The Woods Brothers

By Anonymous-Wolfie

210 14 2

What happens when a girl finds herself in the middle of the woods one night, only to be confronted by two boy... More

Prologue / Broken Glass
Chapter One / Chalk Outline
Chapter Two / Expectations
Chapter Four / Cancer
Chapter Five / I See Fire
Chapter Five / The Parting Glass
Author's Note
Chapter Six / Nobody's Hero
Chapter Eight / Home

Chapter Seven / Saviour

15 1 0
By Anonymous-Wolfie

Entry 7;

I haven't seen anything of my own timeline since the flash of it last night. But something is telling me I haven't had the last surprise of the week yet.

I've met with Toby's boss, who offered me a place to stay in the mansion for the time I'm in this timeline. He's even given me a couple of hints—such as 'finding your parents' murderer will be the key to getting you home' but I'm not sure what he meant by that. I just know that now, I'm on a hunt for the one who killed Ma and Pa in this timeline.

But it's a little odd. They're still alive in my own—but they're dead here. I'm not sure why. It's... just odd.

I don't know.

But I think my entries will be shorter from now on.

Because I think I'm nearing the end of my journey.



I never meant to be the one,

Who kept you from the dark.

But now I know my wou—

I cut the phone off midway through the first verse, frowning as I looked at the timer. I'd set an alarm to wake me up at eleven, but I hadn't been able to sleep at all. So I'd gone to my diary and wrote a new entry. A soft breath escaped my throat.

I'd decided last night that I was going to head out on my own in search of the one who killed my parents here. I'd discussed it with the others, who had reluctantly agreed after a few hours of convincing. So I was on my own.

I stood, sitting the diary on the nightstand before quickly exchanging my clothes from yesterday for a pair of black jean shorts, thin black leggings, a pair of combat boots, and a white tank top. I picked up the jacket Toby gave me, then tied it around my waist, running a hand through my hair as I fixed my eyepatch over my right eye. My gaze moved across the room, landing on the diary again. I frowned.

Making my way over, I opened it and ripped a page from the back out, taking the pencil and writing a note explaining where I was heading, and that if I didn't come back, I'd probably have gone back to my timeline. Or, uh, I also stated something... (cough cough) bad (cough cough) happened. I sat my diary and the key to the lock in my bag, and snuck out of the mansion quickly and easily, slipping through the front door.

I had a pretty good idea of where to head, so my feet knew exactly where to go when they started moving. And it took a couple of hours, but I finally arrived.

It was an old hiking trail my family used to travel. And I noticed Mark, Ma, and Pa's graves were just off the side of it. Tears stung my eyes as I slowly made my way towards them, crouching down as I eyed them.

"Ma...? Pa...?" I whimpered softly, looking between the graves. "Markie... I'm so sorry... I could have prevented this..." I whispered, sitting on my knees.

I never heard the footsteps behind me.

"I'm... I'm trying to go home. So... I... I hope to see you guys soon..." I mumbled, trailing my fingers across the gravestone of Mark's grave.

The footsteps grew closer before coming to a stop behind me, which I still didn't realize. I guess I should have paid more attention, and it would have prevented what happened next.

An arm suddenly wrapped around my neck, and my eyes went wide. The arm clutched my throat tightly, cutting my airways off. I struggled, and eventually pulled the arm from my neck before throwing myself away from the graves and the owner of the arm...

...only to see none other then Gregory Wells there, with a gun pointed at my forehead. My eyes were wide. "G-Greg!" I squeaked out, my right wrist beginning to ache slightly from my sudden scramble away, while my left hand dug into the dirt, and panic set in.

"Listen here, Young. I know you jumped." He snapped, and my heart started pounding. "So I drove Mark off road, and I killed your parents before I could even hope to get to you."

This startled me, but I looked around in hope of something, but I saw nothing I could use to my advantage, so it looked like I was alone and fighting Greg defenseless.

"H-How do you kn-know I jumped!?" I demanded, scrambling to my feet. Greg's gun followed me, locking on my forehead again, where sweat had begun to run. My mind was screaming 'run, you'll die' but I couldn't run or I would die. "Because I was the one who gave you that power. Don't tell me you don't remember."

My wide eyes must have told him I didn't, so he began to explain.

"You see, my father's a scientist. Or, was. Almost eight years ago in our timeline, however, he created a serum to allow those who had it to jump from timeline to timeline. To jump between alternate universes. But before he had a chance to use it, he slammed into a car on the way to work. And do you want to know what car that was, dear Synnova?" He paused the story for a moment, and my eyes went wide.

"Lyra's..." I whispered, and he let off a grin and malicious chuckle. "Wonderful guess. Now, back to our story. After I learned Dad killed your brother, your friends, and himself, I decided on revenge. I snuck into the facility and stole two vials of the serum. I drank one, and now I'm able to jump from timeline to timeline. But then, I decided after visiting another timeline where my dad was alive, that it wasn't... enough. No, what I really wanted was revenge.

"So I slipped the last serum into your drink at lunch one day without you noticing—mostly because at the same time, I was bullying you—and when I left, you drank it."

I sucked in a breath, wishing for him to stop, but he continued. "And you never realized you had it until you jumped into this timeline all that time ago. But I know how to control my power. I know how to jump across timelines at will. You, however, don't." He chuckled darkly. "And that's just enough for me to kill you, too." He said in a whisper, taking a few steps towards me. I started backing up until my back hit a tree, my eyes almost as wide as saucers, while he continued to walk forwards until the barrel of the gun was against my forehead.

"So, I just want to say... Goodbye." He said darkly, his finger moving to the trigger. I saw this as my chance, and quickly slammed my hand into his, him letting off a howl of pain when I hit his wrist. He stumbled backwards, frantically shaking his wrist to get the pain he felt to stop. I took a breath, narrowing my eyes as I lifted my hand and pulled my eyepatch up. "You know, Greg..." I said slowly, taking a step towards him before he looked up. "I don't think I'm ready to die yet."

He went to aim and shoot, but I grabbed his wrist, holding his finger from the trigger as I ducked away from the barrel. He went to throw a punch, and it hit my face, but I kept my ground as I threw one at him. He just barely missed grabbing it, and it slammed into his eye. He let off a howl of pain, while I fought with his other hand to retrieve the gun. I finally pulled it from his grasp, after a bit of a twist of his wrist, and kneed him in the stomach, slamming my fist into his face again. He stumbled and tripped, falling to the ground. He was completely startled.

I stepped over him, glancing at the gun. I knew the only way I'd get out of this alive would be to kill Greg, and I knew that if he got out, he could and probably would murder other innocents. But I was frankly so pissed that I wanted to have a little bit of fun before I shot him.

I crouched down, straddling his hips. "Say, how about we have a bit of a trial?" I asked darkly, sitting the gun in my waistband for now, making sure it was stuck there, before grabbing his collar and punching him dead in the face. He let off a cry, while I cracked my neck. "That was for Lyra." I growled. I threw another punch. "That one was for Mark."

Each punch I gave was for another he killed—first Lyra, second Mark, then Ma, Pa, and then the last...

I threw the last punch, hitting him dead in the nose, hearing a crack from it as I broke it. "And that one... was for Toby." I breathed out, then pulled the gun from my waistband, putting it to his forehead.

"I only let you live this long for one thing. My own revenge. I wouldn't have gone as far to kill you for vengeance, but you practically wished this upon yourself. I know how you are. You do something and you get attached to it. Who's not to say you could kill again? And again? And again?"

"I g-get your p-point!" He spluttered out, but I ignored his comment and continued.

"Who knows you could kill again? Well, that one I can answer easily. I do. So how about this. I simply kill you and save others for their own good, and not my own revengeful tastes. How does that sound?" I asked him, my voice and face expressionless, but enough to scare him stupid.

"P-Please don't k-kill me..." He pleaded, but I laughed, shaking my head. "Why not? I mean, you killed my parents, my brother, and your father killed my best friends. You bullied me for years—from first grade all the way to graduating from Freshman. You nearly killed me twice. You bullied my best friend, calling him names and beating him up when you had the chance. You are the reason I'm in this mess." I growled. "Who says you won't do it again?" I added in a whisper, my finger sliding to the trigger.

I knew I'd regret it. I knew it. But it was most likely saving others—not to mention my friends and my family—if I killed Greg. So...

I pulled it.

I pulled the trigger.

I opened my eyes to find Greg motionless beneath me. Blood leaked slowly from a large, gaping hole in his forehead. I took a breath, positioning the gun in his hand to make it look like a suicide, while tears stung my eyes. A heavy breath escaped my lips, while I walked over to the graves.

"I'm so sorry... it was to save you, and so many others... but I'm so, so sorry, Ma... Pa..." I whispered, tears overflowing as I turned to Greg's body one last time before taking off running. Fleeing the scene of the crime.

I came back to the mansion, silently stepping onto the porch before opening the door, closing it and falling against it before sliding down it, curling into a ball. I could hear footsteps approaching, most likely the others coming to greet someone.

"Welcome b—oh my God, are you alright?!" It was EJ's voice. I heard his footsteps, and others run towards me, and I shook slightly, my face buried in my knees. "...I killed him..." I whispered, my voice cracking and broken. "Who? Who'd you kill?" EJ asked, and I felt hands on my shoulders. I could hear Sally's quiet whispers asking what was wrong, and Hoodie reply with 'I'm not sure.'

"I..." I started, but trailed off. I could hear Toby's occasional and random tics, which told me he was in the room. Lifting my head, I saw him standing by Sally and Hoodie. "I'm so sorry... I..." I broke down then, and Toby rushed to my side, still slightly startled, before pulling me into a hug, whispering 'it's okay' into my ear repeatedly in an attempt to calm me down.

When I calmed down, I was curled into Toby's side, Sally was sitting on his lap, holding my hand, while EJ was crouched beside me and Jeff was in front of us. Hoodie had hung back and was explaining to Masky, who had come in and I hadn't quite seen yet, what had happened.

"...Do you think you can tell us what happened?" Jeff asked, and I nodded numbly, lifting my head slightly before recapping my encounter with Greg.

They all seemed shocked by the time I'd finished. "So... He's the reason you're stuck here?" Sally asked softly, and I gave a feeble nod again. "...Yeah. He's the reason I'm stuck here." I mumbled.

"Come on; let's get you cleaned up..." EJ sighed, lifting me to my feet.

I sat up in my room that night, leaning against the window and sitting on the window sill, Toby's jacket hugging me tightly. It was oversized, and easily fit over my torso and legs if I hugged them to my chest.

Three knocks hit my ears, and I turned to the door, shifting so that I was sitting cross-legged. "Come on in, T." I said, just loud enough for him to hear. The door opened, and sure enough, Toby stepped in nervously before closing the door behind him. "How're you doing?" He asked me, stepping over before pulling himself into the window sill across from me, mimicking how I sat.

"I... I guess I'm doing okay." I said, shrugging slightly as he nodded. We both looked out the window, and I noticed SmileDog and Sally running around—or, more like Smile running around with Sally on his back.

"You plan on l-leaving soon?"

Toby's voice pulled me from my thoughts, and I turned to him, heaving a long sigh. "Well... Yeah, I guess... There's nothing for me here." I shrugged, and Toby noticeably frowned. I looked up at him, my own frown on my face. "I'm going to miss you, T. I really am." I sighed, pulling him into a hug. He hugged me back, rubbing my shoulder. "You can come v-visit... right?"

"I hope so, but I don't think it would be possible. I mean, I could jump to the wrong timeline and get stuck there. I could never find this timeline again." I explained, pulling away from Toby, leaning against the wall again, wrapping my arms around my stomach. He watched me carefully for a moment, slowly nodding.

"I understand. I r-really do." He said, and I let off a choked laugh, throwing my head back. "God, I'm so emotional..." I mumbled, earning a laugh from Toby. "It's just so... weird. In my timeline, you were killed so long ago, yet, here you are, sitting in front of me." I said, and he nodded slowly. I ran a hand through my hair, shaking my head.

"Who knows... I may have altered something and kept you alive. At least... I hope I did." That last part was nothing more than a whisper, and mostly to myself more than anyone.

A knock rang on my door, and Toby and I stood. "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming, Jeff." I chuckled, walking over before opening the door—and seeing Jeff. "How do you d-do that?" Toby asked curiously, and I shrugged.

Jeff, Toby, and I made our way downstairs, me telling them I was planning on leaving today. They seemed upset by the news, but encouraged me to go.

Within minutes, everyone was crowded in the front entryway. I eyed the door carefully before turning on my heel. "Well... I guess this is it." I said slowly, seeing all of them nod slowly.

Toby stepped forwards, enveloping me in a hug. "Be careful." He told me quietly, and I nodded before hugging him again. "I will. You all be careful, too." I replied, and he nodded as he pulled away. Liu had come downstairs surprisingly, and wandered over before high-fiving me. I gave a smile before being swept up in a hug by Jeff, laughing slightly as I returned it.

I gave Sally and EJ a hug, high-fiving BEN, a Link look-alike who was a gamer, and Clockwork, Toby's friend. I turned to Jane, Jack(or LJ, as he told me to call him now), and Jill before smiling faintly. "Thank you guys for taking me in earlier. I would have been alone and probably would have died if it weren't for you." I said, and they laughed before scooping me up in a hug.

"Agh—LJ!—Can't—Breathe!" I wheezed, and they let go before LJ ruffled my hair. I stepped back, and sighed. "Be good, Smile. You too, Sally... By the time I get home, it should be midnight on December ninth of twenty-nineteen, so maybe I'll see you then... Bye, you guys." I said, waving slowly before I stepped outside, closing the door to the mansion behind me.

This was it. I was going home. After nearly six long months, I was going home.

I sighed. "If only I could visit..." I mumbled, lowering my gaze. I pulled my phone from my pocket, lifting my eyepatch to reveal the brown eye. It had completely bled over in brown, and no sign of blue remained.

I shook my head, sitting the eyepatch in my pocket before slipping my phone in it, as well, fixing Toby's jacket around my waist as I clambered over the wood terrain, eventually coming to the meadow.

Here goes nothing. I thought, stepping over to the corner, taking a breath as I closed my eyes. "I want to go home," I whispered.

I hope this works...


A/N: So here we are at the chapter before the last. I know this story was really short, but I had a ton of fun when writing it, and I really hope you guys liked it. I will be rewriting the final chapter before I post it--due to it being very, very rushed--but it should be up in the next couple of hours or so, since I've already got a bit of a plan for how the rewrite will be.
Again, thank you guys! I hope you like the story!


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