damaged because of you

由 GabriellaHerman

77.2K 1.8K 705

They were suppose to be each other's forever, have kids, be happy have a white picket fence and go the whole... 更多

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
what if???
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
new story
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 34

chapter 33

1.2K 39 10
由 GabriellaHerman

Finn gets home from the station and he plops down on the sofa kicking off his shoes. He runs his fingers though his hair and squints in pain he looks down at the cut on the palm of his hand and he rolls his eyes. As he was putting out the fire a piece of metal from the car cut his hand open he needed stitches but it wasn't too bad.

Rachel walks down the stairs and sees her husband covered in smoke smudges and is tired from his long shift at the station. She walks over to him and wraps her arms around him from behind the sofa. Finn closes his eyes and relaxes as Rachel kisses his neck. She looks at his hand and holds up his palm to her face.

"Shit Rachel ow.."Finn grunts in pain.

"You got hurt again."She pouts.

"Wasn't too bad just needed 3 stitches just don't pull my hand."Finn lifts her up and brings her on his lap.

"Are you still mad about earlier.."Rachel asked not really wanting to argue with him since she knew how tired Finn must be.

"I'm not Mad.."Finn tries to reason with her.

"Yes you are I can see in in your eyes..Babe let me explain okay.."Rachel says

"You don't have to, Rachel Im not mad you missed a lunch date that's okay it's not a crime."Finn smiles he cups her cheek then cringes as his hand still hurts.

"I know but I've never in the entire time we have been together missed out on a date."Rachel pouts Finn can't help but laugh.

"Technically...you missed our first wedding day."Finn jokes Rachel glares at him and shoves him Finn laughs and pulls her onto his lap as he kisses her lips.

"Im not even Mad Babe let it go..okay? We're good I swear."Finn tickles her Rachel giggles and kisses his nose as she wipes the smoke marks off of his forehead.

"Im going to go shower and go to bed. See you in a few minutes okay?"Finn nods Rachel kisses his lips and bites her bottom lip watching as Finn walks away.

"One little lie won't hurt us...Let's just forget about it."Rachel says to herself.

The next day Rachel is getting ready for her rehearsal with Craig and Finn is sitting at the coffee table arranging the plate for them for breakfast.

"Hey Baby."Finn smiles charmingly Rachel walks over to kiss him and looks at the food.

"Wow you did all of this?"Rachel questions. Finn shrugs

"I knew you would be hungry so eat."Finn pulls out her seat and hands her the tofu and vegetable plate he made just for her.

"You're getting better and better at this whole cooking thing."Rachel compliments him Finn chuckles

"Only for you, so I have the entire day off thanks to that rusty car piece, SO what should we do today? Go down to the pier? Have lunch on a boat."Finn smiles Rachel frowns

"I can't I have to learn the dance steps with Craig today at the dance studio."Rachel says

"Oh...Maybe I'll come Visit then Julian can show me around."Finn says

"That sounds lovely, come on let's finish this up its delicious."Rachel feeds him a piece of Cucumber. Finn nods

"I am an excellent cook."Finn says pecking Rachel on the lips.

Finn and Rachel go down to the Dance Studio Craig stands up as he sees the young couple walking inside hand in hand.

"I'll see you later?"Finn says Rachel nods and kisses his lips

"Love you."Rachel whispers..

"HUDSON!"Julian calls out Finn turns around and smiles shaking his friend's hand.

"Come on I'll see you the set it's freaking huge in here man."Julian says Finn turns back to Rachel and winks at her Rachel blows him a kiss and walks towards Craig who is setting up the music.

"You ready for this?"Craig asked Rachel nods nervously Craig ques up the music and walks behind Rachel.

"The plot of the musical is the woman is new to the beautiful country of Italy, when you think Italy you think...Romance Sensuality..Sex."Craig whispers Rachel thinks about what he's saying and she nods.

"You have to become who Aria represents, she doesn't represent innocence she represents a being of confidence, toughness, one who is willing to do whatever it takes to succeed in a Country she's not familiar with...Now lets move to that beat...follow my lead."Craig says as he places his hands on Rachel's hips.

Julian and Finn are looking around the stage and Finn nods in approval "Dude this set is amazing...Almost life like."Finn touches the backdrop that pictured Italy.

"We have a kick ass designer crew Ill tell you that."Julian says "So did you ask Rachel about Craig.."He asked

"Not this again...I trust her."Finn shrugs.

"You shouldn't trust him Im telling you man he's a brilliant Producer but he's an ass."Julian says

"I know my wife if I tell her that Craig is trying to hit on her she'll get made and think Im just jealous which Im trying not to be, Rachel's lied to me before but she'd never do that again...she promised me..it's in our wedding vows."Finn declares as he walks to the next Prop on the stage.

Kurt is sitting on the Patio and Sebastian walks to him "Hi Hun."Sebastian sits down and kisses his cheek.

"We need to talk..about alot.."Kurt says Sebastian nods

"I Can't be the reason why you and your family have a fall out...I feel too guilty."Kurt says

"My father made this decision to disown me Kurt...we shouldn't suffer because of his ignorance."Sebastian says

"But we are suffering especially you! He Kicked you out of your home, your Job is in jeopardy no client wants to work with you because your father is bad mouthing you...This has to stop."Kurt cries

"No...No Kurt"Sebastian stutters.

"I love you I do...I want there to be an US for the rest of our lives but this is hurting too many people..the bad is out weighing the good...I can't see you suffer this is what is going to happen. It has to."Kurt holds his hands.

"Kurt please..think about this."Sebastian sobs.

"I have thought about it. This is what's best for us."Kurt says getting up and walking into the house. Sebastian closes his eyes and reaches into his pocket he hears footsteps and sees Puck looking at him confused.

"Looks like I've just been dumped."Sebastian says Puck shakes his head.

"It's gonna be okay man..Come on let's get you a drink."Puck helps his friend up Sebastian sighs and opens up the box.

"So what am I suppose to do with this?"Sebastian asked Puck looks down seeing it a solid gold ring. He looks at Sebastian with wide eyes.

"You were going to propose to Kurt?"He asked

"Y-Yeah I was..but he ended things..what do I do now?"Sebastian asked

"Let's get you out of here Man."Puck pats him on the back and leads him to his car.

"What happened to your hand?"Julian asked as he and Finn are playing catch with a small ball.

"I was helping put out a car last night a piece literally tore into my hand."Finn throws the ball..

"You dont ever get scared of fighting fires and stuff.."Julian asked

"All the time, but I know this is something Im good at and something Im meant to be doing, plus the benefits and pay are pretty good..especially is someone pisses me off I have legal rights to mess with their house."Finn chuckles

Rachel and Craig are going over the dance number and Rachel feels Craig too close to her.

"Can we take a break."Rachel says reaching for her water bottle. Craig turns off the music.

"Too hot?"He smirks

"More like My legs are tired..this routine is hard but I can't wait to see the other dancers shouldn't they be here too I mean this is a group number."Rachel questions

"Guess I just wanted to see how you move."Craig walks to her Rachel finally has had and looks at him.

"Look Craig, I don't know what you think is going to happen with us but let me reiterate something. I am married."Rachel states.

"Most girls who want to be famous have a significant other and guess what...their relationships never last why. Because People who want to be Big Time Stars are willing to do WHATEVER it takes to make it big and guess what sometimes that means indulging in adultery."Craig whispers

"Im not that desperate. I love Finn and you need to respect that."Rachel points at him

"Tell me something Rachel, Does Finn know you were with me yesterday?"Craig asked Rachel glares at him.

"You knew I was coming on to you and you let me...why because you liked it."Craig says

"No I didn't, I was being polite but I do have a rule about personal space. Seriously Craig back off Or I will tell Finn."Rachel says Craig laughs and then scoffs.

"You think your husband is going to like the fact that you lied to him. I talked to Julian he's filled me in on your guy's history and you have a tendency to be Pinocchio."Craig smiles and leans down to kiss her cheek.

"Rehearsal is done for the day. See you tomorrow Sugar."He says grabbing his bag and walking out the door.

"Crap.."Rachel closes her eyes knowing she's in trouble.

Finn walks back into the dance studio holding a Gatorade Bottle for Rachel He smiles at her and picks up her towel wiping her forehead.

"You look tired. Good Rehearsal?"Finn asked Rachel nods staying silent Finn just figured she was tired

"Come on let's get home I'll run you a bath."Finn wiggles his eyebrows as he gets her dance bag Rachel grips his arm and Finn looks at her confused.

"I need to tell you something.."Rachel whispers. Finn listen and smiles.

"I lied to you last night.."Rachel says Finn gives her a confused look.

"The reason I missed our lunch date wasn't b-because I was with Santana it was because I drinks with Craig. I ran into him and he wanted to go to a bar and we did..but that was it it was just drinks because he wanted to get to know me and tell me more about the show...but then I realized he was coming on to me..and I wasn't sure but after today..I realized now that he may have a thing for me and isn't shy about it."Rachel explains

"What do you mean after today.."Finn asked

"He came onto to me again...I told him Im married and that nothing will ever happen so he needs to back off but he thinks I like the idea of him flirting with me and touching me..I'm sorry I lied to you Finn.."Rachel looks down. Finn clenches his jaw then balls up his fists.

"I love you Finn..please don't be upset with me..I know I told you I'd never lie again I just didn't want to ruin our happiness..and this would ruin that."Rachel tears up as she grips Finn's shirt. Finn can't help but wipe her tears away he looks up and sees Craig walking in the hall way. Finn drops his hands and walks out to follow him.

"CRAIG!"Finn calls out Rachel quickly follows him and Julian walk into the hallway watching his two friends.

"Mr. FireMan. You're really popular around Lima."Craig crosses his arms.

"Leave my Wife alone."Finn sternly says

"I can't do that she's my star, she and I will be together for a while until this show starts."Craig explains.

"That's fine just stop hitting on her."Finn says Craig rolls his eyes as he looks at Julian knowing he must of ratted him out.

"Im not doing anything, plus if I were doing something..It would be Mutual."Craig says

"That's a lie."Rachel shouts. Finn begins to feel his blood boil as he looks at the smug man in front of him.

"Your job is to make Rachel a star with this musical..not take advantage of her kindness..this is your first and final warning...Just do your job."Finn begins to lose his patience Craig step closer to Finn.

"Don't worry Finn..I'll get very close to doing my job."Craig says with a different intention this doesn't go unnoticed by Finn and he quickly charges at Craig.

"FINN NO!"Rachel stand in front of him holding him back

"Craig get your ass out of here now!"Julian yells Craig laughs and shakes his head. Finn punches the wall and looks at Rachel

"Dude Im sorry..He's just an ass but he's the best in the Business here in Ohio he'll be able to get this show running and make it big..."Julian says

"I Quit."Rachel blurts out Finn and Julian look at her surprised

"Nothing is more important to me than my marriage..So I quit. Find yourself a new star Julian Im sorry. Babe Come on."Rachel says pulling Finn's hand he looks down at his wife and then looks at Julian who is now gripping his hair getting ready to pull it out.


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