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↳ an IM JAEBUM fanfic. "this is... not a good idea." "you're probably right... but darling, you make it so d... More

gumi neimwe
gumi nembiri
gumi netanu
gumi neina
gumi neshanu
gumi nenhanhatu
gumi nenomwe
gumi nesere
gumi nepfumbamwe
makumi maviri/neimwe
makumi maviri nembiri
makumi maviri nenhatu
makumi maviri neina
makumi maviri nenhanhatu
makumi maviri nenomwe
makumi maviri nesere
makumi maviri nepfumbamwe
makumi matatu/neimwe
makumi matatu nembiri
makumi matatu nenhatu
makumi matatu neina
makumi matatu neshanu
makumi matatu nenhanhatu
makumi matatu nenomwe
makumi matatu nesere
makumi matatu nepfumbamwe
makumi mana
makumi mana neimwe
makumi mana nembiri
makumi mana nenhatu
makumi mana neina
makumi mana neshanu
makumi mana nenhanhatu/nenomwe
makumi mana nesere
makumi mana nepfumbamwe
makumi mashanu
makumi mashanu neimwe
makumi mashanu nembiri
makumi mashanu nenhatu
makumi mashanu neina
makumi mashanu neshanu
makumi mashanu nenhanhatu
makumi mashanu nenomwe
makumi mashanu nesere
makumi mashanu nepfumbamwe
makumi matanhatu
makumi matanhatu neimwe
makumi matanhatu nembiri
Kusvikira Taparadzaniswa Nerufu

makumi maviri neshanu

2.2K 150 31


"YOU'RE REALLY something. You know that, right?" Amina called to him as she leaned over the sink to wash her face.

"Well, I told you to swallow and keep yourself clean but you chose face so..." Jaebum shrugged, keeping an eye on her backside as she had her back to him.

She shut off the faucet and came out with a towel against her damp face.

Another thing she liked about Jaebum was that he bought the exact face products she had at home for her to use when she was there. Small things like that made her smile.

"No, not that," she rolled her eyes, clambering into bed under the stronger man's arm, playfully smacking his stomach as she buried her body into his side.

He let out a hearty chuckle that caused his bare chest to vibrate. "Then what is it, darling?"

"You're just... Odd." Amina placed the towel on the side drawer, stretching her stiff limbs. "I've not met many guys who enjoy kissing their students, you know?"

"Well, I hope you've not or else we'd have a problem," Jaebum raised the corners of his lips to release a (manly) giggle. He snaked his fingers over the hips of his student with ease and softly drew his fingers across her backside as he pulled her onto his chest. "What's got you thinking about this?"

Now it was the girl's turn to rise and drop her shoulders. "It's strange, don't you think? That if someone were to see me, in your clothes, and you, with your hands on me like this, that you'd get in so much trouble. I don't know why you like me but despite your reasoning, I don't like thinking about what could happen to you, Jae."

"Then don't think about it too much." Jaebum ducked his head down and kissed her forehead and kissed her cheeks and kissed her nose and captured her lips.

"Okay but what if—"

"Nope, no 'what if's, Amina. If you keep thinking like that it'll keep you up at night," Jaebum absentmindedly rubbed her thighs. "And I don't want the girl I love being up until dawn unless it's because of me."

"I wanted to aw but then you continued speaking," Amina rolled her eyes and Jaebum smiled. "But I love you too. Even if you're nasty a lot of the time."

"Good. Come on, let's get you dressed and I'll drop you home, okay, darling?"

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