Random Destiel Stories


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I have many obsessions when it comes to fictional characters and relationships and one of them just so happen... More

Random Destiel Stories
Goodbye John
Five Minutes
After the Fall
Third Wheels Are Cool
A Fight
Ups and Downs
When the Lights Go Out
Movie Moments
Garage Sales
I Only Have Eyes For You
My Boyfriend Dean
Late for Work

It Isn't Christmas Until You've Bought Yourself a Reindeer

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Hiiiiiii!!!!!!!! So...I got Tumblr....and I would shamelessly promote myself to you all except for the fact that I have absolutely nothing except for a username. So maybe I'll shamelessly promote myself to you all when I get my life together (if that ever happens) and do something with my account.   I MADE

A CHRISTMAS FIC. YAY. I hope you enjoy it. I was going to write this for a friend and make it much more smutty, then dump it in her locker, cause, hello, it's Christmas! But then I got paranoid cause you never know where the paper would end up going, it could fall out without her noticing and end up in the WRONG HANDS and....yeah. HAPPY DECEMBER EVERYONE!!!!  :)   ______________________________________________________________________  

"They will not win Dean. We will prevail."
"This isn't some epic sword fighting contest Cas. It's just Christmas."
Castiel turned from his place at the window to gape at Dean, "Christmas is one of the most popular and beloved celebrations within the human race."
"Uh huh."
Dean plopped onto the couch, propping his feet up on the table and switching on the television, taking a swig of his beer. Living with an angel had its perks but Cas could be a real pain in the ass. And after finally being able to have a somewhat normal life after helping close the gates of Hell, Sam was finally off studying at Stanford. The only one who had the patience to deal with Cas's mad love of celebrating every single holiday known to man and woman.
"The neighbours were looking at me."
Dean groaned and leaned his head back against the couch, "Maybe that's because you were looking at them."
"I was being very discreet about it Dean. They peeked out from behind their curtains and quickly vanished out of the way when they saw me."
"And that means that they see me as competition. They were obviously looking at our decorations."
"Your decorations."
"This is our house Dean. The decorations are our-"
Dean shook his head and turned off the TV, "No, I'm sorry Cas, but I refuse to accept any responsibility for the giant ass inflatable snowman out on the lawn."
"Dean. Don't you want us to win?"
Dean stood up and walked over to the angel who was continuing to stare out the window, and wrapped an arm around his waist, "It's a stupid competition Cas. The rest of the neighbourhood's judging it, and we're the weird newbs here. They'll probably walk on by this house like it doesn't exist."
Castiel sighed in annoyance, "We are not weird."
Dean kissed his way down Castiel's neck, "We're definitely not normal.....Why don't you just zap to some random country and get some really rare looking decorations?"
"I won't use that advantage Dean. This is a human tradition and I want to do it the human way."
"Does this mean you're gonna be spending the rest of the day on the roof again?"
Dean sighed into the angel's skin, "Maybe you could do that later?"
"Dean....." Castiel mumbled, leaning his head to the side to give Dean better access, "The houses will be checked tomorrow night. I need to prepare."
"Mmhmm," Dean continued kissing his neck, quickly nipping the skin here and there.
"The neighbours are watching us now."
"Even Mr. Blake?"
"He's a douche."
"I agree."
Dean looked up and sent a glare through the window, to the couple across the street, watching them with annoyance. Mr. Blake was almost sneering, shaking his head and muttering something to his wife, who kept glancing up at them and then down again.
"Yes Dean."
"Kick their asses."


It had almost gone wonderfully. The next day Dean, deciding to join in the house decorating competition against the neighbours, spent the afternoon hanging up lights, setting out snowmen, fake santas, sleds, elves. He even talked Cas into zapping away to get an actual reindeer which they tied to the porch. The neighbours looked stumped at that one.
At some point Dean got tired of all the decorations and tinsel and decided to rest for awhile, falling asleep on the couch. Waking up and dragging himself outside, he walked over to the angel who was standing in front of the house with a smile on his face.
"What?" Dean asked, teeth chattering in the cold as he ran his hands up and down his arms to help warm himself.
"Look," Cas said, nodding to the house.
Dean walked to his side and looked up, gaping. The house was covered in lights, even the windows were completely covered. The lights ran in different lines and curves, creating different shapes and patterns. There were green ones, red ones, blue, yellow, pink......
"I checked. The neighbours are watching. Wait until I turn this all on......"
Dean stared at the mounds of lights before he realized that the angel was holding a plug, ready to push it into an extension.
"Uh Cas, wait- I don't think you should-"
The lights came on one by one, faster than Dean could follow, lighting up the whole neighbourhood as if it were on fire. Dean had to shut his eyes from the brightness of it, at first.
Then, as fast as it had zoomed on, the lights went out with a loud spark that almost made Dean jump. The neighbourhood was plunged into semi-darkness again, lit up somewhat by the neighbours lights across the street. Dean didn't bother turning around to see the smug looks on their faces.
"Shit," Cas said, loudly, as a woman and child walked by, the woman sending him a dirty look as they went.
Dean couldn't help it. He burst out laughing, bracing his knees to keep himself steady.  

Castiel turned to give Dean his best smiting look, glaring hard in his direction.  

"Dude...." Dean breathed, falling into a new fit of laughter, "I can't believe that just happened....."  

"It was not funny Dean."  


"Was not funny."  


"Aw Cas, come on, I didn't mean to laugh okay?"  

Castiel leaned back into the couch and practically pouted in sadness, "We should have won."  

Dean sat down beside him, "We still can. You can use your angel powers to-"  

"I will not cheat Dean."  

Dean sighed and after a moment of silence spoke up again, "Look, you don't need to do this Cas. I know you deserved to win, you know you deserved to win, hell, Sam probably knows it too. That should be enough, you don't need the crappy neighbours to decide that for you."  

Castiel smiled a bit but Dean could tell he was still a bit sad, so with a small grin he scooted over and placed a hand on the angel's thigh, "You're the winner in my eyes Cas. And we should celebrate that."  


Dean ran his hand up along Cas's thigh, leaned in and placed a kiss on his lips, which Castiel gladly returned. Parting his lips and tilting his head to allow Dean better access, Castiel groaned and pulled him closer, one hand snaking through his hair and the other along his chest. Dean grabbed a hold of Cas's waist and pulled him up onto his lap, stealing hungry, sloppy kisses along the way.  

The air was getting hotter despite the cold outside, and Dean slowly snaked his fingers under Castiel's shirt, ghosting over the smooth skin beneath it, making the angel shiver and pull on his hair a bit harder.  

Castiel pulled away, breathing hard and warm against Dean's lips, "Thank you Dean."  

Dean had the buttons on his shirt halfway undone and quickly began biting at Cas's neck, "Anytime."  

He pulled the angel's shirt off, running his fingernails across the skin, making Castiel moan and pull Dean's own t-shirt off. Dean slowly moved them until Castiel plopped onto his back underneath Dean. Dean grinned and kissed Castiel harder, relishing in the candy cane flavoured taste of his mouth.  

"Dean....." Castiel groaned, as Dean began thrusting down against Castiel's hips. Cas jerked back in response, slowly running his hand down across Dean's chest and stomach, down to his pants. He poked a couple fingers into the waist and pulled Dean closer.  

"Take this off," he breathed hotly against Dean's neck, licking across a tiny spot on the hunter's neck for good measure.  

Dean pressed a quick kiss to Cas’s lips before he began working on getting his pants off. He was so lost in the process he didn’t realize that Cas had stilled beneath him until he had one leg out of his pants and glanced down at the quiet angel.  

“Uh, Cas?” he rasped.  

Castiel was staring off past his shoulder, glaring at something beyond the hunter.  

He shook the angel’s arm and tilted his head, blocking the angel’s view of whatever he was staring at, “Cas.”  

Castiel glared harder and gently pushed on Dean’s neck, tilting his head the other way so he could see past his shoulder again, “There are lights on their cars Dean. Their cars.”  

Dean sighed and dropped his head down onto Castiel’s shoulder, “Cas, let it go. They’re dicks.”  

“Maybe we shouldn't give up?”  

“Cas. I think you’re letting this competition get to your head.”  

“Dean,” he said, quietly, softly, sadly.  

“Fine. But can we do that after...this?”  

Dean lifted his head back up to Cas’s lips, only to have the angel push him away and get up off the couch, “There isn’t enough time Dean. They had a disadvantage over me in regards to human technology. I will not make the same mistake again. I’m going to start over. I would appreciate your help.”  

Dean groaned and fumbled with getting the rest of his pants back on, “Yeah, yeah. I’ll help.”  

“Will you be coming to get them with me? We can buy more if you help hold some lights.”  

Dean closed his eyes and tried to keep calm, “Cas, I’ve kind of-you know, got a problem. I don’t exactly wanna go prancing around for Christmas lights like this.”  

He jerked his head down and Castiel's head followed, his eyes clicking with recognition, “Oh. Your erection.”  

"Cas. Shut up.”  

“I promise after we-”  

“Shut up.”  

Castiel stood silently as an awkward silence fell over them. Dean looked over the angel and smirked, “I see you’ve got the same problem.”  

Castiel looked down at himself and then back up at Dean, “I have my trench coat. It’s very big.”  

Dean did a double take, “Wait what-”

”I will be back Dean. Get ready to hang up lights.”  

“Okay but how are you planning on not blowing out all the lights again?”  

“....More plugs. And extension cords.”  

“Uh.....I don’t know it that-”  

The angel was gone and Dean swore in annoyance, barely registering the fact that Castiel’s abandoned shirt thrown onto the floor minutes ago was now gone, and his coat, hanging over a chair at the far side of the room had disappeared as well.  

Waiting until he was decent enough to leave the house, Dean threw on his jacket and waded through the jumble of decorations surrounding their lawn, making his way across the street to the neighbours house.  

Their house was lit up in several different patterns, creating different Christmas shapes. Dean was surprised and a bit outraged at the amount of lights that hung around their cars. Dean would never subject his baby to that.  

He made his way up the steps and silently rang the door bell, jerking back in surprise as “Jingle Bells” began to play at full blast, all around him. The door swung open just as he collected himself and the music stopped abruptly. The couple stood before him, wide smiles on their faces quickly turning into frowns as they registered the hunter’s face.  

“Mr. Winchester. Hello.”  

Dean nodded, “Mr. Blake, Mrs. Blake. So....”  

“What is you want dear?” Mrs. Blake asked, a hint of impatience mixed in with her bright tone.  

“Uh...you know my-you know Cas right? Castiel?”  

“Yes,” Mr. Blake answered.  

“Right......Look, where Castiel comes from, they’ve never celebrated Christmas. I mean I had to explain what it was to him just a couple weeks ago.”  

“Where is he from?”  

Dean racked his brain for a good response, “I can’t even pronounce it. You’d have to ask him. It’s really far away. And when I say far I mean...far.”  

“And you’re telling us this because?”  

Dean sighed, “I just-this is his first Christmas, here, in a place where it means such a big thing to everyone. And he really wanted to get into the Christmas spirit you know? He even dragged me into it and I’m not that big on the holiday myself most years. He.....this presents thing, decorating Christmas trees, singing Christmas songs, this house decorating competition....it means the world to him right now, and I know that he just wants to feel like he’s really a part of this place, this neighbourhood. Like he fits in you know? That he’s just like you and me."  

He could see his neighbours faces softening a bit and looked down, “I can see that this means a lot to you too. I was just hoping that maybe just once you could.....you know, let him have this?”  

Mrs. Blake shook her head, “I don't think we could do that. We’ve been a part of this competition for 15 years and we’ve won-”  

“Myra, honey. Wait a minute,” Mr. Blake said, cutting her off. He looked up at Dean and the hunter thought that maybe he could see a slight smile hinting at his neighbour’s lips, “We didn’t always feel like we belonged when we first moved into this neighbourhood. I think we’ve moved up far enough on the food chain now that losing one little competition this year couldn’t hurt.”  

“But Gary-”  

“Oh come on. You saw that poor man up on the roof all day, hanging up those lights all over the place. He got a damn reindeer for gods sake!”  

Dean smiled a bit, “So....you’ll let him win?”  

Myra still looked peeved but Gary smiled and nodded, “Just this once. Next year you won’t be so lucky.”  

Dean grinned, “Thanks. I didn’t think you were so-I mean, this is really kind of you.”  

Mr. Blake gave him a slight glare and waved his hand past Dean, “You’re welcome. Now get off my porch.”  

He turned around but Mr. Blake spoke up again, “How’d he get the damn reindeer anyway?”  

“Oh, well, he has weird connections back in his old country.”  

With another grin, Dean walked on down the steps and crossed the street, sitting down on his and Cas’s own porch steps, and watching the lights across the street slowly turn off. Dean leaned back and nodded to himself. He was totally getting laid tonight.  

It was turning out to be a pretty awesome Christmas.


Castiel came back about 10 minutes later, suddenly appearing in front of Dean, forgetting that there were still some people out and about. Thankfully they didn't notice him. His hands were full of boxes which he carefully set down on the ground in front of Dean, who was busy petting the reindeer, which he suspected was under some kind of angel spell since he appeared to be completely at ease and calm.  

“The salesperson was confusing but in the end I think I bought a good assortment of different lights that will work. I also found out that you can create a light show with them. If we do that, I think we'll have a good chance of-”  

He was facing the neighbour’s house now and Dean watched his back go rigid as he observed how all of their lights had gone off. The house was now consumed in darkness except for the light coming out of their windows. Dean smirked at the awed expression on Cas’s face as he turned around.  

“What happened?” he asked, gawking.  

“Apparently, they didn’t learn from your mistake. They added all these extra lights and then....boom! Everything just burnt out.”  

Castiel stared back at their house, then back at Dean, several times, before he looked down at his new boxes of lights and smiled, “Dean....”  

“Go set the Christmas lights up Cas. I’ll feed the reindeer.”  


By the time Cas was done, the group of people judging the houses had started to come around. They stared at the light show Cas had made with glee, the lights shining with a slight warm, white glow among the bright reds and greens, and many other colours. When they asked Castiel why he’d made the lights like that, he’d smiled at them and said, “I wanted it to resemble what Dean’s soul looks-what I imagine his soul to look like, but I still wanted it to have the bright colours associated with the holidays.”  

That earned the angel many “oooohs” and “awwws” and earned Dean many sweet glances. Dean looked away awkwardly from his spot on the porch, still petting (and muttering his annoyance to) the reindeer, having wanted to stay out of the way.  

Then they came up to him, wanting to look at the reindeer, asking all kinds of questions about it. Dean made the same excuse he’d made before, saving Castiel from failing to come up with a lie.  

“You two are so cute together,” one women cooed at Dean and Cas.  

“Thank you,” Castiel responded, his arm gently grazing Dean’s.  

“I think we’ve found our winner....” one man said.  

Dean could practically feel the happiness radiating from Castiel’s body.  

“Can we come over tomorrow and interview you two for the paper? And get a picture?”  

Castiel nodded, “Of course.”  

After several Christmas wishes everyone left and Castiel turned to Dean with a grin on his face, “We won.”  

You won.”  

Castiel shook his head and grabbed Dean’s shoulder. With a blink Dean was being shoved down onto their bed upstairs and Castiel was on top of him, kissing him. He broke away and breathed softly against Dean’s lips, “We won. I doubt the neighbours would’ve given up so easily.”  

“Well, I-”  

“Let me thank you Dean." 

He began unbuttoning Dean’s shirt and placing kisses along his neck. Dean shook his head and huffed a laugh, “You know if you get like this every year we’re gonna need to start celebrating more holidays.”  

Castiel smiled against his skin, lifting his head to press his forehead against Dean’s, “And getting more pets.”  

“What? ......No. Not the reindeer, forget it. Actually, forget anything pet related, it’s not happening.”  

Castiel laughed as he kissed Dean again, shutting him up.  

Dean could just imagine how many bunnies Cas would be bringing home when Easter came around.          

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