The Baby

Galing kay HayesDaBaee

1.2M 49.1K 14.2K

GRAYSON ASTOR. New York City's most eligible bachelor was given an ultimatum-get married and earn the CEO pos... Higit pa

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two


45.2K 1.7K 946
Galing kay HayesDaBaee

kalani depradine

"Just out of curiosity. Will your lack of punctuality be a routine? Because traffic is bad and we should've left ten minutes ago," Grayson was seated in the living room while I pretended to clean my kitchen. In reality, I was stalling. Toby was supposed to be here thirty minutes ago to drop off the baby crib that arrived at his house yesterday. But I guess as Grayson stated, traffic is bad and he must be stuck in it. "Why can't you clean later?" His eyes remained on his phone.

"I want to come back to a clean home," I continued on with my lie. He'll know eventually Toby is on his way. But I'm dreading the encounter more than anything. So although my apartment remains spotless, here I am looking for every speck of dirt.

There was a knock on the door before it opened. Toby held the door open with his boot as he picked up the huge box and carried it into my spare bedroom. It was the first time Grayson had looked up from his phone in the past hour. I don't think I've ever seen him so angry.

"Does he have a key?" Grayson got onto his feet and began to speak about Toby like he wasn't standing right beside me. "Why does he have a key, Lani?" The nickname took Toby by surprise and it was evident on his face.

"Lani? I thought you hated the nickname," Toby awkwardly pointed out. I did hate the nickname. But hearing it come from Grayson feels different. He's such a punctual guy and follows formalities. He's not a nickname person and knowing I'm the only person he has a nickname for makes me feel special. It's stupid.

"Thank you for the crib. I'm ordering the rocking chair and ottoman soon. I'll let you know when," I informed him and he nodded, pulling me into a hug. He knew exactly what he was doing and I hated it. They were intentionally involving me in their stupid masculinity battle.

"We're going to be late for our dinner with your family, love. Let's go," Grayson added and I felt Toby's body stiffen in my arms. Love. Grayson has never called me that and it made my cheeks go hot. Of course Grayson felt the need to make sure Toby knows he's meeting my family.

"You're seeing your parents today? Make sure you tell your mom I said hi. And let your dad know I'm excited for our baseball game next week," Toby kissed my cheek and didn't even leave room for Grayson to say anything. I didn't even want to look at him because I knew I would burst into laughter and it would make matters worse. The quickest glance at Grayson almost made me break my cover. He looked like he was about to punch a wall and his eyes were shut because he was trying to compose himself.


"Nope. Nope. I don't wanna hear it. Let's go, Mr. Macho," I laughed as we left my apartment and went out to his car.

Grayson was being oddly quiet. He enjoys ranting about work, which he was not doing. He also looked like at any moment he was going to lose his shit.

"Fine. Spit it out," I groaned because I already know what he'll say. But he clearly was incapable of keeping it in.

"Get your key back from him, or change your locks. Or better yet, I'll get the key from him," he threatened. Changing my locks seems extreme and I don't even think it's allowed in my building.

"Grayson," I turned my head to look at him because he was being unrealistic. "We're just friends." Toby and I may have dated, but everything between us is completely platonic now.

"You said that about your boss and look where that led," he spoke hurtful words. I crossed my arms, turning away to face the window. He didn't have to say that and I hate that he was reminding me I wouldn't have my position right now without Grayson. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that," he apologized when he realized my feelings were hurt.

"It's okay," I mumbled. A quick apology wasn't going to fix my feelings.

"I'm sorry, love," his right hand went to rub my stomach. That did help the slightest bit. Him rubbing my stomach is my weakness. "Does he have to be around?" I don't understand why he was upset. Grayson and I are in this awkward limbo between two people expecting a baby together and two people who have feelings for each other.

"We're friends," I emphasized and knew it was a blow to his ego. "I'll ship the larger things to your house. Is that better?"

"It's a start, yes," he started and thankfully the mood in the car changed for the better. "Brush my memory one more time, baby," he opened the door for me to get out. First it was love and now it's baby. I think my heart might implode.

"Yadiel is my younger brother. Then there's Jamal who is my older brother. And Taya who is my older sister," I walked with him up the driveway and rang the doorbell. Waiting for it to be answered, I looked down as Grayson slid his hand into mine. I smiled when he kissed the back of my hand. 

"Shit man, niggas out here driving Ferraris!" Yadiel yelled as he opened the door. Grayson looked at me, trying to figure out an appropriate response. He looked like a deer in headlights. His entire body was tense like he's never heard the word nigga.

"Hi," I smiled, before hugging him. "Yadiel this is-"

"So that's your car? You just casually drive around a Ferrari as your everyday car?" He was extremely impressed that a Ferrari could be used as a car for errands. Yadiel is obsessed with everything to do with cars, which is one of the reasons why I knew they would get along. Cars are Grayson's toys. I on the other hand couldn't care less what car Grayson drives.

"Yes, that's my car," Grayson chuckled at how impressed my little brother is. They both stared at the car for what felt like ages.

"I like you already bro," Yadiel laughed, giving him a hug. Grayson isn't a hugger. But instead of being rude, embraced it with open arms.

He greeted the rest of the family who were just as happy to meet him as my brother was. He brought my mother flowers and she acted as if it was a diamond necklace. I could tell this was not the welcome that he expected. He expected stern looks and looks of disgust. But my family is everything warm and kind.

Dinner was being prepared by my sister and mother, so I figured this would be a good opportunity to show him around my childhood home. I lived here for as long as I can remember, until I moved out. When we got upstairs, everything in my bedroom looked exactly the same and I was happy to see my parents up-kept everything.

"This used to be my bedroom before I moved out," I put my hand through my hair. The nostalgia rushed through me like a wave and it fully consumed me. I felt light and like the little girl who used to live in here with no responsibility and no care in the world.

"You didn't warn me there would be so much hugging," Grayson faced me and I couldn't help but laugh. If I had warned him, he would've done a far worse job at pretending he's a hugger.

"It was for the greater good."

"I have to admit, they're not what I expected. They're...not like my family, that's for sure," he tried to choose his words wisely. "But this house feels like a home I would've loved growing up in." Hearing that warmed my heart. I loved hearing that he liked my parents.

"My parents are great people. Their parenting skills weren't ideal. But things are better now than they were when we were all kids," I elaborated. I've never gone into detail about my childhood, but I knew a deeper conversation could potentially arise in the future.

"Hopefully I'll get to know them better," he stepped closer.

Everything in my body went numb when he brought his thumb to brush against my full lips. He was examining me and at this moment my heart was lodged in my throat. His thumb ran along my jaw before his hand gripped my neck like a collar. My stomach turned upside down and between my legs was throbbing. When my eyes left his and went to his belt that was eye level, I felt my heart stop at the growing erection in his pants. He held my hand, placing it on his pants for me to feel how hard he was.

"Look what you do to me," his voice pierced right into my heart and made me want to gush all over him. There were hiccups in my breathing I couldn't seem to fix.

My hand softly rubbed his length through his clothes, listening to him clear his throat to cover his grunt. His grip on my neck tightened before he forced my head up to look at him. With half lidded eyes, he looked down at me like he would shove it in my mouth and fuck my face if we weren't in my parents' home. I almost wish we weren't.

I sighed, hearing my mother call my name. I froze when he leaned his head down to my level. "Next time you're going to fix the problem you caused." It was more like a growl containing a threat which wasn't much of a threat. If he touched me, he'd feel the wetness currently sitting between my legs.

He let his hand find a place on my waist as we walked down the stairs. My sister and mother had the same pathetic smile as before. Every time they look at Grayson all nerves and cells in their brain turn to mush.

Grayson pulled out my seat, before we sat at the table with him beside me. I grabbed a plate for Grayson, giving an explanation as to what some of the dishes were. He's not a picky eater and was interested in trying every food on the table. He was winning bonus points with my mother because she loves people who can eat.

I placed his plate in front of him then poured him some wine. My mind was in a world of its own, unfolding a napkin to place on his lap for him. I was just worried about him messing his clothes despite being a grown man.

"You're definitely ready to be a mom since you're already babying your baby daddy," Taya spoke with a grin on her face. I hid my smile, feeling embarrassed everyone noticed me helping him. But it has nothing to do with him and everything to do with the type of person I am. I like to take care of people and help whatever way I can.

Grayson smiled at me and placed a hand on my leg. His dimples. His deep, captivating dimples. I held his arm, loving the way it felt in my hand and it didn't seem to bother him.

My brothers are protective brothers. It's a harsh world out there and they've done everything possible to protect me. So I expected nothing less of them tonight. But they were far from weird. They asked questions but refrained from interrogating Grayson. At the end of the day, they all just wanted to get to know him and the man who would soon be involved in our family. He interacted perfectly with my family and he fit right in.

"Do you think you can take me for a ride?" Yadiel just had to ask. The question was going to come up sooner or later. I was grateful he waited until Grayson finished his food.

"I don't see why not," he looked at me for approval. I gave him a smile to let him know they were free to go.

"I'll come," Taya smiled standing. Yadiel quickly stopped her.

"This is awkward. It's actually a two seater...sorry," Yadiel was far from sorry and actually enjoyed that he was going to get alone time with just Grayson. A frown appeared on Taya's face when they left without her.

"I like him," Jamal and my father spoke at the same time. Hearing their approval of him made me feel happy. Although, I didn't need their approval because we're not dating.

"You should see how he looks at you. It's adorable," my mother pointed out, taking a sip of her drink. I rose an eyebrow, being confused on what she was talking about.

"Don't say stuff like that mom. I don't like him like that. I just see him as a...a brother?" The moment the words left my lips, I regretted it.

Jamal gave me a bitch face. "Yeah because you fuck and get pregnant by your brother right?"

"You know what, you need to stop. You're done."

"Do you know the sex of the baby?" My mother changed the topic. She's already planning things in her head, getting prepared for her first grandchild.

"A girl," I cheered.

We went on with our dinner and even had dessert my mother made from scratch—key lime pie. My family rarely gathers together all at once for an entire meal unless it's Sunday. It felt good to have us all under the same roof again.

When Grayson and Yadiel came back, we said our goodbyes. They were sad to see us go. More sad to see Grayson go if I'm being honest with myself. We all live in the same city so it's not like we won't be able to see each other.

"I'm meeting with your little brother next week. He said he's never been to a car show and thought it was only fair I take him," Grayson explained as we got into the car. He's spending time with my brother. That brought a smile to face. "And your sister handed me this," he showed me the paper she gave with her phone number on it. The smile on my face was quickly wiped away.

"Seriously?" Snatching the paper from him, I threw it out the window after tearing it. Taya didn't refrain from expressing how attractive she finds Grayson. But I can't believe I put it past her to make a move on the father of my child. Whether we're dating or not, it seems a little inappropriate. When I looked at him, he had the biggest grin I didn't like at all. "Don't look at me like that," I crossed my arms.

"I can look at you however way I want to look at you," he poked the bear.

I took in a heap of air when his hand went to the side my face. It bought all this warmth I didn't know I needed and I leaned into his touch without realizing it. With his eyes on my lips, he slowly leaned in. Only for me to turn my head to the side. He laughed onto my skin, placing a kiss on my jaw before letting go of me. I touched the cold spot that was now left behind.

Our car rides aren't usually awkward. But this time the silence was draining and made me itchy. Normally he would glance at me a few times when stopped at a red light or stop sign. But now his eyes remained on the road. Normally his right hand would fix itself on my thigh so I can comfortably hold onto his arm. This time both hands were on the wheel and his right hand had no intentions of coming off of it.

We arrived at my apartment complex and he pulled up to the front of the building. I waited for him to kiss my cheek and tell me to get home safe. He didn't.

"Are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong?" Grayson asked like it was odd I didn't want to kiss him earlier.

"I think it's best if we new thing at a time. Let's start off with the coparenting and go from there," I suggested and I knew he didn't want to hear it.

Jumping from being strangers to being people who share a baby and want a potential relationship is complicated. Especially because Grayson isn't looking for a relationship. He's looking for a wife which I most definitely can't be for him.

"One thing at a time. Right," he nodded like he was trying to convince himself more than anything.

"Great. Drive safe," I leaned to kiss his cheek.

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