Chapter ~10~

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The hairs on the back of my neck stood up as I recognized that scream. It was kitten. Something had scared her. Without me thinking about it I shifted. I raced back to the car. I pushed myself faster and faster. What if she was in trouble? All the worst possibilities raced through my head and my heart beat was beating fast with panic. Hold on kitten, I’m coming.

When I made it to the parking lot my heart stopped for a minute. There were three long scratched going down the side of my car. All the windows were scattered and glass littered the ground. I rushed over to car. Where was kitten? The interior of the passenger seat was ripped up. I howled. My heart felt like it was frozen. Breathing hurt and I thought I was going to stop breathing. My insides were a mess of anger and pain. I howled again and my legs felt like they would give out soon.

“Nate?” said a weak voice from behind me. I spun around and my heart beat again with the beautiful vision of kitten. But it stopped again when I saw the blood dripping from her. I shifted back to my human form and rushed over to her. She collapsed into my arms and her little heart was beating faintly.  

“Kitten? How bad is it? What attacked you?” She met my eyes for a second and then her eyes closed. I hugged her tight and ran back to my car. If there was any type of a higher power this car will start.

I put kitten in the back and then went to the driver’s seat. I put the key on the ignition and silently prayed it started. I turned the key and just like always it purred to life. I thanked everything good and took off. I was speeding. I didn’t give a fuck about any types of laws when my mate was lying in my backseat slowly dying.

I made it home and quickly carried her inside. I kicked the door open and started yelling for Dante. My voice was dark and panicked. I didn’t stop until he came out of the living room as well as some of the other guys. I told him that kitten needed help and we all rushed to the office. I laid her down on the table, and Dante quickly went to work. Kitten hadn’t moved or made a sound since I found her. Dante opened her shirt. Identical scratches to the ones on the side of my car were running down her stomach. The wounds looked deep and fatal. I whimpered and squeezed her hand.

Dante went to work and did his best at patching her up. When he had done all he could he left me alone with her. I held her hand and just wished for her to get up. To move, to do anything.

Hours passed by and before I knew it the sun was coming up. I had stayed up with Nia all night. And she still hadn’t made a move. My eyes were killing me and I was so tired but I couldn’t let myself fall asleep when my kitten was hurt. I needed to be awake, I had to protect her.

Tears fell from my eyes and I put my head down. I was supposed to protect her. I should have kept her safe. I was reckless and now Nia is paying for my mistake. I cried. Something I hadn’t done in many years.

There was a loud crash and then there was yelling. I almost got up to see what it was but before I could really try to debate with myself the door burst open. Standing there was an average sized man. He has tan skin, just like Nia and the same dark hair. Money was pouring off of him, as he wore a nicely tailored suit. He looked at us shocked. Nia, lying on the table, her shirt torn and bloody, her stomach taped up, and me a worthless wolf that can’t even protect his own mate, and crying by her side.

The man came over and he went right to Nia. He put his forehead against hers. I had to guess this was Nia’s father. “Nini” he whimpered.  After a while of just being with Nia he stood straight and his accusing eyes met my regretful ones. “What have you done to my daughter?” he asked furious.

“Nothing. Something attacked her. I have people out looking for whatever it is that attacked her.” It was true. I had sent a party out to look for whatever had done this.

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