Illumination Of Souls[Complet...

By Official_Neha27

69.7K 6.1K 1.9K

Wordsmith Christmas Awards Winner It's easy to see someone and fall in love with them. But what happens when... More

Copyright and Introduction
Perception Of Lives
Resolves To Live
Insight On Her Heart
Institution Of Instincts
An Unknown Connection
A Trick Of Flowers!
Positive Attitude
The Tune Of Soul!
The Heartbroken You!
The Confusion Of Our Hearts!
Sneak Peak of the Coming Chapters.
The Touch Of You!
The Final Decision!
The Piognant Revealations!
Your Courage Is Unshakable!
Spicy Feelings Unleashed!
See, This Is My Heart!
A Speechless Sacrifice!
The Illuminated Souls!


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By Official_Neha27

If I were to live a thousand years, I would belong to you for all of them. If we were to live a thousand lives, I would want to make you mine in each one.

                                                  Michelle Hodkin.

4 years Later.

The cold wind gushed on her face as she stepped down the train once again in the city where she found as well as lost her love. The fragrance of the surroundings reminded her of her first time in the city where she met him, she fought with him, she strengthen him, she broke him, and she loved him to an extent at which even the heavens would be inspired to shower their infinite blessings on her.

She tucked her silky hair tendrils behind her ears, as she took a deep breath and pulled out her luggage from the train as her mother stepped down, holding the hand bag.

"It's good to be back here. It hadn't changed much apart from few stalls here and there". Archana stated as she felt Karishma trying to mask her inner feelings by faking a smile on her lips.

Nothing changed in the years apart from the fact that now she was a grown up woman, a certified psychologist from Kerala and a great violinist.

The duo resided in Kerala where Karishma took up a job in one of the schools that enrolled visually impaired whilst Archana was successful in attaining a job at a bank which managed them to take care of their household and other essentials.

With her exceptional talents of counseling as well as violin playing, in no time Karishma won the hearts of the teachers as well as students. Totally impressed with her outstanding skills, the institute head officially provided her the certificate of psychology which provided her a new platform of success.

"You go out, I will bring tea for us. I so need it now". Archana stated and walked off, whilst using her stick, Karishma slowly made her way out.

She still remembered the first time she walked in this very direction and she bumped into him unexpectedly which automatically turned her life a great deal.

Days passed, time ran out, but Karishma never stopped loving her Udit.

The same bell sound echoed in her ears, and her anxious steps, automatically went in that direction, until her steps got so faster that, she almost bumped into someone, who held her at her waist securely with his breath fanning on her lips, whilst her arms held his both biceps so tightly as if her life dependent on it.

The touch seem extremely familiar.

"Can't you see and walk?" She heard the angry query and she immediately replied, "I am so .....

It was his voice. His raspy voice that kept on ringing in her ears for years now.

Her words were stuck in her throat as her mouth hung open in shock. They once again met at the same place in the same way.

Before she can utter a word, she heard him chuckling. The sound which she missed the most. His infectious laughter.

"So did I become Mr. Chuckle now?" He moved closer to her not removing his hands from her waist at all, and there colour began rising on her cheeks with just his mere touch.

"Udit!" His name rolled out her tongue and he closed his eyes, as a tear slid down his eye hearing her voice finally after the sepreation of four years.

"Karishma!" He whispered her name softly like he was reciting a prayer, and the dam broke from her eyes and it was a sign enough for him to pull her in his arms, as she clung to him and cried resting her head onto his chest hearing his heart beat again. They finally felt alive today!

"Why did you go away leaving me all alone? Do you know how every night I died without you? Do you know how it felt to be away from you knowing that you sacrificed everything for me?" He complained letting his tears out as she gripped his jacket tightly at his back.

He still smelled the same.

Pain, hurt, anger, frustration and love were palpable in his tone, which made her hold on him tighten with every second.

"I am so.....," Before she can apologize, he pulled apart and kept a index finger on her lips.

"I don't want to hear your apology because I know you don't regret leaving me". He complained leaving her waist but still keeping her near him.

She cupped his face and tiptoeing kissed his both eyes knowing fully well that he can see now. Her soul felt so happy and at peace that she wasn't able to express her happiness in words.

"How can I not do it for you when I promised to make everything right for you?" She asked stroking his cheeks gently as tears rolled out of his eyes directly falling on her knuckles, seeing the extent of love and affection that was visible on her face.

"Udit". She called out his name nodding a no. She still can't handle when he cried. His tears still hurt her like someone was hurting her.

"No more tears." He assured wiping her eyes first, and then his own. Leaning down he kissed her both eyes and she held his wrist with a smile curling up.

He pulled her in his arms again and they stood under the blue sky healing each other with their love, and affection.

"How did you got to know the truth?"

"Dad felt something odd from first day only but not wanting to infuriate the doctor, he kept quiet but after the surgery was done, he interrogated the doctor. At first, he showed your stubbornness in not revealing the name. Hence, the begged him finally to tell the truth and he did understanding their turmoil." He explained stroking her long hairs gently.

"You shouldn't have done this Karishma. It was your chance to live happily. Why did you push it away?" He chided as well as inquired. He knew the answer already but he still wished to hear it from her for the peace of his soul.

"In one reason I did it because I love you, Udit". She confessed finally and he felt as if God just came to bless him.

He parted from her and holding her shoulders, he demanded like a small kid, "Say it again, please. You don't know how much I have waited to hear those words from you. Keep on saying it, until it gets stored in my mind and heart forever and ever".

Smiling through her tears, she confessed, "I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you, Udit forever and ever. Always did, I do now and will do until I live and even after that".

Instead of replying, he rained kisses all over her face, showing how much happy, she just made him. And how won't he when everyday, every night, he longed to hear her say her love for him. For a normal person it might not be a big deal but for those who have lived that separation craving for their love to come back to them, only know how heartbreaking it is to live with their loneliness.

"I love you, Karishma. I love you so much". He blurted cupping her face and moving in to join their lips, but realizing their surroundings she kept a finger on his lips making him frown.


"Not here. What will people say?" He rolled his eyes and she knew it, that he did. One habit he had the urge to do always.

"Darling, do you think instead of brains Your Udit is blessed with peanuts in his head?" He humored her and she gave him a stern look.

"Elaborate. I know you have done some blunder here". She demanded crossing her arms over her chest making him smirk evily at her authority. If anyone talked to him with so much authority then it was her and he actually loved it because he won't ever give that right to anyone else but her.

"Come will answer on our way to the institute. I am tired of your big mouth already". He stated and teased earning a smack on his chest.

"I won't come". She pouted her lips making him laugh, and without a warning, he scooped her up in his arms, and started to walk towards the car making her shriek.

"Udit, Mom is inside. What are you doing? Put me down please". She shrieked almost deafening him.

"Stop screaming like those crazy girls!" He chided shooking his head.

"I am a girl so I will scream....

"Wait, those crazy girls. Mr. Udit Shenoy, in my absence were you running after other girls?" She interrogated him like a jealous girlfriend and he so enjoyed her flaring nostrils. Her hold around his neck tightened as anger was visible on her face.

"My amazing nose is telling me that something is burning". He teased nuzzling her neck and she started hitting him faking her cries at his teasing. She knew other than her, there won't be anyone in his life. No matter she stayed away from him, but her trust on him was intact.

"Now tell me where is Mom? I am sure you have done some planning already". She demanded as he settled inside the car beside her.

As he ignited the engine, he wrapped his one arm around her shoulder and pulled her on his chest not wanting to stay away from her for even a second.

"Well since the day you left, I have been staying here doing what you wanted me to do. I couldn't go back to Canada but I told everything to all of them. At first, they were pretty upset for not confiding in them but understanding my mental state, they comforted me. Then Dad and Ranveer Sir, went to Canada and brought those monsters truth out infront of all. The principal wanted me to come back, but my soul wanted me to stay here and serve those who are confined to darkness. Hence, I started teaching them what you taught me. Since then it became my second home". He revealed the initial days of his struggle without her when he had to relieve the pain again when the topic of his criminals was being in question.

"With no information at all, I couldn't even ask Bhai to look for you, hence I stayed here waiting for you. I was losing hope when even after four years, there was no sign of you, but then one month back, while scrolling through net, I saw Kerala visually impaired violin fest pictures, and one particular person got my attention and I knew it was my heartbeat. And when I was going through the names, my instinct got confirmed that it was you". He added with shine in his eyes as the excitement he felt that day was clearly visible on his face now.

"You recognized me even without seeing me ever in real!" She stated in disbelief parting from him, but she knew the answer herself that he could do it, just like she can.

"I told Anita Ma'am, and then through her contacts, she managed to woo the head of Kerala institute to send you here but being the stubborn woman, you made it impossible and hence, Ma'am has to use her cards and get your mother's number somehow from the head. And then I played my charm on your mother, and here you are with me in my arms again. So am I not the ultimate hero of your life, darling?" He explained the rest of the happenings, adding his last words dramatically making her giggle with her water cascading down her eyes.

"And yes for your mother now, she will be with my parents, and I am sure the fast people they are, they would have planned our half wedding too till now annoying the hospital staff". He teased with a grin on his lips, and before she could say anything more, one particular word caught her attention.

"Hospital??" She parted from him and and he knew, it was time to reveal her another truth, which was more like a miracle in their life at this point of time.

He halted the car in the side of the road, and explained in an emotional tone," Since the day I found you, I have been searching for a donor for you too but there was no such luck. I know it doesn't affect me because my love for you is not going to change with anything, but as much as I deserve to live normally, so do you Karishma. Even you were forced to accept someone else's fate, but now I want you to live your life with me happily like it should have been always."

"But yesterday night, the caretaker who used to take care of you, fell ill and doctors have already declared that she won't live long, hence it's her last wish to donate her eyes to you. You took one decision for me four years ago, and today I have taken one, after four years for our togetherness because when we love, we don't only expect the other to do everything for us, we equally do for them. That's how only a relationship can grew stronger". He continued taking her hand in his and planting a kiss on her knuckles as tears brimmed her eyes.

He has been disappointed when he was not able to succeed in finding a donor, but when the caretaker put forth her wish, he didn't have words to thank that kind woman.

"I love you". She threw herself in his arms, not knowing what else to say other than professing her love for him.

"I love you too". He kissed her temples with a smile, and parting proceeded to the Dehradun Center of Medicine, where her surgery was to be conducted in the evening.

Unions are always emotional so was Karishma's reunion with her teachers, who felt the happiest to have her back whilst Udit's parents officially declared her as their daughter making Udit beam in excitement.

In the evening when she was being taken to the OT, after her test reports were all positive, the only thing he whispered to her was his love, a love that ignited his life like a candle and melted his heart like a wax fixing his wounds with her infinite love.

"So Ms. Karishma who would you like to see first?" The doctor inquired after twenty four hours as it was time for them to open her bandage. Since the second, she was shifted to the private room, Udit stayed by her side, not leaving her for even a second whilst none of them minded because this is what they prayed for.

He threw lame jokes at her making her laugh as well as argue with him, he fed her with his own hands and until she will sleep, he would sit there holding her hand making her feel the happiest. All the pain of loneliness vanished away with just his presence and she felt blissful.

"Ofcourse doctor, she will see her Udit. Afterall now no one matters". Archana replied in a teasing tone winking at her son in law, who gave her a smirk.

"Come on mother in law, you are just jealous that she loves me more than you". Udit stated wrapping his arm around Archana who hit his arm faking offence making the others laugh at their friendly bonding.

Since the day Udit talked to Archana, she became his best of best friends and now that Karishma got to witness it all, she felt like going around in circles. They compete for her love. Like seriously!

"I will see you in the wedding son in law when I will make it impossible to give her to you". Archana teased twisting his ears making him wince.

"You know Mother in law, you are a sweetheart you will give in, the moment I give you my sexy smile".

Ranveer and Sheena joined their hands infront of him, and walked out laughing along with Anita, Ansh, and Amrita.

Archana followed giving them their privacy now, followed by the doctor who let them after instructing Karishma the needful.

"Open them". Udit whispered moving closer to her bed, and nodding she slowly opened her eyes to see blur images infront of her at first, but then as she blinked her eyes several time, she saw her love, dressed in yellow shirt and blue jeans standing there with big tears in his eyes.

"Udit, I can see you. I can see everything". She squealed and as he sat down on the little space of her bed, she threw herself in his protective embrace.

"I am so happy today." He voiced out his inner feelings as the feeling of guilt left him. The guilt he felt knowing that she pushed her life away for him and his happiness.

"So did Ms. Chuckle find herself someone handsome or not?" He queried smirking at her.

Pretending to think, she turned his face to left and then right, and with a not so happening face, she replied, "No, I don't think so I found myself one handsome man".

"What??" His jaw dropped on the ground as Karishma suppressed her laugh seeing the way his nostrils were flaring and he was mumbling inaudible curses inside his mouth.

"You are fine so I guess I can manage it". She played more riling him and then rolling his eyes, he stood up and shooking his head, he walked out giving her a stern look. Once he was out of her sight, she burst out laughing clutching her stomach as tears started coming out from the sides of her eyes.

She laid back on her bed as she was still required to stay in the hospital for two more days, for assurance that she was all fit to leave.

She stared at the ceiling as she recalled her life since the first day, she came in the city, till the time everything once again changed for her, until sleep overtook her mind.

Karishma was deep in her slumber when she felt someone kissing her nape softly and she opened her eyes to see the hospital room, dimly lit with scented candles, various bouquets displayed around, whereas Udit now stood holding a violin in his hand.

She sat up straight resting her back on the headboard of her bed, as he began playing the music of A Thousand years more by Christina Perri.

And then in his ever so gentle voice he began singing the lyrics which were direct Symbolism to their own real life.

The Day we met,
Frozen I held my breath,
Right from the start,
I knew that I had found the home for my heart beats fast.

His intense gaze locked with hers, as she smiled seeing the love shining for her in his eyes. If someone after her parents loved her truely then it was him. Her one and only soulmate.

A soulmate whom she found in the darkest phase of her life, and who found her in his darkest phase as well.

Colors and promises
How to be brave?
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?
But watching you stand alone,
All of my doubts suddenly goes away somehow.

She remembered the times, she felt his fear, insecurities and vulnerabilities. She had held his hand and brought him out into light to face his worst of worst demons.

One step closer.....

He let go off the violin and forwarded his hand infront of her. Without a second thought, she gave her palm into his, as he helped her out by gently holding her through her shoulders.

I have died everyday waiting for you,
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years,
I'll love you for a thousand more.

He stared deeply in his eyes, then wrapping his arm around her waist, he picked her up and made her stand on his feet, not caring of her weight on him. For him she weighed nothing.

Time stand still,
Beauty in all she is,
I will be brave,
I will not anything take away.

They kept on staring in each other's eyes, recalling their sepreation, the memories of which they wished would fade away with their togetherness.

What's standing infront of me,
Every breath,
Every hour has come to this.

He started swaying her slowly in his arms. She encircled her arms around his neck, resting her head on his chest hearing his heart beat rhyming her name every second matching the beats of her own heart beat.

One step closer...

He made her stand on the floor, and she eyed him curiously. Then to her surprise he went down on his one knee, and fishing out a small velvet box from his jeans pocket, he proposed singing the lines of the song.

I have died everyday waiting for you,
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you,
For a thousand years,
I'll love you for a thousand more.

And all along I believed I would found you,
Time has brought your heart to me,
I have loved you for a thousand years,
I'll love you for a thousand more,
I'll loved you for a thousand more.

So do you give me the chance to love you as my better half for a thousand years more?

Her eyes glistened with tears as she realized how beautifully he sang and combined his own query, with the song. Not able to hold herself anymore, she sat down on the ground and nodding with her tears falling down, she burried her head in his chest, and he slid the engagement ring in her finger.

Karishma eyed her ring which was a blue diamond solitaire. Udit kissed her ring finger and mumbled, "I love you now, I"ll love you for a million years more".

"So do I". She replied kissing on his chest, and then he made her look at him raising her chin, and the next second, she felt his cold lips on her warm ones, as he sealed their eternal bond forever and ever.

Destiny is twisted for everyone, but it is not even cruel to those who are trapped in the hardships of their lives because they find themselves another light.

A light of their soul, which is lit up by their strength,courage, will power and strong motivation. They are not handicapped or physically challanged, they are extremely special who live their lives with the illumination of their souls, which doesn't only help them to achieve success in professional life but also the personal.

Thus, we salute those who are our inspiration and role models to make us understand the real concept of the Soul and soulmate because it doesn't see looks or power, all it views is the purity of heart.

A Tribute to all the Special People of the World.

This is it finally:) It's officially over today and I have no words to thank those, who have supported me in this journey of Rishit. I can't express how happy I feel today to complete this venture and to add to my happiness this book is #5 in short story now. Thanks a lot to each one of you for supporting this book, in fact my each and every book which are emotional like hell and they might even make you cry but still you all read them. Thanks a lot guys. I love you all.

Please do vote and comment your views for the finale. Hope it was upto your expectations.

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