promise → mileven

By elenarizona

5.5K 144 80

"in which mike and eleven live happily ever after. or do they?" stranger things, mike, and eleven all belon... More

→ introduction
part one →
one → hospital
two → good night
three → a trip
four → sentiments
five → calamity
six → forget-me-not
part two →
one → math class
two → skinny dip

three → rules are meant to be broken

190 4 5
By elenarizona

hawkins, indiana. 1987, september 26th, saturday. 2:03 am, hopper's back yard

the harsh change of cold air to warm water was what brought her back from her daze. what did she just do? she just got naked in front of one of the hottest guys in school, not to mention the one her foster father told her to be careful about. and now he was standing in front of her, naked and shocked, and she was in front of him half-naked and embarassed, not to mention wearing a pair of winnie the pooh panties.
"uh... hi" mike said, trying to stop the awkward silence but in the process making it even more awkward. "nice seeing you here."
"this is my house."jane replied, looking away so that he couldn't see her beet-red blush.
"quite nice weather we have right now, eh?" he continued, and jane wished he'd just stop.
"it's fifty degrees farenheit. it's cold as balls. can you please stop the small talk."
"uhh... ok, sure. if you're wondering what i'm doing here i was dared to do this."
"awesome. sarah's having a party again, i assume."
"this is the only party i've been to in the past year."
"good for you, i guess." ouch. she was being quite cold - then again, she never was one to speak much - to him or to anyone else - but now she had a certain distance in her tone that worried mike.
"why do you always avoid me, jane?" he suddenly spoke up, not sure whether it was the alcohol speaking or him.
"i said," he spoke, swimming closer to her. "why do you always try to avoid me?"
"i-i don't! it's just that hopper doesn't like me speaking with boys so i-"her words were cut off by the boy resting his head on the groove of her neck. "oi! what do you think you're doing! get off me this inst-" she was interrupted by his body slumping into her arms due to consuming too much alcohol. "ugh! you idiot drunkard!" she complained, hoisting him out of the pool and then getting out herself.

hawkins, indiana. 1987, september 26th, saturday. 3:13 am, sarah scott's residence.

"again, i'm so sorry that you had to take care of this stupid idiot. thank you so much, jane!" max said, standing in front of mike's running car as she bid her goodbyes. after half an hour of struggling to get the ravenheaded boy dressed again, she piggyback-carried him into sarah scott's house, where, fortunately the party had begun dying down. she found max easily, and currently she was bidding her goodbyes to the girl. 'she isn't such a bad girl. maybe i could be friends with her' she had thought at one point in their conversation, but then interrupted herself, remembering that hopper had banned her from being friends with anyone who had a connection to mike.

she then began walking back to her house, giggling to herself about what had just happened and-oh. the lights were on. she didn't remember turning on the lights in the dining room.

"where excatly did you go at this time of night? and why is your hair wet?" jim asked, leaning onto the dining table with his arms crossed.
"el, did you go to the party? now, listen, i know i made a deal with the bad men and everything but there's still some risk, ok? you can't just go around and sneak out to parties and stuff like that, ok? im very disappointed in you, eleven. now take a shower and go to bed." he ordered, and, with a yawn, went back to his room. she sighed in relief. at least he didn't find out about her seeing mike or- what in the world was she thinking? she was just glad that he was shit-faced drunk or she would never, ever, ever be able to live it down. and as she got ready to go back to bed, she couldn't stop thinking and blushing about how attractive mike had gotten and how much he'd changed.

hawkins, indiana. 1987, september 28th, monday, 9:34 am, hawkins high.

no matter how hard mike thought, he couldn't seem to remember what happened saturday night at sarah's party. he just hoped he hadn't done anything to embarrass himself too badly, as if being grounded for a month and having his car taken away for a week wasn't enough. and no matter how much he pleaded max, she wouldn't tell him what had happened that night. lucas, of course, was of no help to him since he was busy making out with one of the cheerleaders.

mike glanced at the clock in the classroom, merciless ticking away at a glacial pace and groaned at the fact that class was barely halfway through. he glanced to his side at jane, staring at her thin figure and down at her thin arms, jotting down everything the teacher said. just then, for a second, he saw something written on her wrist. it looked awfully a lot like a small tattoo, but before he could get a good look at it, her hand moved again and the sweater covered it back up. mike frowned at this revelation. they were barely in high school and she already had a tattoo? plus, she didn't seem like the type who'd go and get tattoos, which, in a small town like hawkins, was reserved for the
more outcasted social groups. just then, the bell rang through the whole school, and the students began pouring out of each class collectively. jane had already packed up and was on her way out the door as soon as the bell rang and mike swore under his breath, knowing he missed his chance to talk to her.

"hey loverboy, you got a new crush now?" dustin asked the raven-haired boy, joining him on his way out of the classroom.
"what? no!"
"it's ok you don't have to admit it. but man, try to stare a little less next time, kay? it was even creeping me out, and you know i don't get creeped out easily."

"hey guys! i got some-" max said, but before she could continue, mike saw a glance of jane in the crowd and interrupted her.
"wait." he said, and ran after the girl. he needed to talk to her. about what, he didn't know but deep inside he had a feeling about her. an intuition.

"jane!" he called out, and all of a sudden he found himself looking into those warm brown eyes that reminded him of comfort and solace for no apparent reason.
"what? do i know you or something?" she asked. thank god she didn't recognize him, the last thing he needed right now is even her knowing about what had happened at the party. he knew he'd done something, because he heard his name whispered in conversations as he walked down the hallway, but could not, for the life of him, figure out what it was about.
"yeah, i'm mike. mike wheeler. i sit next to you in math, remember?"
"oh. that kid."
"yeah" he chuckled, trying to figure out a way to lengthen the conversation."soo, you packed up so quickly that you must've missed it but our teacher gave us a paired assignment and i'm paired up with you." he fibbed. fuck, what in the world did he get himself into?
"oh." she said, thinking of all the things that could go wrong. she was paired up with mike wheeler, the boy her foster father jim hopper warned excessively about, telling her stories of how he'd gotten arrested multiple times, how he was a player now, he doesn't remember her anymore, he parties excessively, and is a compulsive liar. she knew the right thing to do was tell hop. he'd probably tell the teacher something about how she needs to change partners and then mike would be the least of her worries.
but this was also mike wheeler, the boy who sheltered her and protected her just four years ago, her first love, her first boyfriend, her first kiss, her first everything. he couldn't have changed so much in four years. plus, she'd seen so many movies about rebellious teenagers going against their parents; it was due time to stage hers.
"listen, i did something stupid and now i can't have any boys over, and i can't leave the house. there's no exceptions to this rule but who says rules aren't meant to be broken? where's your house? i'll come over around 9" she smirked. she was just copying one of her favorite chick flick character's monologue, but damn did it feel good to say it.

ik i havent posted in like a year but i kinda lost interest for stranger things after i watched it, but now i'm here to stay!! (hopefully). anyways, now that s2 is out i might make some changes to the storyline and the way the characters act and all that shiz, im not sure. i hope you enjoyed this comeback chapter though, ill try to be active from here on out! sorry for not updating for so long!
lots of love,

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