Between Two Loves(Quinntana)...

By Kiddshowstopper

7.4K 141 45

AU-Santana Fabray had a great life. A wife and a baby on the way and the career that she always wanted till o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 8

397 10 4
By Kiddshowstopper

After Santana cried herself to sleep she woke up to someone knocking on her bedroom door. She forgot all about her son being home with her as Brittany put him in his room earlier to take a nap. Just then her mind felt on what Brittany tried to do her earlier and now felt bad for locking her son out cause of the older blonde. When she opened the door her son flashed a tirelessly smile to her.

"Mami, I'm hungry." Devin said while reaching up for her.

Santana smiled and moved some of her hair out of her face before reaching down and picking him up and placed a kiss to his messy dirty blonde hair before he hind his face into the crook of her neck.

"Okay, what about pizza?" She asked him while walking into the living room with Devin up on her hip. She started chucking as he sticks out his little tongue out thinking of his answer.

"Yes pizza!" He said getting excited about the pizza and was causing Santana to laugh "wear mamma at?" He asked when she sat him down to order the pizza for dinner. Santana didn't want to explain to her son that Brittany wasn't coming home tonight which she didn't know if she was coming back home herself. After she basically tried to forced herself on her she could careless about her right now.

"Sweetie, she had a meeting she had to get to, but I promise you'll see her in the morning." Not that she would be happy to see her. She would be happy if she doesn't come back for a few days. Since they been in New York Brittany just been a whole different person that she doesn't like and she doesn't know why she's acting like that. She liked her wife when they were living in L.A together like she was happy living there.

"Yo Quinn, are you should your wife passed away? I mean I never met her before but that girl does looks a lot like her in the photos in your office." Artie said as they were loading the equipment into the car. Just like before with Kitty a few weeks ago in the store and now again with Artie.

"Why were you in my office again?" She asked lifting up her left eyebrow up at him.

"That's not the point, the point is if you think that's her maybe I can try to find out some information on her. I mean what's the worst can happened? That's really her and she lost her memory and doesn't remember you at all?"

They both got in the car and neither of them said a word. Quinn just wanted her old life back where it was just her and her wife Santana and their unborn baby son. Artie didn't even know Santana and now he's thinking that the Latina they just ran into is her? Quinn wasn't that clueless of the Latina girl that she couldn't keep her mind off of her.

But now the more she's thinks about it now that kid Devin almost kinda looks likes her when she was his age and his hair color, the shade color of his eyes. But then again they say everybody has a twin or a look a like out there.

Just as they arrived at the studio and walked in Chelsea was standing up at the front desk talking to Ashley the reception. The brunette had a smile on her when the blonde came up and wrap her arms around her.

"Hey, babe" she said turning around in her arms and giving her a much needed kiss. "You think we can talk in private?"

"Yeah, sure we can use my office."

The blonde led them back into office before closing the door behind them. It was very rarely that Chelsea would visit her at work. The blonde could sense something but lately her mind been all over the place. Their relationship isn't really serious or anything they just really good friends, friends with benefits.

"So what's going on?" Quinn asked sitting down on one in of the chair and looking over at the brunette who has a serious look her on face. They been friends for awhile now even though it took Quinn almost two years for them to have sex together, but Quinn cares about the brunette feeling.

"Quinn, we're been really great friends and I had a lot of fun with you and everything but" she's stops to take a deep breath before looking over at Quinn."

"You're breaking up with me right?" Quinn said catching the brunette off guard " I mean you're still young and in college and I don't blame you."

"It's not only that, the last couple of times we did it you called me Santana and I know I shouldn't be jealous but I am." Chelsea said looking away from the blonde and Quinn remember last weekend she did indeed called Chelsea Santana.

"It's whatever you want. If you don't mind I have a lot of work to finish up before heading back home." The blonde said excusing herself from the conversation and leaving Chelsea behind.

Maybe Artie is right? What if that was Santana? What if her ex father in law brainwashed her or she lost her memory of them ever bring together. How will she knows if that's her? And the way her wife was looking between them was odd. It's only one way to find out and if she's not mistaken one of his hotel is not that far from the park they were at earlier.

After Santana ordered the pizza her and Devin cuddle on her bed after giving him his bubble bath, but something was off about Brittany seeing the other blonde earlier. Likes she knew or know her but Devin does favorites the shorter blonde. Sleep took over her body quickly as the movie was watching them. She didn't know how long she was out till she remembered what the blonde said to her a month ago.

Flashback: (A/N: I changed some words.)

"Santana?" The blonde asked looking confused at the Latina and began to hug on her" wait, a minute I thought you died?" She said still hugging as she was inhaling her scent.

"Yeah, do I know you?" She asked confused as she missed some of the sentence as she pushed the blonde off of her. Santana was thinking this is the first time she ever seen the blonde lady before how she know her name? Quinn looked confused as Santana didn't recognize her own wife.

"Sorry I just thought you sort of look like my late pregnant wife who died a few years back." Quinn said disappointed that the Latina doesn't remember her or that wasn't her wife.

"Well, I'm sorry for your loss," she said with a sad smile" come on Devin mamma is waiting on us." Santana said to her son before leaving Quinn in the middle of the aisle as Devin waved goodbye to her.

End of flashback

That sentence kept running through her mind again. Over and over again."Sorry I just thought you sort of look like my late pregnant wife who died a few years back." None of this were making any sense to her. She turned on her side and reached up to cut on the bedside table lamp on searching for her phone and calling the one person who can help her out, even if it is 2 something in the morning.

"What Santana? This better be important." The voice said over the phone after it rang a couple of times.

"How soon can you come to New York?" She said cutting straight to the point. She really didn't have that much friends since Brittany can be over protective of her and her parents didn't want her to be in contact with her old friends.

"Give me a few days and we'll be out there." They said before hanging up.

After she got off the phone she looks over to her side and smiled seeing Devin sucking on his thumb while curled up in her side. The last thing was on her mind before drifting back off to sleep was why her son looks so much like the blonde she couldn't keep her mind off of the unknown name of the blonde.

Just like any other Friday night the guys would come over and have game night but tonight she wasn't feeling it and Kitty and Rachel would be begging the hell out of her to join them, at least Marley knows when she doesn't want to be bothered. So she decided to stayed at the studio to figure out her plan to approach the Latina soon.

Artie did some research after a few of the models turned him down he finally decided to look up on the information on the Latina after he remembered where he seen the blonde before and remembered her name was Brittany Pierce the American supermodel from Europe. Leave it to her 21year old assistant to know supermodels like the back of his hands.

"Baby, just do what your heart is telling you. If think that's her at least go to her parents hotel. It's been over four years and if you believe what Artie found out about her that's true just become her friend nothing or nothing less." Judy explained to her daughter as they were going back and forth over the information she just learned." Honey, love you, talk to you soon."

"Love you too." The young blonde said before ending the call with her mother.

The blonde kept looking over the papers on her accident and then an on accident in L.A. a simulator to her.

Supermodel Brittany S Pierce pregnant wife was involved in an accident. People didn't know the blonde had a wife some of the people were saying in the comments. She knew she wasn't gonna wrap her head around this after the information Artie found for her.

After the night Brittany left she called Kurt and his husband Blaine to spend a couple of days with her and Devin. Devin was happy to see his godfathers since it been a few months and they were the only male figures in his life besides his grandpa Mario. It's been almost a week and Brittany hasn't called or came home yet. What kind of mother doesn't come home to check on their child? Her gut was telling her it's something going on with her and that Rebecca chick she met awhile ago.

"Oh my god, Kurt that's her right there." Santana said tapping the boy on his shoulder as they were sitting in the booth of the small coffee shop. Kurt started laughing as his friend was acting like a school girl with crush.

"You weren't lying when you said she was fine." Kurt said pulling her out of thoughts. She couldn't believe the blonde she's really been thinking about is standing in line a few feeds away to get coffee. "Have you ever talked to her?" He asked her as she's were hiding her face behind the menu. Hoping the blonde hasn't spotted her starring at her.

"What?! No, I don't even know her name. I mean we ran into each other a couple of times that's about it."

"And? You're not asking her to sleep with. You trying to be her friend. Didn't you say she's a photographer or something?" Kurt asked the Latina who was looking at the blonde over the top of the menu. To be honest Santana never really slept with a normal girl just guys or girls who likes to use strap on but she doesn't remember that part since she lost a part of her memory she doesn't remember a lot of things. Not that she has anything against her wife who was born intersex. She gave her the best gift of life which was Devin.

It's been a couple of days now since Artie gave her the information he found out about Santana and Quinn still hasn't grown a set of balls to go see the Latina. She doesn't want the Latina thinking that she's stalking her and her family. But it wouldn't look like that to her since that a possibility that Devin is her son. But who would believe her? The Latina was beautiful to her even if she was just wearing regular clothes like jeans and a t-shirt. She stills looks beautiful to her.

"Hey Quinn, what can I get you today?" Mandy behind the counter asked her her ordered.

"Hey sweetie, let me just get my regular." Which contains a large caramel ice coffee and two breakfast sandwiches. Quinn smiles at the check out girl as she was pulling her money out to pay.

"Hey, I got it." A fashionable well dressed guy says as he placing his credit card on the countertop for the young brunette working the register.

"Thanks..." Quinn stops for the brunette guy to tell her his name.

"Kurt Kurt Hummel-Anderson" Kurt said extended his hand out for the blonde to shake.

"Thanks Kurt, Quinn Fabray." She said still shaking his hand.

Everything went silent after they depart their hands from each other before Kurt spoke up.

"If you like would like joining me and my over there for a few?" He asked the blonde while pointing his hand in the direction of his table where Santana was still sitting. He know Santana wasn't gonna make a move why not do it for her. That's what best friends are for right?

Quinn was debating should she joins Kurt and his friend but after all she did just got for breakfast. "Sure I don't mind." She replies as she smiles a little before Kurt started walking away.

"What did you do Kurt?" Santana as once he was seated himself in the booth next to her. She could tell he did something by that creepy little smile he has on his face. As he opened his mouth the blonde walked up to the table where Kurt and his friend were sitting and sat in the empty space.

As Santana looks up at the person sitting in front of her she started smiling. The blonde actually looks cuter up closer, even with that small scar on her eyebrow.

"Quinn, this is..." he gets cuts off by the blonde.

"Santana Lopez-Pierce. Wife of supermodel Brittany S. Pierce." Quinn said sounding a little creepily as the Latina looked at her confused.

"You're stalking me now?" She asked raising her eyebrows as she's stares at the blonde before busting out laughing. "Sorry you should have seen your face." She said between giggling.

Shit Quinn just shitted herself before smiling as she listening to the Latina cute giggling. Santana might not remember her but it doesn't mean she can start all over again even if she's married.

"What she doing here?!" Another voice said cutting them off.

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