Business Deal (Camren)

By BobieBigDino

473K 12.8K 4.3K

Camila Cabello and Lauren Jauregui are two successful woman in two different industries. Camila Cabello is... More

Camila left Fifth Harmony!


14.8K 431 173
By BobieBigDino

Lauren's POV

"Well, I guess that's a wrap" I heard Camila lightly clap her hands, smiling and proudly approach my parents. "I must say this family is a natural model, we only need the photos for tomorrow's event then Simon will give you the rest of the details for the magazine."

"Thank you Ms. Cabello, I guess we were just comfortable enough with you to bring out the modeling side for each of us." My mom said with a smile on her face.

"Yeah I agree, you're really good in what you do. I've never been so comfortable with other photographer since" I said with a smile and she starred straight to my eyes. I could noticed how brown her orbs are and I can see there's something deep behind those eyes that makes me want to know more.

She smiled back, reciprocating my compliment "Thank you, it's my job to give the best in what I do."

We finished shooting and it was exhausting, now we are making our way to the dinning which thankfully my dad insisted for them to stay and join us for dinner. So far I've enjoyed today's photoshoot session with my family.

"How long have you been staying in New York?" my dad asks Camila, starting the conversation as we eat our dinner.

"Almost 8 years already, I moved since I got accepted college in NYU and finished Business management as my first degree then took my second degree in cinematography & photography in NYFA that leads me to where I am now." She stated proudly on the path she'd chosen.

"Wow, Alejandro must be proud" my dad said smiling at her

"Who wouldn't be proud having a daughter that has such prominent career and making her own name," my mom said glancing at me while giving me her proud smile. "But haven't you thought of taking over your family business one of this days?" she added and continued eating.

"I could see running a school won't be so bad since I love being around with the younger ones but the taking over the engineering company is not my thing. Maybe Sofia can take care of that since she's good in math and drawings." She chuckled before continuing "I like traveling, explore the beauty around you, appreciate the things money couldn't buy though my career now compensates well that I'm contented with."

"But taking care of family business would be better career than just traveling and exploring, don't you think?" I saw discomfort on Camila's face as my mom said pursuing the topic.

"Yeah, it would be, but my knowledge on that specific area is not that broad. Maybe I'll just marry someone who has expertise on that line of business. Or better yet Lauren could just marry me." She looks at me and winks after the words came out of her mouth.

I and my dad choked from whatever we swallowed in our mouths. She got to be kidding me! I felt my whole cheek turned in as red as tomato. I saw my mom dropped her fork in shock. Chris and Taylor just smirked on the idea. Silence was broken when she burst into laughter.

"I'm sorry, I was just joking." Her friend nudge her lightly try to stop her from laughing.

"I think it's not a bad idea, I mean you're both hot! You'd be a power couple." Chris said while continuing his meal. "But if Lauren won't marry you Camila, I'm willing to take her place as your groom. I wouldn't mind at all." I saw him winked at her and she just laughs.

It was a silly idea but thinking about it, it would be good to both of our company. Merging Cabello and Jauregui will be great and definitely makes both names become bigger and stronger.

"Well, I won't mind at all. You're not that bad yourself. I mean, considering two big names from construction industry will merge as one. It would be outstanding." I spoke, thinking on the best possible outcome on her idea. Marrying at this age isn't bad at all.

"Whoaw! Wait there! I was just joking. I don't mind dating you but forgive me if I still love having my freedom and enjoy myself." She exclaimed now contradicting to my idea in merging our names.

"You're the one who opened up the idea." Now I am the one who's smirking at her.

"Yeah right! Anyways, thank you for the dinner Mr. & Mrs. Jauregui. We'll be back tomorrow to capture the whole event." she said and stood up as well as her companions.

"We'll see you and your family tomorrow Camila." My dad said "Lauren could you please escort Camila and her friends outside."

"Sure thing." I stand up from my chair and motioned towards the dinning door. I walk behind her "you know, you'd be lucky if you agree on marrying me." I broke the awkward atmosphere between us.

"Huh! Don't flutter yourself too much Ms. Jauregui. I know you're hot and you find me incredibly hot too but I'm not yet ready to give up my autonomy." She said it proudly with a smirk plaster on her face. Ugh! The nerve of this woman!

"Whatever you say babe!" giving her a wink and showing her I am interested. "Either you like it or not, I will make it happen. It was your idea on the first place." I whispered near her ear seductively and kiss her cheek goodbye. "Bye ladies, see you again tomorrow" I waved my hand to the rest of the girls who's already inside her car. I went back inside the house I have to talk to dad.

The idea of marrying Camila keeps running on my mind. I have so many plans on making our company stay on top. Be the biggest and strongest engineering company not only in Miami but throughout the world. Merging with one of the biggest name in construction industry would make my plans work. I know Cabello Engineering has already branches outside U.S which were an advantage. I may sound so greedy but I believe this is what I'm bound to do, protect our family business and keep our names respectable.

Tomorrow dad will introduce me as the new CEO of the Jauregui Industries, after taking my Architectural degree my dad immediately send me to our branch in New York for me to manage. Luckily, I was able to accomplish making the Jauregui Industry known in that State. It takes courage, hard work and dedication to achieve such expectation.

My dad knew I was driven to this company he built. He had so much trust and confidence in me which is a good thing but gives me a lot of pressure. I don't want to disappoint him in anyways possible even if it means sacrificing my own happiness. I do not know if mom will approve on the idea of marrying Camila since she is a woman but for the sake of both company's name I know mom will not consider it. I made my way on my father's office.


Exciting chapters ahead.... If you like it and want some more please leave a comment and hit the star sign :)

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