The Dragon's Heir [Beta][Comp...

By SnowInParadise

4.2M 146K 36.2K

COMPLETE #1 in Fantasy #1 in Adventure #1 in Historical Fiction ---------- Sometimes, believing helps us... More

Prologue - Rewritten but Unedited
Chapter One - Rewritten but Unedited
Chapter Two - Rewritten but Unedited
Chapter Three - Rewritten but Unedited
Chapter Four - Rewritten but Unedited
Chapter Five - Rewritten but Unedited
Chapter Six - Rewritten but Unedited
Chapter Seven - Unedited
Chapter Eight - Unedited
Chapter Nine - Unedited
Chapter Ten - Unedited
Chapter Eleven - Unedited
Chapter Twelve - Unedited
Chapter Thirteen - Unedited
Chapter Fourteen - Unedited
Chapter Fifteen - Unedited
Chapter Sixteen - Unedited
Chapter Seventeen - Unedited
Chapter Eighteen - Unedited
Chapter Twenty - Unedited
Epilogue - Rewritten but Unedited
Bonus Story: Discovery
Spin-Off Series - The Dragon Tournament

Chapter Nineteen - Unedited

94.3K 4.5K 1.4K
By SnowInParadise

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Chapter Nineteen

I watch as Arthur lets his sword drop to the ground, turning angrily to whoever dared try to tell him to stop. What he didn't realise was that it was it was someone telling me to stop, not to kill Arthur.

Harrison runs over to me and pulls the sword from my hands, throwing it to the floor, "You were going to kill him." He hissed angrily.

"I'm sorry...he was going to kill my father."

Harrison goes to say something when he stops short, "Your father? Tyson?"

"That's the one."

He laughs, "Belle, you've gone mad! I remember the day your father died clearly. I remember it because I had to sit with you for hours and hug you because you couldn't stop crying."

"What is the meaning of all this!" Arthur growls angrily and Harrison turns around to his father,

"None of your concern, father."

Arthur turns red with anger, "It's all my concern! You stay away from her, Harrison, before I force you away."

Harrison narrows his eyes, taking a threatening step towards Arthur, "Make me."

While they are having a stare off, I slowly bend down and pick up my sword, putting it back into its leather hip sheath. Behind them I watch as Teresa demands the guards let her and Tyson to, then she gets them to undo her ropes and embraces Tyson.

"Why'd you tell me to stop? He was having an affair with your mother, he deserved to die, along with his bastard child, Elizabeth." Arthur spits the name.

Harrison scoffs, "I wasn't telling you to stop, I was telling Arabelle to stop." Then his eyes to wide as he realises what he did.

Arthur turns to me, his eyes narrow slits of anger, " were going to kill me?"

"Because you were going to kill that guard," I nod towards Tyson, "and he didn't deserve it."

"Didn't deserve it! Ha! That guard was having an affair with my wife, did you not know?"

I step forward, "I did know. But you don't know just how long it's been going for."

The King goes to say something then stops, turning around to glare at Tyson, who's hand is entwined with Teresa's.

"Tyson Tiona, how didn't I recognise you? It's obvious now; Arabelle is a spitting image of you! Black hair, green eyes and the olive skin." Arthur shakes his head, "I'm a fool to have missed it. I should have known that Teresa would find a way to let you survive."

Teresa narrows her eyes, "Of course. I love him, and I'm not afraid to admit it. You're living your final day today, Arthur. Just surrender now and we will kill you swiftly."

Arthur walks over to them and grabs his sword, which was a few meters away from Tyson. He points the tip of the sword at Tyson, ignoring Teresa's last comment, "One of us dies today."

I can't stand it any longer and I raise my sword into the air, "Lets get this over with...ATTACK!" I shout to the crowd and all my troops run towards the castle and towards Arthur, but his thousands of men also run out. I run to Kaloua and jump on, flying into the sky. Below the clashing of swords echos throughout the town and the screams of those who are dying.

I see Christian flying with Nadi lower, Nadi breathing fire over the guards and buildings. I choke on a mix of emotions, and before I can decipher which emotions exactly they are, Kaloua swoops down and blows his icy breath over everything, the fire ceasing and frost covering most things. I watch with partial amusement as ice forms on the ground and the guards all slip and slide as they try to get a grip.

Suddenly, I hear something whistle past my ear and look to see archers shooting at us. I narrow my eyes, once again, this would be a perfect time to have a bow and arrow for myself.

'Kaloua, drop me off above the archers,' I command and he does as I say. As I near them I hop out of the seat on Kaloua's back and slide towards the end of his tail. I swing off and roll onto the floor, drawing my sword at the same time. All the memories sword training with Daniel and Rory hit me at once and a tear falls from my cheek as I strike the guards.

Before I knew it, there was a whole group of them on me. I jump over one of their swords and bend away from another, but I feel another slice my arm. I let out a cry, but know it was my left arm they cut - thank my luck - and I can still weild my sword. I see the archer further ahead, loading his next arrow and aiming it right for Kaloua. I push through the group of guards, getting yet another gash on my side, and run at the archer.

By the time I reach him, it was too late. I hear a wail come from Kaloua as he falters, and I turn to look at him. The archer got him right in the stomach, and when he had faltered, someone else had shot him in the neck and the tail. I dig my sword into the stomach of the archer in front of me, anger feeling my strength.

"Arabelle!" I hear a loud scream come from someone and turn to see Evangelina standing between a group of guards. My sisterly instincts kick in and I run towards her, my sword at the ready, but another guards tackles me. All I hear is a deathly scream as I fight off the guard. I stab him and jump up as quickly as I can, looking around for Evangelina.

"Ange? Ange!" I cry out to no use, I can see she is gone. Tears blur my vision as I search around for the king. I spot him fighting off a random fighter from my army and I storm over, sword in my hand, as I wipe away my tears. I push the member of my army aside and I point my sword at Arthur,

"It's all your fault," I snap threateningly at him, more tears coming on, "It's your fault she is dead."

"My fault? Why, Arabelle, it was you who brought the war upon us."

I shake my head, "N-No. I wouldn't have has to if you had just given me what I am destined for. Instead you made me run away, learn what I need to do, come back, nearly loose numerous loved ones, then..." I choke on my words, "Now Evangelina is dead, and Kaloua is..."

Arthur rolls his eyes and begins to circle, and I move with him, "I take no blame for their deaths, Arabelle."

"It was your guards who killed them."

"And what about all my guards whom your army killed?"

"They aren't my army. They all volunteered to follow me." I snap and lunge for Arthur, but he jumps away. Our swords clash and I push against him, and he returns with much more strength than me.

"Give up now, Arabelle, you don't stand a chance!" Arthur chuckles, and I feel myself beginning to fall with the strength. I summon everything I have and push against him, knowing that I have youth on my side,

"I will never give up. Never. Only over my dead body."

Arthur narrows his eyes, clenching his jaw with the effort he is putting in, "That can always be arranged."

I pull away quickly and he stumbles forward. I use the surprise to slam the hilt of my sword into his back, forcing him to the floor. Kneeling to the floor, I turn him over and see tears welled in his eyes from the pain.

"Just kill me now, would you," Arthur snaps at me with spite, "Save us both the time."

"Not just yet. I-"

Arthur rolls his eyes, "Cut the speech, Arabelle. I don't want to hear it."

I place my sword at his neck, putting a little bit of pressure onto it, "I can talk for as long as I want to. I'm not the one with a sword at my neck."

Arthur just grins, and I am about to ask why he is so pleased but I feel someone lift me up by my hair. I scream, keeping a tight hold to my sword, and kick the person's leg with all the force I can summon. He drops me and I turn around kicking him hard in the chest, causing him to stumble back and I see one of my followers drag him back into battle.

Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain in my back, like someone had just slammed a sharp rock into it. I turn around to find Arthur with a shocked expression. He must have tried to drive his sword through me.

"Huh, talk about back stabbing," I mumble, "You won't be saved so easily next time."

Arthur twirls his sword, "There won't be a next time." He lunges at me, and I dodge his blade by meer inches. He swings again and I dodge it, but it was closer. I jump up over the next swing, and land on top of the sword. Arthur pulls it out from underneath me and I stumble, falling onto my back.

Arthur steps forward slowly and I push myself further and further back, but he catches up to me, pressing his sword against my exposed neck. I feel blood trickle down my neck and I swollow, fear beginning to consume me.

"Not so cocky now, are you Arabelle? Now that you are at death's grasp."

"Not so fast." I hear a voice say and look around to see it is Fraser, my loyal guard. He is covered in blood and a sword in both hands, eyes narrowed at Arthur. The King laughs and turns to face Fraser, keeping his sword on my throat. He calls over three of his soldiers to hold me as he prepares to fight Fraser.

"Ah, if it isn't the love struck guard, Fraser. I made a mistake for letting you into the Light Knights."

Fraser didn't respond, but instead jumped at Arthur, clashing his swords against Arthur's unprepared weapon. The king stumbled back but gathered himself easily. I stood up shakily and lifted my own sword, taking a strike at Arthur with my good arm. He jumped back and whistled, a swarm of his soldiers grabbing Fraser. Before I could do anything, Arthur drew his sword and pushed it right through Fraser's stomach.

"N-No!" I screamed, jumping at Arthur and my sword collided with his. A wicked grin was smothered on his face,

"I'm sorry, Arabelle, I thought you loved Harrison? Or was it actually Fraser?"

I narrowed my eyes, now furious. I shoved Arthur forward with all my strength, forcing him to tumble over his own footing and crash into the ground. I raced over to where Fraser lay on the ground, barely managing to stay conscious, blood covering the stones beneath him.

"Oh god, Fraser...why did you step in!" I touched his injury softly, causing him to wince. I lifted off his armour and his shirt, examining the wound. It was deep, and had managed to push through the armour. I look to Fraser, who was staring at me with a weak smile - all he could manage.

"I had to Arabelle. You have a destiny to forfil. Remember?" He lifted his arm with all his might to point to my shoulder, where the dragon heir marking was, "The Dragon's Heir."

Tears began to well in my eyes. Everyone was leaving me. "Fraser, you'll be okay. I'll make sure of it."

He smiled, but it faded as he began to cough, splattering blood from his mouth, "I've known you for much longer than you know, Arabelle. I watched over you the entire time you were away. In fact, I joined the Light Knights, knowing that you would need someone on the inside one day. Don't let my sacrifice be for nothing, alright?"

"Fraser, please, no..." I sobbed, brushing his hair out of his eyes. I could see the life leaving them.

"Arabelle," he said softly, his eyes closing, "I always loved you."

As I felt his heavy body go limp, I lowered him to the ground. I looked around for Arthur, unable to spot him. I bent down to Fraser and kissed his forehead, then grabbed my sword and searched once again for Arthur. I saw people fightng everywhere, and more bodies laying dead than still up and fighting. I was proud when I saw that the townspeople had joined in, so my numbers surpassed Arthur's.

I found him standing in amongst his guards, who were busy fighting off other people. I walked over, and expected a guard to turn on me but none did. Arthur groaned at the sight of me.

"Again, honestly, give up Arabelle."


"Well, you should." A new voice said, the voice I know belongs to Harrison. I glance to see him standing nearby, a sword in each hand. I could see the torn look in his eye, whether to support his father, or support me. He turns one sword to me, and the other to Arthur, "Both of you."

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