Shield's Devotion: Book One

By MoemoC

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Aurora Lane has a past that nobody wants to imagine could be true. As a preteen she unfortunately witnessed h... More

Chapter 1: Aurora
Chapter 2: Aiden
Chapter 3: Aurora
Chapter 4: Aiden
Chapter 5: Aurora
Chapter 6: Aurora
Chapter 7: Aiden
Chapter 8: Aurora
Chapter 9: Aiden
Chapter 10: Aiden
Chapter 11: Aurora
Chapter 12: Aurora
Chapter 13: Aiden
Chapter 14: Aurora
Chapter 16: Aurora
Chapter 17: Aiden
Chapter 18: Aurora

Chapter 15: Aiden

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By MoemoC

Aurora was clearly upset today at practice and it bothered me to no end. She tried to run away from me but I wasn't having it. Aurora has been so strong for so long, she has this mindset that if she cries, or she lets her guard down it makes her weak. I practically had to force her to look at me and when she did, her blue eyes were like sparkling sapphires and tears were falling from them. Even when she's crying, she's breathtakingly beautiful.

After practice, she told me about her ex and I wanted to put her in protective custody. She got pissed at me for wanting to protect her because she thinks she can take care of herself. I know she can, but I want to protect her. I got pissed because she was being stubborn. We started raising our voices, arguing with each other over her protection but as it went on, I controlled my voice and made her stop being so stubborn.

As I sit on my bed, I stare at my phone and wait for a text or a call, or something from her like she promised. I don't know what I'm going to do. I have to protect her, it's burning inside me to make sure she's okay.

"Dinner is ready, Aiden," Mom calls through the speaker.

I let out a huge sigh and trek down the stairs to the dining room where Mom and Dad are sitting. Giovanni sets a plate of food in front of me and all I can do is stare at it. I sit there and a poke around it with my fork but I can't focus on eating right now. My leg is bouncing under the table, my nerves on edge because Aurora is in every part of my mind right now.

"What's wrong with you, son?" Dad gives me a look.

"Nothing. I'm just not hungry," I check my phone again but Aurora's name still isn't present on the screen.

"You're lying. What's wrong?" Mom demands.

"It's just a long story."

"We've got time," Dad assures, not taking my hint to drop it.

"When Aurora was in Texas, she found out her now ex was cheating. When she confronted him about it, he hit her. Well she retaliated and put him in the hospital."

"Good for her. I'm still not sure why you're on edge," Dad says.

"He was just released from the hospital last night. Aurora's best friend called her and told her that he's been telling people that he's looking for her and that he plans to harm her," I stand up and start to pace back and forth.

"We'll put her in protective custody," Dad pulls out his phone to start making calls but I stop him.

"She'll never go for that. We already got into an argument over me trying to help her. She won't allow me to put her into protective custody."

"Well son she has to!" Mom is starting to get upset.

"She won't, Mom. I know that she won't. I just know."

"So what do you suppose we do?"

"WE are not going to do anything. I am going to do whatever I have to in order to keep her safe. She's my girlfriend, and I want to be the one to help her," I run one of my hands through my hair, frustrated.

"Aiden, do you love her?" Mom asks, eyes wide.

I don't have time to answer her because my phone rings, Aurora's name appearing on the screen.

"Hey, are you okay?" I answer her FaceTime call, leaving the dining room and going upstairs.

"I'm okay. Dad didn't take it well, as expected. He wants to put me in protective custody," she sighs.

"It's a good idea. My dad wants to do the same for you. He has connections, you know."

"You told your parents?"

"Of course I told my parents. They love you," I lay on my bed, feeling better now that I know she's okay.

I hear her sigh again. She sounds tired.

"They're sweet. I really like your parents."

"They just want what's best for you. I agree that protective custody is the best option."

"I'm not doing it. I'm not going to cower like a child. That's just not me. I'm sorry."

"I knew you would say that," I sigh.


"Don't be sorry. Just know that I'll be a tyrant until we get this figured out," I chuckle.

"I'll let you be a tyrant for a little while. I'll act like I hate it though," she giggles.

"I can deal with that. What are you doing?"

"Laying in bed, staring at the ceiling. I ordered pizza. You got me hooked on it so if I get fat, you have to deal with it."

I laugh at her statement. She's so dramatic when it comes to eating food she doesn't make herself.

"Hey a fat ass is a good ass," I chuckle.

She throws her head back and laughs at my suggestion.

"Are you trying to tell me that I need a fatter ass?" She laughs.

"Not at all, your ass is beyond perfect. However, I am saying that even if you gained a few pounds, I'd still be attracted to you," I smile, believing every word.

"Well I guess we'll find out soon because I'm about to eat this whole pizza by myself," she gets up and walks downstairs to open the door for the pizza guy. "Thanks," I hear Aurora thank the pizza guy and her face appears again.

"What kind did you get?"

"Half meat lovers, half cheese. I couldn't decide which I liked better" she shrugs and plops back onto her bed.

"Just curious, why did you decide to order pizza instead of make it yourself? I feel like you'd love to make a pizza with your wizard cooking skills," I point out.

"I'm deciding to be lazy today, I think I deserve a day of lazy. A day to lay around in nothing but my underwear and munch on pizza all day. Sounds great," she bites into her pizza.

"Hey that sounds like something I want to be a part of. Can I join you in one of these lazy days?" I smirk.

"You know damn well that if you participated in a pantsless lazy day with me, it wouldn't be a LAZY day," she emphasizes 'lazy' and I can't help but laugh at her hint.

"What do you mean? I mean, my definition of lazy is laying around in bed all day," my smile is wider now and I'm trying not to laugh.

"Yeah exactly. You, me, lacking pants in the same bed, lazy is the exact opposite of what would be going on," she laughs but I can tell she's blushing a little.

"Oh c'mon I promise to keep my hands to myself," I smirk.

"Hey, it's not you I'm worried about," she winks, which kind of turns me on.

Just a little bit.

We continue to talk on FaceTime for long time, laughing and being ourselves until she starts to get tired. She keeps yawning and running her fingers through her hair. I love her hair and I play with it every chance I get.

"Are you tired?" I ask.

"Yeah I am. I still haven't even put my pajamas on. Let me go do that really quick," she jumps up from her bed and disappears.

A minute later she reappears with her hair down, no makeup on her face, and short nightgown.

"Wow, why do even wear makeup? You don't need it," I admire her flawless face.

"You're sweet. I just like the act of applying makeup. You can get so creative with it. Maybe you'll let me put makeup on you one day," she smirks, knowing damn well that isn't going to happen.

"No thanks, I'm good. Unless you're into women all of a sudden," I counter.

"Nope, not into women. Don't get me wrong, lesbians are known for having the best sex, but I'm just not attracted to other women."

"Would you try it? Just out of curiosity," I dare to ask.

"Maybe if I was one of those single college girls trying to find themselves. I'd have to be really drunk and really horny, though," she shrugs.

"Well I guess it's a good thing you're not a single college girl, right?" I smile, knowing she's all mine.

"Definitely. Who wants some random chick when I've got an uber fucking sexy soccer championship winning captain?"

"Uber sexy, huh," I raise my eyebrows at her and smirk.

"Don't even get me going," she bites her lip but yawns after.

"Okay, I will let you go to sleep if you want. Thank you for checking in with me," I tell her.

"No don't go. Wait with me until I fall asleep," she pouts and I want to bite that fucking lip.

"Alright. Let me change really quick," I slip off my shirt and pants, hopping into some sleep pants and lay back in the bed.

"Oh look, I've got the best view," she says and I'm confused.

"What do you mean?"

"You're not wearing a shirt and you're hot. The two just work together," she winks at me.

"Hey, you could be shirtless too if you wanted. I wouldn't complain," I smirk as she blushes.

"Yeah I'm sure you wouldn't," she giggles.

The idea of her giving me a strip tease turns me on, but I let it go for the night. I watch her on my phone screen as she falls asleep.

"Goodnight, gorgeous," I say to her.

"Night, babe," she mumbles, falling into her sleep.

Did she just call me Babe? I continue to watch her sleep, again shocked by her natural beauty. I don't think I've ever seen a woman so beautiful as her. I know nobody that even comes close to her. Fuck, I'm a lucky son of a bitch to be able to call her mine. It's not long after she falls asleep that I follow suit.


I wake up and notice FaceTime is still going, but Aurora isn't in bed anymore. She's got the phone facing her bathroom mirror. She's still wearing her short, pink nightgown that barely covers her ass. She's singing along to some music and she's dancing. I stay quiet so I can watch her move. Her hips move in a way that turn me on so easily. I'm suddenly craving a strip tease from this woman. Everything about the way she just flows with the music, including her amazing voice just completely takes my breath away.

"Wow gorgeous, you should dance like that more often," I catch her attention.

"How long have you been watching?" She covers her face with her hands, embarrassed.

"Pretty much that whole song. You can totally continue if you'd like," I twirl my finger in a circle for her to turn around.

"Oh, if only we time for such pleasures," she gives a playful pout.

"You're such a tease," I whine.

"It wasn't my intention for you to see that. I thought you were still sleeping," she shrugs her shoulders while she braids her hair.

I watch her as she gets ready, still in awe of her flawlessness.

"You're staring again," she smiles.

"Can you blame me? Look at you?" I move my hands, motioning up and down her body.

"What about me?"

"You're insanely gorgeous."

She smiles as she finishes off her braid.

"You're gonna be late, Aiden Shield, if you don't get ready. And then you'll miss out on all this sugar at school," she blows a kiss into the camera.

"The fuck I am. I'll meet you at the spot. Bye," I wave to the camera and hang up, hurrying to get ready.

I get through my morning routine about three times as fast as I usually do and by the time I get to school, Aurora is sitting on the bench outside.

"Good morning, gorgeous," I pick her up and give her a deep, passionate kiss.

When I finally set her down she looks a little flustered and she presses her fingers to her lips.

"Where did that come from?" Her eyes widen as she looks up at me.

"I'm just really happy to see you," I chuckle and wrap my arm around her shoulders.

"Me too," she smiles.

"Let's get this day over with. I've got a surprise for you after practice," I kiss the top of her head and walk her to class.

"What kind of surprise?"

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you," I chuckle.

"Boo," she pouts.

I smile, so glad that she's mine. Even with all of these rumors being spread, I know she's my one and only. That's all I could ask for.

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