Sinfully Beautiful

By sleepylilacfox

3.9K 148 47

Black butler fan fiction. Sebastianxoc enjoy!~ More

chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 10

251 10 2
By sleepylilacfox

Sebastian entered his new masters bedroom. The boy entangled himself with the blankets the first plush thing he has felt for months possibly even  a year or so. Walking to the sleeping boy the demon knelled by his bedside. "Young master. Young master it is time to awaken." The demon said in his velvety voice taking the dreaming boy from his sanctuary. "hmmm." The boy hummed a groan. The covers fell off his form leaving him shivering. The drape was opened next, the sun's , light filtering into the room into his closed eyes. Feeling the warmth the boy's eyes shot wide-open. His right eye thumped in a dull pain. It was now colored a light purple, a pentagram barely noticeable in that lilac iris.

The young boy's eyes then widened in realization. He sprang up from his bed acting as if a caged animal. Which in the crow's presence he is. "Where am I?" The boy questioned. His voice so soft, sore, and tired. Sebastian stepped into the boy's view. "Manor of Phantomhive mi lord. I re-built it last night." Every stone, crack, and stain present. Every furnishing and priceless paintings placed back to where it once was. Everything was placed, rebuilt, and renewed like it once was before the devastation took hold. There wasn't even a speck of ash to be seen, no burnt bushes, or trees, no starched walls, and no stench of rotting meat that leaves residue in the air, earth, and buildings when a body- or many are burned to death. No, the air was clean. It was-the building standing brilliantly once more.

"We must get you ready for the day mi lord. We still have that guest to tend to." He said looking at his pocket watch. From what he could hear she has waited for the young master. Must be starving by now. "Come master we must wash you up before dining for breakfast." The demonic butler rushed helping the dazed and solemn young noble from bed into the bathroom.. "So it all happened then?" The boy whispered to himself. Quickly he swallowed his wavering nerves. He is in the presence of a demon who wishes to devour his soul. A demon that will give him the ability to get his restore his honor. He is his black chess knight. But he will not follow the rules in this game of life and death. The ultimate piece with barely any draw backs. But still he will need more pawns. Players that will help defend him and his castle as he is king. "After we see to this guest you will be searching for suitable servants that will help defend my...home. Alright Sebastian?" Ciel said with some trouble. But he must keep his fearful and all the same exciting from this black being's nose. But nothing escapes the predator. The butler's eyes alit a fuchsia glow for only a brief second that the boy thought he imagined it. "Yes. Mi lord. Now let's get you cleaned up."

The butler hurriedly rushed him to the bath. And almost instantly the once clear water turned a murky grey taking a brown tint. Once cleaned and warm for the first time in many cold filthy nights he was dressed in clothing made for a noble. Not those silly rags. That made the demon pause. Rags. A thought crept into his mind. Did their divine smelling guest ever change? No. No she didn't, she still is in a dirty gown on its last piece of fabric as the other two were ripped for use of a blanket and a choking device. He will need to find some dresses...but if she does become a servant for the little lord he does hope that this forgetfulness will leave him. No good that will bring if he is a servant for the phantomhive family for long.

Now fully dressed, and not a speck of dirt anywhere near his being. Ushered into the dining room Ciel couldn't help but feel awed. The manor was EXACTLY like what he remembered. Nothing was out of place by even a centimeter. It truly was like that accursed fire never happened.

Sitting staring at the food longingly Anastasia sat and waited in silence. She heard footsteps but they were still further down the hall. But she suppose the young noble would take his time if only the slightest. He was kidnapped, then was used for a sacrifice to summon a demon for those cultists. Which only turned out so well for them. Better luck next time she suppose if there is a next time at least...

Finally the blue-green haired boy entered. Sitting himself at the head of the table. Together we stared at the food in hunger. Picking up a fork and knife hesitantly as I really don't know if I'm supposed to eat first or him to eat but in silence I picked up my first food in...two months while in actuality it would be two and a half as I wasn't fed for two weeks before her death...or attempted death. A berry tart. It was delicious. Filling. And oh so flavorful. She finished it eagerly. But careful to keep her table manners. Though the boy was too busy to notice. He dug in at once. Filling himself with eggs, toast, milk, and scones. We were both full by the second serving.

Now finished, they both sat in silence. "I wish to thank you for helping me the other day miss...?" Ciel said wanting to break this horrid silence. It was boring. He had enough of boring. "Anastasia...And it was no problem...I-I just don't want to see it happen to another like it happened too..." She trailed off her eyes turning distant. Ciel and Sebastian instantly assumed it was done to someone she cared for. "I'm sorry for your loss miss Anastasia." Ciel said bowing his head slightly in respect. Sebastian followed suit not wishing to show an ill image of his young lord. She looked at them innocently confused. "Uh t-thank you but u-um I'm sorry but what?" She questioned and in return they stared at her confused. "We thought you lost someone to a...unjust murder?" Sebastian questioned trying to find the right words for the horrid steps those filthy human's took. "Oh. No that happened to me. When I was young I was misfortunate enough to be born into a family who care for pure-blood the most. My father from what was explained to me was a one-nighter. 'Infecting' the woman or my 'mother' with me. They allowed me to be born for a publicity boost...but when I was seven they staged my death and locked me up as a slave of sorts. Then later on got rid of me to my 'aunt' and 'uncle'. I recently escaped but...well I believe the rest you know Mr. Sebastian and Lord...Phantomhive?" She explained then asked receiving dumb-founded looks on both faces then a small nod from the boy. So she did make the right guest. It seems she finally could see what 'Ciel Phantomhive' looked like. To think he -such a famous noble is a tormented child forced into the hellish world so young...

Sebasatian was dumb-founded the first time in so so so many years. How? How could a human still be so filled with a blinding light? How could she stay so pure? How could she make him a demon a high noble demon fall into forgetfulness by her mere merciless scent? It was a rich and creamy scent. A fragrance that any other demon would fall to temptation and forcefully feed on it. But no, not him. He wants to see its limits. He wants to watch it squirm under him. Try to slip through his hold but never escape. Watch it struggle and wither. It made him salivate with the mere thought of doing things to such a being so pure that isn't a disgusting rat with white wings.

Now Ciel he was just disgusted and confused. How could she still have the will to live? Why are such horrid humans allowed to live anyway? How could they do what they have done to a polite person who now has no were to go? Wait. "Would you like to be one of my servants? You would be protected here. With a home, food, and sum of pay. The only thing you must do is to serve my family name and protect myself and my manor." "O-oh. Y-es please Master Phantomhive. I w-would b-be honored t-to be a worker under your cause." Anastasia said flustered. But happy. So happy. She gets to continue to help this boy who will do many great things and go on amazing adventures.

It would seem her life is finally looking up. But truly only time would tell...I wonder what grandpapa would think if he saw this? Would he finally look at me and smile? A smile that will radiate in his royal blue eyes instead of being dull, withered and sorrowful? Truly she does wonder but that question will be brought back a later time. Right now she needs a new dress. It's too cold in the morning to dress like such even in a warm manor finally showing signs of smiles once again after so long...

How was it? Hope you liked it! Comment please readers I beg! Anyway 1560 words! Woo! The book in total so far is at 10,338 words. Doing pretty good for only ten chapters. Anywho!~ Till next time!~

Love, Kisacatdemon!~

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