Fate Of The Twelve (Completed)

By thebadgirl05

9.1K 1.7K 95

Completed 'Big sister... I'm scared.' A little one whispered as we hid in a cramped alley, trying to escap... More

Chapter 1: Blacker than the night
Chapter 2: Portal
Chapter 3: Trouble
Chapter 4: the council
Chapter 5: first day
Chapter 6: Dumb
Chapter 7: the fallen
Chapter 8: Collapse
Chapter 9: Battle Start
Chapter 10: Battle for the throne
Chapter 11: Demon
Chapter 12: Oh no
Chapter 13: Earth
Chapter 14: Fall
Chapter 15: Generals
Chapter 16: encounter
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18: Unravel
Chapter 19: Nightmare
Chapter 20: white
Chapter 21: Visit
Chapter 22: please let me
Chapter 23: amidst the palm
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25: Zephyr's Best friend
Chapter 26: Trapped
Chapter 27: Waking up
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29: A dip in the 'pool'
Chapter 30: not again!
Chapter 31: scary kid
Chapter 32: Agony
Chapter 33: Painful goodbye
Chapter 34: fly
Chapter 35: Idris
Chapter 36: Snowmen
Chapter 37: Shall we?
Chapter 38: Imperial King
Chapter 39:
Chapter 40:
Chapter 41:
Chapter 42: cave?
Chapter 43:
Chapter 44: the demon queen
Chapter 45: heart beat
Chapter 46: not over yet
Chapter 49: the void
Chapter 50: Carving
Chapter 51: depart
Chapter 52: Captain Sparrow
Chapter 53: Three pairs
Chapter 54: Unicorn blood and Phoenix tears
Chapter 55: Sleep
Chapter 56: forgiveness
Chapter 57: yet another revelation
Chapter 58: merpeople
Chapter 59: visitor
Chapter 60: attacked

Chapter 48: Reflection

109 28 0
By thebadgirl05

This chap is dedicated to @lunamoon827 since I'm delighted with her???. Hope ya like it!


I stared at the two, shivering in both fear and anxiety as I hugged myself to my knee and cradled myself while I kept my eyes on them, keeping the two of them at bay.

I don't think I can trust any of them at all. There are so many possibilities in this case. One, these two may be just illusions created by my desperate mind for a means of escape.

Two, these two may be monsters taking the form of the first ranker's form to deceive me which would be the plan of the demon queen if that was really the case. This place is a pit of darkness, demons and monsters exist. Since I came to this world, I have accepted that fact already.

Three. This may be the demon queen's plan to rid me off forever so that she can claim my physical body for her own.

Four. One may be the demon queen herself and the other may be the real Leirum which can be unlikely but still giving me hope.

I know how much the first ranker hates me, heck, the feeling is mutual anyway. He hates my very existence which he considers as a burden and in response,I hate his guts, his cockiness,his attitude and almost everything about him and everything that has to do with him.

But still, I don't think that he is the type of person who will just give up on someone without trying every possible way even if it making another impossible thing possible.

I may have not known him that long since we just met each for just a month or so to give deductions but as far as I had seen, he was a person with pride. He once said that we, the circle of twelve, was under his care so he can't have one dying in the battle field. That's how egoistic he is but someone who protects us. He may not show it say but the whole circle knows that he cares at the very least....

The last choice is the reason why this hope is still alive in my chest even if it's just a small little dot because of him. He's unpredictable, most of the things he do are. He's someone so powerful who can make some impossible things possible and I've witnessed that too many times already.

He's my last hope but... there are the other options which brings me to my messed up situation now and my mind's in a jumble. I can't trust them nor can I lower my guard.

"You filthy demon. How dare you take my form." One of the two Leirum's, specifically the one on the left hissed at the one on the right who arched a delicate eyebrow up in pure annoyance.

"Shouldn't I be the one saying that you damned pitiful soul? How dare you copy me and even my voice at that?" the other one retorted hotly with his teeth gritted and his fists clenched at his side.

I just stared at the two of them. Both looked exactly the same. Their faces contorted with the equal anger they felt towards each other, their same cold eyes, even their voice and their clothes were all the same that there was no way to tell them apart.

"I'm telling you you demon. You can never have her body."

"Back at you you filthy beast. I'll send you to the pits of hell once again."

They continued throwing words at each other in a heated verbal argument while I remained quiet at the side, not knowing what to do at the given situation.

My whole body felt numb...I felt so cold... Why does this need to happen to me?-----how many times have I asked that question already? This is ridiculous already.

I squeaked in sudden surprise when the dark abyss suddenly vanished in an instance and I found myself along with the two Leirum's inside a large room...

I huddled myself and quickly backed away into a corner, grabbing a sword that I just found hanging from the wall along with a variety of many weapons just to protect myself but the two seemed not to care at the given change of location.

My eyes scanned around and darted around in all directions, wondering where we were and all I could see was a torn down room.

The walls had cracks along them, the white paint peeling off mostly and revealing a sad dark gray color. The floor we were standing on were all rickety and old, rough and dirty, obviously not taken care off and abandoned for at least a century.

Inside this room, I couldn't see any furniture inside. Not a bed, nor a cabinet...nor anything of the usual basic ones. The room was simply barren.

Despite it being empty and barren, all sorts of weapons and blades hung along the wall, adding a more creepy feel at the already dreadful atmosphere inside due to the two first rankers.

The air was also humid and it stank of the smell of rotten wood and the only way out I can see is a single door behind the two. There were no windows here and the door is only the means of escape... if I plan to get out of here, I need to get past those two but I can't see how...

"Listen here Muriel. I am the real first ranker here. Come with me and let's leave this place already." A harsh tone made me look up and I saw one of the Leirum's walking up to me and I quickly stood up in my stance, ignoring my own pain as I threateningly gripped the sword in my hands.

"Don't... Don't come near me." I croaked out in a hoarse voice. Before the guy can even talk, the other Leirum smashed him against the wall, it's hands around it's neck but the first one quickly kicked his attacker on the guts, making the other one fly back.

"Tsk. Don't listen to this demon's crap. Don't even try and trust any of us if you still want to keep playing safe." The other one spat and it felt like cold water was poured on me at his words since it was the truth.

I gripped the hilt of the sword tighter, gritting my teeth as I focused my gaze at the two who were both glaring at each other and preparing to launch full attacks on each other while they waited and tried to feel who would attack first.

That's right... if I play safe... I can still survive.

It was foolish to think that way when there was a possibility that one of the two may be the real first ranker but I don't have any other choice do I? Even if I don't want anyone getting hurt for me...who's to guarantee that I won't if I try to trust one of them?

"I really hate filthy demons interfering with my businesses. You should've remained in the pits of Tartarus." one hissed, grabbing a sword from the wall behind him and the other one did the same, their glares never leaving each other for even a moment.

Dread filled me and cold sweat slid down my parched skin while my body shook. Were they planning to fight each other?

My question was soon answered a second later when both of them lunged at each other at the same time, their swords clashing together and I can swear that sparks flew off.

One brought up his leg and aimed to kick the other on the side but the other quickly saw the movement and jumped a step away before they went on at each other's throat again.

I just watched horrified and frozen in my spot as they tried to kill each other off, both their eyes gleaming with the thirst for blood to spill. They looked so much like blood thirsty barbarians while going at each other like that.

I had the feeling that none of us could use our abilities or powers in here since they were both fighting with brute strength and pure skills with their swords to dominate the other.

The only sounds I could hear by then was the clashing of metal to metal, the hits that they delivered each other which hit their marks, their constant growling at each other, my ragged breathing and my heart thumping so loud inside my chest.

Suddenly, both of their swords were knocked out of their hands and they lunged at each other once again. Not needing any weapons anymore while they settled to fight each other with nothing but their fists for brute strength and skills in hand to hand combat, making me back away further into the corner due to the display of violence.

My eyes suddenly darted towards the door and my breathing hitched, my chest tightening it was hard to breathe.

I needed to get out of here.

With the thought in mind, I dashed for the door, running as fast as I can as if my life depended on it, adrenaline pumping through my veins and my heart pumping inside me so loudly that it was defeaning me.

I ignored their shouts and turned the knob, throwing the door open and I quickly rushed out the door.

Cold air met me with the soft light of the eerily red full moon above, bathing everything I see in a red crimson color and it felt as if my heart lodged itself in my throat.

Seeing a forest, I rushed towards it, not minding it's wicked looking branches that seemed to reaching down for me and the trees seemed to have lives themselves for they have glowing yellow eyes in my vision.

I bit my lip and shook my head furiously.

It's just all in your head Muriel. Just keep on running.

I entered the forest and ran off, hearing shouts after me, calling me my name and shouting for me to stop but I wouldn't... I couldn't or things will only turn out worse and I knew it.

I bit my lip and cluched the hilt of the sword that I can't seem to manage to just let go. I urged my aching legs forward in long strides, hearing dead leaves crush under my bare feet and twigs snapping. I ironically, it felt like I was Snow White.

She was lost in the forest after the huntsman couldn't bring to kill the princess so he told him to go and hide far from the kingdom and the evil queen who wished him nothing but ill things... And her death....

Funnily, I was in the same situation. I was just as frightened as Snow White. Lost in a foreign forest in the bathing light of a red moon, pursuers after me and also a queen was after me. A demon queen to be exact. Funny isn't it?

It made me hate the thought. I didn't want to be some damsel in distress like some random fairy tail princess. I didn't want to be a burden and I hate it when someone has to save me for me...I feel so useless and helpless and I'm already tired of always feeling that way...

I can hear leaves rustle due to some movements, probably caused by the creatures that I don't know off that resides in this forest. Suddenly, my throat felt as if I was choking, and I felt my eyes sting, a second later and I was crying again.

Third person's Pov

The two Leirum's were both hot on the girl's tail. They only had their eyes on Muriel's figure from far away since the fourth ranker had a head start while the two of them were throwing punches and kicks at each other.

If they were to slow down, surely they would loose her from her sight and finding her in such a vast forest of illusions would prove to be a hard task even just at the thought of it.

Meanwhile, Muriel was just running off blindly towards no direction in particular. She had to loose the two from her tail. She has to.

Sobbing and crying while ignoring the pain overcoming her body, she picked up her pace and went off faster than before. All the harsh trainings she had from the first ranker when she herself asked him to hone her abilities. Mind, body and skills.

It was a game of tag and chase. First one who find her wins. The two knew that too well and like hell would they not put up a fight. Muriel might end up as the prize or the prey from the two. No one knows.

Suddenly, Muriel caught sight of a cliff not far from her. She could tell it was a cliff by the jagged rocks and the path that led to a dead end. Narrowing her eyes and furiously blinking the tears away, she caught sight of vines that grew from somewhere and snaked their way along the path and hanging off to the cliff.

While panting hard, she made up her decision and quickly headed for the cliff. Jumping over root trees and rocks on her way and ducking under low hanging branches.

Sometimes, her long curled hair would get entangled on the branches but she paid no heed, causing pain on her scalps from the forcefully pulled strands of hair while she ran.

And without any doubt when she reached the end of the cliff... She jumped. But she didn't have any plans on getting killed nor drowning in the turbulent water of the river that awaited to catch and swipe away anyone foolish enough to jump in it's unbelievably strong current.

Wind whistled on Muriel's ears, the sound of turbulent water below her mixing along. With the soft glow of the red moon, she can see from her vision the sight of rocks and boulders in the river that would get their victim smashed dead. If she fell, she knew right then and there that her life would end.

Either she drowns or she'll be smashed against rocks by the violent waters of the raging river.

Holding the sword in the tight grasp of her right hand, she turned in the air and reached out with her left, grabbing for the vines and she grabbed a hold of one. She hissed at the heat searing her skin due to the friction between her skin and rough skinned vine but she finally managed to completely stop herself from falling anymore to the raging river that would no doubt be her damnation and death if she foolishly jumped.

She was dangling in between the raging waters and half way up the cliff with a wine to hold on to as her life line. Muriel then proceeded to bite the blade of her sword with her teeth, careful not to get herself hurt in any way before she reached out with her other hand.

She steadied herself and searched for a foot hold by the knotted vines and she quickly found one as she heard loud swears from above and she then had to force down and quiet her pants and her breathing while she hid behind the vines, hoping that the two wouldn't see her. And as if the heavens heard her silent cry of distress, clouds covered the moon momentarily as she heard voices from above the cliff along with a lot of swearings.

On the other hand, the first Leirum who reached the edge of the cliff cursed aloud at seeing no sign of the fourth ranker. Other than that, it was such a bad timing for the moon to hide behind the clouds that shrouded everything in a blanket of inky darkness. But clearly, he saw Muriel jump.

Cussing and swearing under his breath, he ran away and vanished through the trees once again, planning to go at the shore of the river where the girl might be swept at downstream.

Just in time, another pair of urgent footsteps was heard by Muriel who was below and she sucked in some air and quieted down.

The second one who arrived was the other Leirum and just like the first, he was swearing and muttering before going off into the same direction that the first arriver took, planning to follow the downstream current for it didn't occur to them that the fourth ranker was hanging on the vines.

After Muriel heard the footsteps faded, she released a sigh of relief but waited for a few minutes more just to make sure before she climbed up to the top in all difficulty.

After doing so, she catched her breath for a moment before running away towards the opposite direction that the two took and she delved in the forest once again, the moon finally showing up again from behind the clouds and casted it's red light on everything.

But the girl was unaware then that the two first rankers had caught sight of her silhouette when she stood at the edge of the cliff and ran for the forest. They were both by a river bank at the time not too far away from the cliff.

The two cursed again before going back on their trail and rushing to the direction that the girl took while the moon above seemed to wickedly smile at their struggle.

Unknown to all of them. The demon queen had already set her plans to motion as she awaited for her prey not far from the girl since she could all too well what direction the girl took.

The forest was her playground after all and it was only an understatement since it was like a part of her body and it was all an illusion she created out of the dark abyss. The creatures in the forest serving as her eyes and she laughed wickedly, unknown creatures howling in the distance.

That's right. Kill yourself over her, thinking that I am one of either. Kill your reflection....... And the both of you shall die...

There people, I think you now have an idea of what's happening right? Okay, no spoilers for now.

Cliff hanger? Haha, bear with it since I'm just a student and I barely have spare time. Love lots! Don't forget to vote, comment and follow!

-thebadgirl05 at your service.

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