Last To Know

By micaleasmeltzer

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He was just a boy. And I was just a girl. But if that's all there was to the story it wouldn't be very intere... More



200 13 0
By micaleasmeltzer

"Well, this is interesting," someone laughed.

I blinked my eyes open and rubbed the sleep from them. Maddox groaned, tightening his arms around me and squeezing...

"Did you just squeeze my boob?" I shrieked, sitting up.

"Sorry," he grinned, "it was a reflex."

"Uh-huh, I'm sure," I mumbled, standing up from the couch. I avoided eye contact with a smiling Ezra and brooding Mathias. My shirt had ridden up and I hastened to pull it down. I wrapped my arms around my chest, like that could protect me from the penetrating stare of Mathias. There was something about him that set me on edge. I wasn't afraid of him, but something about him told me to keep a safe distance. I wondered what could've happened in his life to make him so unhappy.

Ezra smiled at me, pushing dark colored curls from his eyes. Looking from me to Maddox he said, "Hayes wants to hang out."

"Who's Hayes?" I asked.

Maddox spoke before either of the other guys could say anything. "He's a friend." He eyed the other two, like he was daring them to dispute him.

I couldn't understand what was going on. "Oookay," I drew out the word. "I'll head home then," I mumbled, then realized I didn't have a car.

"Nonsense," Ezra grinned, glancing over at Maddox with a victorious smile, "you'll come with us."

"Come with you?" I repeated. "To do what?"

"Bowling," Matthias answered in a lazy drawl. "Fucking bowling, because there's nothing else to do in this stupid little town."

"Hey," Maddox pointed towards the door, "we currently have a ball pit in our yard. I'd say there's plenty to do."

Mathias rolled his eyes. "Whatever. I'm going to smoke." He stormed outside, pulling a pack of cigarettes from his back pocket.

"He's such a joy," Ezra deadpanned. "Sometimes I can't believe you guys are twins. Hell, if you weren't identical I wouldn't know."

Maddox chuckled. "I'm pretty sure he came out of the womb with a chimp on his shoulder."

"Chimp?" I laughed. "I'm pretty sure it's, 'chip on your shoulder.'"

"In Mathias' case it's a chimp," he chuckled, "a very large, very hairy, very smelly, chimp."

Ezra and I both laughed. I couldn't help picturing the tall, brooding, Mathias with a chimp on his shoulder. Yeah, it was a pretty funny sight.

Maddox stood up from the couch and stretched his arms above his head. "Alright, let's go, but we're taking your car. No way am I going to listen to Mathias bitch about sitting in the back of mine."

Ezra chuckled. "Mathias bitches about everything."

"It's true," he shrugged. "I'll be right back." He ran up the steps and I looked questioningly at Ezra, who simply shrugged in reply to my questioning gaze.

Maddox wasn't gone long, and when he returned he wore a black beanie. Strands of his brown hair stuck up in the front. "Alright, let's go."

We headed towards the door, with me lagging behind. I smiled at the sight of the drumsticks in Maddox's back pocket. He almost always had a pair with him—like it was an important extension of himself.

I followed the three guys into the garage and stared at the row of vehicles. Normal people didn't have this many nice cars. Their parents must have made a lot of money.

I tried not to gawk too much when Maddox held open the door to a shiny black SUV. The thing was huge—more like a tank than a vehicle.

The leather was cool against my bare legs and buttery smooth.

Maddox closed the door and jogged around to climb in on the other side. Ezra was driving, obviously, and Mathias joined him in the front.

"What kind of car is this?" I asked—once again showing my lack of knowledge when it came to cars.

"A GMC Yukon," Ezra answered, glancing at me in the rearview mirror as the garage door rolled up.

Ezra reached over and turned on the radio. The volume was blasting and he hastily turned it down to a decibel that wasn't deafening.

I didn't recognize the song, but I did recognize the name of the band flashing on the fancy touch screen display.

"Hey, this is Willow Creek," I commented. "They're from here. I've never heard any of their music before."

Maddox coughed beside me, and when I turned to look at him he was glaring at Ezra.

Mathias huffed and reached for the dial. "No one wants to listen to this garbage."

Ezra didn't reply, he was still looking at Maddox—with the car idling in the garage. I didn't understand the silent battle that seemed to be taking place between the two. I wished now I hadn't said anything.

The drive to the bowling alley was distressingly silent.

The silence made me nervous, because I felt like I'd done something wrong.

I was glad when Ezra parked the car and I could leave the tension behind—hopefully.

I walked ahead of the guys and straight into the building.

They came in and I looked over my shoulder, gaping at them. Ezra now wore a baseball cap that pushed down his curls and Mathias was wearing a beanie similar to Maddox's but his was gray. What was up with the hats?

We grabbed our shoes from the lady working at the front and Ezra pointed to one side of the alley. "Hayes is supposed to be over here."

We followed him into to the darkened room. The chairs and tables glowed purple and green so you could see where you were going and some kind of country song blared from the speakers.

A tall guy waved to us from the last alley.

"Someone remind me, why the fuck are we bowling again?" Mathias grumbled, but Hayes heard him.

"Because bowling is great and I really wanted a hotdog," Hayes smiled.

I reared my head back, taking in his monstrous height. The guy was a giant—probably six foot five. Sandy blond hair fell into his blue eyes and a light dusting of stubble dotted his jaw. He was handsome in an all-American sort of way.

"Hi," he smiled at me, and Maddox's hand fell possessively on my waist. "I'm Hayes, and you are?"

"Emma," I smiled.

"Nice to meet you, Emma." My name rolled off his tongue like it was an exotic wine. Maddox growled at my side and Hayes chuckled. "I'm not hitting on your girl, so calm down."

Maddox's hand fell away and he grumbled, "I knew that."

I didn't bother correcting Hayes on the fact that I wasn't Maddox's girl, because it kinda felt like I was.

Mathias sat at one of the chairs with his legs kicked up on the table while Ezra entered our names into the computer. "Are we going to play or have a pissing contest, boys?"

Hayes smiled, shaking his head. "Welcome to the family," he shrugged in a what-are-you-going-to-do kind of way.

It took us a few minutes to get everything set up.

The guys went first, all of them getting a strike except for Mathias who ended up getting a spare. He kept bitching about it too and I was really tempted to tell him to shut up. His negativity was giving me heartburn.

It was my turn and I was terrified that I was about to make a fool of myself in front of the four guys.

I grabbed my bowling ball—a swirly purple one that Maddox picked for me—and walked up to the lane.

I squared my shoulders and breathed out, acting like I knew what I was doing.

I swung my arm back and let the ball go...only it didn't go the way it was supposed to.

It flung off my fingers and rolled back towards the guys.

My cheeks flamed and I wanted to crawl into the nearest hole and die.

Mathias was the first to start laughing, which shocked me, but the others were quick to join in.

The other people near us started to stare, and my mortification grew.

Maddox grabbed the ball and stalked towards me. I gulped.

Something told me I was in trouble—of the sexy and dangerous kind, because Maddox knew how to play with me.

He handed me the ball.

"Like this." His voice was a gruff whisper in my ear. With a hand on my waist he positioned me, and then used the other to move my arm. I felt like a puppet on a marionettes strings, willing to let him do whatever he wanted to me.

When had I become so pathetic? It was like my backbone had snapped.

"And then," his lips brushed my cheek and I swore he had to be doing this on purpose, trying to break my resolve, "you let it go."

He'd said something before this spiel but I had missed it.

I hoped it wasn't important.

He released me and my body felt icy without his touch to warm me.

I took a deep breath, staring at the pins and trying not to think about the way his eyes felt perusing my body.

I swung my arm back and let the ball go.

It went into the gutter.

"Dammit," I cursed, pissed at myself.

Maddox chuckled. "Don't worry, I'll help you again."

I hated to inform him, but I was pretty sure it was his 'help' that messed me up this time.

We waited for the slow progression of the ball and Mathias made obnoxious snoring sounds. One of these days I was going to go off on him for his rude ways.

"How about I help this time?" I startled at the sound of the new voice and turned to find Hayes standing behind me with the ball clasped in his hands. I hadn't even realized the ball had come back.

"I was helping her," Maddox growled.

"That looked like flirting, not helping," Hayes grinned at me and not Maddox. "Why don't you let an unbiased third party help Emma out?" This time he did look at Maddox.

Maddox's eyes shifted to me and he grunted, "Okay." I guess he realized that he really had no claim to me and was being ridiculous anyway.

Hayes gave me some basic instructions and helped position me. There was nothing flirty in the way he touched me and his touch didn't set my body aflame like Maddox's had. Hayes was truly just trying to help me.

This time when I let the ball go it roared down the lane, knocking over all but two pins.

"Yes!" I screamed, jumping up and down. "I did it!" I jumped into Hayes' arms, giving him a hug. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," he chuckled warmly.

At the sound of a crash Hayes set me down and we turned to see a fallen chair and Maddox stalking off. I frowned, looking from Hayes to the other two guys. "I-I didn't mean to—"

"We know," Ezra interrupted, "Maddox is just being..."

"Possessive," Mathias supplied with a sly smile.

"I should go apologize," I mumbled.

I turned to leave but Hayes' hand wrapped around my arm, urging me to stay. I looked up into his eyes and he said, "Give him a few minutes to cool off and realize what an ass he was."

"Are you sure?" I frowned, picking at the hem of my shirt. "I feel bad."

"Positive." He nodded his head towards the table. "Sit tight for a bit."

The three guys took their turns, but when Maddox's name popped up he still hadn't returned. I felt horrible knowing that this was my fault.

Ignoring Hayes' pleas to stay I went in search of Maddox.

It didn't take me long to find him near the front entrance playing with one of those claw machines.

I stepped up behind him and the way his body stiffened told me he knew it was me.

"Maddox," I whispered hesitantly.

"What?" He grumbled, his eyes briefly connecting with the reflection of mine in the glass case.

"I'm sorry," I said. "It was just a hug. I didn't mean to make you mad."

"I know," his head lowered with shame, "and that's why I'm upset. I shouldn't be mad, but I am. You're not mine, but it feels that way, and seeing his arms around you...I didn't like it."

"I'm sorry," I said again, "I should've thought of your feelings."

"No," he shook his head, glaring at my reflection, "you shouldn't have. I was being stupid."

"Maddox," I started, at a loss for words.

He whipped around, the stuffed teddy bear he'd won falling into the chamber. "I get it, okay. You don't like me the way I like you and I need to get over it. I have to...I have to stop wanting you." He let out a weighty sigh and his eyes shifted to look at the wall.

"I do like you!" I screamed, for once not caring how much attention I attracted. His head whipped back so he could look at me. "It scares me how much I like you as way more than a friend. I don't want to have these feelings, but I do. I'm just scared." My eyes lowered to the ground, and I kicked the toe of my converse against a ripped patch in the carpeted floor. "I'm scared of what I feel for you. I only just met you," I raised my arms, meeting his eyes once more. "I'm not ready for more. Give me time."

Silence stretched between us like an endless sea and my chest heaved with each breath I took.

"I can do that," he finally said.

My breath rushed out of my lungs like the air from a deflating balloon.

He smiled slowly and I smiled in return.

"We're good?" I asked.

"Yeah," he chuckled, ducking his head in embarrassment. "Sorry for being an asshole."

"You're forgiven, but only if you get me a drink," I jested.

He laughed, reaching down to grab his prize. "I can do that, and here."

He handed me the teddy bear. It was small and wore a blue shirt with the name of the bowling alley on it. "Now every time you look at it you can think of me."

"I most definitely will," I assured him, clutching the bear to my chest. "But he needs a name."

Maddox tilted his head, looking closely at the bear. "Harold."

"Harold?" I laughed.

He shrugged. "It's a very distinguished name."

"Okay then, Harold it is," I giggled, inhaling the buttery smell of the teddy bear. I guessed the smells of the bowling alley had seeped into it.

"Shall we get some drinks and food then?" He nodded his head towards the small café.

My stomach rumbled at the mention of food.

"Yes," I agreed, following him to the line.

The line moved slowly so we waited a good ten minutes before we could place our order. Maddox ordered enough food for him and the guys and I ordered what I a Coke.

Maddox gasped. "Emma, you can't get a Coke."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I love Diet Pepsi, and Pepsi and Coke are not friends."

I raised my brows at him. "I'm getting Coke."

He mumbled something and the lady manning the register looked at us like we were crazy. She rattled off the total and he pulled his wallet out of his back pocket—the one without the drumsticks.

She swiped his credit card and handed him the slip to sign. She did all of this with a scowl on her face, like we were pesky teenagers ruining her day. We might've been teenagers, but I didn't think we were pesky. Maybe I was wrong.

After signing the slip we stood off to the side to wait for our drinks and food—which took another fifteen minutes. I was shocked the other guys hadn't come looking for us. Maybe they didn't miss us yet...or maybe they thought we were otherwise occupied.

Oh God.

Now I was going to be scared to look them in the eyes and I hadn't even done anything wrong!

Before I could really start freaking out they called our number and Maddox grabbed the two trays of food and I grabbed the one with our drinks on it. We stopped off at a condiment station, grabbing everything we'd need.

When we finally returned to the guys they'd grown tired of waiting for us and had finished the game. They were already halfway through a second one.

"Food," Hayes grinned, rubbing his flat stomach, "y'all are saviors."

"So," Ezra looked between the two of us, "all is forgiven?"

"There was nothing to forgive," Maddox shrugged, ripping open a packet of ketchup with his teeth. "I overreacted."

The other three guys exchanged looks and then their gazes rose to me. They all looked at me curiously, like I was some exotic animal.

Mathias spoke first. "I think you've bewitched my brother."

Maddox chuckled. "Maybe she has. Look at her, she's enchanting."

I shook my head, ignoring their conversation.

I grabbed a hot dog and fries. "Maddox, can you hand me my Coke?" I asked, since that tray was closer to him and too far for me too reach.

He gasped dramatically. "That's right, guys, Emma has gone to the dark side and ordered Coke."

"What is wrong with Coke?" I laughed, taking the cup when he handed it to me.

"Pepsi is so much better," he shrugged, eating a fry.

I opened a pack of ketchup and squirted it on my hotdog. "In my defense, I don't drink a lot of soda, but if I have the choice I prefer Coke. I mean, it's not that Pepsi is bad," I rambled, "it's just not my favorite."

Maddox pretended to wince. "You wound me. I thought you were the most perfect girl ever when you chose Diet Pepsi on our date, and now I feel like I've been betrayed."

I laughed, unable to hide my smile.

When I looked up Ezra was watching me closely. He hastily lowered his gaze, like he was embarrassed at getting caught.

"Was there something on my face?" I reached for a napkin.

Ezra looked up and shook his head, his black curls bouncing from beneath the baseball cap. "No..."

"Oh," I replied. "Why were you looking at me like that then?"

His smile grew shy, almost embarrassed. He looked between Maddox and me, and replied, "You make him happy."

I choked on a piece of hotdog—like full on coughing until I cried, struggling for air.

Maddox reached over, beating my back.

I finally managed to get the hotdog down and took a large sip of Coke.

"Sorry," I said breathlessly, "that caught me off guard."

Luckily, neither of the four guys said anything. Maddox's hand didn't fall from my back, though, and now he rubbed soothing circles in an effort to calm me.

We finished eating and played a new game—Hayes won.

When we left the bowling alley, Maddox and I hung back from the other guys.

"Did you have fun?" He asked me.

I nodded enthusiastically. Besides the choking fit today had been great, one of the best ever. "I did. I like your friends...and Mathias."

"Don't lie, no one likes Mathias," he chuckled, rubbing his jaw.

"Okay, so maybe I'm not his number one fan," I admitted sheepishly, "but I do like him...somewhat."

"Well, that's more than most people," he shrugged.

"The way I figure, every single person has a reason for acting a certain way."

"True," he agreed, "but Mathias and I have shared many of the same hardships and I don't act like an asshole."

I stopped walking and tilted my head to look at him. "Yes, but Mathias is also a different person from you. He would process things differently. I guess you can cope better." And then I reached up and stroked the side of his face in a gesture that was all too loving for the kind of relationship we had. "I'm sorry," I stuttered awkwardly, my hand falling, and my eyes darting to the ground, "I shouldn't have done that."

What was wrong with me?

"It's okay," he replied, his gray eyes searing me.

I nodded, reading so much in his eyes that I didn't—couldn't—want to see.

"Hurry the fuck up!" Mathias called with this hands cupped around his mouth.

Maddox gave me a small smile. "Come on, I'll have Ezra drop you off at home."

We started forward again, my arms hanging limply at my sides.

I itched to reach out and hold his hand.

What the hell had he done to me?

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