How to Train Your Hybrid

By kittycat3191

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(Dragons and Vikings have switched roles.) They call it 'Berk'. Known for it luscious forest, pure water, and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 6

2.4K 59 9
By kittycat3191

Another five years had passed and it had been great for Hiccup. He was learning all these different thing from his mother. Every dragon has its secrets his mother would tell him. And boy was she right.

It was funny how the monster in the mountains turned out to be his mother. Apparently Cloudjumper and her were scaring off Vikings would tried to approach their home.

It was a nice afternoon, and Hiccup was taking in the sight of his new home on the upper mountains. The inner caverns that his mother and he used were their new home and safe place from intruders. The lush green forest was perfect for vegetation and fish. The outside was also breathtaking when they could fly around and not have to worry about Vikings attacking them.

Today, Hiccup wanted to explore more of the island areas that were inaccessible to Vikings. Thus, Hiccup was flying off to one of the smaller islands that were on the tall, large sea stacks. It was a nice place to lay down and take a break from all the craziness.

Hiccup was getting comfortable when he heard something in the brush behind him. Hiccup turned around slowly as he got his claws ready. As he turned to the bush, he carefully made his way towards it. As he pushed past a few leaves, did he see something extraordinary.

In the next clearing over, was a hybrid Nadder. It was not just a Nadder hybrid, it was a female Nadder hybrid. She is wearing a red-ish brown wrapped shirt, tan cloth bracers with fur on her arms and a spiked skirt that had fur underneath it. She wears a pouch on her hip and also wears skull emblazoned belt and shoulder pads. Her spiky Nadder tail flowed to the floor and her colorful blue wings clipped to her back. A hood covered her face, but once pealed back it showed a beautiful woman Hiccup had ever scene.

Her face was round and angelic. Her blonde hair was braided and pulled over her shoulder. She wore a leather band around her forehead that made her look like a warrior.

Altogether, Hiccup fell in love. So why did it feel like this was not the first time they met.

Hiccup was about to take a step forward towards the Nadder hybrid when he, stupidly, stepped on a branch. He scrunched his face before looking back at where the female was. He saw that she was nowhere in sight and decided to come out to get a better look.

What surprised him next, was Hiccup falling to the ground with the woman on top of him. Looking up, he saw that the Nadder hybrid had her one hand around his neck while the other was raised in the air, ready to strike.

"Who are you!? And why are you spying on me!?" The Nadder hybrid looked down at the creature under her. He looked familiar to her. She took a closer look before she actually realized who this was. "Hhhiccup?"

The Nadder hybrid quickly got off Hiccup as she stared at him in astonishment.

Hiccup squinted his eyes as he tried to understand how the hybrid knew his name. "Yes, do I know you?"

"It's mean Hiccup" The Nadder hybrid straighten up before putting her hand on her hips and gave him a seductive smirk. "It's me, Astrid"

Right away when she said and did that, flashes of a little girl with two braids in her hair came flashing to his mind. "Astrid!"

Hiccup could not believe who he was seeing right before him. Astrid was a spunky, warrior of a girl who always dreamed of joining the flock on a hunt. She wanted to be just like her uncle, Fearless Finn Hofferson. She, also, was the one kid in the village who was nice to him and didn't pick on him as much as the other kids did. By the Gods, did she grow up good.

On the other hand, Astrid was thinking the exact same thing. Hiccup wasn't that string bean of a kid she had known when she was little. He was tall and had a little muscle to him. His face was a little longer and it suited him. His heavily freckled face was now subtle. He filled into his dragon wings and tail nicely. All together, Hiccup was hot.

"So what are you doing here?"

Astrid was brought out of her thoughts as she looked at Hiccup. "I'm just here, flying around. Getting some air"

"Disobeying orders?" Hiccup raised a suspicious eye brow at her. He knew that whenever Astrid didn't like an order, she would try to find a way to disobey it and follow her own way.

"Maybe" Astrid huffed in annoyance. No matter how many years they haven't seen each other, Hiccup could read her like an open book. She was still suspicious of something. "How are you still alive?"

"What do you mean?" Hiccup became nervous.

"I saw the humans coming towards you. How did you escape?" Astrid was very curious in knowing how Hiccup was still alive.

Hiccup on the other hand, was very panicky. How do you tell your hybrid friend who hates humans that you were saved by one. He decided to tell half the truth. "I'm actually staying with my mom"

"Your mom?" Astrid was quite shocked to hear this news. "But mother...your mother is dead"

"She's actually not" Hiccup rubbed the back of his head as he tried to explain.

"But Hiccup, everyone knows that your mother was killed by...."

"And who told them my mother was dead." Hiccup felt angry at the thought.

Astrid rubbed her arm as she bit her lip. Not many people loved Drago Bludvist. The half Bewilderbeast was a hated hybrid amongst the villagers. None would say that o his face though. The man inspired fear in the hearts of most hybrids. There were some actually supported the man in an all-out war against the Vikings. Some, like her Uncle, hated the idea.

"I'm sure he's using my death as another excuse to start another war, right?"

Astrid let out a sigh. "No, Stoick was able to stop Drago from carrying one out. I'm surprised he was able to keep it together for all these years. You know...because of you and your mom"

Hiccup let his anger go as he realized how alone his father must have felt. "How is he?"

"He's being Stoick" Astrid rubbed her arm in remember her chief. "He really missed you guys. But he doesn't show it. If he did. It would lead to Drago having power over him."

"I'm surprised he didn't run off and hunt down every last human after my death" Hiccup was wondering how deeply his father missed him. He knew his father loved him, but was he happier that he was gone.

Astrid read Hiccup's thoughts, "Hiccup, he really does miss you. Some say that Stoick would go off on his own, in search of the human who killed you"

Hiccup stared at Astrid in awe.

"It's just rumors though," Astrid let out a sigh. "No one knows if it's true"

Hiccup rolled his eyes. His father never liked to show how kind and caring he was in front of others. Stoick believed he should be tough as Gronkle Iron.

They both chatted away till dark. Once the sun began to set did Hiccup bid farewell to Astrid as he said he had to get back home. Astrid asked if she could go with him to see his mother and how they had survived all this time. Hiccup started to panic because of that.

Astrid had no idea that they were near a Viking habited island. The very one that was attacking Berk. That would not be a good idea to tell her. She would probably rush back to Berk to tell everyone.

Okay, Hiccup wasn't sure she would do that. But he could not risk getting Toothless, Stormfly, and Cloudjumper hurt in the process.

"No, no. That's okay." Hiccup quickly came up with an excuse. "I wouldn't want to give my mother a heart attack if she saw you"

"A heart...attack?" Astrid had heard stories of Valka being a fierce warrior.

"Okay, it's more of my mother attacking you." Hiccup saw the look Astrid was giving him. "And don't give me the 'I'm stronger than I look' face. When I first met mom, she sent me flying into a mountain."

Astrid sighed but allowed Hiccup to pass. "Fine" She, then, got in Hiccup's face and pointed her finger into it, "But I'm coming back tomorrow"

"Fine" Hiccup held his hands up in defense.

Astrid walked to the edge and transformed into her dragon form. Hiccup watched her leap off the cliff side and fly back to Berk.

Hiccup let out a breath as he too turned and flew back to his home. This was going to be fun explaining to everyone.


It was morning, and Hiccup still had not brought up the part about his mother meeting Astrid. How was he going to bring that up?

Hiccup was in their make shift kitchen preparing food for both his mother and he. His mother cooking skill were not something Hiccup didn't want to live through again. Seriously, he loved his mother but her cooked fish was always either to raw and slimly or charred to a rock.

Hiccup shuddered at the thought. He decided to go all out. What else could he do since was preparing to bring home a pretty girl to meet his mother.

When Valka came in this morning, she was greeted with the smell of the most delicious foods. Looking at the spread on the table, she started to notice how it much of it there was. "Is Toothless and Stormfly coming over later?"

Hiccup dropped a plate to the floor when he remembered something. Wasn't Toothless, Stormfly, and Cloudjumper coming over later to hang out.

Thoughts of that and Astrid were turning in Hiccup's head. It definitely was going to be a big mess if they met up.

At the island of Berk, Astrid was getting ready to leave when she heard her name being called from behind her. She turned to see that it was from Ruffnut and Fishlegs heading towards here.

"Hey Astrid," Fishlegs then notice her packing, "Where are you going?"

"Out to look at new islands" Astrid said nonchalantly as she continued to pack her bags.

"I thought Stoick said we weren't allowed to go out to sea?" Fishlegs tried to state it more like a fact, but it came out more like a question.

"What?" Astrid put her satchel over her shoulder as she looked at the two, "Just because you're scared to do it, doesn't mean I am"

They both watched as Astrid spread her wings and took off. Ruffnut wasn't buying it one bit. It wasn't until a short time later did they see Snotlout and her brother come by. A smile grew on her face as she walked over to the two.


Back on Drage oy, Toothless and Stormfly were getting ready to leave and head back up the mountain. They heard footsteps behind them to see Hookfang, Meatlug, and the twins with their packs and bags in hand.

"When do we leave?" Hookfang smiled happily at the two.

Toothless grabbed Stormfly's arm as he pulled her close to him to angrily ask "What are they doing here!?"

"I jokingly said to Hookfang this morning that you and I were going on a dangerous hunt that could tear us limb from limb. I thought he be scared, not invite Meatlug and the twins along" Stormfly tried to defend herself.

"Don't worry guy. I brought lots of bandages and herbs in case we have any kind of trouble." Meatlug was trying to be helpful. She and the rest of the group had no idea the kind of headache they would be causing Toothless and Stormfly.

"Maybe will lose them in the fog" Toothless hoped while Stormfly crossed their fingers.


One good thing that happened to Hiccup was that his mother had left to go pick up Cloudjumper for their morning petrol. Which left Hiccup to fixing his own problems, such as a warrior hybrid meeting up with his kidnapper and shield maiden Viking. This was not going to be any sort of problem at all.

Hiccup headed out of the cave as he tried to think of a plan. He heard the sound of rustling from the woods as he made his way towards it. By the sent that was coming from it, he could tell it was Toothless and Stormfly. That was good. Hopefully they help him with his situation.

"I'm so glad you guys are here" Hiccup glided down to them.

"Why?" Stormfly began to panic. "You haven't see any Vikings around here recently"

Toothless elbowed her in the stomach.

Stormfly glared at him but realized that she should keep her mouth shut. They were already in big enough trouble with their friends following after them.

Hiccup knew that look Toothless was giving him. It was I'm trying to hide something that is really bad face. "You too?"

"What do you mean, you too?" Toothless was afraid to ask.

Both questions were answered when a scream was heard not far off from them.


Astrid was heading to an island. She remembered Hiccup saying something about living at the top of the mountain that was covered by a Fog Sea. She flew just high enough to see what Hiccup was talking about. It was beautiful and breathe taking place to say the least.

She was only brought out of her thought when she heard voices behind her.

"Hey Astrid! Wait up!"

Looking behind her, Astrid saw her fellow dragon friends following after her. "What are you guys doing her?"

"What? You didn't think we allow you to have all the fun, did you?" Tuffnut stated.

"Look pointy rocks!" Ruffnut pointed out.

"Ooohhh Where!?" Both he and his sister head straight for it.

"You know Astrid, if you want we could leave these guys and head off somewhere together" Snotlout tried to act seductively as he got closer to the Nadder.

Astrid just stared at him deadpan. She really wanted to shoot at him right now. Thank the gods for Fishlegs.

"What about Heather?" Fishlegs was more in it to annoy Snotlout.

"Heather?" Snotlout straighten himself out as he tried to act innocent. "Ya Heather, don't want to piss her off"

Astrid wanted to slap herself in the face. Heather would be the last person to end up with Snotlout. But ever since her family arrived on Berk, the Monstrous Nightmare hybrid has always tried to seduce her. She should be greatful though. It did get Snotlout out of her scale.

Astrid was brought out of her thoughts when she got distracted by the sounds of screams from below them.

The group of dragons looked down for the source and remembered the twins were nowhere to be seen. They headed towards the scream to see their zippleback friends and four Vikings. Right away the two sides started to fight each other to protect their friends. Astrid used her spine shot at the fiery red head.

Hookfang back flipped out of the way as he took out his sword to defend himself. "Do you think this is what Stormfly meant by dangerous hunt that will tear you limb from limb!"

"I hope not!" Meatlug tried to defend herself with her sheild.

"This is awesome and scary!" Tuffnut hollered as he sparked the smoke his sister let out.

The group was so enthralled with each other they did not notice something else was watching them.

Fishlegs looked down towards the fog as he saw something moving in it, "Um, Astrid...."

When they saw the giant Stormcutter come out of the clouds did the group forget their fight and begin to panic. They all shuttered in fear and try to protect themselves. Most of the hybrid transformed themselves back into their half forms. The Vikings didn't seem to notice for the fear of being eaten by the large beast.

Hookfang grabbed a hold of Snotlout and held him out in from of him as a shield. "Take him! He's obnoxious and self-centered. And he probably leave everyone behind"

"Wow. He hit the nail on the head" Tuffnut said from behind a rock with Ruffnut and the twins.

Snotlout growled at them for a minute before he was brought back in fear as the Stormcutter started to come towards them.


The group turned their head to Hiccup. The group was quite shock to see a half black dragon and brown headed human. They were also shocked to see Toothless defending them as well.

Hiccup watched as his mother landed on the ground. He knew both he and Toothless had some explaining to do.


It had taken some time and a lot of explaining but everyone seemed to be now okay by the fact that dragon can transform into half human creatures. Barf and Belch thought it was really cool and would ask the twins all sorts of questions. Ruffnut and Tuffnut where happy to reply and asked question of their own. The grouped groaned in thoughts of the chaos those four would cause.

Meatlug and Fishegs got along to. They both had an interest in knowledge and Meatlug loved to hear the stories Fishlegs told.

Snotlout and Hookfang bumped heads a lot at first, but got along with each other after they tried to out warrior each other. It confused most but, hel, it worked for those idiots.

Astrid and Stormfly admired each other. They were both shield maidens in a man's world and they loved the thrill of a fight. They talked about their many weapons of choice and how they would use it. It made most of the guys shudder in fear.

"So your telling me that you've been alive all this time and you've been staying with your kidnapper!" Snotlout yelled at Hiccup in disbelief. "Who does that!?"

"I'm technically not staying with him, I'm staying with my mother" Hiccup tried to clarify.

"Who is now driven out of the village by Drago Bludvist" Astrid looked at Hiccup not amused.

Hiccup rubbed the back of his neck. This was not going well. Not only did he get chewed out by his mother before, but he was getting it from everyone else.

"This is like those weird myth stories you heard from Gothie" Ruffunt thought about it.

"I know I was thinking the exact same thing. Remember Loki and the Odin's horse?" Tuffnut was getting off topic.

"And like Frey who came to Asgard as a hostage" Belch was not helping.

"You know the gods and their faults too!" Ruff and Tuff were so happy to meet someone who had a good sense of humor and could follow along with them so well.

"Guys!" Astrid really wanted to bang those two heads together.

"Focus!" Stormfly hated when these two founded someone like them.

They all laughed at each other. It was the beginning of something. Hiccup and Toothless just hoped that it will continue this way to the future.

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