thank goodness. I felt a bit better.

“I remember all of that.”

Nate nodded. “You can’t mention anything about that to anyone. If you do, I’ll have to get rid of them, and then I’ll have to punish you kitten.” He grinned at me and his eyes turned lusty. “And I can be so cruel when I punish.” I quickly looked away. I was so conflicted. I was scared at the threat, but I was turned on at the same time. I was also angry but that got mixed in with my longing for some close contact with Nate. Nate leaned toward me and his face was close. “Understand kitten? You can’t tell anyone.” I nodded. Who would I tell? I don’t tell anyone my problems. They’re mine alone. “Good, now we need to talk about who Danny is.” My body froze. How did he know about Danny?

“Who told you about Danny?” I asked cautious.

“You did. You were whining his name last night in your sleep.” Oh poop, so now I’m talking in my sleep. “Who is he?”

“He’s no one” I said coldly. I scooted back on the bed and put more space between us. Nate reached out and tried to grab me but I pulled back farther.

“Kitten, who the fuck is Danny?”

I stared down at my lap. I didn’t want to think about Danny. “I told you. He’s no one.” Nate got up and came on the bed with me. I backed up more but had to stop when I hit the headboard.

“Stop lying. He means something because whatever he did it had you crying out in your sleep. I woke me up.” Nate’s gray eyes met mine and I could tell he was getting angry. Well so was I. This was something I had been trying to avoid.

“Why do you care anyway? You’re just a stupid asshole that likes to torment me. You don’t need to know anything about me.” Nate’s eyes turned cold and I was kind of scared for a minute. He stared at me for a minute and then he grabbed my arm. He got up and dragged me out by my arm. I was shocked and hurting. He had a death grip on my arm. He dragged me all the way back to the living room where all the guys were. He threw me down on the ground.

“Take her home” he ordered. His voice was deathly cold. He then turned and walked away. 

“Don’t bother, I drove here. I’ll drive myself.” I yelled back. Nate grunted and then he was out of sight. I got up and all the guys were looking at me. I dusted myself off and then walked to the door. I found my keys and was halfway out the door when Cameron called my name. I looked back and he was running over to me.

“Nia, are you okay?” he asked when he reached me. I nodded. I tried to leave but he grabbed my arm. I cried out. It really hurt. Cameron let go and I looked down at my arm. There was already a bruise forming. I looked at it angrily. Nate fucking made a bruise. I left without another word. I hoped in my car and took off down the road.

My chest felt heavy the whole way home. Something about Nate’s reaction hurt a lot. But he had no right to push into my problems. He was no one to me and I was just another girl to him. I made it home. When I walked in Rose rushed right over and hugged me.

“I was so worried about you. You didn’t answer your phone when I called earlier and I thought the worst.” I was hesitant at first but after she spoke I hugged her back. After a minute we pulled back. I smiled at her.

“I’m fine I promise.” I went to my room and locked myself in there. I laid on my big bed and thought about everything had happened last night and today. I needed to get away from Nate. He was nothing but trouble. I laid there for a bit but my thoughts were interrupted when I heard my phone buzz. I grabbed it and saw I had a new text.

You alright??

I checked and it was from Nate. I ignored it and went back to thinking. Ten minutes later there was another buzz. I checked it.

Its Cameron, you alright??

Why was Cameron using Nate’s phone. Oh well I guess I didn’t have Cameron’s number. I texted back and said I’m fine. Not long after he texted me again.

Hows your arm? it looked bad

I looked at my arm. It was turning an ugly purple. I told him I’m going to have an ugly bruise but I’m fine. I also told him a little lie and said I’m going to go make something so I’ll text him later. I just wanted to be left alone. He texted an okay and then I was left alone.

Well I was left alone until my phone buzzed an hour later. I checked it and it was a phone call from daddy. I got excited and I quickly answered it.


“Hey precious. How are you?”

“Hi daddy. I’m fine.”

“I got a call from your school saying you missed school. Should I be concerned?”

“No I just couldn’t get there today. I promise I’ll be there tomorrow.”

“Okay precious that’s what I like to hear.”

“Will you be coming home soon? I miss you.”

“I should be. Hopefully, I’ll be home by Sunday.” I smiled. I missed my dad. “Do you need anything precious?”

“No I’m fine daddy.”

“Okay I’ll call you tomorrow. Bye Nini.”

“Bye daddy.” There was a click and he was gone. He called me the nickname only he called me by. I burst out in tears. I missed him so much. I just wanted to be with him. But he was always so busy. I missed spending time with my dad.

I curled my body up and I sobbed to myself. I tried to be quiet so the staff wouldn’t know I was crying again. I hated it when they knew I cried. They would always give me looks like they pitied me and I didn’t want them to. The door unlocked and Rose walked in. She laid down and held me. I grabbed onto her and I cried.

After my weak moment I sobered up and I got in the shower. I needed to clean all of this emotional crap off of me. Once I felt clean I went downstairs to the movie theater and put in one of the batman movies. Because he was my favorite daddy had bought me this box thing that had every batman movie ever made. It had all real life movies and cartoon. I put in a cartoon movie. After it was over I put in another and that night I had a batman marathon.

The next day I was driving to school and I had a headache. I had taken some Advil but it had yet to kick in. I parked and slowly walked inside. I was walking to my locker when I saw Nate and like seven guys from his gang. They were all talking and laughing. I frowned and turned around. I took the long way to my locker. When I opened it a stuffed animal dog fell out. I picked it up and I was struck by how cute it was. It was a Rottweiler puppy. Rottweiler was my favorite breed of dogs. I looked around and I didn’t see anyone. I looked around my locked and everything else was normal. I smiled at the little stuffed animal and put him in my pocket. His head and front paws were sticking out. I got my books and went to my fist class. I sat down and most everyone was already there. I took my seat and I smiled at Eric. He smiled back.

The bell rang and Mr. Simmons went right to teaching. I spent most of the class texting Eric. We were just planning stuff we could do at my house later. Eric was really funny. He almost got me in trouble because I was laughing so much. The bell rang and everyone rushed out. School was boring until my ceramics class, it was maybe the only class I actually looked forward to. I walked inside and got right to my current project. We were making vases right now.  I was already done with the structure of my vase I just had to build on certain things.

The bell rang too soon and I rushed to finish cleaning my spot and get to my next class. The rest of the day was boring. I was in my last class watch the clock, thinking it was going extra slow just to torture me. When the bell finally rang I rushed out and went to my locker. Eric was there waiting for me.

“Hey Eric.”

“Hey Nia.” I opened my locker and another stuffed animal fell out. I was shocked. I picked it up and it was another Rottweiler puppy. It was just as cute as the other one. “Did a dog just fall out of your locker?”

I looked at Eric shocked. I had kind of hoped it was him that was putting these in here. “You mean it isn’t you behind these?” Eric shook his head. “Oh.” I looked at the new stuffed animal confused. I pushed all my thoughts back for later analysis. I grabbed my books.

It was Friday and I was excited for the weekend. In the parking lot there was a gathering and I wondered what had happened. I grabbed Eric’s hand and pulled him along as I pushed through all the people. When we got through I saw a huge limo with a guy leaning against the side. He looked oddly familiar but couldn’t see his face properly. He had on a hat and sunglasses.

He looked over and I swear he smiled right at me. “There you are Nia.” I guess he was smiling at me. I squinted at him.

“Do I know you?” I asked confused.

He grinned. “Has it been so long that you don’t remember me anymore?”

“Well maybe I would if I could actually see your face. Take off the hat and sunglasses.” He laughed and did. My breath caught as I realized who it was. His grin widened. “Danny!” I squealed. I let go of Eric and jumped into his arms. I hugged him and squeezed him tight. It was my brother. My stupid neglecting brother.

He chuckled and said “It’s good to see you too.” He set me down and looked down at me. I think he had gotten taller. Not that he needed to. He was already a giant. “How have you been my little Nia?”

“Good. Where have you been? And what’s with the limo?”

“I’ve been traveling around the country. I recently made up with dad so he thought it would be nice if I picked you up in a nice ride. Though I heard you made him get you a new mustang.” I grinned at him and Danny laughed. “You always got what you wanted.”

I rolled my eyes. “I see nothing wrong with that.” Danny laughed and pulled me into a hug.

“Who’s this kitten?” A chill went up my spine. I tensed and I’m pretty sure Danny felt it. It looked back and Nate was glaring at me.

Angelica Smith, this school’s biggest hoe walked up and asked “Yeah, who is this?” She was basically purring at Danny.

I sneered at her and said “This is Danny. He’s my brother.” Her eyes lit up, and she batted her eyelashes at him. “But he doesn’t date sluts so sorry, you don’t have a chance.”

“I’m not a slut” she said offended.

“He doesn’t date whores either.” Her pale face turned beat red and she stomped away.

“That wasn’t very nice Nia” Danny scolded. I shrugged my shoulders.

“Danny as much as I love the surprise, my friend Eric was actually supposed to come over to watch a movie. He was going to follow me home. You want to meet us at home, and you can join us?”

“Sure. See you Nia.” I nodded and Danny got in the limo. I went past a glaring Nate and grabbed Eric’s hand. I pulled him away from the crowd.

“Nia, if you want to spend time with your brother I understand.”

“No” I said quickly. “I made plans with you first. Besides I’ll have all weekend to catch up with him. Don’t worry about it.” Eric nodded and we went to our cars. Eric followed me home and I was buzzing with excitement. It was mainly because Danny was back and I missed him like crazy but I was excited for Eric coming over too.

I had a good time with Eric. He was easy to hang out with. He left after the movie and I quickly went to drilling my brother about where he had been and what he’d been doing. It was a long and fascinating story. Danny had been doing some amazing stuff. It was too bad he had totally ignored me for years. I could have gone with him on a few.

We spent most of Saturday talking too. I could tell Danny was getting annoyed with my relentless questions but I couldn’t help it. We were eating diner when the door opened. I looked surprised. No one was supposed to be here. My dad walked in and my heart filled. I jumped from my seat and ran over to him. I jumped him and squeezed him in a hug.

“Daddy!” I squealed excited. I don’t care if I sound like a child. I haven’t seen my dad in almost three weeks. He hugged me back. My chest felt light. I had both my brother and my dad home. It was almost like we were a family again. My dad is a man of average height. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He screams money in his suit and polished shoes. I let him go and I took a step back. I smiled up at him.

“Hey precious.” He kissed my forehead. He sat down at the table, next to Danny. I took my seat and stared at my dad. I can’t believe he came home earlier than he said he would. That never happens.

For the rest of the day I bugged my dad and I asked what he had been doing lately. He said he was in the middle of taking over another company. Boring. My dad was a work-aholic if you haven’t guessed by now.

Sunday went by too quick. All the fun days do. My dad and brother spent the whole day with me. We did family stuff. I couldn’t believe it, when my dad suggested we all go out and get breakfast together. I know my dad and brother had made up but I had no idea they were getting along this well. They were civil to each other and they actually had a conversation without any yelling.

After breakfast we went to the mall and daddy bought me whatever caught my eye. Just the perks of having a rich dad that felt bad about barely seeing their kid. And after the mall we got ice cream. It was a great day by my standards.

I groaned Monday morning as my alarm went off. I didn’t want to go to school. I wanted to stay home with my dad and brother. I showered and changed as quickly as possible. I went down stairs and they were both eating breakfast. They were having a conversation about politics. Ewww.

“Morning” my dad and brother mumbled. They went right back to their earlier discussion. Simon the butler came over and asked what I wanted. I told him scrambled eggs. He nodded and then went to the kitchen.

“So” I said loudly. Both my dad and brother looked at me. “I was thinking that I would skip school today to hang with you guys.” I smiled hopeful they would go with it.

“Absolutely not.” “Hell no” they said at the same time.

“Why not?” I whined.

“Nini, you need to get an education, and you have already missed enough school from the expulsions, suspensions, and jumping from school to school.”

“But daddy” I whined. I looked at him and gave him my puppy dog eyes. “I want to hang with you and Danny.”

My father looked at me and I saw as he slowly started crumbling. His brown eyes were turning to soft pools and right as I saw he was about to cave Danny said “So that’s the look that gets you everything you want.” He chuckled and my dad snapped out of it.

“You’re going to school Nini. Your brother and I will be home when you get home.”


“End of discussion.” I pouted and sank in my seat. Stupid Danny. If he had stayed quiet I would have been able to stay home today.

Not long after my eggs were put in front of me. I picked at them, not so hungry anymore. I ended up eating about half. I jumped up when I saw the time. If I didn’t leave soon I would be late. 

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