YOUNG GODS (Anakin Skywalker)

By anakinnn_

60.8K 1.1K 262

"Do you feel like a young God? You know the two of us are just young Gods..." Arabella Starlight was taken fr... More



4.4K 84 32
By anakinnn_

*3 months later*


The sound of lightsabers clashed together echoed through the room. I pushed harder against the glowing green training lightsaber of my best friend, Anakin. We were almost finished basic training. At least that's what Obi Wan said. He left to go inform Master Windu of our progress. Anakin then told me he could beat me in a lightsaber battle so we both got a training lightsaber and now we were in this position.

"I'm stronger then you Arabella, you won't win." Anakin boasted. I only pushed harder trying to prove the smug boy wrong.

"But I'm quicker" I told him before pulling back, making him fall flat on his face. I giggled and powered down the lightsaber as he groaned.

"That's not fair!" He whined. I helped him up and he pouted.

"Maybe next time" I told him. He just glared playfully at me. The door slid open and Masters Windu, Obi Wan, Yoda, and Shaak Ti all walked in. Me and Anakin immediately got serious again.

"Hello Masters" we said in unison then bowed our heads in respect.

"Hello young ones. We have decided that is time you become padawans. Anakin, your master will be Jedi master Obi Wan. Arabella, you have Jedi master Shaak Ti. You commence training today. May the Force be with all of you." Master Windu spoke. Him and Yoda than left the room leaving me and Anakin with our masters.

"Arabella, come with me to training room A312. I would like to see what Obi Wan has taught you and find your greatest weakness and your greatest strength." Shaak Ti said smiling. I nodded nervously and glanced at Anakin who looked sad. I waved at him as I walked out the door making him smile and wave back. I was going to miss training with him.

When we got to room A312 Master Shaak Ti made me first show off how I am with the force. That was probably one of my strengths other than lightsaber skills. She was very impressed with both of those things. She made me do a whole bunch of other things and even made me meditate so I could allow her in my head.

"Your a very powerful one. Someday you will be a great Jedi knight. Your greatest strength is your physical aspects, using the force, lightsaber skills, and hand to hand combat. Your mental aspects betray you. I sense lots of fear in you. Your judgement seems very clouded. Let go of all of that. Doing so will make you even stronger and a very strong Jedi." She informed me. I nodded my head and bowed it slightly.

"Yes master" I told her.

"Good, now follow me. I will assist you in building your own light saber. You will go into the crystal room and choose the crystal that seems to be calling out to you. That is the one for you." She informed me.

She took me to a large room with many different types of metal hilts that a lightsaber could have. There was a door off to the side that had the words 'Crystal Cave' in writing. I was too busy thinking of the lightsaber color I would have to notice Anakin and Obi Wan sitting here as well.

"Arabella, you may go first. My padawan can wait." Obi Wan stated. I looked up hopefully at Shaak Ti to see her nodding at me and smiling. A large smile broke onto my face and I looked over at Anakin to see him pouting grumpily.

"I wanted to go first" he told his master.

"Anakin your biggest thing you must learn is patience. That is why Arabella gets to go first." Obi Wan informed him. He huffed and sighed crossing his arms.

"Fine" he agreed reluctantly.

"Now Arabella, you will enter the cave and use your feelings and your thoughts to guide you to the correct crystal. You will know it right away if you do it properly." Master Shaak Ti told me as she guided me towards the large cave door.

"Yes master" I said nodding my head eager to get my crystal.

"You may go" she opened the door and I rushed inside to see immense beauty. Crystals lined the walls and even some piles on the floor. They glimmered in what little light lit up the large but dark room. There were so many colors blue, white, purple, green, even red.

I closed my eyes and searched the force, looking for the crystal. My mind was too clouded with joy, I couldn't do it. I huffed and sat down cross legged. I began to meditate ad clear my head until whispers sounded in my ear.

"Red" it whispered. I froze and looked up to see a bright red crystal floating in the air. Red were for the dark side, the sith. I can't let them know my crystal is red. I panicked and grabbed the nearest crystal which happened to be a light pink. I grabbed the red crystal and shoved it in my pocket then ran out.

"What color did you get my Padawan?" Shaak Ti asked. Anakin came running over and looked at it.

"You got pink!" He yelled. "My turn!" He turned to Obi Wan who sighed and nodded.

"You may go Anakin" that was all he needed to here before rushing in. He came out minutes later looking slightly apprehensive but still excited. He carried a bright blue light crystal and held it up for everyone to see.

"Blue!" He cheered.

"Now go pick your hilt and then we will guide you in creating your light saber." Shaak Ti instructed us. I ended up choosing a simple hilt that was completely black. Anakin choose one that was very simple in silver with black detailings. Our masters instructed us where to place the crystal and how to activate it. When I turned it on for the first time a bright pink blade shot up and I stared in awe. Anakin turned his on and a bright blue blade shot up.

"You must remember, these weapons are your life. Do not loose them." Obi Wan told us looking between us. We nodded in agreement.

"We must go to the council to get our first assignments." Shaak Ti spoke to us all and we all made our way to the council chambers.

"Have they constructed their light sabers yet?" Master Aayla Secura asked.

"Yes, we are ready for our missions." Obi Wan stated.

"Good..." Yoda answered then went into thinking. "To Star System 9 Shaak Ti and Padawan Starlight will go. To Star system 3 Obi Wan and Padawan Skywalker will go."

"We're being separated?" I spoke up.

"My young padawan, you have a lot to learn. You must listen to your masters and not become attached." Amy master reminded me sharply. I blushed embarrassed and looked down.

"Yes master."

"Very good. You leave today." Master Windu informed us. Shaak Tin nodded and bowed her head pulling me along. I glanced at Anakin's sad face. I hope I will see him again.

On the way out I saw Padme looking at me sadly. "Where are you going?" She asked both me and Shaak Ti.

"We are on a mission to star system 9. Say goodbye quickly we must go." Shaak Ti spoke sternly. I gave Padme a quick hug.

"I'll miss you" I whispered.

"Don't forget me, Arabella. You were a good friend." She said back. I nodded smiling sadly then left for who knows how long.

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