One Direction Adopted Me, The...

By HatefulLove1

128K 3.2K 689

Bethany had a terrible life. She was orphaned at 9 years old and raped and beaten a lot since then. She is a... More

I'm Sorry
Of course not, Liam.
Shopping fires and meeting Ed
Dirty jokes
Arguements Friends and Dance
It Can't Be.... Can It?
I Missed You
My not-so-little secret
We should have seen
Truth... Or Dare?
Black Tie Event
An innocent shopping trip. who would've thought
Concerts and Boyfriends
Bucket List
Party Time
This Is The End


20K 228 68
By HatefulLove1

"Bethany! Wake up! We have vistitors!" my social worker yelled. Vistors, that means people looking for kids to adopt. Yay. I was first adopted when i was nine just two mounths after I came here for the first time. Turns out they were abusive asses. I was abused and raped once a week for six mounths. But i was still young. I thourght different people would be better. I dont know why my parents did it my first adoptive family did it. Why I thiurght people were different i dont know. I was adopted again a mounth after. They were the same. They beat me more though. This would happen every time i was adopted, roughly twice a year for five years. Those of you who can do maths and are paying attention will know that I'm 14 now.

I got out of bed still half asleep. Meaning i fell out of bed and nearly fell asleep on the floor. I could hear squeals from downstairs. I re-wraped my douvet around my superman onsie and walked- well tripped- down the stairs. I went into the dinning room and some people laughed at my appearance. This was a normal thing i would come downstairs like this every day but today was even wrose it was 8 fucking thirty in the morning on a Saturday! I sat down at the table and fell asleep on it. Wow i must look hung over.

I woke up with Marley my soical worker staring at me. I smiled- well more like grimaced- at her and went back upstaires.
I went into my room and got changed into a batman top, black ripped skinny jeans and a black hoodie, before moving onto my makeup. I put my eyeliner on thick as always with my flicks still long, put my mascara on, foundation, blush and lip sil. Go on judge me think im a freak that puts on way to much make up. Well im not. I only put my makeup on because I like it and I'm in comfortable with just my plain skin.
I dyed my hair black and dip dyed the ends bright pink a few weeks ago. Marley was pissed it was hilarous! I put my tounge piercing back in. Yes i got my tounge pierced for my 13th birthday. All thanks to Abbie!
Abbie got her first tattoo when she was 14. Thats the only reason she is in here. Her dad is a tattoo artist and really nice. His mate pierced my tounge. Abbie is a bit of a rebel. Though that isnt the first word that comes to most peoples minds when they see a minor with sleeve tattoos.

I suddenly felt a wave of depression over come me as I realised I was never going to be as pretty as Abbie. I found the pringles pot and sat it down on my bed debating wether I should or shouldn't. They were telling me I should, I was telling me I shouldn't. I didnt know what to do. I decided I would. I reached out for it as the door opened. I looked over and it was Abbie but there were people behind her. She rushed over to be and took the pot out of my grip, she was the only one who new about what was in that pot.

"I know it's hard sweetie" she murmered pulling me into a hug. I wanted to cry but i spent to long on my make up to just ruin it. She pulled out of the hug. "Sweetie, they might want to adopt you." I whimpered slightly, scared out of my mind.
"They have nothing on their records, clean on drugs, the only thing is the drink every now and then." she smiled at me. When they're drunk is when they are at their worst. I took a deep breath to stop myself from crying. "I'll be just outside sweetie!" Abbie whispered before standing up and moving out of the way for 5 boys to step forward.

"Hey, I'm Niall" one said. Hmm Irish. Dad was Irish, I wondered if all Irish were as shit as my father. I of course was being silly, my father was nothing but a bad man. This boy looked nice.

"I'm Harry" said the one with weirdly curly hair.

"I'm Zayn" I guess he looked nice.

"I'm Liam" Another said, he looked kinda serious... I'm that good with serious.

"Hiya, I'm Louis" the last one said with a smile. I just sat there. Silent.

"So what's your name?" Zayn prompted.

"Bethany" I replied, my voice hoarse, misused these past years.

"Thats a nice name. How old are you?" Louis asked.

"14" I whispered. They all looked shocked. Probably my makeup.

"So what do you do in your spare time?" I think Liam asked.

"Sleep" I said croakily. They laughed.

"Well congratulations, we're adopting you!" Niall said. I started tearing up.

"No." I whispered. They looked at me strangly.

"What?" Harry said shocked.

"No!" I shouted. Causing Abbie to run in. I started to remember everything I didn't want to. I could hear shouting around me and people running around, but it was like he was here again. I started screaming, crying, flailing my arms about, anything that would keep him away, but none of it worked and soon he was next to me....

I woke up in my bed. Abbie must have put me here. I got out of bed- not falling for once! And walked downstaires without my douvet. I was still in my clothes that I passed out in. No one was in the kitchen but i could hear voices coming from the dinning room.

"I dont care! She is perfect!" one said other joined in but they all stopped when i walked in. It was the boys that wanted to adopt me, Abbie and Marley. They all smiled at me. I just stared back.

"Hey baby girl. We're adopting you!" one of them said as if it was a good thing. The others all started smiling and Abbie looked like she was going to cry. Marley just gazed sympathetically at me.

"The forms are already signed. We are your legal gardiuns!" I think it was Louis, said excitedly. "Go upstairs and pack your bags yeah?" no no no no no no no no NO NO NO!!! Im not leaving agin!! I backed away, wide eyed

"I told you!" Marley said the went upstaires and came down a minute later with a bag filled with stuff. "I packed for you sweetie!" She said sadly. I ran to Abbie giving her one last hug.

"I promise I'll visit. Besides I'll be back soon anyway." I said and she frowned
"Dont think like that sweetie! I love you babe!"

"I love you to Abbie!" i said back to her. I walked out the front door with the boys trailing behind me. Someone touched my shoulder and I screamed and flinched away. I started crying full on now. I didn't want to go. I was on the floor sobbing now and someone picked me up. I screamed bloody murder. I was down in a limo and I shuffled in the corner with five boys looking at me wierdly.....


Simon thinks we should adopt a child to help with publicity and hopefully make some of us more mature. So we were at an orphage looking for a girl 12 or 15. The head soical worker started yelling up the stairs for another girl to come down. Two minutes later a girl wraped in a douvet walked- well stumbled- down the stairs.

"She looks 13" i whispered to the las and they agreed. Some people laughed when the saw her, but she gave them the finger, not noticing we were here. As soon as she sat down, she fell asleep. Harry laughed as well as most of the guys. Anothe soical worker I presume walked in. She had tattoos along ner arm so she couldnt still be living here. A lot of people said hi to her others just smiled. Her hair was amazing! It was hot pink at the top fading out into pale pink fading into wight at the bottom. Marley came back in and started talking to us.

"Have you seen anyone you think you might like?" She asked. I looked at the boys before replying.

"Yes, the girl that came down in her douvet, I wanna talk to her." I said pointing to her. Marley looked at her and she started to wake up. She went back upstairs and we didnt hear anything come from her room.

"Okay" Marley said slowly. "Um but we have to check your records and you for drugs." Wow this kid must have had it bad. We didn't care though. "Um who is going to be her legal gardian?" she asked.

"I thinkit should be Niall." the boys said the same time.

"Come with me then" I followed her into a room which already had the girl with tattoos there. "Abbie, Bethany again." she said almost sad, before leaving. The girl with tattoos glared at me, and the went to the filling cabinate. She got a folder out,

"everything in this folder is confidential, and if you end up not adopting her you cannot tell anyone what is in here. You can tell the others that might be adopting her with you, but it is better if you leave her to tell you herself." She said glaring at me still. I nodded. She gave me the file.

Name: Bethany Lockie Adams

Mother: Jamie Louise Adams

Father: Brandon Jay Adams

D.O.B: 1/6/99

Background: Since she was four she was abused by her mother and father. Her father raped her repetadly and often they would put out cigerates and cigars on her. She was brought to the foster home after police heard her screams and knocked the door down and arresting her parents. She has been adopted 10 times before each time being brought back after they abused and raped her. She would get brought back after two- four months.

Disorders: Bethany has anorexia, public anxiety disoder and depression. She self harms and has for the past three years. She dosent have any friends apart from Abbie.

Actions: She dyed her hair balck and pink. She wears more makeup than most people like. She has a tounge piercing, she got it done for her 13th birthday. She has done drugs before and smoked alot.

Wow. She was abused and raped by 10 different familys! That poor child!

"Do you still want her?" the girl asked hopefully.

"Yeah. We might be able to fix her!" I said clearly shocking the girl.

"Come with me then. We've got to check you out." she said. She led me into a room with the other boys and took her phone out. "Hello sir! No I don't need you to bail Beth out again. No. No. No not again. Yeah dads alright. Any way more people for to check out before they meet Beth." she paused to look at us.
"It's the boy band One Direction. Yep. Okay. Oh. Yeah. Right. Sure thing sir." She stopped talking for a bit and just smiled, apparently liking talking to whoever was on the phone.
"Yep two more months and I'm out of here. What do you mean dont get a tattoo for my 18th?" So she isn't a social worker- she's only 17?
"Im going to work at the parlor, obviously! I'll try to keep her safe, but you know how it goes, they take her, we dont hear from her, three months later she back worse than before. No I'm not taking her to get her first at 15!" She laughed before continuing.
"Okay sir. Bye!" She looked back at us. "Your records are okay. You've never done drugs before. Time to meet her." we followed her up the stairs. She opened the door and we saw Beth staring at a pot of pringals about to grab it. I was so confused. In her folder it said she was anorexic, but she was about to eat until the girl took the pot away from her. Shouldnt she be encouraging her eat? She pulled her into a hug and told her it would be alright. She said that we might want to adopt her, fear flashed into her eyes, and I remembered what happend in her other families. We introduced ourselves and Zayn had to ask for her name. Her voice was croaky like it hadnt been used properly. It probably hadnt been. She said that in her spare time she slept.
I couldn't help the booming laugh that was racking throw my body and clearly the others couldn't either. As they were all cracking up as well. We all shared a look before nodding at each other.
"Well congratulations." I smiled. "We want to adopt you."
The only words we heard out of her mouth were exactly the opposite of what we all wanted to hear- no.
She started to scream, causing the other other girl to run back in. Wait when did she even leave? Bethany fell to the floor screaming and crying, her legs legs kicking anyone who tried to come close to her. It was terrifying. She stopped screaming a few minutes later to be replaced with violent sobs racking through her body. Nobody but Abbie, I think it was, new what to do, so we all just stood there being awkward. Abbut started to shoe is away from the room before closing the door in our faces and going back to Bethany. She came out again and we realised she must have fallen asleep. Not even twenty minutes later she was arguing with us in the dinning room. Bethany walked into the room soon after we had started the argument and stood in the corner, still clearly terrified. We told her we were adopting her again. And again she backed away and the soical worker was all smug because she said that this would happen and went upstairs. We were forced into an awkward silence whilst we waited for Marley to come back downstairs, and she did with Bethany's bags with her- she had paked for her.
Beth ran to Abbie and hugged her. We left the house soon after and Liam went to touch her, to reassure her she was okay, but she screamed and flinched away. She fell to the floor sobbing, once again. Harry looked really confused. Louis picked her up and she screamed bloody murder! He put her in the limo, and she shuffled into the corner and we sat down and looked at her. Man I hope I can fix her.

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