Glowing Eyes (Antisepticeye X...

By StarryEyedFan

201K 5.7K 2.8K

You. A normal person fed up with your douche of a step-dad. Him. A demon from inside a famous Youtubers mind... More

Chapter 1-Static
Chapter 2-Kidnapped
Chapter 3-What a jerk!
Chapter 4-Mario Kart
Chapter 5-Nightmares are shit
Chapter 6-Panic attacks are also shit
Chapter 7-Surprises
Chapter 8-Rainy Days
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11-Party Time
Chapter 13-Hangovers
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 **
Chapter 34.5
Chapter 35
Interlude, kind of?
Chapter 36
Update to ch.34
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Dark's Phone
Lost and Found
Author's note
Old draft that I still love
New book time!
Sequel time!!!

Chapter 12-Party Time 2.0

5.2K 149 77
By StarryEyedFan

Continued from the previous chapter. Enjoy!

The kitchen area was huge. A large table sat in the middle surrounded by a sea of mismatched chairs. There seemed to be several different fridges and at least four microwaves, lined up neatly along the counters. People were milling around, some alone some in large groups. There sure were a lot of people there. A large assortment of drinks sat on the table. There was everything from whisky to caprisuns. Thankfully, Anti decided to get something a bit tamer, a normal beer. He handed you the small plastic red cup, the kind that you thought were only used in those american movies. Anti grinned at you, his eyes sparkling with excitement.
"So, how do ya like it so far? Everyone's nice, just like I told ya." You had to agree with him there. Everyone you had talked to was nice and a lot of people had waved at you just on your way to the kitchen. Things were going well.
"Yeah, I'm actually having a lot of-" "Oh my, Anti is that you!?" You were cut off by a voice yelling from behind. A mop of pink hair came into your line of sight, walking past you and englufing Anti in a bear hug. Whoever the person was picked him up and spun him around in a circle. Once they had separated, after a series of complicated looking handshakes, the pink guy noticed you. What surprised you wasn't his ridiculous outfit, a yellow shirt with suspenders and a pink tie, but his pink handlebar mustache. It was perfectly curled and seemed like it had been groomed to perfection.
"Oh I am so sorry deary, I didn't mean to interrupt anything! The name's Warfstache. Wilford Warfstache. Maybe you've heard of me?" He flapped his hands around as he talked, his pink hair bouncing too. It was actually quite amusing. Of course you'd heard of him, this was the one, the only Wilford Warfstache! You just didn't expect him to be this...short? He stood at your height, which was a good few inches shorter than Anti and yet he was still able to pick Anti up. You thought that he must be pretty strong.
"Uh, yeah actually! It's very nice to meet you, I'm (Y/N)." You politely held out your hand for a handshake but Wilford took it gently and pressed a kiss to your knuckles. You were slightly taken aback until you remembered his character. He was a gentleman, so you guessed that this fit with his character pretty well. He grinned up at you cheekily.
"I didn't know that you'd found yourself someone so enthralling Anti. Really, why didn't you introduce us earlier?" Wilford straightened back up, still grinning. Anti was trying to sputter out an answer but he had a strange look on his face. It wasn't something that you'd seen before and you couldn't quite place what that expression was. Finally, he managed to say a coherant sentence.
"Actually Wilford, they're just a friend."
"Oh, so they're single, hmm?" You could practically hear the purr in Wilfords voice. His eyes roved over you, making you blush. Anti had that weird look back on his face and he was practically fuming when he grabbed the collar of Wilfords shirt.
"Please excuse us a second (Y/N). We'll be back shortly." Anti began dragging Wilford away. Still true to his character, Wilford blew you a kiss and winked at you before he was dragged out of sight.

[Anti's POV]

He was mad. Wilford knew that you were his prisoner, yet he still had the audacity to flirt with you!? Once they were both around the corner, Anti turned on Wilford.
"The hell do ya think ya doing! They are mine and you know that!" Wilford simply grinned at him.
"Come on now chum, it's all in good fun. I'm not actually interested, even if they are that good looking. I know not to mess with what is yours, I just treat everyone this way." Wilford shrugged. It may not have been a formal apology but Anti was willing to accept it for now.
"Alright but make anymore moves on them and I will punch you. Got that?" Anti growled. Wilford, deciding to see how far he could push things, said-"Awww, is someone jealous?" Anti growled and pushed him roughly against the wall.
"I am not jealous of you, little man. Understand." Even this didn't rattle Wilford, he was still his usual self.
"Of course old chum. I know this. Now can we please not leave them waiting and get back? Someone else may have taken a fancy to them~" Anti's eyes widened as he realised that Wilford was right. Even though everyone here would be able to tell that you were marked by him, that wouldn't stop some of them. Quickly, he let Wilford go and rushed back into the kitchen.

[Your POV]

"I wonder what's up with Anti tonight? He doesn't seem like himself.." You pondered. Maybe he was just feeling a little jumpy because this was the first time you were meeting his friends? That was probably what was wrong with him...right?
"Hey there cutie, what's a catch like you doing in a dump like this?" You jumped, startled back into reality by the, somewhat familier, voice. You realised that a rather tall man had come to stand in front of you. You had to crane your neck slightly to look at his face. Two red horns poked out from his long, curly hair and you were pretty sure he was wearing eyeliner, not that you were judging him for it. He smiled down at you.
"What's wrong, cat got your tongue?" He laughed at his own joke.
"Uh...hi?" You took a step back so you didn't start getting a neck ache from looking up at such a steep angle.
"Hi right back atcha! I'm Demon!Danny but, you can call me Dan." You realised at that moment why he looked so familier. It was Danny Sexbang....or one of his alter egos to be precise.
"Soo, I haven't seen you around before? You an alter too?" He gazed down at you curiously and the look in his eyes made you shiver.
"Uh, no actually, I'm here with Anti but he went to chat with Wilford..." You looked anywhere but at Dan. He took a step forward and you inched back slightly. Your chest was starting to feel tight and your heart was beating louder than the music. You were so sure that Dan could hear it, with the way he was looking at you.
"Well, it's seems like Anti isn't going to be back any time soon. Care to join me on the dancefloor?" Oh god, he voice dropped several octaves and he was still moving toward you. Panicking even more now, you stood frozen. Dan placed his hands on your shoulders and smiled lazily down at you.
"C'mon, it'll be fun. I don't bite. That's something I save for, like, after the fifth date." He was trying to be funny. Ok, that calmed you down slightly, maybe he wasn't just trying to get in your pants, maybe he did just want to dance with you. You looked around him, desperately looking for Anti.
"I-I'm sorry but I-I really s-should wait for Anti. I-I don't want to a-abandon him, y'know." You shrugged off his hands and looked at him apologetically. Dan seemed to hesitate for a second before moving away.
"Ok, your loss cutie. But if you change your mind, just call." And with that, he walked away, his hips swinging in time to the music. You placed a hand against the wall to brace yourself, waiting for your breathing to even back out. A hand suddenly appeared on your shoulder, causing you to yelp.
"Woah, hey! It's only me. You ok?" Anti looked at you with concern clearly written on his face. You simply waved him off.
"Y-yeah, you just s-startled me, that's all." He narrowed his eyes at you but decided to drop it.
"Where's Wilford then?" Anti averted his eyes, guilt washing over him.
"He had to go talk to Dark about something. Hey, wanna go dance? I mean, this is a party right?" He grabbed your hand firmly and dragged you to the main room. In there, the music seemed ten times louder. It reverberated in the room, pounding through your ears. The feeling of it thumped in your chest. You could feel the floor shake with how loud it was. And you loved it.

Hey! How are you guys liking the story so far? I hope it's good!

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