How to Train Your Hybrid

By kittycat3191

27.3K 797 176

(Dragons and Vikings have switched roles.) They call it 'Berk'. Known for it luscious forest, pure water, and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9

Chapter 8

1.4K 41 4
By kittycat3191

Berk was quite at night. It was very unusual for an enemy to come and attack the island at night. They guessed because the humans had in way to see them in the dark. But it definitely made it easier for the young of young hybrids to sneak around. Especially when they were trying to make their way to Stoick the Vast's house.

Of course the chief's house had to be in the middle of town close to the Great Hall. Where everyone would pass them by and ask question about who the new hybrid was.

Speaking of new hybrid, Hiccup was dressed in a red top with a leather scale top going over it. His face was hidden in a hood and the blackness of night made it easier for people to see less of his tail and wings.

While walking to the chief's house, they so far not been stopped by anyone. Some waved to them but the group was so knit together that no one was able to see Hiccup at all. It was perfect.

They were closing in on Stoick's house, when someone decided to come out from the Great Hall and make their way towards them. It was Gobber. The one hook man was taking a leisure stroll and was about to stop by his friend's house to see how he was doing. What he did not expect was to see Astrid and her friends.

"What are you five doing out here on this glorious night?" Gobber came up to the small group of young hybrids.

"Oh, we just wanted to have a word with the chief, that's all" Astrid explained as they all crowded closer.

This did not go unnoticed by Gobber, "All of once"

"Ya, it's really important" Fishlegs tried not to sound nervous.

Gobber didn't believe them for one minute. What he did see though was that the group had one extra person. He was in the shadows and made him hard to see but he could definitely tell there was someone. "Who's the new guy? I haven't seen you around before?"

"This is our cousin" Tuffnut interject. He grabbed Hiccup and pulled him to his side. "Sid Thorston. He's a....a...."

"He's from the far islands" Ruffnut helped her brother out.

"Ya, a real loner this guy is" Tuffnut patted Hiccup on the shoulder as he tried to sound convincing.

"Really?" Gobber was not amused by the twins. He may act a little goofy at times, but that doesn't mean after all the years he didn't know when the twins were lying to him.

Hiccup could see in Gobber's eyes that he wasn't buying it. He had only one chance to see his father and fix this situation. All that was standing in the way was Gobber.

"Well, here goes nothing." Hiccup brought down his hood, "It's me Gobber"

Gobber recognized that face anywhere. He had seen that face in Stoick the Vast and Valka. "Hiccup?" Gobber grabbed onto Hiccup's shoulder to get a good look at him, "Is it really you?"

Hiccup nodded his head.

"Hiccup!" Gobber was so happy to see the young hybrid. He, like Stoick, was very sad when the news of Hiccup demise had reached them. He was so close to the little hybrid that he was even a second father to the boy. "How are you alive? And where have you been?"

"That's what I'm here to tell my father about" The sound of noise caught their attention as Hiccup quickly pulled up his hood.

Gobber looked around as he too sensed the danger of Hiccup being here, "We better get you inside"


Stoick being happy to see his son alive was an understatement. He was over joyed. He grabbed Hiccup and gave him a bear hug. He then wept a little, even though he would not admit it, in seeing his son. He then gave him a stern lecture of how he should have come home and where had he been all this time. He had been worried when he heard he had been captured by Vikings. And if not for being the chief, he would have ran off and hunted those kidnappers down if he could.

Hiccup took this time to explain what had happen to him all these year. He even told his father about how his mother, Valka, was still alive. Stoick was in shock to say the least. He even fell back into his chair at the thought of his true love being alive. But when Hiccup explained why, he believed it.

"Drago has always attempted to start a war. " Stoick sat down in anger. "It should have been obvious that he would have started it this way.

"That man is as dastardly as a giant eel" Gobber said angrily, "It kinda makes you wonder if Vikings are all that bad"

"But they're really not" Hiccup stated.

"I'm sorry son, but just because you hang out with some of them doesn't mean they're all like that" Stoick tried to explain to his son.

"It's similar to us. Most of us want to live in peace, but others...not so much" Gobber explained what Stoick had meant.

"But if we can show them that there's another way....." Hiccup was trying to convince his father.

"And how do you suppose we do that?" Stoick eyed Hiccup in question.

"You meet with the chief of the Vikings," Hiccup stated. "My Viking friends are on their way to meet with their chief and explain to him the same thing I'm explaining to you"

Stoick watched his son. He really wanted to believe that this could work. "Fine. If he is willing to meet one on one then we will talk."

That's all Hiccup needed to hear. He began to explain his plan.


But they were not the only ones listening to Hiccup's plan. On the other side of the door, Drago Bludvist and Dagur the Deranged. They were listening in on their conversation. And it was not good at all. Drago grew angry as he listened to every word. He knew he had to do something. And idea struck the man hybrid.

"Did you hear that my boy?" Drago Bludvist grin grew wider as he listen in on the conversation they were having.

"But isn't that bad" Dagur was a little confused by this.

"Not if we play our claws right" Drago assured the young Viking.

"Claws?" Dagur was very confused by this.

"Yes. If something unfortunate were to happen to dear old Stoick. Then the rest of the clan with have no other choice but to follow me" Drago smiled at the thought. "Nothing will stand in my way"

Drago began to explain his plan to Dagur. The boy's mouth grew in to a devious smile as he listened to Drago's every word.


On Drage øy, Toothless, Stormfly and Cloudjumper were heading to the chiefs house. Inside, both Ice Spitter and Dark Alpha were having another discussion about what to do about the dragons.

Ice Spitter had white hair with two braids and beads going down the side of his face. He had light tan skin and icy blue eyes. He wore mostly white, such as a long sleeve tunic with silver design on the color and cuffs. He had a large white with black feather streets type cape over his shoulders.

Dark Alpha was the opposite. He was much more dark. His hair was more grey than white. His eyes seemed to be darker, much closer to grey. He wore a no sleeves grey tunic with a red band around his mid section. Around his hands were dark metallic armbands. He had a very large sword on his back as well.

"We should kill them. Take the armada and ....."

"We talked about this a hundred times brother, no" Ice Spitter was sitting in his chair rubbing head in annoyance. "What if we destroy the islands eco system? What will we do then? Berk is the only food source that's close to us and I will not have it destroyed because you want to kill its top predictor."

When the door opened, did the brothers turn to see the group in the doorway.

"Cloudjumper, my friend," Ice Spitter got up from his chair and made his way over to them. He shook Cloudjumper's hand and welcomed them in.

"I'm sorry if were interrupting something" Cloudjumper eyed Dark Alpha.

"No, no. We were just finishing. Right Brother" Ice Spitter watched as his brother glared at him before storming off. "I'm truly sorry about him. It's a surprise that we came from the same mother"

"Ice Spitter we have something very urgent to talk to you about" Cloudjumper stated.

"Then by all means, enter" Ice Spitter sat down in his chair as he gestured for everyone to sit as well. "Now, what is this news you want to talk about"

"The dragons" Toothless came right out and said it.

"Not you too" Ice Spitter shook his head as he thought he knew where this was going.

"It's not what you think chief" Stormfly chimed in.

"Then by all means, explain"

The group told Ice Spitter everything. The man listen with interested and awestruck. And while they talked about what to do next, on the other side of the door, so did Dark Alpha.


Daybreak had hit the morning. Two separate groups. The Vikings and Hybrid where making their way to a secluded island that was between Berk and Drage oy. It was perfect spot for a meeting between species.

Traveling on a boat to the island were Ice Spitter, and a few extra men. They had reach the island by noon. Each one of them climbed off the boat and made their way onto the island. So far it looked like they had made it here first.

But not soon after did they see something off in the horizon. One of the men looked through their spyglass to see that it was Dragons. The man hollered to his team as they got their weapons ready.

Ice Spitter dismissed this tactic as he told them to put their weapons down. At first the men thought their leader was crazy, but followed.

Once the dragons were close, they landed themselves on the dirt ground. The main one was a Rumblehorn. The other two that appeared was a Hotburple and a Monstrous Nightmare. The all stared at the Vikings and made them feel nervous and scared.

The men did not know what to do, but their leader stepped forward.

"I am Ice Spitter. Chief of the Drage tribe." Ice Spitter introduced himself.

The Rumblehorn stared at the Vikings. The Vikings watched as the dragon transformed itself into a human like hybrid. The men were in awestruck at the sight. He looked like a well-built man. He had a long red beard and hair was in braids. His Rumble horn wings, horns, and tail showed off his part dragon form.

"I'm am Stoick the Vast, leader of the Berkians" Stoick's voice was loud and booming. His words were clear and understanding. It was as if he knew how to speak Norse.

It surprised most of the Vikings at first that the hybrid knew their language. But were more shocked to see their chief go up to the dragon leader and shake his hand.

"It is nice to meet you Stoick the Vast"

In the first time in Viking and Dragon history, they were talking to one another.


Hiccup and the rest of the gang were wondering how the meeting was going. Curiosity and dread filled them. What if something went wrong? What if something happened to Hiccup's father? They decided to take a trip over there to see how everything was progressing. It was against Cloudjumper and Valka's order but they just needed to know.

Each one of the Vikings climbed onto the hybrid's dragon back. At first it was awkward. They hybrids never had a human on their back before and the Vikings had never ridden a dragon before either. To say the journey was strange in the least.

When they came upon the island, they were shock to see what was happening.


An hour ago, everything was going greet. Stoick and Ice Spitter were having a great chat about their clans and forming a relationship. Ice Spitter even took out a document to make it legit.

But unknown to the group, was up in the rocks, was Dagur and Savage. In Dagur's hands was a Viking cross bow.

"Are you sure this will work?" Savage asked

"Of course it will work" Dagur pointed the arrow at Stoick. "Once they see Stoick killed. It will already be time to plan an all-out war"

Stoick and Ice Spitter shook hands as they put together their union. But, all of the sudden, an arrow had struck Stoick in the back.

The large man fell to his knees as he gave a large painful roar. Gobber and Spitelout came rushing to him as one of the Vikings shouted 'Dragon attack'

The Vikings tried to rush their leader back to the ship and away from the battle. The men shot arrow after arrow to keep the dragons away.

Spitlout and Gobber tried to defend Stoick the best they could. They watched the Viking sail away.

Spitlout was about to go after the ship when the young hybrids and Vikings stood on his way. "Snotlout?"

"What happed here?" Hiccup quickly reverted into his half form and rushed to his father.

"We were tricked by the Vikings" Gobber explained.

Hiccup could not believe this was happening. He held his father's hand as he prayed he would be okay.

Toothless watched the scene unfold. He only got distracted when he saw something fly in the distance. "Or someone made it seem like you were attacked"

They all looked to where Toothless was looking to see a Skrill flying away.

"But why would Dagur attack his own chief?" Spitlout could not understand why someone would want to hurt Stoick.

"I have a pretty good idea why" Gobber growled.

They all were brought back to attention when they heard Stoick cough. He was looking pale and he was having a tough time keeping his eyes open.

"He needs help" Gobber stated.

"I know a place where we can go" Hiccup and the rest of the hybrids gentle lifted Stoick off the ground and carried him back to base.


Out on the seas, Ice Spitter was making his way back to Drage oy. He could not believe what just happened. Who could have fired at Stoick? His men were with him at all times and none of them could have done it.

Ice Spitter then felt the boat stop. They were too far off to be near their island. He came out to see what had happen when he noticed a ship near his. "What the....."

Ice Spitter have time to react when something pierced his back. Turning his head, he saw that it was his brother. "Whhhyyyy?"

Dark Alpha watched as his brother tried to walk backwards. "Why do you think dear brother?"

The rest of the Viking men did nothing to help their leader. Ice Spitter even looked for his most trust worthy of friends to see them dead. He could not believe this. All this just to start a war with the dragons.

Ice Spitter looked once last time up at his brother before another sword pieced his chest.


It was dark out at Drage oy. In the upper part of the island, outside the cave, was Hiccup, Toothless, and the rest of the hybrid gang. The night Fury boy was passing back and forth. Worried about if his father would make it.

His prayers were answered when he saw Gobber coming out. "How is he?"

Gobber came up to Hiccup as he placed a hand on his shoulder. "Your father is going to be just fine."

All of them let out a sigh of relief.

"Its thanks Thor that your father's dragon hide is tough as Gronkle Iron that he was able to live" Gobber stepped out of the way to allow Hiccup through. "He wants to see you"

Hiccup took a deep breath as he walked into the cave. He saw his father on a bead of moss next to his mother. Color had come back to the man and was looking a lot better. He was still weak and had a hard time moving but he was going to be fine.

Hiccup sat down next to his father as tears fell from his eyes. "I'm so glad you're okay"

"Of course I'm okay." Stoick tried to act tough, "It's going to take a lot more than one little arrow to kill me"

Hiccup rolled his eyes at his father's statement.

"Besides," Stoick cupped Valka's face, "I'm not leaving my wife and son behind"

Valka smiled down at Stoick as she too began to tear up.

"Now then" Stoick looked towards the doorway, "What happen to Ice Spitter?"

Stoick was very curious to know what happen to the other chief. He was still conscious when he heard the group confirm that it was Dagur who shot him. He still hoped that the Viking was okay.

"Well....." Hiccup was about to tell him he had no idea when Toothless and the rest of the young Vikings came storming in.

"Hiccup!" They were all out of breath and tried to compose themselves.

Cloudjumper came over and tried to calm the group down. "Breathe. Now tell us what this is about"

Toothless spoke first, "Ice Spitter is dead!"

Everyone gasped at the news. No one could believe the mighty leader had fallen.

"What happen?" Hiccup asked.

"Apparently dragons had act the ship" Meatlug explained.

"But it was Dark Alpha and his follower who found him dead." Stormfly linked the pieces together. "Dark Alpha killed his brother and now is lying to everyone about how the dragons killed him. Now he's telling everyone to get ready to avenge him"

"We have to stop them" Stoick tried to get up but the pain was too much.

"You're not going anywhere" Valka pushed Stoick back down.

"Dad, you stay here with Gobber and Cloudjumper" Hiccup ordered his parents. "The rest of the guys and me with try to head to the village and try and stop them"

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