Mute {KH/FF FanFiction} (Fini...

By yunru28

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In your past home you were abused, depressed, anorexic, you self harmed... Everything was going to hell after... More

Chapter I: Hush
Chapter II: No Reply
Chapter III: Gentle
Chapter IV: Party
Chapter V: School
Chapter VI: Speak
Chapter VII: Date
Chapter VIII: Drug
Chapter IX: Recovery
Chapter X: Argument
Chapter XI: Dismissal
Chapter XII: Night
Chapter XIII: Mystery
Chapter XIV: Park
Chapter XV: Science
Chapter XVI: Movie
Chapter XVII: Story
Chapter XVIII: Idea
Chapter XIX: Invite
Chapter XXI: Kidnap
Chapter XXII: Condemn
Chapter XXIII: Snow
Chapter XXIV: Snowball
Chapter XXV: Change
Chapter XXVI: Adopted
Chapter XXVII: Decoration
Chapter XXVIII: Disconcernment
Chapter XXIX: Christmas
Chapter XXX: End

Chapter XX: Carnival

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By yunru28

By the time you had gotten back to the house, the boys were finally awake. Sora was wide awake and making himself food, but once you looked to Vanitas he was lazily laying on the couch with a pillow over his head as the tv blared loudly. When you opened the door, Vanitas tore the pillow from his head to see who had entered the house. When he noticed it was you, he instantly sat up and looked at the time.

"{Y/N} its the afternoon where the hell have you been..." Vanitas stared at you. "Dad just said you were out."

You shrugged and went to sit down in the kitchen. "I wanted to invite everyone over..."

Sora gleamed. "Ohh another party? I thought we were going to the carnival?"

You shook your head. "Everyone can't afford to go, so Zack said we could stay here and have fun."

"Fine by me." Vanitas laid back down on the couch and covered his head once again. "When is everyone stopping by? I'm not ready."

You glanced at his plaid dark green pajama pants and black t-shirt, seeing he was still in his pajamas and his hair was messy and unorganized. "Four." You told him.

"Wake me up at three."

You rolled your eyes but you couldn't help and smile as the dark haired boy was curled up on the couch snoozing away. You got up and turned off the tv as Sora was sitting down at the kitchen table with food in front of him.

"Come eat {Y/N}." Sora said sternly.

You shook your head. "Kairi already fed me it's okay."

Sora gave you a look of disbelief. "So if I called her right now, she'd agree?" When you nodded, he stared at you for a bit longer. "If you say so. I'm asking her when she comes over!"

You shrugged and turned away from him. "I'll be in my room."

"Oh dad said there was something he left for you in there." Sora called out as you were making your way up the stairs. You didn't stop or show signs that you acknowledged him, but you did hear him as you entered your room to see an envelope and a note laying on your desk.

You read what the note said first before opening up the envelope.

There's money in the envelope for you and your friends to go to the carnival. I'm sorry Aerith and I had to go into work all the sudden and we can't be there to surprise your friends with you, but I'm sure you can manage. You're a very sweet girl wanting to do this for your friends. Have a good time sweetheart! Love you!

You couldn't help but smile to yourself as you put the note down and looked into the envelope. Zack was so kind to you and it made you ecstatic that he was going out of his way to make you happy. He was such a good father and a good foster to you, you appreciated him and Aerith a lot. It made you a little jealous that Vanitas and Sora got to grow up with such amazing parents and you were stuck with the psychopaths.

As you put the money and letter down you heard someone coming up the stairs. You quickly shoved everything in a drawer and slammed it shut as Vanitas poked his head in your room, his hair all over the place and also in his face. He looked either extremely tired or high.

"Whatcha doing?" He asked.

"Thought you were sleeping." You said as you stared at him.

Vanitas narrowed his eyes and entered your room. He placed his hand over his mouth and yawned. "I heard you slam something shut. What are you hiding?"

You shook your head. "Nothing!" You exclaimed, crossing your arms and turning away.

Vanitas gave you a disapproving look before he walked over to your desk. You bit your bottom lip nervously, you really wanted the carnival to be a surprise. To your surprise he grabbed your arms and rolled your sleeves up, staring intensely at your arms. You got hot with embarrassment as he let out a thoughtful hum.

"Not recent but I don't trust you." He muttered, releasing your arms and throwing open the drawer.

"No don't!" You reached out to stop him, but Vanitas shoved you to your bed so you couldn't stop him. You panted heavily and with shaky hands you reached out for him again as he lifted the money from the drawer.

"Why the hell do you have so much money...?" He asked, holding it up for you to see.

"I..." You trailed off, letting out a sigh as you tried to calm down your pounding heart. "It was suppose to be a surprise..."

Vanitas saw the letter and began to read it. That's when he frowned and slowly placed it back inside the drawer and closed it. "I'm sorry I was just..." He didn't look at you as he turned his back in your direction. "I'll act like I didn't see that."

Without another word he left your room. You heard him slam his own door shut and you looked down at the floor. You felt bad because it seemed that you made him upset. He scared you when he shoved you because of course it reminded you of awful things, but he was just concerned and he just wanted to help. You decided not to bother him, and you waited for everyone to show up.

When 3:30 rolled around, you and Sora were sitting on the couch and he was trying to tickle you and make you laugh. The two of you were waiting for everyone to show up... and also waited for Vanitas to come out of his room. By 3:40 he was coming down the stairs, dressed with black pants and a white t shirt with a black jacket overtop. His hair was finally in order and he seemed a little bit happier, but when you and him made eye contact, he gave you an apologetic stare before walking into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

Time passed quickly and everyone started showing up a few minutes early. Before long everyone was there, chattering away.

"So what are we doing?" Roxas asked.

You didn't want to yell to get everyone's attention, but you waved your arms frantically and your friends noticed and became quiet. You were kind of nervous by all the attention, but you sucked it up and looked at them.

"This was a surprise for you guys..." You began. "Ever since I've come here, all of you have been so nice and kind to me. So I wanted to pay you all back. Zack was kind enough to pay for everyone, but we're gonna go to the carnival!"

Kairi and Namine squealed with delight and held each other's hand. "Oh my god really?!" Kairi exclaimed. "That's so awesome of Zack wow!"

"This was your idea, {Y/N}?" Ventus asked you. You nodded your head.

You pulled the money from your pocket. "Um... I don't know how much it is per person but Zack gave me this."

Riku took the money from your hand and pulled out eight dollars. "It's 8 per person." He informed you as he began to hand the money out.

"Let's go let's go!" Sora dashed for the door and left everyone else to catch up.


The carnival was set up just outside of town, so it wouldn't be in the way of anything or anyone's business. It took a good amount of time to walk there since you lived more in the middle of town and towards the opposite of where the carnival was. However you didn't mind much because the walk was nice, for all of your friends were so excited and were chattering away, planning on what they were going to do.

"We're going on the ferriswheel at night." Kairi stated. "That's when all the lights are on and it's so pretty!"

"So romantic!" Axel cooed at his sister as he placed his arm over her shoulders and began to ruffle her hair. "Who's gonna be with you?"

"Ew not you!" Kairi shoved her older brother away from her and he ended up staggering back and running into you.

He apologized and grabbed your hand. "Then {Y/N} and I can get on together."

Vanitas slapped Axel's hand away from yours. "She can ride with whoever the fuck she wants." He growls.

"No drama guys come on." Ventus showed up next to you, giving both Vanitas and Axel a look. "Don't pressure {Y/N} into anything."

"That's what I just said!" Vanitas stared at him in disbelief.

"OKAY we're here!" Riku shouted at everyone to prevent a fight from occurring. "Get your money ready."

Everyone bought their ticket (which was a paper wristband that you showed to prove you paid) and entered. You were taken back by the loud music and the screaming kids who were on the more advance rides. It was a little too loud for your taste, but for your friends sake you decided to put up with it. They all seemed so happy and excited and it made you feel better.

As you were walking with the group you were suddenly approached by your friend Hope who was in your cooking class. He was with a girl with orange hair and she seemed about Hope's age.

"Hi {Y/N}! I didn't expect you to be at a place like this." Hope said.

"Hey Hope!" Axel exclaimed. The two high-fived as the rest of the group stopped and waited.

"This is my friend, Vanille. She's homeschooled so I'm sure you haven't met her." Hope pointed to the girl she was with.

"It's nice to meet you!" Vanille held out her hand for you to shake. You were intrigued by the accent in her voice and shook her hand while staring at her.

"Vanille let's get on something else." Hope urged as he grabbed her hand.

"It was nice to meet you {Y/N}!" Vanille giggled as she skipped off with Hope. You stared after them for a bit until Sora called out your name and got your attention. You followed your friends once again.

The whole carnival was a whole new experience to you. You had been to one before in the past, but that was years ago and you barely remembered anything you did. As you followed your friends and each of you got on different rides, you were having a wonderful time. You were laughing away and not giving a care about the world or anything around you. This event had distracted you and made you so joyful. It was the first time you had funnel cake, and everyone was giving you shit for never having the tasty treat before. It was the first time you've done a lot of things, but this moment was one of the best moments you've ever had. Was this what it was like to be a normal kid? Was this what it was like to be completely happy without something triggering you for once?

By the time you had gotten on most of the rides and played some games, the sun was setting and the lights of the carnival were turning on. The place was luminous as the lights changed colors and flashed before your eyes. You had to stop and stare in awe for a while. You could feel everyone looking at you and giggling with amusement at your reaction, but you didn't quite care. The sight was beautiful.

"Let's wait in line for the Ferris wheel." Kairi suggested with a smile."{Y/N} should see the lights from up high."

"The seats are only for two people..." Namine crossed her arms. "So {Y/N}, who do you want to sit with?"


You scanned your group of friends and your eyes laid upon Roxas. He was the one who first admitted to you that he liked you, and took you on a date. You shot him a smile and nodded in his direction.

"I wanna sit with Roxas."

Roxas grinned and approached you, taking your hand in his and patting the top of your head. "Cool. Let's go."

As the two of you waited in line, Roxas kept a hold of your hand and he refused to let go. You were getting hot from embarrassment and nervously looking down at the ground. You had nothing against Roxas, but you did like him a lot. You weren't sure what to do with your fingers intertwined and locked together as you just stood there waiting for your turn. Despite how anxious you were, you did enjoy the feeling of someone holding your hand and having their thumb glide across your fingers in a comforting way.

Eventually it was your turn to get into a seat. The man operating the Ferris wheel smiled and tipped his hat as you stepped on.

"You're a very beautiful young lady." He said as Roxas sat beside you. "He's a very lucky guy."

With that said he winked and locked you in before pulling a lever and letting you two go upwards into the air. You gripped the bar in front of you tightly as you began to go backwards. You weren't scared of any roller coasters or rides, but you also didn't have time to look at the ground on certain rides either.

The wheel stopped not quite at the top, but you were close. You heard Kairi and Sora chattering as they were getting on just a few seats below you. Roxas tapped your shoulder and got your attention as he pointed in front of him.

"Take a look at the carnival." He said. "You're interested in the lights, yeah? You can see all of them from here."

Your eyes widened with excitement when you finally took the time to observe your surroundings. It was so much prettier to see the lights at once rather than one section at a time. The lights just lit up the whole carnival and it was as if night hadn't even appeared. You learned forward a bit, letting your enthusiasm overwhelm you.

You couldn't help but continue to lean forward, which causes Roxas to panic and grabbed onto your shoulders and drag you back.

"Be careful!" He warned with a worried expression. "You almost fell off..."

You frowned. "It's pretty." You said as you stared back at the lights, but this time you kept your back against the seat.

Roxas grabbed onto your hand and squeezed it tightly. "You're really cute when you're excited. I don't think I've seen you so interested in something."

Your face grew hot again as you turned away. "It's pretty..." You repeated.

Roxas used his hand to rest against your cheek and turned your head to face him. That's when he leaned forward and gently kissed your soft lips, his other arm reaching around your waist to pull you closer. You grew even more hot now, worried that the others were watching. However, the moment you two were having was nice. It was such a great feeling and you felt butterflies fill your stomach when he broke away and warmly smiled at you.

"I-I know the other guys like you too but... I wanted to let you know before anyone else did." You saw his face turn red as he released your and turned away.

You softly kissed his cheek and he stared at you in shock. "It's okay." You assured him.

"I've grown to love you, {Y/N}. I know you've been through a lot but please... Don't hurt yourself anymore. I don't want to lose you too..."

You could see the tears filling up in his eyes. You frowned and grabbed onto his hand, using your other to rest on his cheek like he did to you. "I won't. I promise."

He chuckled and wiped his eyes. "Thank you. I love you."



Right in the middle of your crowd of friends, you could see Sora nodding his head and staring at you, obviously trying to get your attention. He seemed more chipper than usual with his hands behind his back and him bouncing on the heels of his feet. He didn't turn away and you couldn't help but smile at how cute he looked as he continued to make plenty of movement to let you know he existed.

"I wanna ride with Sora."

Sora laughed and ran to your side, grabbing onto your hand and tugging on it. "Awesome! Come on hurry!"

You giggled to yourself as he dragged you to the Ferris wheel, being the first of your friends to get in line. By the time the others caught up, there was a seat already waiting for you and Sora and you climbed inside and the man operating the wheel locked you in.

"Protect the young miss." The man said with a wink. "Don't let her get scared."

In response, Sora rested his arm over your shoulders and gave the man a thumbs up. He laughed and pulled a lever which made the two of you ascend upwards into the air. The wheel stopped only one cart away from the top to let other people on and Sora stroked your shoulder with his hand.

"{Y/N} can I tell you something?" When you nodded, Sora's face seemed a little red as he coughed nervously. "I know I went with Kairi on that double date, and yeah I like her and all but... There's just something about you, you know? You're special and like..."

You were staring at the lights, but his speech got your attention and you turned your head to him, slightly tilting it to the side with curiosity. "Hm?"

"I'm never usually a serious person because when things go wrong I cheer everyone up. But I want you to know that I do like you. I love you even. We're almost complete opposites but seeing you recover and watching you grow is attractive and I just..." He shook his head, moving his arm off your shoulder. "Dammit Sora just do it!"

You were taken back when he suddenly smashed his lips against yours. You could tell he was nervous for he seemed hesitant to even placed a hand on your shoulder you felt yourself blush, but you accepted his kiss and closed your eyes and let Sora pull you a little closer to him.

The kiss only lasted a few seconds for Sora pulled away, extra embarrassed. He kept opening his mouth to say something, but he seemed lost for words as he closed his mouth right away and stared at the lights.

"It's okay, Sora." You assured him as you grabbed his hand. "Don't be embarrassed."

Sora looked down just as the wheel began to move once again. "The lights are amazing... Right? They're beautiful just like you. I hope you enjoy them."

You smiled a bit and nodded your head, settling into your chair and looking out at the lights as the ride turned and turned. "They're intriguing."

"Oh and... Thank you for planning this. This was a great idea and I really appreciate it." He kissed your cheek quickly before intertwining his hand with yours, letting it rest on his lap.

"Thank you for a good day, {Y/N}. I love you."



Your eyes instantly shot in Ventus' direction. You liked him a lot and you and him didn't interact too much, so you decided spending time with him for a little while would be a good idea. After all, he was staring at you with a pleading look in his eyes as if he was hoping you'd pick him. When you two made eye contact and you slightly nodded, you saw the grin appear on his face as he started to get excited.

"I wanna ride with Ven."

Ventus ran up to you and draped his arm over your shoulders. "Then let's head to the Ferris wheel." He frowned all the sudden, staring at something before leading you away from your group of friends. As you were walking away with him, you turned your head to see what made him upset all the sudden.

As your friends were following your example, Vanitas was the only one of the group who didn't move. He had his arms crossed and was staring at both you and Ven with a sad expression. You wanted to stare at him for longer, but Sora's cries of excitement and the sound of him and Kairi running towards the ride distracted you. So instead, you watched Sora drag Kairi by her hand so they would be the first in line as they chattered with excitement.

You and Ventus were just behind the loud pair, and a Kairi turned towards you with a smile. "Oh {Y/N} you'll love it! It's beautiful! The lights look so cool from up high so keep an eye out and hope you get stuck up top!"

You listened to her advice when it was your turn to hop into a seat. As the man operating the ride locked you and Ventus inside, he chuckled to himself.

"She's a pretty young lady." He said with a nod of his head. "Keep her safe."

Ventus laughed and took your hand before he kissed the back of it, winking at the man. "Oh she's in good hands trust me."

The man laughed as well and pulled a lever which commanded the ride to start moving. However he needed to load up the others and the wheel stopped just past the top. The wheel shook a little bit as other people hopped on, and you grabbed onto the bars with fear of falling right through. Ventus gently placed his hand on top of yours and used his other hand to point out what was happening in front of you.

"Don't be scared. Look at the lights. Don't they look cool?"

You followed his finger to take a good look at all the lights blinking in front of you. So many colors were flashing before your very eyes, and you stared in awe at how pretty it was. You could hear Ven let out an amused chuckle as your eyes lit up and your smile grew bigger. They were so pretty you completely forgot about the shakiness of the wheel.

You heard Ventus cough which got your attention and made you turn to look at him. When he saw you staring, he coughed again and crossed his arms.

"Oh uh... I gotta tell you something." When you nodded and settled in your seat, he continued. "I know my brother likes you and all, and I applaud him for being the first to open up about it. But I kinda like you, {Y/N}. I know Vanitas and I fight a lot and I know we made you mad the one day and..." He kept going on and on about how bad of a person he thought he was and why he never told you sooner. You quickly grabbed his hand on assurance and smiled softly.

"Hey... It's okay please calm down." You told him.

Ventus let out a deep breath. "Yeah you're right I'm sorry." He sat up straight and used his other hand to rest on top of yours. "But I do like you. Okay? I'm glad you wanted to sit with me on this ride."

That's when he slowly leaned forward and closed his eyes. You knew what was coming, but you didn't back away or stop him as his lips gently pressed against yours. You felt the warmth of his hand leave yours as it wrapped around your waist and pull you a little closer to him. You were embarrassed but at the same time, it made you feel a little happy inside. The kiss was wonderful and you were a little disappointed when Ven had pulled away. However his arm was still holding you close to him.

"That was... Wow." Ventus seemed happy as he stared into your eyes. He stroked your cheek gently and smiled warmly. "I hope I didn't like... Make you remember something."

You shook your head. "I liked it. It was... Nice."

You jumped with surprise as the wheel started again and the two of you were spinning in circles. Ventus chuckled and let you rest your head on his shoulder.

"Don't worry you're okay. I love you and I'm here if you ever need me."



The person you had in mind was in the back of the group, casually standing there with his hands in his pockets. When the two of you made eye contact, he sheepishly smiled and quickly turned away. He was obviously embarrassed and nervous, which made you want to choose him even more.

"Riku." You said, getting his attention. He lifted his head in surprise and stared at you with wide eyes when you said his name.

"M-me?" He asked, pointing to himself.

"I've never seen Riku so nervous." Sora teased his friend as he poked at his side. "That's cute."

"Shut up Sora!" Riku snapped, pushing him away before making his approach towards you.

You held your hand over your mouth and giggled with amusement. "Come on." You urged him as you were the one to grab his hand and lead him towards the Ferris wheel.

You heard laughter from behind you as Axel was carrying Roxas in his arms and running by you. "We're gonna be first!"

"Don't use my shortness against me! Put me down!" Roxas cried out even though he was still smiling.

You and Riku laughed and slipped into line behind them. Axel had put his friend down and received a punch in the shoulder afterwards. Roxas stuck out his tongue and tried to avoid the tickles Axel was giving him while they waited for their turn.

You were watching with delight as Riku had slipped his arm around your waist and casually pulled you close to him. "You like the lights... Right? The Ferris wheel is glowing and changing colors if you wanna see."

You gleamed as you clapped your hands together to see the bright bulbs on the ride, which were rapidly changing color. From red, to blue, to green, to purple... It made you smile and happy and before you knew it, it was your turn to experience this magnificent ride.

The man operating the ride nodded his head. "She seems very happy. Keep it that way son."

Riku nodded back. "Of course."

He strapped you two in and pulled the lever which activated it, and you laughed some more as you ascended upwards. Riku's hand was still around your waist and you leaned forward so you didn't crush it. Besides, you had more lights to see. You could see out of the corner of your eye that Riku was watching you have fun, so you turned to him and shook his shoulder to get his attention (even though you already had it).

"Look!" You exclaimed, pointing out to all the lights that had filled the carnival. Certain sections had changed colors and it made you even more excited. While you were looking down, you and Riku had stopped at the top as the man was loading up some more people.

"Hey, {Y/N}." Riku said as he cautiously scooted towards you so he was closer. "You're beautiful when you're excited like this, you know that? I don't think I've ever seen you with so much emotion."

You blushed and looked down. "I'm getting better."

"Oh trust me, I see your progress. It's wonderful to see you like this." He placed a finger under your chin and made you turn your head so you were looking at him. He smirked and used that same hand to brush some hair from your face.

That's when it happened. With his arm that was around your waist pulling you closer to him, he leaned forward and gently pressed his lips against yours, passionately kissing you. You could feel your body growing warm and you could also feel the butterflies in your stomach as he stroked your cheek with his hand.

The ride suddenly started moving again and you jumped with surprise which ended the kiss. You fell forward and landed into his arms since you weren't expecting the wheel to move so suddenly. Luckily Riku caught you and your head rested on his chest. You heard him chuckle as he wrapped his arms around you and rested his head on top of your own, stroking the back of your head with his hand.

"Comfy?" You nodded and he laughed again. "I didn't expect the wheel to move so suddenly. Are you okay?"

"Yes." You said, closing your eyes and letting his warmth surround you.

He kissed the top of your head. "I love you, {Y/N}. I can't wait to watch you recover more and more each day. And if that asshole comes back, I'll do my best to protect you."

"Thank you, Riku."



Out of everyone there, you couldn't help but notice the tallest of the group. He was in the back of course since if he wasn't he would simply block everyone's view. You didn't even have to point at him, for as soon as you made eye contact with him Axel was already grinning and had his hands placed on his hips triumphantly as if he won an award.

"Axel I-"

"Awesomeeee!" Axel cut you off and pushed the twins out of the way (since they were standing in front of him) and made his way towards you. He stood beside you and patted the top of your head. "Shall we angel?"

"You're such a flirt." Kairi rolled her eyes.

Axel snickered and suddenly scooped you up into his arms. You gasped with surprise but started laughing as he swept you away from everyone and was running to the large Ferris wheel. Axel managed to get there before anyone else, so you two were the first to be let on.

The man operating the wheel laughed as Axel sat you down in a seat. "You two are cute together. One tall guy and a short girl? Adorable!"

Axel hopped into the seat beside you and draped his arm over your shoulders. "Exactly why we should date. Right {Y/N}?"

You laughed but didn't say anything as the man locked you inside the seat. He waved and pulled a lever which commanded the Ferris wheel to start moving. Even though you were a skittish person, being with Axel's outgoing personality and excitableness distracted you from everything. The lights made you happy, and each time the lights changed somewhere in the carnival he pointed it out so you could watch. You went around once and ended up stopping one cart away from the top.

"Oh perfect!" Axel exclaimed. "Now we can take time to see everything."

You assumed he meant the lights, but he didn't. He used a hand to turn your face over so you were looking at him. He had this look in his eyes and it made you a little nervous. It wasn't a bad nervous, but you could assume what he was planning.

"The lights are beautiful, the stars are beautiful... But none of that can turn me away from your beauty."

"You're corny." You laughed as he started leaning forward. "And you already kissed me!"

Axel smirked. "So?"

The arm that was on your shoulders instantly slipped down around your waist. Without any more hesitation he pulled you close to him and your lips locked together. You accepted his embrace and let both arms wrap around your small body. You felt happy, but you were still embarrassed. Even so it was such a nice feeling, being kissed by someone you liked.

He let the kiss last only a few seconds and he pulled away, but his arms stayed where they were.

"See you like it." Axel pointed out. "Look at that cute little smile. It looks good on you, please keep it."

He kissed you again, but only for a second. After that he released you and leaned back in the chair with his arm resting on the back of the seat. With desperation for his warmth, you leaned your head on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around your waist again to bring you closer.

"I knew you liked me."

You scoffed and shook your head. "Of course I do. I just don't know how to show my feelings."

"Oh babe stick with me and I'll show you a whole new world." You gave him a look and he shrugged. "At your own pace of course."

You snuggled up to him and closed your eyes. "I need time."

"Of course. I love you, okay? I'll give you all the time you need."



Your thoughts led you instantly to the one who, despite being the grumpiest out of the whole group, he was also one of the most caring. Since he lived with you he knew a little more than others, and he pushed aside his crankiness to take care of you. He was standing off to the side with his arms crossed, refusing to look at you. It was as if he assumed you wouldn't pick him, but when you called out his name he seemed shocked.


Everyone else seemed shocked too when they all stared at him. Vanitas scoffed and walked over to you, placing his arm over your shoulders and leading you away from everyone without a word. Once you were a good distance away, Vanitas stopped a few feet from your destination and watched as the others got on.

"Those were some of the coldest stares..." He grumbled. "Maybe you should get on with someone else I'm sorry. I don't want to ruin this for you."

You shook your head and took his hand into your own, slightly tugging. "Come on. Please?"

He sighed but let you drag him to the back of the line. You kept a tight hold of his hand in case he tried escaping, but he stayed put the whole time you two were standing and waiting. It didn't take too long for it to be your turn and to be carefully sitting in the seat connecting to the Ferris wheel.

The man running the ride chuckled as Vanitas nonchalantly placed his arm over your shoulders and pulled you close to him.

"The tough guy huh? Hey he must be super protective." The man joked as he strapped the two of you in. "Take care of her lad."

He pulled the lever which operated the ride and you ascended upwards. Your eyes instantly fell upon the lights glowing before you. This was the main reason you wanted to get on the Ferris wheel; so you could see these beautiful lights. You were so fascinated by the different colors that you didn't notice Vanitas moving a little closer to you. By the time you finally realized, he was already right beside you and attempting to look at your face.

"You're so happy..." Vanitas chuckled and scratched the back of his head. "I'm glad to see you this way. You were a pain in the ass when you first came by you know."

The Ferris wheel stopped at the top as the man operating it was letting other people on. You looked at Vanitas for a moment, then grew hot with embarrassment and turned away to look down below.

"I know. I'm sorry."

Vanitas placed his hand on your cheek and forced your head to turn towards him. "Don't be sorry it wasn't your fault. I understand okay?"

He closed his eyes and leaned forward, his lips pressing against yours. He made sure to use the arm that was around your shoulders slip down to your waist so he could pull you closer. This was the boy who was always bitter, always angry, and here he was sweetly kissing you with no signs of aggression. You were content and kissed him back, satisfied with how the kiss felt.

When he backed away he coughed nervously and turned to look at the lights. "{Y/N}, just know that I'm here for you. I want you to be happy. I love seeing you so happy like you were looking at these lights..."

You smiled. "You gave me a home and showed me what friendship is. Of course I'm happy."

He smiled as well, leaning in again and kissing your cheek. "I love you. I want to make you happy and I want to see you recover. If you ever need me, I'm here."

"Thank you."

The wheel began to move once again. The breeze hit your face and Vanitas brushed your hair away before pointing out in front of you to get your attention.

"The lights look cooler as we're moving. Look!"

You knew he was trying to change the subject, but you played along and looked to where he was pointing. You eventually rested your head on his shoulder and as the big wheel moved round and round, you grew more and more happy being with Vanitas and in his arms.

"I love you, {Y/N}."


This is one of the longest chapters I've ever done and I am so sorry it took so long! I'm too lazy to proof read so if anyone sees a mistake please let me know so I can fix it! With thanksgiving and school and work and everything going on I wrote when I had free time. So thank you all for your patience and I hope you enjoy!


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