Once Upon A Night

By rockrose120

33 3 0

It all started with the dreams, the visions, I never truly under stood wheat they meant. From my sketchy gran... More

~Chapter 1 Willow~
~Chapter 3 Willow~
~ Chapter 4 Austin ~

~Chapter 2 Austin~

9 1 0
By rockrose120

"I saw her again." I said walking into the red room. "She is more beautiful in real life then in her dreams. She has these green eyes that you could get lost in." I walked over to the black table and took a seat next to Jackson. Which of course Jackson was in his usual outfit black pants, black boots, and a black jacket.

"Austin get real. She's not meant for you, you know what she is. You just can't date her." Jackson said with a like annoyances in his voice. "Why don't you go for a girl your type?"

"She would be my type if I made her..." I murmured

"Shit!! Get that idea out of your head Austin!! Remember if you do that to her and she doesn't want to be changed she will have rights over you. You just can't do that." Jackson basically yelled at me

"Jezz... calm down Jackson, but you never know she may want to be changed it just depends on her." Now I was yelling at him

Then Alice walked into the room we were in, wearing a hot pink tank top and a black skirt. She walked toward us with a bouncy stride that made her blond curly hair bounce with her. Then she put her hand on Jackson's shoulder and looked at me flashing her wicked smile that made her fangs shine in the poorly lit room. Then turned back toward Jackson. "You two better not get to worked up about this one girl." I could tell that Jackson was squirming under Alice's touch. "What's so good about this girl anyway?"

"Why don't you ask Austin?" Jackson said as he got up, and Alice's hand slide off his shoulder because he was about 8 inches taller than her. "He's the one who has been going into her dreams and can't stop talking about her."

"YOU HAVE BEEN GOING INTO HER DREAMS?!?!?!" Alice screeched as Jackson leaned up against wall grinning at me.

"Keep your voice down Alice." I hissed, glaring at them "If Demetrius hears us talking about Willow like this he's gonna be pissed." Then I heard someone walking down the hallway so I got up and peaked out the door and of course it was Demetrius.

"Why in the world would you do that?" Alice murmured. But I held my hand up, and warning them to be quite

"Are all of you in there?" I heard Demetrius stern voice break the silence.

"Yes." Alice said

"I need to talk to you all, it's something important." Demetrius said as he open the door. I backed away from door to avoid being hit by it. What could be so important, I thought to myself. Why would he need all three of us together? But then Jackson's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"What do you need?" I know what I need, I need to get out of here fast before we get another lecture, I thought again.

"Hm... what I need to know is why my dream collider is missing and why did I hear Austin tell you guy to be quiet when I walked by?" Demetrius said a little to happy, Jackson eyes landed on me. So of course Demetrius smiled at me. "Do you know where my dream collider went Austin?"

"Yes." I said reaching into my pocket. I then pulled out the dream collider, it shimmered in the light. A bright green ribbon spun around and around inside of it. I tossed it at Demetrius which then he flashed me a fake smile.

"Thank you for returning it. Now may I ask why did you have it to start out with Austin?" Demetrius questioned as he slid the dream collider into his pants pocket

"I had the dream collider because, I wanted to go into Willow's dreams." I really should not have said that. Demetrius smile changed into a unsatisfied look. He just stared for what felt like a eternity.

"Austin do you know what you just did?" Demetrius said in his stern voice. I glanced at Jackson and Alice but, they turned away.

"I didn't let her see my fangs I didn't have them out, I don't even think she saw my face half the time. I chose the night time to go into her dreams."

"You have to be careful with her. Willow's different, she is not our type. But there's something else I came in here to tell you guys. Austin, Jackson, and Alice, you all are going to take part in Willows school." Demetrius said with confidence

"We are doing what now??? And why are we doing this is there any reason or are we just going there to make friends???" Jackson said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"To study her, find out as much as you can. We will get what we need from there type. Just remember start to make friends with her become as close as you can but remember the rules do not get connected to her and do not change her."

"Thats gonna be hard for Austin." Jackson murmured, his muscles flexing threw his jacket. I glared at Jackson with hatred in my eyes, he lifted one eyebrow and grinned. I looked away and focused on the floor.

"Austin will you be okay with going to Willows school?" Demetrius questioned with his hand on the doorknob

"Ya." I murmured. Then Demetrius left without another word. I could feel Alice's and Jackson's eyes on me they felt like they were burning a hole right through me. Then I looked up from the floor and glared at them both. "What do you want?" I harshly asked

"I don't think its going to be the best idea for you to go." Alice's voice chirped through the silence.

"Now why is that I can control my thirst for blood just as well as you can, actually I think I can Control it better than you." I was mad now

"Thing is when you like someone that is not a vampire,all you would want is to kill them. Austin, even if you changed Willow that would make her your soul mate until you changed another human or a different type of creature." Jackson said with sympathy, his eyes darkened a little as he turned his gaze to the floor. "Don't you remember Amber? She was a foreseer, but she also had the ability to give people pain instantly. She had these gorgeous bright blue eyes that lured you into her trap. I was the one that changed her. I thought we would be together forever, but the thought of blood made her go crazy. So she went on a rampage, she killed thousands of people. The more she drank human blood the stronger her thirst for blood came. We had to kill her to make sure she wouldn't hurt other types of creatures like the foreseer's, chillers, fey, and on and on."

"That won't happen to me, I won't change her. Willow will live her normal life without me." I said as I put my hand on the door ready to walk out. "I will be going to her school, I don't care what you all say." Then I walked out, slamming the door behind me. It may have been a dramatic exit, but I didn't care at this moment. I was kinda worried about school tomorrow, I really hope I was going to be able to keep my word. Sometimes I really wish I wasn't a vampire, I wish I could live a normal life just for once.

I walked down the dark red hallway into my room, its dark blue walls seemed to match my feelings at this moment. I inhaled a deep breath, and walked to my window and opened it. Then slowly climbed out.

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