Shield's Devotion: Book One

By MoemoC

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Aurora Lane has a past that nobody wants to imagine could be true. As a preteen she unfortunately witnessed h... More

Chapter 1: Aurora
Chapter 2: Aiden
Chapter 3: Aurora
Chapter 5: Aurora
Chapter 6: Aurora
Chapter 7: Aiden
Chapter 8: Aurora
Chapter 9: Aiden
Chapter 10: Aiden
Chapter 11: Aurora
Chapter 12: Aurora
Chapter 13: Aiden
Chapter 14: Aurora
Chapter 15: Aiden
Chapter 16: Aurora
Chapter 17: Aiden
Chapter 18: Aurora

Chapter 4: Aiden

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By MoemoC

Well here it is, Sunday; the day before the first day of school. The day that everyone, not including parents, despise. Students have to wake up at the ass crack of dawn to listen to lecture after lecture and get assigned four hours of homework a night. Teachers have to wake up even earlier to teach us asshole students and have to make up lessons, and class work, and then homework. And then the teachers have to grade all that shit. I feel sorry for them, but whatever. It's my last year anyway.

The team stayed over at the house another night, but we were all too tired to do anymore drinking. When we all woke up yesterday we decided we needed to get out of the house so we rode around the property, through the forest on ATVs for a while and decided to go out to eat afterwards. Everyone voted on where they wanted to go and, despite my best efforts to not go, they all voted on Hooters.

Now, I have no problem with Hooters. Their food is good, they've got sports television on, and they've got great service. I wouldn't mind going there if Serena hadn't just gotten a job as a waitress there. I'm surprised that she actually got a job, and got a job so quickly, but I'm not surprised she chose Hooters. Their uniform consist of booty shorts and tank tops that show way too much cleavage so I guess it suits her.

When we walked into Hooters, she was the first person I saw and I instantly wanted to leave. Not because I'm scared of her, but because I didn't want to deal with her shit. The guys all looked at me and laughed, knowing how annoyed I was by just the sight of her. Eventually we all got to eating and, surprise, Serena came up to our table and tried to convince me back to her. I swear she was showing so much cleavage that she was about to have a nip slip. I pretty much told her fuck off and leave us alone and, to my surprise, she actually did. The food was good and the night was fun but eventually, after I got the check, everyone went their separate ways.

So here I am, swimming in our oversized backyard pool enjoying the peace and quiet I've been looking forward to. California weather is hot as fuck. It is not fun, but thanks to our super cool pool guys, we have a water temperature controller for the pool. So the weather can be hotter than hell and I'll stay cool. I'm doing laps in the pool when Dad comes and sits on the edge, placing his feet in the water. I swim over to him and stand in the water, sure he wants to talk to me.

"Are you excited about your senior year?" He asks, sounding a little amused.

"Yeah, ready for it to be over," I float on my back.

"Why so negative? You should enjoy it while you have it. You're not going to have much of a college life because you'll only be going for a year or two."

"And that's exactly why I'm not excited about this year, Dad. I already have my bachelor's degree so a high school diploma is a measly accomplishment compared to that don't you think?"

"You have a point, son. To be honest, I don't really miss high school. I only miss the friends I had then, and the fun times your mother and I had when we were younger," he looks up at the sky and smiles.

"You and Mom go on vacation all the time," I point out.

"Yes, but when we were young, things were so much more exciting. Your mom and I have seen just about everything there is to see in this world that there's no surprise anymore. Don't mistake my words, I love spending time with your mother and I absolutely love spoiling her, but I don't know what to do to blow her mind anymore. She's seen it all," he smiles a sort of sad smile.

"Maybe I'll come up with something. Who knows? By the way, I dumped Serena. For good," I look at him to watch his reaction.

"Yeah, word gets around, Son. Took you long enough," he smirks at me and I can't help but chuckle.

"Sam told you, huh," I smirk, knowing Sam all too well.

"Yep. Anyway, there's something I need to talk to you about. Remember I told you that I brought on a new partner at the firm correct?"

"Yeah I remember. Why?"

"We're having them over for dinner tomorrow night at seven o'clock. We're welcoming them to California. He is a great lawyer and I want him to know that he is always welcome in our home."

"Them? You said them," I bend two of my fingers for air quotation marks.

"Yes, he and his daughter. She's your age and has gone through the exact same educational program as you."

"Where's his wife?" I ask, noticing he didn't mention her.

"He's a widower. His wife was murdered."

"Oh shit," I shake my head.

"The whole case is royally fucked up, son. His daughter walked in on the suspect writing a suicide note for her mother. He got away too. They never caught the bastard," he sighs.

"So is she mentally fucked up now?" I ask out of pure curiosity.

"No, I don't think so. I wouldn't mention it though," he stands up and walks back into the house.

Well shit. How am I supposed to have a conversation with them when all I'll be able to think about is their fucked up past? Fuck, I hate meeting Dad's coworkers. I push myself out of the pool and walk upstairs to shower. The hot water lightens my mood a little, allowing me to relax. School starts tomorrow and I'm really the opposite of excited. Even though I'm valedictorian, turn all of my shit in and ace every test, the teachers in that school just do not like me. Most of them anyway. Some of them love me, but that mainly consists with coaches.

One of my teachers, sophomore year, came onto me after school. Her name is Mrs. Parker. That's right, she's fucking married. She asked me if I wanted to earn some extra volunteer hours and of course I said yes. She said she was going to need help rearranging her classroom so after school was over, I went to help her. She pointed at her desk and some chair, explaining what she wanted me to do with them. She had a giant blue bean bag on the floor and as I bent down to pick it up, she turned me around and pushed me onto it, sitting in my lap.

I remember being completely freaked out. Most guys at that age have a teacher student sexual fantasy and would love that but I just wanted to get the fuck out of there. I picked her up off of my lap and set her on a desk before calling her a crazy bitch and leaving the room. I had debated on whether I should tell someone about it or not but I only told Carter.

I step out of the shower and hurry to get some clothes on. After I'm dressed, I grab the keys to my Yamaha Super Sport motorcycle and walk out to the seven car garage. I hop on and put on my helmet. The sound and the vibrations coming from the bike get me excited so I kick up the kickstand and start driving out of the driveway.

My bike is my favorite thing in the world. Mom doesn't like it because it's dangerous and blah, blah, blah, but I always wear my helmet. When I ride, I always go to the same spot. The day I bought my bike I rode it for over an hour and found this place that, as far as I know, nobody knows about except for me. I've never told anyone. When I first discovered this place it looked like a giant hole in the ground that lead to nothing but I walked to the edge of the hole and looked straight down to see beautiful clear blue water. There are a few fish in the water and colorful pebbles make up the bottom. This place resembles a natural well or a cave.

The walls are made of solid rock with a kind of natural staircase leading down to a solid rock floor, surrounding the water. I've swam to the lowest point possible and never found and harmful creatures such as snakes, or spiders, or crabs. It's like the perfect getaway spot for me. No interruptions, no maids, just pure bliss. I've driven my Porsche down here a few times to bring decorating items into the cave. I've strung up battery powered string lights from wall to wall, a swinging rope, blankets and pillows just in case I ever decide to bring someone here.

I walk down the rock staircase to and sit at the edge where the water is, placing my feet in it. A yellow fish swims around my feet around I smile at how it's not scared of me. Pulling out my phone, I snap a picture of the fish and decide to scroll through some social media pages. I follow a lot of lawyers and a lot of criminal cases so when I see a post about Jodi Arias, I have to read it. Apparently she's written a book on her murder so I have to read it. Jodi Arias is one psychotic bitch. She brutally murdered her boyfriend, stabbing him twenty-nine times in the back and slit his throat, nearly decapitating him, all while filming the whole thing. This is one of the most known cases in the world right now.

I read through her book with a kind of urgency, dying to know what she has to say about the murder. By the time I finish the book it's getting dark outside and I have to leave. I turn of the strung up lights and walk back up the staircase to my bike. I practically speed home just to make it in time for dinner and not to get my ass chewed out by mom for being late.

"Where have you been," Mom asks as I step into the kitchen.

"Out," I respond colder than expected.

"Out? Real specific, son. Did you wear your helmet?"

"I always do, Mom. I can't put criminals away if I'm dead."

"Hey don't say stuff like that," she hugs me.

"You didn't raise a dumbass, Mom," I chuckle and hold her back.

"I know that. But a mother will always worry. Come eat. Giovanni made spaghetti," she walks to the dining room and sits down at the table.

Dad is sitting at the head of the table as usual and he's texting on his phone.

"What's up, Dad?"

"Josh, uh Mr. Lane, sent me a video of his daughter's reaction to their new home and it's priceless," he smiles as he watches the video again.

He shows me the video and I'm kind of taken aback by his daughter's appearance. For some reason, I was expecting her to be not so attractive but watching this video I see that she's unbelievably beautiful. She's got this long dark hair, almost black, and her lips are perfectly plump. Even in the darker setting I can see her bright blue eyes and then I notice her fucking bangin' body.

"Wow," I say aloud by accident and shove some pasta in my mouth before I say anything else stupid.

"What?" Mom chimes in and watches the video.

"Nothing," I respond to quickly and she smirks at me, letting me know she knows why I said that.

I scrunch my nose at her and finish my pasta quickly. Once I finish, I kiss Mom goodnight and head up to my bedroom. As I lay in my bed I find myself thinking about tomorrow and the events it entails. Hopefully I have some classes with some teammates because that would make school a lot less painful. And then I've got that dinner with the new firm partner and his incredibly attractive daughter, fuck my life. What am I going to do? I decide to let that thought go and decide I should sleep. Setting my alarm, I settle into my huge bed and let myself drift off into a peaceful sleep, waiting for tomorrow to come.

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