How to Train Your Hybrid

By kittycat3191

26.8K 775 174

(Dragons and Vikings have switched roles.) They call it 'Berk'. Known for it luscious forest, pure water, and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 9

1.1K 37 4
By kittycat3191

Toothless and the rest of the Vikings got off the dragons and made their way into the village. They had to try and stop this, before anyone got killed. But sad to say, the boats had already left and no one was in the village. They were too late.

They all met up by the blacksmith's shop to tell each other their report.

"Did you see anyone? Windsheer? Thornado? SkullCrusher? Did you even see where Shock Shooter went?" Toothless wanted to beg the group in hoping they at least saw someone.

Everyone shook their head no to Toothless.

"Everyone left, yawn"

The group looked over at the Blacksmith shop's window. Inside was none other than their sleepy blacksmith, Grump.

"Grump! What are you doing here?" Toothless was so happy to see the blacksmith.

"Keeping an eye out for the left over Vikings. You know. Old folk. Children. Those people who can't fight" Grump yawned again before he saw something he did not plan to see. Rubbing his eyes to make sure he wasn't dreaming, he asked, "Toothless, you might want to slap me. I think I see dragons behind ye"

Toothless looked behind him. He forgot all about how he had brought Hiccup and the rest of the hybrids to the village. "You're not dreaming Grump."

"Oh" Grump blinked sleepily a couple of times. "Should I be worried?"

"Not really" Hookfang said nonchalantly, which caused Snotlout to huff angrily at him. "What?"

"Grump. You need to tell us." Stormfly went in front of Grump's face to get his attention. "Where did everyone go?"

"To Berk"


Ships landed on Berks rocky side. Everyone man and woman Viking was setting up barriers and catapult to ready for an attack. Dark Alpha was leading the group from the rocky shore. He put a diagram out onto the sandy rocks. It showed them attacking the mountain side and driving the dragons towards them.

"After this, all hel is going to break loose" Dark Alpha looked up at the mountain. He smiled in glee as it was his time to shine.

"But isn't that risky?" Thornado wasn't sure if it was a good idea to attack a whole army at one time.

Dark Alpha grabbed Thornado's shirt and held him up to his face. "I'm the one giving order. You do so well as to follow them"

Thornado was thrown to the ground. Skullcrusher helped him up as they both glared at their so called leader.

Shock Shooter ran after his leader in fear and concern. "Shouldn't you have phrased that a little better."

Dark Alpha stopped and turned his head to growl at the young Viking. This caused Shock Shooter to shrink away in fear.

Shocker Shooter began to have second thoughts. Maybe this wasn't a really good idea.

The men turned their catapults to the mountain. When Dark Alpha shouted at his men to 'fire', each boulder hit the mountain with great force. It caused the giant rock to crack and crumble. Each hit caused more and more dents. By the end of the last boulder, did a flock of dragons appear.


The group was hurrying as fast as they could to the battlefield. It was worse than they could have imagined when they came upon it. Dragon and Viking were fighting claw, fire, ax, and sword at each other. Neither side looked to be winning. It looked more like an endless blood bath.

"What do we do!?" Asked Stormfly

"We need to separate them. Get their attention guys!" Toothless shouted to the rest of the group.

"You sir, you are speaking our language!" Tuffnut and his sister flew down towards the battle as they shot a green smoke line between them that was later lite up.

Both side were startled by this. But none the more than seeing a Viking on the back of a dragon.

This of course, upsetted the two responsible for this.

Drago growled at this from the top of his perch as he grabbed Dagur. "Stop him" He tossed Dagur out into the battlefield.

Dagur quickly changed into his dragon form as he quickly went after Hiccup.

Hiccup and Toothless had little time to react when they saw the Skrill came at them.

"Dagur" Hiccup growled

Toothless looked at the Skrill in awe and shock. The dragon fired lighting blasts at them as they quickly dodged them. As they flew around, Toothless saw Dark Alpha staring right at him. Hiccup needed to fight Dagur on his own. And he needed to avenge his fallen leader.

"You take care of this. I'm going after Dark Alpha" Toothless dropped himself off of Hiccup's back and onto the ground. He headed straight for Dark Alpha.

Hiccup was having his own problems at the moment. What with Dagur the Deranged on his tail. He dodged a few more blast of lighting before making his way out to sea.

"What's wrong brother!? Afraid to see me?" Dagur shot another blast of lighting at the Night Fury as he charged himself at him.

"I don't ever remember being your brother" Hiccup commented. He had to get Dagur to the water.

"What? You prefer a little pathetic human as one! Hahahaha! You so stupid Hiccup!" Dagur mocked the Hiccup.

"Oh really!?" Hiccup stopped when they made it right over the water. "I'll tell you something I learned from the pathetic humans"

Dagur launched a powerful blast of lighting at Hiccup, which he countered with a plamsa blast of his own.

"Skrill have one weakness"

"And what's that?" Dagur raised an eye-brown at Hiccup.

Hiccup shot towards Dagur as he barrel rolled and shot multiple blast. It caught Dagur off guard as he tumble towards the water. He fell into the water with a splash as all the electricity inside his body gave him a little shock.

Once Dagur was out of the way, Hiccup's attention was brought back to the battle. He needed to stop this and he knew one crazy way that would actually work.


"Dark Alpha!"

Dark Alpha and every Viking that was close to him turned his attention to Toothless. The young black haired Viking glared at the newly appointed leader with hate.

"Well, well. If it isn't the traitor" Dark Alpha could help but chuckle at the young Viking's foolishness.

"Are you talking about me, or yourself" With Toothless's words, everyone began to whisper. "Dark Alpha was the one who killed Ice Spitter!"

"Me? Why would I kill my own brother?" Dark Alpha tried to look innocent.

"So you could be chief" Stormfly came up next to Toothless.

"You wanted to badly to start this war" Hookfang spoke out as well as he too came up next to Toothless.

"Says the traitors who side themselves with the enemy" Dark Alpha hissed as he tried to make it seem like they were the evil ones.

"The dragons are not our enemy" Meatlug shouted as they all stood next to Toothless. "We spent a lot of time with them and became friends. We don't have to fight them"

"What a bunch of Yak dung!" Dark Alpha shouted. He began to growl in hate at the small group. "There nothing but mindless beast that will kill us all"

"Really" Thornado spoke out. "It was us who attacked first"

Each of the Vikings began to murmur and agree with Thornado.

"It doesn't have to be this way" Toothless spoke to his fellow Vikings. "Let us show you. We don't have to fight them"

Each Viking stared at Toothless in awe and amazement. They had just seen him ride here on the back of a Night Fury. They all began to whisper to one another.

"ENOUGH!" Dark Alpha took out his sword as he shot forwards at Toothless.

The boy had only enough time to take out his long dagger. His blade hit Dark Alpha's as they began to tussle.

Stormfly was about to intervene, when someone held her back. It was Skullcrusher. He shook his head at her. They both turn to the fight as they knew that it was something Toothless must do.

Toothless and Dark Alpha clashed. Sparks flew as they slammed into each other. They fought more and more until Dark Alpha was on Toothless. His blade slammed into the young Viking's. He pushed down hard on the blade as he tried to cut Toothless. The young Viking held strong as he used the last of his strength to push the heavy man off.

This caused Dark Alpha's blade to fly out of his hand and fall to out into the crowd. The dark man turn towards his men. "Give me a sword"

No one tried to help him. Not even Shock Shooter, who was only ten feet from him.

Dark Alpha looked at the men. Each and everyone's face shown disappointment, hate, and annoyance for the man. The dark man search around for anyone to help. No one did.

"It's over Dark Alpha" Toothless turned his back at the man and walked to his friends.

"No" Dark Alpha whispered. "It's not"

Dark Alpha took a dagger out of his hidden pocket and rushed towards the young Viking. Toothless heard Stormfly yelled to him and by the time he turned to defend himself. He had already plugged his dagger into Dark Alpha's chest.


"Everyone! Stooopppppp!"

Everyone turned their attention to the source of the sound. They were quite shock to see a half human, half black dragon speaking to them in the middle of it all.

Hiccup tried to speak to his people. Even the faces he had not seen for a long time, the once who tormented and were mean to him when he was little. He needed to tell them. Tell them the truth.

"Drago doesn't care about you. Any of you" Hiccup pointed to all the hybrids. "He's just using you. All of you. He's going to use everyone last one of you, until your dead and in the ground and he's the one on top. He doesn't think of you as important. Only he"

"But Stoick.." Once of the Vikings began to question Hiccup.

"My father is alive. Alive and living thanks to your so called enemy the Vikings." Hiccup pointed to the Vikings. "Drago told you my mother was killed by Vikings. But she is right here and alive and well." Hiccup pointed to his mother. "He even told you I was dead to make you fight for him. But my father said no. And now that he is out of the way, he has no one to stop him from making sure he makes it to the top."

The Hybrids looked at each other.

"What are you doing!?" Drago flew down from the sky and landed near Hiccup. "This boy lies. He has convened with the enemy. He's a traitor to his own kind"

Hiccup glared at Drago. "Or you're the traitor to yours. You want to be king of us. Rule over us as if we were your playthings to use to win your battles. But no more Drago. We had enough."

Drago growled at the Night Fury hybrid. He was ruining everything he worked for. And he was not going to let this happen. "Shoot him!" Drago hollered to his men.

But no one did. Instead, the Vikings parted ways and allowed Toothless through.

"It's over Drago" Toothless was covered in dirt and blood. He dropped his weapon to the ground. All the Vikings followed suit as each and every one of them put down their weapons.

The hybrids watched in amazement. It was only a short time before one dragon reverted into his half form and followed suit.

Each side was showing their vulnerable side. It was the first step towards peace.

But Drago would have none of that. He gave a mighty growl as he transformed into his dragon mode. He was larger and meaner. A dark ice spitting monster called the Bewilderbeast.

The Vikings had known of the legend of the great Bewilderbeast, but none had seen it before. Hiccup quickly transformed into his Night Fury form. He shot into the sky as he blasted Drago with his plasma blast.

Drago growled at the boy as he shot sheets of ice at him.

Both watched in shock and fear. It wasn't until Toothless took up bow and shot at the giant beast did everyone follow suit.

Arrows, axes, and fire was shot at the mighty Beast. Drago snarled at them as he launched his ice wave at the army. Everyone scattered as they tried to get away. Ducking and looking for cover, the hybrids and Viking looked for cover.

As Drago watched them scatter, he saw that one black haired Viking who started all of this "You!"

Toothless looked up into the air to see Drago staring down at him

"This is all your fault" Drago took a deep breath as he shot another ice wave at Toothless.

Toothless had no time to move as he watched the blast of ice come at him. The last thing he saw was Hiccup flying towards him and wrapped himself around the boy as a shield.

Everyone watched has both Hiccup and Toothless were wrapped in a cold layer of ice. Astrid ran to the ice as she pounded her hands on it. She shouted for Hiccup to say anything. Like everyone, she feared the worst.

A loud chuckle was heard, as Astrid looked up to see Drago staring down at him.

"You should have obeyed me. And now look what happen to your leader"

Astrid pressed her head to the ice in sadness. But for some reason, it felt like it was getting hot. She opened her eyes to see the ice glowing blue. The Nadder hybrid stepped back as she watched the ice being to glow brighter.

All of the sudden, the ice broke open and out came Toothless and a glowing Hiccup. Hiccup flew to the top of the left over ice as he roared at Drago.

Drago was shocked to say the least. He was about to prepare another blast when he was shot in the face by a powerful plasma blast.

Hiccup kept firing at Drago. His blast got more powerful with every shot. He was determine to stop Drago.

Drago fell to the ground as he revert back into his half form. It body was bruised and batter, but he did not stop. He flew up high in the sky as he breathed in his most powerful attack.

Toothless came up right next to Hiccup, "Together"

Hiccup nodded as they both got ready to fire. Toothless launched an arrow while Hiccup fire after. With that power and force, Toothless's arrow shot towards Drago and hit him in the heart.

Drago gasped for breath as his world grew dark. He fell to the ground in a hard boom. His body laid dead on the ground as the life from his eyes left.

It was finally over.

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