My Little Deer, My Little Fawn

By DezWeasel767

10.6K 488 138

Seven-teen year old, Fawn, a hybrid between deer and human, was taught to stay away from humans at such a yo... More

Chapter One -Someone strange-
Chapter Two ~A Saddening Loss~
Chapter Three ~What A Strange Place~
Chapter Four ~Trying Something New~
Chapter Five ~I Want to Go~
Chapter Six ~A Day in the house~
Chapter Seven ~Getting Ready~
Chapter Eight ~My First Day~
Chapter Nine ~I'm Scared~
Chapter Ten ~Going in Alone~
Chapter Eleven ~Standing Up Going Wrong~
Chapter Twelve ~Did I Hurt Him?~
Chapter Fourteen ~Teaching How to Human~
Chapter Fifteen ~Now Its My Turn~
Chapter Sixteen ~Mom?~
Chapter Seventeen ~Someone We Should Tell~
Chapter Eighteen ~Are You In?~
Chapter Nineteen ~Now They All Know~
Chapter Twenty ~I Have To Go~
Chapter Twenty-One ~I Guess This Is Good Bye~
Chapter Twenty- Two ~Eli! Don't leave me!~
Chapter Twenty-Three ~I'm Not Alone~
Chapter Twenty-Four ~There's No Escape~
Chapter Twenty- Five ~Getting Help~
Chapter Twenty Six ~I Don't Love You~
Chapter Twenty Seven ~Please Don't Hurt Me!~
Chapter Twenty-Eight ~I Love Her~
Chapter Twenty-Nine ~Who Are You?~
Chapter Thirty ~Were Getting Out~
Chapter Thirty-One ~I'm Not Leaving You~
Chapter Thirty-Two ~I Love You Like a Love Song~

Chapter Thirteen ~Opening Up~

306 16 6
By DezWeasel767

"Okay class, clean up!" The teacher called.

I looked up, from working on my picture. Paint was all over my hands and some little bits on my face. I was told to go put it away and into my cubby. It was so much fun and I can't believe how much I was learning in that whole, one day! Eli led me over to a mirror and handed me a wet paper towel.

"You gotta get that stuff off your face."

I looked back into the mirror and rubbed the towel wherever it was needed on my face. It was all finally off. I tossed it away, grabbing my stuff. I threw my bag over my shoulder, looking up at the clock. Wait.... I can't understand the clock yet, they haven't taught me about that yet. Okay then, maybe I can't read it but I'm more looking at the positions of the hands than actually reading it. The big hand was a little past the one and the little hand was on the three.

I think it's almost time to go, i'll go with that. I pulled my hair that was trapped between my bag and back, onto my shoulders. Having as much caution as possible to not accidentally pull off my hat. I felt a hand grab my wrist and pull me into a side room. Eli, he brought out the make up concealer and began to dab some onto my face. I flentched back, not exactly liking having this done.

"Hold still, your spots are showing through a little. We will wash it all off when we get home. We just need this to last until then." Eli rubbed it all in with a finger. He took his hand away to observe my face. "Okay, I think that's good." He stored the concealer back into his front pocket. He walked back out, grabbing a paper towel and washing the remainder off of his fingers.

"How much longer till we leave?" I asked, lingering behind him.

"Were about to leave now, just have to wait for the be-"


The long bell sounded.
"Well, there we go!" He led the way to the door. Like normal, me following.

"Wow! You're really pretty!" A girl exclaimed to me, walking next to me. I almost jumped at how quickly she appeared there but I didn't want to make too much of a scene. She had blonde, almost white hair with dark roots. Pale skin, a nose ring, and her lip held a single hoop.

I looked up to Eli, not really knowing what to do. No one has ever called me pretty before, actually, I never got any compliments before. He nodded towards me to go on, wanting me to say something in return to her. I looked back to the girl. "Thanks." I tried to smile, acting friendly. Which I am! I'm not a bad person. I just don't know how to react to this. I don't know her.

"You're prettyfuller!" I tried to compliment back, feeling awkward just to leave it there. Don't get me wrong, I'm not just saying this to not sound rude, she actually was pretty. I looked down when I realized my mistake. "Wait.."

She giggled at me. "It's all good! You're the new girl right?"

I nodded. "I guess if that's the word to use."

She smiled. "I like you, new girl. You're alright." She nodded approvingly at me. She outstretched her arm to me. "Hi! I'm Alice."

I gave a small smile back. I took hold of her hand, she shook my hand."Fawn."

"That's a nice name too. Welp, I gotta go! I'll see you around." She waved. She looked to Eli. "Eli." She squinted her eyes at him.

"Alice." He said blankly, hiding a grin.

She smiled at him, then left.
"You know her?"

"Uh yeah, I have a few classes with her and we talk every once in a while. She's nice. She's really friendly, bubbly personality." Eli explained as we walked out of the building and heading for his car to leave and head home.


That night, I was peacefully asleep. It was not too hot or too cold. I was comfortable, until I felt a bit of uneasiness run through me. I rolled over in my sleep, having bit of my dream come to me. Dad, the blood, hunters,...... death..

Thunder roared loudly, I jumped up in bed in a sweat. The lightning flashed into my room. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, scanning the room. I still felt that uneasiness, like discomfort. Was it because of the storm? The nightmare? Maybe a little bit, but I think there was something else. The whole house was dark, I looked over to the digital clock. twelve twenty-four.... I don't know why do I keep looking at the clock when I can't really understand it. I just said what I saw. I really need to learn more about it, like how late is this? How much longer will it be until the sun comes up?

I threw the blankets aside, sliding out of bed. I traveled down the dimly lit hall until I heard a whimper. What was that? I followed the sounds until it led me to Eli's room. He was sitting up in bed, hiding his face into his hands. I watched from the door way. Was he crying? What's happening? "E-Eli?" I said low. He looked up from his hands, his face was streaked with tears.

My eyes went slightly wide. "Eli, what's wrong? What happened?" I came into the room, taking a seat next to him.

"N-Nothing.." His voice trembled. I knew he was trying to hide something from me.

"Eli, please."

"I screwed up, I should not have let them go." He whimpered.

"What? what are you talking about?" I rubbed his back, it killed me to see him like this. I don't like seeing others in pain like this. Like I always say.

"They are dead because of me, only if I didn't let them go." He bowed his head, gripping his hair.

"Whose dead? How is it your fault?"

He looked back up to me. "You remember the day we met?"

"Yes." I answered softly, nodding.

He sniffled, trying to sit up a little straighter. "I'm sorry for the loss of your Father, but I know how it feels.." He trailed off, he took a breath then resumed. "It was late at night, my parents and my little sister went for a ride in the car to go into town to get a few things. I should have tried to connivence them not too, being so late. But I had to do school work. They left.... And I fell asleep.. I woke up the next morning and they still had not came home." He wiped away a tear.

"I saw on the news that day that there was a car speeding with a drunk couple and there car collided with my parents car.... There....... Were no survivors.."  He broke into tears, I could only feel my heart shatter at this. "Then I met you." He glanced up to me then turned his head back down. So I was not the only one going through heart break, he was right, he knew the exact pain I was going through. He lost his family, now he is alone. Like me.

I nuzzled my head into his neck, wrapping my arms around him. This was the only way I knew I could comfort him. I placed a finger under his chin, turning his head towards me. I wiped his tears away. My face was only a few inches away from him. It felt like there was a force pulling me to him.

He seemed to have calmed down, pulling himself together. He relaxed at my touch. Almost coming closer. Our lips grazed each other's. He pushed his lips the rest of the way to mine.
It took a little for me to process what was going on and for me to pull away. I threw my hand over my mouth with wide eyes.

"I-I-I-I'm so sorry! I don't know what happened. If you want some space I underst-"

I slowly shook my head as he was saying this. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him to me, using my lips to cut him off. He leaned over top me, with our lips interlocked together. My ears flatted to my head at the strange, yet tingly feeling on my lips. It felt wrong.... Yet right.. 

My body felt sorta weak at his touch. Have I been developing feelings for him? I don't know, life has been really confusing since I met Eli, since my Dad died, since I left home.

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