Shield's Devotion: Book One

By MoemoC

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Aurora Lane has a past that nobody wants to imagine could be true. As a preteen she unfortunately witnessed h... More

Chapter 1: Aurora
Chapter 2: Aiden
Chapter 3: Aurora
Chapter 4: Aiden
Chapter 5: Aurora
Chapter 6: Aurora
Chapter 7: Aiden
Chapter 9: Aiden
Chapter 10: Aiden
Chapter 11: Aurora
Chapter 12: Aurora
Chapter 13: Aiden
Chapter 14: Aurora
Chapter 15: Aiden
Chapter 16: Aurora
Chapter 17: Aiden
Chapter 18: Aurora

Chapter 8: Aurora

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By MoemoC

As soon as I got home from Aiden's I kissed Dad tonight and practically bolted upstairs. I replaced my dinner outfit with pajamas at lightning speed and now I'm sitting in bed with my laptop, waiting for Taylor to pick up on Skype. When she picks up, I can hardly contain my excitement.

"So how was dinner at Mr. Green Eyes'?" She skips the greetings and gets straight to the topic of conversation.

"It was great! God, I wore this sexy outfit and everything and I don't know why. I've been attracted to guys before but I've never gone out of my way to impress them. Anyway, back on topic. I got him to dance with me," I gush some of the details so fast I don't even take a breath.

"How did you manage that? The dancing," she asks.

"I beat him at Call of Duty and he asked me what I wanted as a prize. So I told him I wanted to dance with me. It took some convincing but he gave in eventually. We actually had a lot of fun doing it and then I caught his mom videotaping us and I got embarrassed."

"You should fuck him," she gives me a serious look but a smirk tugs at her lips.

"I definitely wouldn't be opposed to it, but I just met him. Plus, you know how I handle sex and stuff."

"Yeah, yeah, never have sex with a guy unless you're in a relationship with him," she uses two fingers for air quotes and rolls her eyes.

"Maybe you should try it sometime, you fucking slut," I point my finger at the camera.

"Hey, there is nothing wrong with enjoying sex," she counters.

"Yeah you're right. I love it too but I'm choosing to be smart about it."

"You and your fucking morals. I love you girl but I have to go to sleep. I'm really glad that things are going well so far. I love you. Goodnight," she winks at the camera and shuts it off, leaving me to my busy thoughts.

I decide to go to sleep because with all of the thoughts running wild through my mind, I was overwhelming myself.

I hear my alarm go off and practically sprint from my bed, excited to see Aiden today. I decide to go simpler with my makeup today, applying only mascara to my eyes and a nude lipstick to my lips. I straighten my hair, pulling it into a sexy, sleek ponytail then travel through my massive walk-in closet, looking for today's outfit. I find a tight, long sleeve black V-neck shirt and a gray fitted skirt that reaches just below my knees and hurriedly put them on. I pair the outfit with some black lace-up heels, diamond studded earrings, and a simple but beautiful diamond choker. I look in the full body mirror hanging in my closet, confirming that I look great while still adhering to the school dress code. Once I okay myself, I finish the rest of my morning routine and drive to school.

I somehow find a decent parking spot and head inside, getting to class early. As I'm pulling my notebook from my purse, Aiden walks in and sits in the same chair he was in yesterday.

"Hey," he smiles at me as he sits.

"Good morning. Hey I had fun last night. You're parents are sweet," I smile at him.

"Yeah I had fun too. You've got to come over again sometime."

"Actually I was thinking about having you and the rest of the team come over for dinner tonight. The Houston Texans game is on tonight so I'll cook whatever and we can watch the game. I think it would be fun. Plus you'll get to see how amazing my cooking is and how much better it is for you than anything else you eat," I smirk, knowing that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

"That sounds really cool. I'm down. I guess you can ask the rest of the team at lunch," Aiden points out as Carter and Nate walk up to the table.

"Ask the team what at lunch," Nate asks as he plops in his chair next to Aiden.

"I was thinking about having y'all over after school. I can cook some dinner and we can watch some pre-season Houston Texans football. If y'all are up for it."

"Hell yeah, I'm up for football watching any day," Carter pumps his fist in the air, making me smile.

Nate agrees and sits down as the rest of the class piles in the room. Serena walks in dead last and shoots me the nastiest glare imaginable and I can't help but smirk at her ridiculousness. It's almost like everyone in the classroom saw her glare and turned their heads to look at me. It's only my second day here and I've already attracted more attention to myself than wanted. I decide to shake it off and turn my attention back to the guys.

"You okay?" Aiden asks, concerned.

"Yeah, I'm good," I give him a half-ass smile and turn my attention to Mrs. Miller.

Class seems like it takes forever to get through, as do the rest of them today for some reason. Lunch rolls around and I relay my question to the rest of the team and, as I predicted, every one of them agreed. By the time the last bell rings I'm ready to sprint to my car. Aiden and Carter follow me out and I almost feel like they're being my bodyguards. Once everyone is in their cars, they follow me all the way home.

I make sure everyone gets parked in the driveway before we all go into the house. As soon as I open the door, I hear the dogs bark and I know they're running to us by the clicking of their nails on the marble floor. I lead them to the living room and as soon as the guys start sitting down, my two huge Great Danes jump on the couches, begging for attention.

"Athena and Atticus get down," I call to them but their excitement has a firm grip on them.

"Holy shit these dogs are massive," Chris pets Atticus as he lays in his lap.

"Great Danes. They're not even fully grown yet, but they're totally friendly. They just want some attention," I crouch next to Aiden where Athena is and scratch behind her ears. "Athena is my baby," I coo and let her lick my cheek.

Aiden starts to rub her head and she licks his face, making him scrunch his nose and laugh at her.

"She really likes to lick people doesn't she," he points out.

"Those are doggie kisses! You have to love them." I pause before changing the subject. "Alright so I'm going to make dinner. Y'all okay with shrimp fettuccini alfredo or do you want something else," I ask.

I get a unanimous vote to stick with my original dinner plan and I'm overjoyed because it's one of my favorite dishes to make.

"Awesome. Well I'm going to change and start cooking. Y'all can do whatever you want. There's a wicked cool swimming pool out back, a basketball court in the left side of the house, and I've got an archery practice room about four doors down that way," I point down the hall in front of me. "Or the game room is upstairs. So make yourselves at home," I turn my back to them and walk up to my bedroom, locking it before stripping and changing into some frayed denim shorts and my "Houston Texans" tee shirt.

Once I'm back in the kitchen I wash my hands and get started cooking. Turning my playlist on, I start dancing and singing to the song playing over the surround sound speaker. I bed over one of the huge countertops, reaching for my pasta maker but I come about an inch short.

"Need some help?" Aiden's voice startles me.

"You scared me," I place my hand on my heart. "Yes I need help. I'm trying to reach my pasta maker," I point to it.

"Sure," he doesn't even have to reach to grab it.

"Thanks," I take the machine from him and set it on another counter.

"So where do you want me," he rubs his hands together and I'm momentarily stuck gazing at them.

Gazing at the way he's moving his hands, I know exactly where I want him; inside me. I blush at my internal thought and pull myself together.

"Um, you want to help me cook?" I ask.

"Yeah why not? I've always wanted to learn," he shrugs as he washes his hands in the kitchen sink.

"Well then I'm honored to be your teacher."

I show him how to make pasta and put it through the machine, then I have him put the noodles into a pot on the stove to boil. While he's occupied with the pasta, I go ahead and make my specialty alfredo sauce, throwing the shrimp in it with a dash of Cajun seasoning. Finally I get to make the garlic bread rolls that are to die for. Throwing all the ingredients in a bowl and whisking them together, I grab a piece of plain bread and dip it in the garlicky, buttery glaze I dip the rolls in.

"Hey come taste this for me and see how you like it," I dip another piece of bread into the glaze and instinctually feed it to him.

"That's fucking delicious," he licks his lips, distracting me yet again.

"Awesome," I put on a half ass smile, trying to overpower the inappropriate thoughts running through my mind.

Soon we finish making dinner so I show him how to plate the food where presentation is key; it has to look pretty. I call the guys to the dining room over the house speakers and serve them their plates of food and place baskets of garlic bread rolls on the table. I'm about to sit down but then I remember I've got to get the TV out. I walk around the table and place my hand on the wall, letting the built-in scanner read my hand and bring out the sixty-five inch TV behind it.

"Well that's cool," Chris says with a mouth full of pasta.

"Yeah it's probably one of my favorite features in the house," I grab the remote and return to my seat at the other end of the table.

I sit down and realize I forgot drinks but as I get up, a voice comes over the dining room speakers.

"Incoming Skype call from Taylor," the voice announces.

"Accept," I raise my voice a little and look up at the TV as Taylor's face is now on it.

"Well I didn't realize you had company over," she says.

"Yeah I forgot to mention that. I'm gonna go get us all some beers from the fridge," I get up from my chair and walk to the kitchen.

"Need some help?" Aiden's voice startles me again as I'm bent over in the fridge.

"Yeah that'd be great," I hand him a few beers.

As we start to walk back to the dining room I slip on an ice cube and I'm sure my ass is going to hit the ground. When my ass doesn't make contact with the marble floor I open my eyes and realize that tan, muscular arms are wrapped around me. Aiden caught me before I could fall.

"Thanks for that," I steady myself and start walking again.

"It kind of would've been a dick move to let you fall," he chuckles.

"You're right it would've. Thanks for not being a dick," I laugh and we both walk into the dining room with handfuls of beer.

"Now we're talkin'," Taylor raises her own beer to the camera.

The game starts and I can't even count how many times the guys have given me looks for my excessive language and tone of voice towards the referees.

"What? I really like sports. When I go to your games I'll act just as crazy," I shrug.

"You actually might not want her to go," Taylor starts laughing and I roll my eyes.

"It was one time," I whine at her.

"Y'all we went to the high school football game and our school was playing its rival. Long story short, she got kicked out," Taylor laughs.

"Why did you get kicked out?" Carter asks.

"Too many 'fucks' in one sentence," I shrug, watching them laugh.

"I believe that whole-heartedly," Aiden chuckles.

"I'll try to behave at your games," I promise.

"Don't. We could use a little bit of crazy at our games," Aiden smiles.

"Be careful what you wish for," I mumble as we turn our attention back to the game.

Soon the game ends and Taylor hangs up, leaving the guys and me sitting with full stomachs.

"Alright I got dibs on Taylor," Carter raises his hand.

"Wow you guys are calling dibs left and right," Chris says and takes a sip of his beer.

What does that mean? Who else called dibs? And who did they call dibs on? I check my phone for the time and it's nearing nine o'clock.

"Okay you guys are welcome to stay if you want but I know most of you probably have to get home," I walk around the table and stack up the empty plates, carrying them to the kitchen.

As I'm about to put the plates in the sink, one of them falls to the ground. When I don't hear it shatter I look behind me and see Aiden standing there. Then I look down to where the plate is and see that it's balancing perfectly on his foot.

"I guess that's why you're the captain," I smile as he picks it up and hands it to me.

"That's only one of my talents," he winks at me.

"I guess being smooth is one of them," I let out a soft laugh and shake my head at him.

"Hey Aurora, we're all going to head out. You need anything?" Carter strolls into the kitchen.

"No I'm good. Thanks for coming over, y'all," I give Carter a hug and wave to the crowd of guys that have piled behind him in the kitchen.

"Alright. Aiden, you're my ride," he points to Aiden.

"Right. I've got to get my shoes and I'll be ready. Go ahead and get the car started," Aiden tosses his keys to Carter and the guys walk out of the door, one by one.

Aiden disappears from the kitchen to retrieve his shoes and I return to the sink full of dirty dishes. I'm filling the dishwasher when Aiden reappears.

"Alright, I guess I'll see you tomorrow," he stands in the kitchen.

"Yeah of course. Let me walk you out," I rinse my hands, drying them before leading him to the door.

I open the door for him and before he walks out I wrap my arms around him for a hug. I was halfway surprised that he hugged me back but I didn't think too much of it. I was too focused on the feeling of his body pressed to mine and his arms around me. Finally I pull away because I know we're being watched by everyone in their cars.

"See you tomorrow," I wave to him as he gets in his car and everyone leaves.

I close the door and force myself back to the kitchen to finish the dishes.

"Do you like that boy?" Dad's voice startles me and I almost drop a plate.

"Jeez, Dad, you scared me," I put my hand over my heart.

"You still didn't answer my question," he sits on one of the kitchen barstools, sipping at a beer.

"Would it matter if I did?"

"As long as he's not like that prick Tanner, I don't care. Whatever keeps you happy, healthy, and injury free. Plus I like his parents so I really haven't found any negatives in that family yet," he raises his eyebrows at me.

"I think I've proven that I can handle my own. But thanks for your approval," I smile a small smile and close up the dishwasher.

"Alright Princess, I am off to bed. Sleep well," he kisses the top of my head and walks to his room.

I follow suit and practically run up the stairs to my bedroom and run some bath water. I dump some of my essential oils and salts into the water, strip, and hop in. I lay there in the steaming hot water, listening to the country music playing softly from the speakers and just relax. A lot has happened in just two days. I'm not the type of girl that catches feelings quickly and goes boy crazy, but that's exactly what's happening now. Aiden has this thing about him that I can't quite put my finger on, but whatever is, I want it. I want him.

I finish my bath and walk over to the full length mirror on my bathroom closet door. I stare at my naked body in the mirror and smile. I work hard for my body and I'm very proud of it. I'm a C cup which I guess is average. I'm short but my legs are long, I have great hair and skin, and I think I have beautiful eyes.

I'm not a conceited person by any means, but I do like my appearance. My mom always told me that when I'm feeling insecure, to look in the mirror and recognize the things that I like about myself. Going through high school that advice really helped me, even when she wasn't physically there to help me through it. That advice taught me that I am beautiful.

I step away from the mirror and get dressed into a tank top and some underwear before heading to bed. I lay there for a moment but then I start to drift to sleep. I don't fight it because I know if I do, my thoughts will be filled with a certain green eyed god and I can't have that right now. I accept my sleep and let everything go black, falling peacefully.

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