51 Days (Makoto x Reader) [CO...

By MomoSphynx

9.4K 336 11

You are starting the best years of your life in a college away from home. The thought of a new beginning scar... More

Small Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Authors Note

Chapter 11

382 17 1
By MomoSphynx

There's really not much you recall from when you were hiking the very first 4 stations, or...scratch that; there's not much you remember from the scenery and other people that were in your group.

You remember the feeling of Makoto's tender grip upon your hand. You both exchanged bits of conversation every now and then, talking about things like how fun the holidays had been, or how beautiful the view would be once you had arrived at the top. Its was all small banter but nonetheless you felt as if you weren't obligated to make up a conversation between you two. You felt comfortable walking aside him despite you didn't talk as much as you would have expected to be necessary to speak. It never got uncomfortable between both of you, and that was really special.

It was about 6pm when you finally reached the 5th station. The tour guides decided this would be the stop in which you would all eat and relax before you accelerated your pace in order to reach the cabin in the 7th station. You were supposed to get some hours of sleep before getting to the top, so this was technically the last moment in a while in which you would get to catch a breath and buy some souvenirs.

-(Y/N) -chan, what do you want to do? We could go eat something if you like.

-Good idea Makoto, what would you like to eat?

-What about some shiitake dashi?

-Sounds good!

When the broth had been served, you made your way to a spare table to start eating, but you accidentally knocked over one of the bowls which spilled over makoto's sweater.

-Oh god I'm so sorry. you said as you got some napkins and started to rub them over where the stain was. What you didn't count on was how low the stain had traveled, or how the muscles in his chest still managed to stand out even when covered by layers of clothing.

-(Y/N)-chan people are staring, don't you want me to do the rest?

-I don't care if they stare at us as long as I'm with you. then you realised how risky and bold what you had said was and added -I caused this anyways, I have to help you somehow.

-Thank you. he said as he grinned. -But later on let me help you too.


A/N: _Shiitake dashi is a type of broth quite popular for soups and stews in Japan. Many of the stations in Mt Fuji tend to serve broths (specially during winter) so thats why I chose Shiitake. Shiitake dashi is basically mushroom broth._


It had been a while since you had left the 5th station, it was about 8PM and you were nearby the cabin. It grew colder and colder by the minute. The cold carved through your bones and it made you shiver.

-Are you too cold?

-A little, could you help me reach my scarf in my backpack?

-Sure, wait a second....it's not here.

-What?...No, please don't tell me I lost it, I couldn't have.

-Here, use mine. Don't worry.

His olive green eyes gazed at you as he gently wrapped his scarf around you, his hands slowly uncovering your lips so you could breathe with no troubles. You could feel his warm touch. But no matter how much you tried to distract yourself from the fact that you had lost the other, you could help but feel sad. You see, the first winter you had spent at Tokyo had been really rough, so rough that you had a difficult time trying to adapt to it properly. Makoto became worried you could fall sick because you weren't used to the weather and so one day he came back with a (f/c) scarf. It had become much more than a simple pice of woven wool, yet it was now nowhere to be found.

-Don't worry (Y/N) we'll find it.

He passed his arm over your shoulder and carefully pulled you in. You then leaned you head to his side and continued walking. You weren't cold anymore. You wanted to say something but the words to tell him anything at the moment didn't reach you.

OK everyone we are here! Go inside the cabin, there we'll give you a portion of rice and lead you to the provisional rooms.


A/N: _Before any of you assume I'm doing this only for the sake of making (Y/N) and Makoto sleep together ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), the actual guest houses in the real life tour are like how I'm going to portray them here. Lets just call it divine coincidence that I will use to the advantage of the fic._


Dinner had passed and it was time for you to go get some sleep. Thought, your eagerness to go to sleep completely changed when you saw how you were going to sleep. You had slept on a tatami floor before, yet the thing you didn't count with was the fact that there was no spacing between people, which translated to sleeping next to a complete stranger or your crush. Don't get me wrong, it's not like you were completely opposed to it, you just were really flustered about it. Anyways long story short, you got a place aside one of the walls, meanwhile Makoto got the one next to you.

-Good night Makoto.

-Good night (Y/N)-chan. He said as he turned on his side to face you.

For a few seconds the only thing you did was look into each others eyes as you slowly fell asleep. His calming gaze piercing through your thoughts. Yet, just when you were falling into a deep sleep, you could make out the silhouettes of his arms which were silently reaching for you, carefully pulling you into his embrace. You wrapped your arms around his waist as you leaned in closer tho his chest. You could hear his heart beat racing. Makoto then rested his chin on top of your head. A few minutes earlier you would be flushing red, but now you were surprisingly calm. You couldn't help but give off a little smile as he lowered his head to look at you. And, as you locked eyes with him once again, he whispered.

-This way you won't be cold during the night, I'll make sure you are OK.

It was surely a night you'd never forget.


A/N: _Before any of you plan on murdering me, I'm really bad when it comes to writing fluff and actually...this is the first time that I do. Anyways I hope you liked this update a little more than the previous one. I'm happy with how this chapter turned out, and I hope you are too ^^.I'm finally done with exams so I might make a double update but I'm still not sure, so keep an eye out just in case._

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