Always- Severus Snape

By TildeLvberg

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A five year old mistake is about to be corrected, or at least tried to be. 16 year old Rylan found herself in... More

Hogwarts' letter
Hogsmeade and butterbeer
House sorting and friends
A gift and a proposal
Bathroom excuses
Detention and death
Compliments leads to hugs
Shadows in the dark
Second thoughts
Nightmares or wake up calls
Small talks
Late night worries
White lies?
Bribe or peace offer
New Professor
Depression and demands
Dumbledore approves
It's a date
Dinner for two
Slytherin boys
Love is scary
Next step
The truth
Andy, I'm sorry
Always part 2

Always part 1

426 12 24
By TildeLvberg

As the amount of death eaters was beginning to decrease Rylan found herself at the same spot next to Andy. She didn't dare to move the sheet that covered his face. But she couldn't bring herself to leave him. Andy was her family. Seeing him there, lying on the cold floor, hurt her like no other curse. The redheaded guy sat in the opposite side of the hall, glancing over at her occasionally only to smile sadly at her. 

Though a part of Rylan wished Snape never showed up that day when he told her about her magic, she wouldn't have traded her two years at Hogwarts for anything. Under these two years Rylan had not only gotten to know many other witches and wizards, but she got to know herself. She discovered things about herself that she had never even imagined before. She realized that the world offered so much more than what she once thought it did. 

As Rylan had gotten to know herself better she realized that she too deserved love, and that's when her feelings towards Snape grew. They say that you can't love anyone until you love yourself. And in Rylan's case that was true. Though it was Snape who made her love herself. Without knowing it, Snape made Rylan feel like she was beautiful and important. He made her understand that she meant something, that she mattered. And for that, she owned him her life. 

But as she stared down at Andy she couldn't help but to blame Snape. He let this happen, he let Andy die. Rylan tried not to blame him. She really did. She didn't want her memory of Snape to be destroyed by this, but it was near impossible. Rylan would never stop loving him, and he her, but at that moment she wasn't sure she'd be able to forgive him either. 

As silence filled the halls of Hogwarts Rylan felt her heartbeat quicken. The hushed sound of Voldemort's voice echoed in the great hall. He wanted Harry Potter. Rylan knew many would try and give him up if it meant safety for themselves but she also knew that she and many others wouldn't let that happen. Though she never got to know Harry personally she would never turn him in against his own will. She wouldn't be able to forgive herself if she did. 

Snape watched in distance how the young witch sat next to the covered body on the floor. He couldn't help but to feel disgusted with himself. He let this happen. He caused Rylan to go through this pain. Even though he had promised himself that he'd never hurt her, here they were. And he didn't know how to fix it, if it was possible. It took him all the strength he had to walk away. He couldn't watch anymore but he didn't want to leave Rylan behind. Seeing her hurting killed him. Snape could feel how he was slowly going back into the darkness he once where in. Once again he became grumpy and miserable. But if it meant Rylan was alive then so be it. He would die a thousand times and more if it meant she was alive. 

Rylan noticed a shadow in the corner of her eyes. She could have sworn it was him. Without knowing if it was all in her head, as Snape was constantly on her mind, it wouldn't be odd if she started imagine him there. After battling with herself if she should or shouldn't follow she stood up and walked out of the great hall. At that moment she didn't know why she decided to follow him. Maybe because she wanted to confront him or maybe it was because even after everything she still loved him and wanted nothing more than to be in his arms once more. 


Song: Higher love by James Vincent McMorrow

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