Chapter 13: Aiden

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My date with Aurora went perfect, as planned. I had to pull some strings to pull everything off but it was so worth it. The look on her face when I showed her the zoo and then that same face when I told her we were riding an elephant confirmed the constant adoration I have for her. Aurora doesn't know it, but I hired a photographer to take pictures of last night, kind of like the cherry on the sundae type of thing.

I get dressed for the day as I recall last night, kind of in a daze if I'm being honest. I'm not really one to get all fucking sappy and romantic but maybe that's because I didn't really have any respect for other girls that I've been with. Aurora makes me want to impress her and I feel like it's harder to do that when she's grown up around money her whole life like I have. With the girls I go to school with, it's so easy to impress them. If you have money, you just have to introduce yourself to them and they're in love. She's not like that though, and I like it.

The way she reacted every time I touched her kind of turned me on. It was so easy to turn her on, though she probably wouldn't admit that, it's true. I could tell because every time I'd bite her lip or grab her by the waist, her body pressed into mine and it seemed like her eyes almost got a shade darker. I'm glad the attraction is mutual.

I send her a text telling her to meet me at the entrance of the school and continue my morning routine. Mom is waiting for me in the kitchen with a big grin on her face.

"What are you so smiley about?" I ask.

"You never told me the details about your date with Aurora last night, but judging by the happy expression on your face, I feel like it went better than one could hope," she hands me a cup of coffee, still smiling.

"It was perfect. I wouldn't change a thing if I could go back," I admit.

"What did you plan? Tell me you didn't do dinner and a movie, Son," she scowls at me.

"No, she's worth more than dinner and a movie, Mom. I rented the zoo for the night and we rode an elephant. It was great," I smile, proud of my date creativity.

"You didn't! I'm jealous! Would you take me to the zoo one day?" She asks.

"Sure, Mom," I hug her.

"So do you like her? Really like her?"

"Yeah I do. Oh my God, Mom, she can sing. I put her at Mariah Carey and Christina Aguilera level," I remember her voice last night and how surprised I was by the power behind it.

"You're joking," she puts her coffee on the table.

"Not one bit. She sang in the car last night and I had to turn the radio down just to make sure it was actually her. She doesn't really sing around people though. She said, besides me, Taylor and her dad are the only ones that know," I look down at my phone and see that it's time for me to leave. "Crap, Mom. I have to go before I'm late. Love you," I kiss her on the cheek and bolt out the door to my car.

I practically speed to school and park in the closest spot I can find. Walking to the entrance of the school, I pass Serena and, no surprise, she makes a stupid comment.

"Where's your new girlfriend?" She spits her venomous words at me.

"On her way," I reply smoothly and continue to walk past her, smiling at her pissed off expression.

I don't have to wait long for Aurora, she always seems to show up early. I watch her walk up the sidewalk and, as usual, I'm in awe of her. She can dress so simple and yet have the biggest impact on me. She smiles at me as she's reaching me and I can't help but match that smile.

"Morning," I greet her with a small kiss to her lips and open the door for her.

"Morning," she loops her arm through mine as we walk to class.

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