How to Train Your Hybrid

By kittycat3191

26.8K 775 174

(Dragons and Vikings have switched roles.) They call it 'Berk'. Known for it luscious forest, pure water, and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 2

3.9K 104 19
By kittycat3191

(Earlier that morning....)

On an island just South of Berk, lived a small island owned by the humans. They are known as Vikings. The island they inhabit is called Drage øy. When you come towards the island, you can see that it has a large port that ships would come by and dock. The docks were also used to trade goods as well. The shores were heavily rocky. As you go farther in land, you can see some greenery that had houses on top of it. Above the village was a large mountain that was heavily fogged and had a dense forest. The fog was thick and only strong, tough Vikings are allowed to venture into those woods. Or risk death by strange terrify beasts that no one could see or hear until it was too late. More terrifying than the dragons, a Viking said.

The small village was nestled on the one side of the island close to the shore. As the village got closer to the fog, you could see the amount of houses was getting smaller. Only one house lives close to the mountain fog. It was once owned by two but only one person resides in it now.

The inside of the house was small. Only one bed was used while the other one was cluttered with book, papers and other junk that was left forgotten. In the middle was a large pit with a cauldron above it, so they could cook their food. Kitchen on one side while on the other was a desk to work on. The house did have a room above but it's mostly used for storage. And table nears the pit with two chairs. It was not much to look but when only one person in habits this house, it was perfect.


In the bed, the covers and fur began to move as a strand of dark black hair began to peek out from under them. Soon after, followed a teen no older than the age of thirteen, began to sit up as the covers fell onto his lap. The half naked boy gave a big yawn before opening his emerald green eyes. The boy's name was Toothless.

Yes, the name sounds weird for a boy who has a mouth full of teeth, but most say that a strange name will scare away the monster that lurk in the dark. Sadly by the time Toothless was four years old when his parents left for a hunt and didn't come back.

No one in the village wanted to take poor Toothless into their house at the time except for one man. A man, known as Cloudjumper. The man was the closes thing to a father that Toothless could remember. The man was kind and patient. He taught Toothless everything he knew about hunting, language, and other things. But Cloudjumper had left on a journey up in the mountain a long time ago, thus Toothless living by himself.

On his bed, Toothless stopped yawning to scratch his back. He slowly turned and placed his feet on the floor as he got up for his daily morning chores. The chores consisted of getting out of bed, making said bed, making breakfast for himself, eating said breakfast, clean dishes, and grabbing his bag to go to dock to get food for rest of week. Not much to do for this Viking. He already past training classes since he was ten. Best in class he was. Toothless was just a natural warrior. He was quick, smart, and had a knack for getting out of any situation.

Toothless could go on the hunt on Berk island with the adults anytime he wanted, but luckily their chief, Ice Spitter, said that only people who are older then thirteen are allow to go. Toothless was glad when he heard that. Unlike his classmates, Toothless rather see his eleventh birthday than get himself killed.

Now that he was older though, Toothless was curious to see what lies on the dangerous island that the adults talked about.


Down by the docks, Toothless was walking to one of the fish boats to get his daily fish for the day. When Toothless walked by some of the adults, he saw that some of them were carrying or placing nets, traps, and weapons on three boats. Toothless guessed that a group of men where going on another hunt.

One sad thing about their island was that there was hardly anything to hunt. Yes, there was probably a lot of food at the top of the mountain, but because of the fog it was hard to see. So when an animal would come and attack a Viking, there would be no way to see it. Some people would leave, not Vikings, they made it their soul purpose to be stubborn and stick out on the island until the day they die. It was funny how they acted so tough but would rather hunt for food on a dragon infested island than on their mountain.

Toothless began to walk past them when one of the men in charge of the hunt called to him. Toothless turned to see that it was Thornado, one of the toughest Vikings to fight in the Archipelago. They say that his battle cry is so loud and fierce that if any warrior were to fight him they run away a little less able to hear.

"You're at that age where you can go on the hunt right?" Thornado asked the young teen.

Toothless tilted his head as he raised an eye brow, "Yes...."

"Good" Thornado clapped his hands together as he rubbed them together. "Then how about you come join us on a hunt on the Island of Berk?"

Toothless gave it some thought. He did always want to go, ever since heard last year about strange tales about the island. Curiosity got the better of him when he became a teen and decided 'what the hel'. "Sure. Just let me get my stuff."

Thornado watched him run to his house as he gave a chuckle. Teenagers like Toothless were rare. Either you get the stubborn, forgetful teens like Hookfang or the annoying twins. Not a good combination when going on a dangerous hunt.


Toothless slammed his door open and rushed to find his pack and small blade. It was bigger than a dagger but smaller than a sword. Cloudjumper had given it to him when he entered the training academy. Along with it, he collected some bottles and other supplies that he would need. He grabbed a large basket in case he caught any small game while out there. If he didn't, Toothless was sure that some of the other Viking, such as Shock Shotter, would lie and keep his catch for his own. Even with Thornado's help, Toothless would rather go up against a raging storm than have to deal with the older aggravating teen.

Slinging the basket strap over his shoulder, Toothless headed out the door and towards the dock. He was both nervous and excited. An unknown world lied in wait for him. He could not wait to see what it had in store for him.


First thing came to mind for Toothless, was boredom and annoyance. After they had left port, the first thing that happened was Flame Eater getting seasick. Scaldy tried to jump off the boat a couple times because he heard the water 'calling' to him. And for the past hour he got tired of Skyfall asking if 'we're there yet?'

After three hours at sea, they finally came up on the island of Berk. So far everything was quiet. Only the howls of the wind brushing through the woods could be heard. Toothless watched with awe at the dense forest that island the outer shell of the island. It acted as some sort of protection against intruders.

They soon came up to a nice sandy shore. Their boats settled down on the watery sand and a couple of Vikings got off the pull the boat ashore. Once on land, the Toothless jumped off the boat and onto the squishy sand. Looking up at the island with wonder as the seagulls began to screech in the air.

"Stupid annoying birds." Shock Shooter took out his crossbow and aimed it at the birds. He was about to fire when Thornado clamped his large hand down on the weapon.

"Are you insane boy?" Thornado tried so hard no to yell at the boy. "Do you want the dragons to know we are here?"

Shock Shooter raised an eye brow because he wanted to kill a dragon anyway. So why not call the army itself.

Thornado could obviously tell what the boy was thinking. "You wouldn't last long if one of those beasts came from under your feet and pulled you under to your dirt grave."

"They can do that?" It was obvious that Shock Shooter didn't pay attention to the dragon part of training.

"YES" Thornado whisperly yelled at the boy. He got closer to the boy's face as his voice became dark. "They are called Whispering Deaths for a reason."

Shock Shooter gulped as his eyes looked around in fear of a dragon coming after him.

Toothless rolled his eyes. He knew all the categories and stories about each of the dragons they would face on this island. Fear did strike him but he knew not to let it control him. That's how Silent Gale lost his voice.

All the Vikings got their gear and walked quietly into the dense woods. Toothless was in the back as he looked around. He turned around to get a better look at the clearing to their boats before running into a tree.

Rubbing his back to dull the pain, Toothless turned around to look at the giant pine tree. Glaring at the tree for a minute, Toothless noticed that the other Vikings were no where to be scene. Figuring they ran off without him, Toothless had no choice but to go in it alone.

Toothless placed his satchel on the ground and began to dig around in it. He found what he was looking as he took the charcoal pet out of his bag. Going up to the tree that inflicted him with pain, he drew an 'X' on it. Like many humans, they believed that they were the only species that understood what meant. Sad to say, that they were going to learn how wrong they were.

For about half an hour, Toothless placed markers on the tree's he went by so he would know the way back to the ships. Hoping to find something before he had to head back soon, he came to a halt when he heard the sound of laughter in the air.

Toothless was very confused by this. There were no human inhabitants on Berk, and there were definitely no children with them. Toothless knew nothing about a dragon that could manipulate the voice of child. Curiosity got the better of the teen as he ventured after the strange voices.

Climbing between a large rock and a tall tree that cover the rock like a shadow, Toothless looked out from the vantage point, to see if he saw anything. That's when he heard the sound of something falling down on some dirt to see a weird kid cover in dark clothing falling off a cliff. Rushing over to see if the kid was okay, he heard another yell that he missed to come by the side of the cliff.

No kid in sight but he did see a small rock cave that looked like a good hiding place. Thinking the kid must have got scared and hid, Toothless got onto the rock and looked into it.

For one thing, Toothless was not expecting to see a small back dragon inside. The thing had paws covering his eyes. The teen watched as it peeked up at him. He watched as it shakenly got to its feet and tried to look fierce. Toothless tried not to laugh at the face it was giving him. It looked kind of funny as it tried to scare him off.

Toothless then became afraid when he saw the little dragon was going to attack him. Toothless got ready to pull back in case it did. What he did not expect was the dragon hit the floor more than him. Dirt puffed into the dragons face as it let out a big sneeze. That broke the damn as Toothless couldn't help but laugh at the dragon's antics.

When Toothless's laugh finally died down, he looked back at the creature to see something he never thought he see on a dragon. Fear, dread, and something else. Something he thought he would never see in a dragon. Loneliness. Toothless felt more connected to this dragon than he did with any of his friends. Toothless smiled at the dragon as thoughts of why this dragon was alone, filled his head. He figured that this must be a new species since he never hear of anything like it. And it must be just a baby by the way it acted and it could explain its size. Sure there were Terrible Terrors that were just as small but then why didn't this dragon fly away. Maybe it couldn't. Maybe it was like him. Maybe it didn't have parents too.

Suddenly, loud shouts were heard in the distance. Toothless figured it was the others fighting off some dragons or looking for him. Looking back at the small dragon he could see the poor little thing look at him petrified. Not wanting the thing to get killed by the others, he pulled himself up and grabbed his basket.

Toothless jumped on the ground as he came by the opening and tried to reach into the cave. "Come on"

The dragon scooted back farther into the cave, which was understandable since it probably thought Toothless wanted to kill it. The teen was able to grab it and tried to place it in the basket. That set the dragon off as it began to squirm and screech. Once in the basket, Toothless quickly went into his satchel and grabbed a bottle filled up dragon nip.

Powerful stuff. Cloudjumper told him that if you sprinkle a bit of it on a dragon they will feel calm and at peace. Toothless figured it should work on his little dragon friend. He pinched a bit of it and began to sprinkle on the dragon. Right away the dragon's eye began to droop as it fell asleep.

Toothless guess that because it was a baby and that dragon nip would be more of a sleeping solution. Happy that the little guy had calm down, he quickly pulled the basket closed as he raced back to shore.


Toothless, raced out of the woods to see men and women carrying meat and herbs onto the boat. The group began to rush as a roar could be heard in the distance. Thorando told every to get on the boats as they shoved off. Toothless watched as the shore line began to get small as he saw something pop out of the woods. It was a large shelled dragon that let out a roar at their ship.

Toothless looked at the beast in awe. He soon saw other creatures appear next to the beast. "Is that a Monstrous Nightmare. And a Nadder."

"Aye, it is." Thornado came next to the youth. "We were just lucky this time"

They both watched the shore line begin to disappear as all they could see was a small island. Thornado got off the railing as he made is way to the men. "Is everyone in one piece."

Almost all the men said yes, while the others moaned and groaned. Nodding his head, he scanned around and saw Toothless keeping that basket he brought close to him. He smiled to himself thinking that Toothless must have caught himself some game. He continued walking as he began to tend to his men.

Toothless sighed in relief as he watched Thornado go by. He did not want anyone to question him about his basket. He just prayed to the Gods that the little guy would stay asleep until they got home.

Toothless decided to look over the railing and out at the see, hoping that it will help calm his nerves until they reached home. Sadly, it did not last long until Shock Shooter walked over to him and began to question him.

"What's in the basket Toothless?" Shock Shooter tried to get a closer look, but Toothless stood in front of it.

"There's nothing in it." Toothless acted tough and stern, while inside he was freaking out. "All I got was bottles of plants and herbs."

A grin of glee formed onto the bullies face. "I knew you wouldn't catch anything." He then brought out a line that had bird hanging it. "I caught these in this first hour we landed on Berk." He then took out a Nadder's needle. "I got this in the leg when we were fighting those dragons, it was awesome!"

Toothless tried to hold back a growl. Shock Shooter knew that Toothless like to collect artifacts and pieces from dragons. He had a horn from Monstrous Nightmare that probably fell of while fighting another dragon. Three teeth from a Whispering Death that Cloudjumper gave him for his birthday. Toothless and Cloudjumper had all sorts of Dragon objects in their home. He was just hoping he could get his own Nadder needle one day.

Toothless then remembered the dragon that laid at his feet. He held in his anger as the dark purple hair boy looked at his with an evil smirk that said 'I dare you to try and take this from me'.

Toothless would have done it to if Scaldy hadn't come over and tell Shock Shooter to back off. The two glared at each other before Shock Shooter let out a snort before he back off.

"Not worth my time" Shock Shooter began to walk back to the other side of the ship to join his little gang. "I'll see you later Toothless"

Toothless began to growl as he watched that jerk leave.

"Let him go" Scaldy rested his hand on Toothless shoulder to try to calm him. "He just being, well, Shock Shooter"

"Why does he always go for me?" Toothless let out a huff as he went back to looking over the side of the ship.

"Because you are the golden boy. The boy every parent wants their little Viking to grow up and be like" Scaldy exclaimed.

"Your kidding me. The weird boy who would rather stay at home and be lazy. The one who collects dragon objects like some kind of researcher" Toothless raised an eye brow at what Scaldy had told him.

"You were first in dragon training and could take down Dirty Ripjaw in a matter of seconds." Scaldy tried to make his point.

"Anyone could take down that mole. He hates sunlight because he claims it's too bright and if possible, he would live underground" Toothless hated remembering is old sparing partner.

Ripjaw was the top number one Viking in training around. He was going to try and be better than his sister, Screaming Snowflake. Their clan had the ability to move their bodies like a snake. People thought they were born without spines.

Its understanding of why Ripjaw had a hate for him. It was the same Shock Shotter. Both were very competitive and hated Toothless to the very core. They didn't like it how Toothless impressed everyone during their training period. But in the end, Toothless did not fight a Monstrous Nightmare. During the night, someone had released all the dragons thus the last test had to be something entirely different.

Toothless had to fight against one of the previous top fighters in dragon training. Only a few years older than him, Toothless fought against a boy named Siren. He was quick and stealthy. Was impossible to hit and could swim like a fish.

Toothless had to be more quicker and smarter to take down this elite fighter. By the end of the battle, both were exhausted and tired. Drop to their knees, it wasn't until Siren collapsed on the ground did Toothless hear the cheers of the crowd, did he win.

"Yaaa ,but you got to admit, you were one excellent fighter" Scaldy smiled as both he and Toothless watched the waters as their boat made their way back to home.


Author's Note:

I just want to let everyone know that I will be working on this and will definitely finish this story. The only problem is it will take a very long time due to the factor I am typing two stories. I will be going either back and forth with 'How to Train Your Hybrid' and "Dragons, Humans, Gladiators, & Freedom' or I will be working on one story more than the other. So bear with me if this story is not updated right away.

Also, if any one has any comment or suggestion for me, that would be helpful. I have come up with this story by other fanfics and movies that have inspired me to write this.

Thank you everyone and I hope you enjoy this story.

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