Chapter One / Chalk Outline

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Entry 1;

So, just to clear this up. I go outside for a few minutes to just take a walk. Fifteen minutes later, I find myself in the woods and I'm being chased by two boys who were definitely not sane. Keep in mind this was in 2019.

The boys cornered me and I remember saying 'being in a different timeline would definitely be good right about now' or something along the lines of that and then sitting bolt upright in a bed of an APARTMENT.

AN APARMENT, now! I lived in an old Colonial house with my best friend for a while, and had frankly never lived in an apartment before. But I went into the bathroom that connected to the room and found my phone. And when I picked it up, I saw the date was October 9th of 2016.

20-friggin-16. Now you tell me what's going on here.


A terrified girl who just found

herself three years in the past.

A.K.A, You.

I took a deep breath, eyeing the diary entry. I had never kept a diary before, but with the crazy stuff I had just experienced, it was definitely the right time to start one.

I clipped the diary shut, locking it away in a dresser in the apartment. I looked around, confused for a moment, before making my way outside the room and down the steps.

I was definitely alone, and if I had gone back three years, then I was only fourteen at the time. So who else lived here? Or was I homeless or something?

It made sense-so far-being homeless in another timeline. Each one would at least be somewhat different. But then again, being in a different timeline wasn't at all how I anticipated spending the ninth of October (which in my reality was three months ago).

But hey, at least I was fourteen again. I didn't have house bills to pay in my friend and I's apartment!

"Oh boy," I mumbled, looking around in confusion as I wandered into the run-down kitchen of the apartment, quickly finding nothing but canned and packaged food, as well as water bottles. I frowned, picking up a water bottle before climbing onto the counter, crossing my legs, looking around.

I heard the door open, turning towards it before uncapping the bottle and taking a small gulp. And in stepped one of the boys from the woods.

"Hi again. I thought I'd bring you a notepad, since, well, you don't like to use your voice around me." It was the younger of the two, who was a couple of years younger, maybe. His skin was fair, his hair shaggy and dark brown. It hung loosely around his ears, almost like it hadn't been cut in at least a couple of months. His eyes were a light blue, and he looked a lot different then what I'd seen in the woods.

He walked over, and I quickly took notice of the white hoodie and blue jeans he wore. He handed me a notepad and a black pen, me slowly reaching over and taking it. So apparently I lived alone, and never used my voice in this timeline. Well, at least that can be used as information.

"So, what's your name?" The boy asked, lifting himself onto the island across from me. I kept my gaze on him for a moment, then lowered it to the page and scribbled 'Synnova' on it in my curvy hand-writing, which was slanted to the right ever so slightly, and was rather elegant. Or, at least, that's what my best friend used to tell me. I held the pad up, showing him.

"Synnova?" He asked, testing the name out. I nodded. "Nice name." He grinned, and I gave a smile before turning back to the page and writing, 'What's yours?' and showing it to him. "Jeffery. Jeffery Woods. But, uh, call me Jeff." He said, and I nodded. He wasn't at all like he was in the woods. So many that was either a sick dream, this is a weird one, or I really did manage to jump between timelines.

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