By Fatma_saad97

1.7K 574 494

Nina gets obliged to move from her home town. Leaving her family, friends and most importantly football team... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 (Last)
Sequel II
Sequel III

Chapter 18

39 13 13
By Fatma_saad97

Another one because I'm afraid my data is dying. Just got it and ahg 😣😣😖

Nina P. O . V

"Wow!" Clara gasped.

"I know!" Dakota raised her eyebrows. actually we all were in shock. The celebrities who would be attending were massive. Some of which will be playing with us, someone forgot to tell me Louis and 2 of his band mates will playing with us and I came to know now.

"Why didn't anyone tell me One Direction is in?" I asked

"They're not it's just Louis and Harry? and Niall might, because he has a problem with his knee so I am not sure" Sage explained.

I shook my head, like what do you mean look.

"She means we don't consider Louis a celebrity really, he's just our neighbor" Amelia said.

I nodded in understandment, motioning a circle with my hand. "re bounce!" I shouted. And we all started running around the track again.

We had already made the Charity game team's last formation and today was the day we meet the guests whom will be playing with us. Along with One Direction members, Olly Mars will be joining and Robie Williams with some other big names will be playing in the opposite team. I wasn't actually happy with whom we're collaborating with because A. They're not football players by any means B. We have one day to get to practice with them.

"Asher! we have no time for that!" Cameron shouted from beside me, I glared at Dakota mentally telling her to get back to work and leave flirting with her boyfriend to later.
"Are you ready for tomorrow?" Cameron asked.

" I think I am" I sigh

"I am happy with the team formation I think we have a good chance of winning only almost all guests on the opening team has been playing for 20 years" Cameron laughed.

"It would be fun to beat them up then" I said, as if on cue the boys came in.

"Guys gather up!" I shouted.

"Nice yo meet you!" I heard Cameron shaking hands with the taller guy out of them.

"Nice to see you again Nina!" He said shaking my hand then giving me a hug and kissing my left cheek. My face pursed in confusion we met before?

"Do I know you? Sorry I am not following" I said, he smiled amused?

"Lou bought you up for dinner with Stan and.."

"Oh yeah! Yeah... I remember now. Sorry, you look different, and your name is..." I said referring to his hair.

"Harry, not a problem petel" he said moving on to greet the other boys and girls.

I greeted the other blode who's name is Niall and Olly and of course Louis who's enjoying himself very much for some odd reason.

Time passed quickly, practice had come to an end. We were losing the day light and everyone was fairly tired.

I gathered my stuff after giving the team the talk 'relax and sleep early' making my way to the exist when everyone left. My legs carried me to the 'special place' dropping my bag down and stretched my legs sprawled on the grass. I got a text from mom asking when will I come back.

"In about 30 minutes, getting fresh air"

I texted, throwing my phone on the ground beside me and closing my eyes.

"I knew I would find you here," I heard.

I title my head slightly backwards,
"Aren't you a miracle worker. Smart pants," I mocked.

"Thank you, thank you love. Finally some appreciation for my brilliancy" Louis said, taking the short steps towards me and plotting down beside my body.

"Are you scared?" Louis asked after a few short silent moments.

I smiled my eyes closed. "No" I answered. He didn't say anything for a few seconds so, I opened my eyes moving my head slightly to look at him. "What?" I ask, rubbing my face thinking that maybe something is on my face as he continues to look at me.

"You're beautiful" he said. I giggled slapping his stomach. " Oh look at this!" I joked sliding his shirt up.
He pulled his shirt down slapping my arm, "It's better than mine," I said referring to his growing six pack.

"Yeah! Show me yours" Louis says and tries to lift my shirt making me wiggle in my place and scream and squeal for him to let go. I hug my shirt towards me squealing "no" my back now facing him. I don't feel him making an attempt towards me so I turn back around. Louis was on up on his elbow, smiling.

"What's that smile for?" I ask resting my hands on my stomach.

He shrugged his shoulder, resting his cheek on his palm. I closed the short distance between him and I curling up like a kitten against his chest. I wrapped my one arm around his waist and rested my face on the other. He didn't move an inch so I made his arm wrap itself around me. " Stay" I spoke then closed my eyes.

It felt like I was floating on a soft fluffy cloud, opening my eyes I was greeted by Louis's chest pressed against my cheek. I got up my phone ringing.

Mom 👑

I groaned noticing the time, "Sweety where are you?" She spoke worried immediately as I answer the phone.

"I am sorry mom I lost track of time.." I started but my phone was snatched from me.

"Hi Mrs. Statham, it's Louis!"
"I am great thanks love, how have you been?"
"I am so sorry, I was planning for tomorrow's game with Captain Nina and we totally lost track of time,"
"Yes I will be collaborating tomorrow hopefully I will see you there love!"
"I will drop her off right away,"
"Thank you my love, goodbye" Louis ends the phone call and hands me my phone.

"W.. What was that?"

"Your welcome love" He said.

"And you're again flirting with my mom Tomlinson!"

"Don't worry babe I only got eyes for you and your bum!" He laughed getting up.

"You!" I said hurriedly taking my bag and running after him, until I caught up to him and slapped his bum. As I make a run he catches my wrist and brings me back to him making me collapse hard. His lips pressing on mine in a meaningful kiss, at least that's what it felt like; his hand left my wrist traveling to the small of my back. I smiled encircling his waist.

His tongue ran on my lower lip I decided I wasn't going to grant him access. But, of course; Louis and his mischievous ways! Both his hands squeezed my bum making me interrupt in a loud moan, and him sliding his tongue in my mouth.



"We... need to stop," I tried.

"I am still not done with you babe, stay with me tonight?"

I smiled giving his lips one last kiss, "I am sorry Lou I can't, I have a game tomorrow. I will be Uhm.... soar if you know what I mean,"

He smirked but quickly recovered, "we don't have to do anything if you.."

"I will want to, I can't control myself around you" I said, making him laugh. "Yeah yeah, okay don't think too much of yourself" I said letting go of him and walking ahead. "You coming?"

"Sure am" he said.

" I will see you tomorrow, good night beautiful" Louis said as he lets me go.

I nodded, reaching out to kiss him goodnight. "Sleep tight" I whispered, I aimed for his cheek but he moved so I kissed the side of his mouth. Giggling I turned around walking to the door.

"Don't have dirty dreams of me" he called out.

" shushhh!" I glared at him.

Louis laughed shaking his head shoving his hands in his pants and going on his way.

I smiled at myself as I try to make no sound, "Nina!" I heard dad, I closed my eyes hopefully this won't be something dramatic.

"Where have you been?" He asked, mom sitting beside him.

"Uhmm, I was at a field then Louis showed up,"

" So you were with him?" Dad asked.

"No! He was! Yeah I was... okay, can I go now?" I asked

"Ahww! My little girl has a boyfriend!" Mom gashes while dad nodes proudly. What the... my family is wired.

I woke up energetic as ever, having everything ready I walked down to the kitchen. Mom, dad were ..... kissing? Actually that's a full make - out session! I cough making my presence clear. My mom gasps adjusting her clothes her face flushed. While dad stayed calm as ever he sipped on his cup of tea picking up the newspaper a smug look on his face.

"Mom it's fine you know," I laughed; she glared at both my dad and I.

"I would say I enjoyed that, wouldn't you agree honey?" Dad said, unable of being subtle about my laughter I try to busy myself with breakfast.

I had a peaceful time with my parents, and a talk with dad, who's not going to work today, explains why he was still there when I woke up. So we are all going together to my game!

I got ready, so as my parents and head out.

The amount of people attending this event blew my mind the minute I arrived, I walked to the dressing rooms being greeted by the team whom were huddling around Cameron. "What are you guys planning?" I joked.

"Here she comes, are you ever on time?" Bradley said, I stuck my tongue at him making him laugh.

I joined giving my opinion in Cameron's plan which mainly consists on strong defense. The time comes and we walk to the field, this place is huge! 10 times the amount of people we played in front of last week! Unintentionally I started to freak. We had still 20 minutes before the game starts I couldn't even see my parents or Lottie whom I knew was somewhere in the crowd.

I excused myself heading to the bathroom, "don't be late!" Dakota called after me. I flashed her a peace sign without looking back at her at some I make my way inside.

I washed my face, "You need to get it together! What are you doing Nina! People are counting on you!" I scolded my reflection in the mirror.

I shook my head not feeling well at all, I washed my face again. "Nina?" I heard.

"There you are I have been looking all over for you," Louis said approaching me.

"W.. What are you doing in the girl's toilet?" I ask throwing the toilet paper I used to dry my hand in the bin.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah.. I mean you're here right"

"Right babe" he replied.

"Aren't you supposed to..... I have never seen so much people!" I fumbled with my words.

"It's alright babe," he said bringing me closer and kissing the top of my head.
" Don't look at them okay, I will be beside you." He said.

Surprisingly, I believed him. Feels like I am on top. I took a breath "thanks Lou" I expelled from the lungs looking at him.

He smiled, "I like it when you call me Lou"

I giggled, " I have to go" he nodded. Before I stepped outside I did full twirl and kissed his lips. "Good luck" I whispered.

The game started I took the lead as the whistle goes off, being chased and trapped by 3 players I passed to Olly who was closest to me thankfully he caught hold of it. I shouted to Molly to follow him.

It's been almost 40 minutes since the beginning of the game and all our efforts in scoring a goal miserably failed. I fast walked to Cameron, "remember our first practice?" I asked him.

He nodded knowing what to do, this match wasn't ending before we did something.

I shouted to Harry to throw me the ball he did but instead the opposite team caught hold of it, thankfully Sage was able to get it back with Bradley's help and threw it to Cameron. I ran extra fast moving as planned with Cam.

"Cam now!" I shouted.

I ran caught hold of Cameron's head throw, fingers crossed my double kick will work this time. I fell on the ground watching the ball miss the goal keeper and make itself home in the net. I got up squealing throwing my hands up in fists, hearing the crowd go mad.

Cameron ran to me picking me up, I rested my hands on his shoulders as he spins us around then hug me. I laughed as he frees me and the rest of the team gives thier appreciations.

We contaminate, and continue with the game. Louis starts off I shout for him to throw me the ball as he's trapped but he doesn't listen. Until the ball gets easily snached from him. I glare with anger and move on planing to get the ball back single-handedly.

Dakota and Asher beat me to it and try but not sufficient enough, they fail. I make a jog towards them when Louis passes me and takes the ball. I call after him again to give me the ball but he doesn't. At the that point my patience was long gone and it's none of Saint's so excuse me for being a little sensitive to tolerance.

Just seconds before the the first half of the game comes to an end, the ball gets snatched from Louis and planted in our goal.

I groan in frustration, as the whistle goes off everybody walking to the locker rooms. I skip it and make my was to the guests dressing rooms.

I swing the door open. "Hay Nina!" I hear Harry but I pretend like I haven't.

"What the fouuck is your problem Tomlinson?" I rage.

Hallo beautiful readers,
This chapter took about 2 days or so to write, 2300+ words!
Anyhow 31 October, 2016 TODAY! @Liam_My_King I hope you have a good day.
@ 3:26 PM Monday!

My best ever friend just texted me and I'm crying have not talked to her for ages. God I miss her so much💜💛💜💛💞💝💟😢😢😢😢

30th of June, 2017 @ 2:43

Lots of love ❤❤❤

Mimi ✌

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