Soulmates (Completed/editing)

By romance_writer28

1.3K 134 30

This is basically another Ezria story. It shows how powerful their relationship is and what they go through i... More

1. Reunion
2. A long night
3. Nicole
4. True feelings
5. Falling apart
6. Decision time
7. Out in the open
8. Confrontation
9. Light at the end of the tunnel
10. Putting differences aside
11. The note
12. Loved up
13. Nightmares
14. Flashback
15. Jealousy
16. Resisting anger
17. Bad parenting
18. Spoby
19. What people do for love
21. Panic
22. Bad luck
23. Brainwashed
24. Can't breath
25. Perswasion
26. Success
27. Extreme heat
28. Temptation
29. Return
30. More threats
31. one last time

20. Digging into the past

32 5 3
By romance_writer28

Heres what youve all been waiting for. Lets see if you were right. Thank you to everyone who has gotten this far. Imma just let you read now.
************************************ Earlier today
Ezra's Pov

My eyes flashed open and I was welcomed by the rays of sunlight. It was beautiful outside but yet it still felt like a dull day to me. Something was missing from the picture. Aria was missing. Being without her made me cranky and restless.

Blinded by the light of the sun piecing through the curtains, I rolled over and looked at the clock on my bed side cabinet. It wasn't too late but I decided to get up anyway. Anything to get me up, thinking about anything except Aria.

My feet dragged across the floor and my arms moved in a zombie motion. I could imagine myself having big bags under my eyes if I looked in the mirror right this second. I didn't though as I probably would be scared of my own reflection. I didn't get much sleep last night and now my everyday life is being affected because of my lack of sleep. Nevertheless, I had to move on with my life until Aria and I were able to see each other again. I hoped that was soon. I didn't want to be away from her for another second.

I made myself some cereal then sat at my table, eating alone in a deafening silence. I hated it. I lived alone and I guess I missed the idea of waking up with someone in my bed and sharing the mornings with someone. It's the little things that make a moment special.

Crunching my cereal in silence only added to my severe heart ache. I yearned to feel Aria's skin touch me. Whenever our bodies collide, I feel delight and pleasure and happiness. Lots of happiness.

After I had eaten my cereal, I put on a casual shirt and trousers then left my apartment. I had to keep myself moving. I made my way over to the brew and sat in my usual spot. I felt worse than I did before. I came here every morning to meet Aria. Coming to the brew only made me thing about Aria even more when I really needed to think about something else at a stressful time like this. I couldn't help it though no matter how hard I tried. I couldn't get her out of my head.

I stared into thin air, at the seat where Aria would be sitting. I need to get over this, at least try. She's only grounded. It's not like we are breaking up. I'm making a big deal out of nothing but it still hurts. I see her almost everyday. When we don't see each other, she texts me but I guess, being grounded, her phone was confiscated as well. I sighed in disappointment and ordered a coffee.

Minutes past as I continued to stay at the brew in case Aria was to walk in any second. I was beating my self up. Waiting for her was torture because I knew she wouldn't come. Unless she reasons with her mum, she is not leaving her house which means more heart ache for me.

My coffee arrived and I took a sip. I decided to finish marking some books that were due to be handed back to the students tomorrow. I brought them with me like I do everyday. I try to mark a few everyday to even out the days. I don't like sitting at home with nothing to do so I mark a few at a time.

I did my best to keep Aria out of my mind for now but I couldn't not think of her pretty face. She consumed my every thought. Even when I try so hard not to think of her, she finds a way to creep into my mind. It hurts knowing I can't be with her right now.

Once I took the last sip of my coffee, I gave up waiting. She wasn't coming. I just gave my hopes up.

When I left the brew, I saw a really familiar face. I was actually frustrated with myself because I thought my mind was toying with me.

A woman with shoulder-length brown hair sat at the stool where the mini bar was. She wore a black maxi skirt and a creamy white blouse. He hair looked a bit darker than when I saw her last but I was sure my eyes were not deceiving me. I even pinched myself and blinked ten times to see if I was having a really bad dream. The pain and loss I felt a few years ago came flooding back to me.

Tears flowed down my cheeks uncontrollably and I was no longer thinking of Aria. No, my thoughts were too crowded with memories of someone I used to share a life than be able picture Aria's face right now. I thought of someone I used to know. Someone who was very dear to me once but was ripped from my arms and moved on from this world. The fallen angels took her from me.

I moderately walked over to this woman cautiously, who I used to know so well, and grabbed her shoulder.

"Nicole." She looked startled.

I looked her up and down but she looked at me in fear and disgust. This broke my heart. She didn't even recognise me after all this time. She was taken from me and now she's disowning me.

"Who are you?" This stung. "I'm sorry I don't know you."She barged past me and walked over to a different table with some other people, who I assumed were her friends. I didn't know them but, then again, there was a lot about Nicole I didn't know. She only told me what she wanted me to know. She told me that she had a troubled past and I never got to know the details.

I was devastated right now.Someone who looked just like her was so different. My Nicky was still gone. Buried six feet under.

Still, I couldn't control my feelings. I had to know for sure. Everything put aside, my feelings I had for her didn't fade away after all these years. Seeing a face so similar, I wasn't thinking straight. I had to know if this was her. My heart needed closure. I needed closure. If there was a small possibility that she was still alive, I had to know.

She had been gone- dead- for 2 long, dreadful years but here she is, standing only metres away from me. I glanced Over at her then walked to where she was standing.

I looked into her perfect brown eyes then kissed her. My heart lit up and I felt a spark re-ignite between us after all those years of pain, heartache and darkness that her disastrous death put me through.

The kiss only lasted a few seconds before she immediately pulled away.

"Who do you think you are?" She yelled. She sounded angry which tugged on my heart.

"I'm Ezra. Nicole it's me." I said. Maybe reminding her of my name would help her remember who I am. Coming back from the dead could do that to a person. I couldn't stand her not knowing who I am and that she would have forgotten my name. She was the love of my life. All of that couldn't have been removed from her mind. She's not Nicole. I frowned.

"I don't know you Ezra. You must be mistaken, I'm Amanda. I do recognise that name though. My twin sister was named Nicole. " I was taken back by her news. Nicole had a twin sister and she never even mentioned her. "She died 2 years ago."

"That's my Nicole." I looked down at the floor. "She never mentioned you."

"She never mentioned you either." She said. I continued to stay quiet for a few minutes then a single tear drop fell from my eye. "I'm sorry I kissed you. I have a girlfriend right now but I just had to know. If Nicole was alive, everything would have changed. I still miss her." Amanda patted my back as a sign of sympathy. She reminded me of Nicole. She was kind like this too.

"I forgive you Ezra. It's not your fault. Nicole never mentioned me." I smiled at her, trying to stop the tears which trailed down my cheeks. "Ezra is this "girlfriend" a rebound. Not that it's any of my business but you kissed me. If I were in fact Nicole, how do you think your present girlfriend would feel if you kissed someone who isn't her? Do you love her like you did with Nicole because it sounds to me like Nicole is still in your heart?" I gulped. This couldn't be true. I loved Aria with all my heart.

"Amanda you're wrong. I love Aria, my girlfriend." I told her but she didn't look confinced.

"Do you?" A part of me knew that I didn't completely love Aria because I was still completely in love with Nicole but I love them both if that's even possible. Nicole is dead. Nothing will bring her back, only memories that will live on.

"Come over." I said unexpectedly. She looked puzzled and uncomfortable by this. "Please. I just wanna talk about her. I wanna know what she was like before everything. She hid you. She probably hid a few other secrets as well. I just want to know what she was like in your perspective." She smiled. She had the same smile a Nicole which haunted me. They were exactly alike. It was heartbreaking for me to see. She was a spitting image of Nicole.

"Ok but I can't stay long." She said.

"That's ok just come over please." I begged.


Amanda and I spoke for ages, talking about Nicole and discussing what her plans were for the future if she had a future. That was until there was a knock at the door. Amanda went to open it while I made us another cup of tea. We had had two already. I know she said she wouldn't stay long but I just got carried away. Hearing all these good things about Nicole put my heart at ease.

When Amanda opened the door, I heard Aria's voice. I felt my heart skip a beat. She sounded scared.
I rushed I've to the door and I saw that her eyes had began to swell up.

"Aria I can explain!" she took one look at Amanda and then ran away, sobbing her eyes out. I began to panic and I held my hands on my head.

"Ezra sort your life out. You need to let go of the past if you want to move on to the future. I'll be off now." I smiled. I listened carefully to her words. She's right. I do need to let Nicole go. She clearly has. I've got Aria in my life now and I love her so much. She's great and I don't want to lose her over this.

I ran after Aria and Amanda left. Aria had seen pictures in my apartment. She knows what Nicole looked like. She must really be freaking out. She probably thinks Nicole's back from the dead.

"Aria!" I yelled. She carried on walking ahead. "Aria please!" I begged. This time she stopped in her tracks. I walked up to her and then she whizzed around.

"Ezra you really hurt me. You lied to me!" She shouted at me through her on-going tears. It hurt knowing that I caused this.

"Aria no you've got it all wrong! I didn't lie to you at all!" I said. "I wouldn't do that to you. I love you."I said softly. She looked up into my eyes and continued to sob. "Aria please I really do love you." I held her hands in mine.

"Nicole is alive." She shed more tears. I squeezed her hands more tightly, begging her to stay. "Ezra I thought you were different. When I met you, you were this kind, gentle person but you're just like every other guy. You lied, You are selfish and you manipulate people." Hearing these words hurt but they were true. The most part anyway. I have been selfish. I thought Nicole was alive and I began hoping for things that were impossible and because of that, Aria's hurt. I hurt her and it's all my fault. I should never had created hope for Nicole being alive and well in my brain. I watched them bury her. I was just hanging on to false hope.

"Aria." I said calmly.

"Ezra I-"

"I know what your going to say but if you let me, I can make this right." I interrupted. I didn't want one stupid mistake ruin our relationship.

"I have to say this Ezra. I need time to think." She said. "I...-"

"Don't say it." I begged, dramatically dropping to the floor as I felt my heart break into a million pieces.

"I have to Ezra." She began slowly. "This isn't working. Our relationship isn't working. I... I need space."Tears continuously fell from her cheeks but she bravely wiped them away. I wasn't as strong as her. I stood there in front of her crying my eyes out.

She turned away from me. I grabbed her hand but she broke free and I watched her walk away from me. I collapsed to the floor and screamed in agony. Pain washed over me once again. What have I done?

Were you right?
Poor Aria though. Ezra just can't let go of the past. I feel for Ezra but if I were in arias shoes I would be confused and upset. Is their love strong enough to get through this rough patch.

I'll hopefully update again soon so don't go anywhere. There's still more :)



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