How to Train Your Hybrid

By kittycat3191

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(Dragons and Vikings have switched roles.) They call it 'Berk'. Known for it luscious forest, pure water, and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 4

3K 105 53
By kittycat3191

Three days.

Three days and nothing has changed in the house that belonged to Toothless and his little hybrid guest, Hiccup. Hiccup still remand under the bed, while Toothless walked around the house. The black haired Viking would feed the little guy food and would check on him once in a while to make sure he was okay.

Toothless did question if the little dragon boy would ever come out. His questions were answered one day when he came back from his shopping to see a few thing rearranged. The little hybrid must have been more confident in coming out when Toothless wasn't there.

It made sense if he thought about it. Toothless must have looked more threating to him. After all he did kidnap the little dragon child. And he was a lot bigger. Also that fact that his tribesmen were the ones killing and raiding their island.

As days passed, Toothless also began to notice how his little dragon didn't even seemed to be in control of his dragon abilities. The little guy had a hard time staying in his dragon mode and whenever he tried to fire at Toothless, he would miss and hit the floor or some other space. At one time he almost lit one of the chairs on fire when trying to hit Toothless.

Toothless really wanted to know about the little dragon boy. He just wished that he could figure some way for the child not to be afraid of him.

Toothless remembered what Cloudjumper said to him. "You can't force the situation, you got to be patient"

Toothless wasn't sure if that comment was towards half human, half dragon. He just hoped that one day they would be able to get along with each other.


Storms, why did it have to be storms? Hiccup wasn't afraid of storms. Well, in the beginning he wasn't. He had always liked storms. That was, until the play date will another hybrid dragon known as Dagur.

Dagur was part Skrill. The strike class dragon had the ability to absorb lighting into its body and shoot it out later. Most of the time, Dagur would use other kids as a target. His favorite, Hiccup. After that, Hiccup had never gone out or near any lighting storms again.

Hiccup knew that Dagur was not here but the storm still scared him. The loud boom sound of the thunder shook the house as lighting lit up the room from the window. The hard rain shot down from the sky and sounded like little needles hitting the wooden house.

Hiccup began to shake and coo, whenever he heard the sounds from the storm. His father had always told him to toughen up. Hiccup just wished he could.

Well....there is another option. Hiccup looked above him and made a decision. He slowly crept out from under the bed and made his way out. Poking his head out, he scanned the bed. He saw his human roommate sleeping under the piles of fur and blankets. He was quietly breathing and Hiccup guessed he was asleep.

Another roar of thunder accrued and made Hiccup jump. Taking a leap of faith, Hiccup crept onto the bed and made himself comfortable near the human. Pulling the fur up, Hiccup closed his eyes.

Hiccup was startled when an arm was put over him.

"Shhhh, its okay" The human's words were sleepy but calming, "Nothing is going to get you. I promise"

Hiccup did not known why but he trusted the Viking. He did not know if it was because of the last few days or just because of the ranging storm outside. But he just did.


After that stormy night, Hiccup and Toothless began to be more comfortable around each other. They became more trusting and confident that the other would do no harm to them.

Toothless was very surprised to learn that Hiccup spoke Norse. He thought no dragon knew the human language. But the dragon boy was part human, so maybe he did know a language. Toothless just never thought Norse would be part of it.

Hiccup told Toothless that was not at all true. At one time, humans and dragons spoke the same language. It was only till the fall out that dragons lost their way to speak to humans. Hiccup was lucky that his grandfather was able to teach him before he died.

After that, Toothless had so many questions. He could not help but chuckle when Hiccup would get angry at him whenever he asked too many questions.

"I'm only eight years old, you know. Just because I like to learn everything doesn't mean I know everything" Hiccup pouted at Toothless.

Toothless had to stifle a laugh. Hiccup just looked so adorable when he tried to be angry.

Hiccup and Toothless got along pretty well after that.

But there was the big question Toothless was afraid to ask. "What about you parents?"

Hiccup looked up at Toothless in shock.

"They must be very worried about you" Toothless rubbed the back of his head. He felt terrible about stealing a child away from his family. Let alone one that of an eight years old.

While Toothless was thinking his own thoughts of the kidnapping. Hiccup was trying to think about his situation....and life, "My mom was killed by Viking when I was a baby. My father...." What could Hiccup say about his father....or even his village. It's not like anyone would miss. Sure Gobber would shed a tear or two for him. But what about his father? Would he miss him?

Hiccup remember the time he woke up in the middle of night to get a cup of water. His father and Gobber were downstairs having a chat and did not realize that Hiccup was up. They talked about the battle with the Viking, how the village was doing, and last....Hiccup. His father felt that Hiccup was so hopeless in becoming a hybrid. Most kids his age were already flying ad transforming into their dragon form with ease. Where as Hiccup, would trip over his tail. Was hardly was able to form a dragon. He felt so embarrassed about Hiccup being his son.

This was not the first time Hiccup had heard something like this. It mostly came from the villagers or other kids, but never from his father's mouth. It crushed Hiccup inside. Yes, he was different. And clumsy, but he tried his best.

After that night, Hiccup looked at his father in a different way. Hiccup had always wanted to prove to his father that he was just as good as any hybrid. It just resulted in Hiccup maiming half the village and getting laughed at by the other kids.

Would he want to go back to that? Hiccup looked back up at Toothless. The black haired boy was smiling gently at him.

Toothless was kind to him. He never mocked him or called him odd. He had never hurt him, except for the kidnap part. He fed him, clothed him, and kept him safe.

It was better. Even though he was trapped in this house. It was better.

And maybe...his father would be happy if he was gone. Nothing to hold back the Great Stoick the Vast.

"I have no one" Hiccup began to cry at the thoughts of his past. He was startled when he felt a hand on the top of his head. Looking up, he saw Toothless giving him a reassuring smile.

Toothless felt bad for the kid. He had lost his own parents when he was a child. But he had Cloudjumper. What if Cloudjumper hadn't taken him in? What would become of Toothless?

Toothless put his arms around the crying Hiccup and gave him a hug, "You don't have to be alone anymore."

It would get better. Toothless would make sure of it.


The next couple of days flew by without a problem. Well, that's not completely true. Since Hiccup was staying with Toothless there had to be some rules. Such as no clawing or scratching anything in the house.

Like any animal with claws, they needed to be sharpen so they won't over grow. Toothless remedy for that was to file them down. That caused Hiccup to panic. He needed his claws to be sharp. What if an animal comes and tries to attack him.

Toothless reassured him that no animal was going to attack him. And since Hiccup was stuck in the house at the moment, until they found a solution to that problem, Hiccup's nails had to be filed. Toothless didn't think the wooden supports to the house could take much more of Hiccup's clawing.

It was a hard, gut reaching moment for Hiccup and a horrible, painful process that was filled with lots of scratchy moments for Toothless.

After that, it became easier to complete. And less of a problem for Toothless to explain to Stormfly why he had so many scratches on his body and face. He couldn't tell her it was those big squirrels. For she would just tell Tree Cutter to come help them with that problem.

Tree Cutter was a lumber jack Viking, who cut down any tree with ease. And fix any rodent problem that came into any Viking's home. Which would be a big problem if the rodent turned out to be a dragon.

Thus, Toothless had to tell Stormfly that he fell or was hunting for game and fell into a big thorny bush. It solved the problem for a while, but Toothless knew that one day Stormfly would get curious enough to find out what was going on with Toothless.

Another thing Toothless found out about Hiccup was that he was useful. When Toothless came back one day from hanging out with Stormfly, the house was clean. Book were piled neatly, floor was clean, and food cooking on the stove.

Toothless had taught Hiccup how to cook a couple of times but the boy really had a knack for it. And it was useful when the little hybrid breathed fire for cooking or just making a fire. Plus it helped Hiccup control his fire breathing powers.

Another thing he found out about Hiccup was that he was a really good drawer. Toothless would ask question about dragons and how they worked. He even showed some of his collection to Hiccup. It did petrified the young hybrid when he saw a dragon's skull. But Toothless told him that Cloudjumper found it in the woods one time and that was it. No dragon was harm in the making of getting this skull. At least from Cloudjumper.

Hiccup and Toothless would talk back and forth with questions about how each other race would work. They even made two books in the process. One being the Viking Guide and the other the Dragon Manual. Hiccup would draw and Toothless would write. They got to know about each other species and how they work.

As they talked more and more, they found out that they were not so different than they thought.


It was another Thor Thursdays day afternoon. Toothless and his friends were coming back from another fishing trip along the shore. Toothless caught seven while Stormfly had caught eight.

The rest of their friends, who were Hookfang, a fourteen year old hothead and forgetful red hair teen, Meatlug, a thirteen year old chubby girl who was kind and mother like, and last the twins. Barf and Belch. Two crazy thirteen year old boys who loved adventure, a lazy afternoon, and have fun causing some mischief around the village.

They on the other hand had caught mostly three to four fishes. Most blamed each other while others say the bait was bad. Toothless and Stormfly knew that wasn't true. They were either too impatient or not focus enough to fish. Even when they used nets, which was now lost due to the fact Hookfang just tossed into the water without holding onto the end of it.

"You know I could have caught that fish, right" Hookfang tried to come up with an excuse to why he didn't get his last fish. "It was just so big that the line just snapped."

"And hit you square in the face with the pole" Blech commented while his brother snickered.

Hookfang glared angrily at the twins.

"You know what they say, patients is a virtue" Meatlug tried to calm the red headed boy.

"Says the one who caught the least amount of fish" Hookfang mumbled.

"I don't like hurting poor innocent creatures" Meatlug stated.

"You don't mind eating them though" Barf commented.

"Eating is totally different from killing. As long as it's not by my hands then food is food" Mealtug stated.

"And that ladies and gentlemen is why Meatlug would never survive out in the wild." Hookfang then was shoved with great forced by Meatlug. It caused the fiery head boy to fly right into bunch of barrels.

The loud crash was heard as they made their way further into the village.

Toothlesss, just realized he needed to head home for dinner since Hiccup would probably be worried about him being out so late. He turned to the group as he said his goodbye and headed home.

Stormfly was about to call out to him but he was already out of sight. She let out an 'hmph' as she became annoyed with this routine. Toothless would hang out with them and then run back home with a quick goodbye. It annoyed her.

"Trouble in lover's paradise" Barf hollered behind Stormfly.

"Must be tough with Toothless ditching her all the time" Belch commented back to his brother.

"Maybe he's got a girlfriend" Barf looked at his brother as though he figured it out.

Meatlug came up behind the twins and gave them a smack behind the heads. As the boys rubbed the back of their heads, Meatlug made her way to Stormfly, "I'm sure he just has something important to do"

Stormfly smiled at Mealtug for the confident buster. She then looked down to realize Toothless had not taken his fish. "I'll be right back guys"

The group watched her go.

"Bet she runs in on Toothless and his girlfriend" Belch commented.

Meatlug turned around and glared at the boys. This caused both boys to run off and laugh. Meatlug sighed, she just hoped Stormfly wouldn't do anything stupid.


Stormfly was making her way up the hill and towards Toothless's house. Fish in hand, she walked up to the door and began to knock. She stood and waited for few minutes to notice that Toothless was not coming to the door. She gave the door a tug and it opened up for her. She guessed Toothless had forgotten to lock the door. Stormfly would definitely need to have a word with him about that.

"Toothless" Stormfly called to the empty house.

She looked around and noticed the fire was lit and food was being cooked. That was odd. Toothless wouldn't have time to do all that in mere minutes. As Stormfly came more and more into the house she had a feeling like she was being watched.

Scanning the room, she called for Toothless again, "Toothless, you forgot you fish"

The sound of grumbling and scurrying was heard throughout the house. Stormfly took out her daggers as she made her way into the room.

'I should have just let Tree Cutter just take care of these squirrels." Stormfly scanned the room for any sign of the rodents. "Please don't let them be Toothless pets"

The sound was getting closer as she made her way to the bed. It looked like something was hiding behind one the books and blankets. Reaching forwards, Stormfly grabbed the fabric and pulled.

Yellow-ish met green as both gave a startling scream.


Toothless was making his way back to his house. Some Vikings just had to pull him him aside and ask him to help them with moving some logs. Apparently it had to be done today and they were one man short. They couldn't ask any other Viking. No, they just had to ask Toothless to help.

Once, Toothless had finished the task he made his way back home. He was almost on his front porch when screams and screeched were heard from inside the house. Toothless rushed inside. He had his dagger out and was ready to fight off anything that tried to attack him.

What he did not expect to see was Stomrfly hugging Hiccup.

"He's so cute" Stormfly cried as Hiccup tried to get out of the shield maiden's arms.

"Stormfly" Toothlesss dropped his stance as he looked at the girl in shock.

"Toothless" Hiccup made grabbing hands towards the black haired Viking. "Get this crazy Viking off me"

Toothless watched the scene before him for a minute before he called, "Stormfly" The girl Viking looked up at him with those big sparkling eyes. "Your strangling him"

Stormfly looked down at Hiccup who was turning blue. "Whoops"

Hiccup dropped to the ground and ran to Toothless. He hid behind the black hair boys legs and growled at the strange Viking girl.

"Stormfly? How did you get in here?" Toothless began to question.

"You left the door open" Stormfly got up from off the floor and brushed off the dust. "You should really lock that door of yours. What if it as someone else who happened to walked by and saw him. Just be glad it was me?"

Toothless raised an eyebrow at Stormfly. "You're not mad?"

"How could I be mad at an adorable little thing like him" Stormfly looked at the little creature that was behind Toothless. "Where did you find him? How old is he? How long has he been here?"

The questions came more and more. Toothless looked at Hiccup as the boy looked back at him. There was going to be a lot of explaining to do.

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