Window Pain- Story of the Los...

By Zodiac_Blue

1.3K 49 15

Lily was an Eight year old girl. She loved to play with her younger siblings, out in the courtyard. Like any... More

Window Pain- Story of the Lost Child
Lost and Found..I think
You may say I'm Dreamer
Well..that's unexpected

Us-0 Man-1

198 8 5
By Zodiac_Blue

It's been a whole 2 days. Something is definatly wrong. I know I'm not going to get any answers from my mom, so I go to my teacher, Mrs.Leahy, maybe she will be able to help me. 

I run up to her, " Madeline is missing. no one is listening. Please, just tell me what is going on." I can barely choke out the last few words.

I can no longer contain myself. At this point, I am sobbing, in Mrs. L's arms.  She is comforting me as best as she can, but I know something horrible has happened to my best friend.

Still sobbing, I manage to choke out, " Maddie.."

Mrs. Leahy replies, " I can't sweetie. I wish I could, but I'm not allowed to."

I was thoroughly confused. "What do you mean?" 

"Just go ask your mom" she states as she wipes my tears. 

I knew for a fact that I was not going to get anything out of my mom, or any of the adults. Now, my best friend Ella ,my brother Austin,and I are on a mission. Find Madeline Hart, what ever the cost. 

 After school, the two come over, we go into my basement. Ella, who is competely clueless as to what is going on, thinks that this is some sort of game, just kind of jokes around.

"What if she was kidnapped by Mr. Harvey, like in The Lovely Bones?" giggles Ella

Austin, just stares at Ella then growls, " Ella, that is so not funny! This is a serious matter! Your best friend is missing, and you're joking around." 

Ella spits out a word then pulls her legs to her chest and sits there and stares. 

"Now, what are we going to do. I mean, what CAN we do.  We have no power, no one will listen to us!" I say still trying not to cry. 

"I don't know Lily. I promise we will find her" Austin says in a serious voice. 

We sit and talk in our, frigid basement. I don't know anymore, I just want my best friend back. 

The next day comes, I Madeline is still missing, and now they've blocked off the field. 

I walk with Austin to school and we go past the field. There is a bunch of yellow caution tape surrounding it. I look down, because it reminds me of Madelinem and I don't want to deal with the memory of her right now. I am trying to think as little as possible about her, but it's not working. The rest of the length of the field, note: that field felt like the longest walk of my life.

" Austin, do you thi..WHAT IS THAT!" 

I point to a picture laying in on a rock. I pick the photo up, look at it. It looks like a cellar right out of the movies. Old and dusty, has a few buckets on the floor.

Austin points out something in the's  a little gir. I examine the photo closely then it hits me,  it's Maddie. I scream: which then catches the attention of the police that are scouring the field. 

"What is the problem little one?" the policeman asks kindly.

I cannot speak, I shakingly hand the photograph over to the man, and stutter out, "M.m..m..made..madeline.." 

The police man looks at the photo, then his face, quickly turns to a worrying frown. He calls over the other police officers. I go to look to Austin, but he's gone. 


I can't find him, the police officers are too busy to notice me screaming. I run over to them.

"I can't find my brother!" I say sobbing.

The officers, brush me off. I attempt to get their attention a few more times, but to no avail. I begin to walk away, but then I see something. It's a hand. I walk forward a few more steps, then scream. It's Madeline. 

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