(Closed To Catch Up) Intervie...

By jyothi89

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I aim to give undiscovered authors to explore their views about themselves and their stories. Please check t... More

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1. The Scarlet Knife
2. Disappearances of the Creators
3. The Kingdom Ruins
4. The Mystery Of 79ยฐ 41'E
5. The White Capes
6. Auraโœจ
7. The Hardest Choice
8. Gandivdhari Arjun-The Warrior Prince
9. Gleeman's Tales
11.The Light of My Life
12. Mixed Tears
13. Her
15. Swallow
16. Interviewing an Avid Reader- AnyaSharma
17. Samsaara
18. The VIth Element Series (Book 1 and 2)
19. The Velvet Healer
20. The Final Innings
21. Life Threads Series (Duology)
22. Silent Downfall

14. Bedevilled Angel

37 4 2
By jyothi89

Author:  yashlynn29


Grace simply took a walk on a seemingly innocent night when it took a cold turn.

A stranger who attacked her on that terrifying night kept trying to get back to her. Or get her to him.

She had no choice but to trust and rely on two strangers and their friends to keep herself safe from the person who seemed like the devil himself.

As she battles her own conscience on whether to surrender in order to save her new guardians, she faces a new dilemma.

Her heart is pulled in two directions, towards the two men who are fighting to protect her as well as to have her.

Grace finds herself making decisions faster than she would like too. But are they the right ones?

My Impression: Will keep you wanting for more.


Q. Can you recall how your interest in writing originated?

A. I always had a knack for creating stories, making them up as I go. Some of my friends even said that listening to me tell stories is almost as good as reading the book itself. Every night, I would tell my sister rosewood20 bits and pieces of my story. It turned out that story time with me was her favorite time of the day! Going through a rough phase of life, stories were my escape, even more the world I created. After a nudge from my sister, a push from my best friend Amy_Chan10 and a shove from my own desire for pursuing something I might actually be good at, I decided to put all my ideas onto paper. Well, not literally.

Q. Do you personally believe in angels?

A. I would have to say yes. Why else would I be writing a story inspired by angels? I'm not a Christian so angels were often things I see only in books or movies. One day, something got me thinking. If demons exist, don't angels? I asked around, mainly my Christian friends and everyone's favorite, the Internet. The more I came to know, the more the idea of angels intrigued me. Books like Hush, Hush (and Crescendo, Silence, Finale) by Becca Fitzpatrick and The Shadowhunter Chronicles by Cassandra Clare really inspired me to play with the idea of angels walking on Earth and creating a world of my own.

Q. Who is you favorite character of your story and why?

A. Hmmm... that's difficult because as an author, you grow to love all your characters, good or otherwise. But I think I would have to go with Grace. She grows a lot throughout the series. At first, she is afraid of all the new things and information she is getting exposed to and for everything; herself, her family, even her newfound friends. People might think it's unrealistic that Grace would put her own life in danger for a bunch of people she knew for barely a fortnight. In my mind, it's not unrealistic. It just shows she's selfless. Her selflessness helps her build into the braver, stronger woman she becomes later on. Her ability to love so quickly and easily might be a weakness to other people's eyes but to mine, it's a strength. Love doesn't make you weak. It makes you stronger. Love drove Grace to do things she wouldn't never dare of doing if she didn't want to protect those she love. Actually, Grace's character is everything I want to be. She's pretty, smart, kind, loving, selfless and later, brave.

Q. Do you put yourself in any of the character's position and write how you'd react, or otherwise?

A. Sometimes, yeah. It depends on whose POV I'm writing in. If it's Grace's, then I do write what I would do if I was in her place. With Jake, I tend to think more roguishly and react recklessly. Jeremy, on the other hand, is a character I treat with care. His mind is so clear and honest. He does what he thinks is right, after considering what the effect of his action might be towards everyone around him. He trusts his instincts and in return, it helps him in a lot of scenarios. Something I don't do often when I should be.

Q. Describe your writing style?

A. As a student, I really struggle to find time to write. So usually I write when I'm waiting for my ride to school or tuition. Only on weekends, I get to binge write my story. My inspiration has to be the books I read. I also recently found out about dictionary poem. They are simply beautiful and also serve me as an inspiration

Q. What is the strangest comment you received on your story?

A. Actually most of my friend Amy_Chan10 's comments are weird.  Some are not even related to my story. But I love her so I don't actually mind her weirdness.

Q. If you are stuck in a deserted island, which two characters from your book would you like to live with and why?

A. Jeremy and Cassie (a character that is introduced in Chapter 18). Jeremy is very level-headed. He would think rationally in any situation and tell what is the right thing to do. I'm a person who gets carried away by my feelings. If I'm afraid, I might do rash things that I will regret later. Jeremy will...well, stop me from doing anything stupid. Cassie (Cassandra Taylor) is a Mediangelus with the gift of teleportation. If I ever get bored of the island or just want to visit elsewhere, she can just teleport us out of there!

Q. What makes a great fantasy story?

A. Magic. The story doesn't have to contain magic in it. You've got to admit. Every fantasy story has a little bit of magic in it, whether it's the plot, the world the author created or the writing itself. The spellbinding magic is what captivates the reader and draws them in

Q. Tell us a fun fact about your story.

A. This story was originally supposed to be a Shadowhunter Chronicles (The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices, The Dark Artifices) fanfiction.

Q. What is most challenging part in writing your story?

A. The most challenging part of writing in my personal opinion is the actual writing process itself. I have been told that I often 'tell' when I should 'show'. The ideas come freely to me but I struggle when I have to put it into words.

Q. What is more important -Character or Plot?

A. Both are equally important. If you have great characters but a sucky plot, not many will continue reading. Some would. Just for the sake of the characters who they had grown to love despite the discouraging plot. If you have a great plot but terrible characters, some might lose interest or even get annoyed which eventually leads to them not finishing the book.

Q. What genre apart from fantasy appeals you? and why?

A. I would say mystery or horror. A mix of both will appeal to me even more. Add in a little bit of romance, you've caught my eye. I like stories that keep me on the edge of my seat. Stories that would make me think about what's going to happen next. Stories that makes me just THINK.

Q. Where do you see your story in next five years?

A. I actually set a personal goal to finish writing the whole series in five years. Maybe once I finish writing the last book, I'll find a way to actually publish the book in paperback. As for Wattpad, winning the Wattys would be nice... (too ambitious?)

Q. Are you satisfied with the sort of attention you are receiving on wattpad?

A. Actually, not really. But I believe somewhere in the future (most probably when my book is completed) my book would attract more readers. For now, I'm just glad that I have more than 1K reads already!

15. What is the only thing you hate about wattpad?

A. I don't actually have any problem with Wattpad generally. One thing I'm not really happy about is the fact that certain award accounts are based on votes than actual judging. Only well-known books can win this way.

16. What are other books you are writing other that "Bedevilled Angel" ?

A. I actually started writing a teen fiction titled The Heart Says It All but it is currently on hold. Other than that, I'm working on a guide based on The Angelic Ones trilogy which I hope to publish soon.

17. What advice would you like to give to an aspiring writer?

A. Don't get discouraged. I let myself be many times and that did not help my story at all. The only thing it did was question my ability to write. Write, just write. Write because you love writing. Soon, you will realize that there are readers who would love reading your work.


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