Best Friends with a Vampire?

By Tori98

147K 3.8K 451

Thomas Bennett is the new boy moving across the road. He was the boy that you'd fall in love with straight aw... More

Author's Note <3
Chapter 1: The Arrival of ??
Chapter 2: Dinner..with him:)
Chapter 3: The Dream, The Stone House & Soup
Chapter 4: One night with Thomas
Chapter 5: His First Day
Chapter 6: Not mean't to be?
Chapter 7: Strange Signs
Chapter 8: Mine, To be
Chapter 9: The Date
Chapter 10: Strange Signs again . .
Chapter 11: Away
Chapter 12: Revealed
Chapter 13: Family
Chapter 14: Gone
Chapter 15: Taken
Chapter 16: Feels Forever
Chapter 18: Knife
Chapter 19: Stiff
Chapter 20: Bad Boy
Chapter 21: Stain
Chapter 22: Home
Chapter 23: Trapped
Chapter 24: Locked
Chapter 25: Mistake
Chapter 26: Weak
Chapter 27: Skipped
Chapter 28: Games
Chapter 29: Cut
Chapter 30: Eighteen's
Chapter 31: Running
Chapter 32: Cellar
Chapter 33: Glued
Alternative Epilogue

Chapter 17: Knuckles

3.2K 92 5
By Tori98

Author's note: In THOMAS' POV again :) EnJoY. --

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Chapter 17: Knuckles 


I woke up, total opposite of yesterday. Now, I was getting used to have Indie missing. When would she come home? Was she really that upset about it? 

I stood up angrily. 

"DAMN IT!" I yelled, punching the door, which was a huge mistake. 

"CRAP!" I winced in pain, holding my knuckles. 

Oh no, they're all red and purple. My face was still screwed up from the pain. 

"MUM!" I called, opening the door with my other hand. 

My knuckles were throbbing. I could feel the pulse in my muscles. 

"MUM!" I yelled again, even louder than the first. 

She came running out. 

"What's wrong sweetheart!" She cried. 

"My knuckles," I replied, feeling the pain. 

I put my hand out in front of her, the colour becoming darker. 

"Oh my gosh Thomas, 'what did you do?" 

I sighed. 

"I punched the door," I said, letting out another sigh. 

She looked at me . . . . and sighed herself. She brushed her fingers across it and took my other hand to compare the difference. 

"This is definitely swollen,' she said. 'Can you move them?"

I shook my head. 

"It hurts to move them."

"Fine, come on then, 'I'll have to take you to the hospital."

I rolled my eyes. 

We both started walking downstairs but she stopped and turned around which made me suddenly stop. She pointed her finger at me. 

"But your still going to school," she said. 

I didn't mind this. At least I'd have something else to think about. 

Brendan and I both got dressed in our uniforms. I managed, sort of. But mum did my tie for me. ;)

I kept my hand close to my chest the whole time, although I didn't care about it all that much. 

Brendan and I were both sitting at the kitchen bench eating breakfast, my hand still close to my chest. 

"Come on, hurry up boys," mum said, grabbing her the keys, we put our things away and cleaned up before we raced out the door with mum and Manny too. 

"What happened to your hand Tommy?" She asked. 

I smiled at the name. 

"I, ah, hurt it," I replied, getting in the front seat. 

She got in the back with Brendan. 

"Do you want me to kiss it betta?" She said, popping the 'a' on better. 

"Sure Manny," I said, turning around in my seat and reaching out my hand. 

She grabbed it softly and gave it a soft kiss. 

"Thanks, 'it's a lot better," I said, turning back around. 

Mum pulled out of the driveway and we drove down the road. I didn't look at Indie's house. 

"We'll just go to the emergency Thomas," mum said. 

I just nodded. 

"I hope it's not busy," she said, turning a corner. 

- - - - - - - - - 

After several minutes we finally reach the local hospital where mum parked and we all hopped out and walked over to the emergency unit. 

"Thank goodness," mum let out, seeing that there was only two people sitting in the waiting chairs.

They must have already been served and just waiting. We all followed mum up to the reception desk. The old lady looked up. 

"Can I help you?" She asked. 

"Yes,' my mother replied, 'my son had injured his fingers and we thought we'd just get it checked."

We waited for an answer. 

"Let me have a look at it son," she said, putting her glasses on. 

I put my hand out for her too see. 

"Gee boy, what did you do? 'Punch a concrete wall?" She chuckled at her remark. 

"Sort of," I said. 

She looked up, surprised that her remark was almost right. 

"A-a door," my mother added. 

"Well, it definitely has had some injury, golly, look at the bruising, let alone the swelling!' She cried. 'I'll get you a doctor straight away. 'He will give you an x-ray." 

She smiled as she went down a hall way to find a doctor. 

Soon a man in about this forty's, came in behind the receptionist. 

"So,' he called, 'punching a door ay?" He asked in a teasing tone. 

I gave him a grin. 

"Come on, let me have a look,' he said. 'What's your name?" He continued. 

"Thomas," I said, putting my hand out. 

"Oo,' he remarked, 'now there's some bad bruising and swelling. 'Ya hand looks like a blueberry mate!"

I liked this doctor. 

"But, yes to be serious,' he continued, 'that's very bad, come on through and we'll give you an x-ray."

Mum, Brendan and Manny sat down and I walked in with the doctor. 

"Oh,' he started, 'sorry, how rude of me, I'm Dr. Krip." 

"No worries," i replied. 

He directed me to a room that a bed looking table thing in the middle where there was some machine above it. 

"Alright Thomas, 'just sit here, put your legs out in front of you. 'Place this blue padding under your hand and rest your hand with your fingers out so I can do the x-ray."

I did as he said and sat and waited. He told me some other angles to place my hand and within a few minutes we were done. 

"I'll just get them printed and I will come out with the results," he said, patting my back once and giving me a smile before walking off. 

I went back to the waiting room. 

"How was everything sweetheart?" Mum asked, patting my other arm. 

"He's just finishing printing the x-rays,' I said, 'then he'll come out with the results." 

Mum nodded. Brendan lent over to me and I moved down to hear what he had to say. 

"Awesome work you bad boy," he said, laughing.

I laughed back. 

"BRENDAN!" Mum cried. 

We both laughed at her. 

"Don't take on roles of your brothers behaviour," she said. I think a small smile was forming on her face. 

"I don't want to be paying for broken walls OR doors!" She said. 

"Well Thomas, 'Brendan played dramatically, 'looks like we'll use. . .concrete walls instead!"

"Hell yeah!" I replied, laughing. 

"Boys!" Mum smirked. She loved our humour. 

At that moment, Dr. Krip came out with the x-rays. Mum stood up straight away and I soon followed. 

"Yes,' he started, 'I examined them and it was definitely obvious you have a fracture."

"Woo!" Brendan called, giving me a hi-5, on my other hand. ;) 

"If you will just come into my office and I can show you the x-rays there," Dr. Krip said, gesturing us forward. 

We went into his office where he lay the x-rays out. A two year old could identify the break. I had broken most of my knuckles. 

"Well done Thomas," mum said, although I knew she was still sympathising. 

I just returned it with a grin. 

"So,' Krip continued, 'I'll put some plaster on it now. 'It won't take to long. 'The plaster will all the way to the top of your knuckles and finish a few good centimetres below your wrist." 

Mum and I nodded in agreement. 

"So, what colour!" Krip asked, clapping his hands together. 

"Black," I replied. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Soon after, my cast was finished and mum was given the bill to pay it off. We thanked Dr. Krip and left so Brendan and I could be dropped off at school. 

Once we arrived we filled in our late notes and headed off to class. 

"Chicks will dig tha reason your hands are in that cast," Brendan said, before we went separate ways. 

"I don't care,' I started, 'I have Indigo."

He gave me a sympathetic look. 

"Break your's, then you can have those chick's," I said grinning. 

He grinned back and I went down to my next class. I didn't write with the hand that was broken but. . . let's hope the teachers feel sorry for me. 

Brendan made me feel better today. I had to remember to say thanks. 

I got down to the corridor with my locker when I suddenly stopped near mine. I brushed my 'free' hand over Indie's locker. I had a plan, saved for later. 

I unpacked my 'stuff' and headed to my next class, trying to fix all my things up. Once I reached it, I knocked on the door. 

"Come on," the teacher called. 

I walked in, everyone looking at my cast. 

"Thomas!' How nice of you to finally join us, what's your stupid excuse?" 

I frowned, what a dumb teacher. 

"Um, I broke my hand," I said sarcastically. 

"What? 'Got into a fight I presume, you typical teenage boys,

"No," I replied. 

I gave the teacher the note and took my seat. This was going to be a long horrible day, until assembly. 

At our first lunch, I was making my way up the the office to speak with the principle. On my way there I ran into my group, the boys and the girls. 

"Hey," they called. 

I gave them an uneasy smile.

"Where's Indie?" Dakota asked. 

Crap, what was I going to say?

"U-u-um, 'you'll find out soon," I hesitated and continued walking up. 

Once I got there I asked if I could see him and the office lady told me to go in. 

"Thomas!" The principle called. 

"Hey Mr. McCann," I replied, not making eye contact. 

"Sit down, he gestured. 'How's school going?"

"Good," was all I said. 

He realised my tone of voice and he leant forward on his desk. 

"Is everything okay, . . Thomas?" 

I shook my head. 

"I need to speak at assembly, urgently," I said. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Yes, Mr.McCann said, 'I was notified by police, 'I didn't realise it was this serious!"

"Well, it is,' I added, 'please, will you let me?" 

Mr. McCann thought for a moment. 

"Of course, 'absolutely,' he said, 'it will make you feel better and others aware."

"Thanks so much sir!" I said, leaving his office. 

- - - - - - - - - 

Soon the bell rang for the end of the break and we had to move to the hall for assembly so I quickly took my stuff to my locker. Once I finished, I raced back up to the hall where I sat down with some of the footy and soccer boys. Soon, everyone was in and Mr. McCann got up to speak. 

"Welcome everyone!' He started, 'this will be quick. 'Sorry for the week off, I mean I know you would have enjoyed it but anyway.' That's all from me, since we have some very important matters to discuss."

He eyed me in approval. Everyone seemed shocked at his ten second speech. 

"I'd, um, now like to invite Thomas Bennett up the front.' Thomas will you please?" 

Everyone stared at me as I my name was called and I started walking to the front. I could hear people whispering, wondering why I was being called up. As I walked up, Mr. McCann spoke again. 

"Thomas Bennett is going to start us off with one of the most serious issues of school history here."

I heard more whispers. I heard one boy say, 'It's probably about school pollution." I heard another girl say, 'It's probably about healthy food for the canteen but its being exaggerated."

But I knew it was none of these. 

Finally I took the microphone with my 'free' hand. All eyes were on me. 

"F-first of all,' I started, 'I want to call my brother, Brendan up." 

I knew Brendan wouldn't be embarrassed. He knew what this was about. 

He gave me a brotherly smile as he started walking up. Once he stood next to me, I started to speak again and to admit, I was scared of the words I had to share. 

"As some of you would know, 'we're good friend's with Indigo Denning's and her family."

I saw some people whisper again but I was going to continue without stopping. 

"Anyone who knows her or is good friend's hers like you guys,' I said, 'pointing to our group, 'would know what a great, fun, kind and amazing person she is. 'But as Mr. McCann mentioned, a really serious issue has come up. 'Two days ago, I saw Indigo at my front door.' It hurt to say but I forced myself too. 'Yeah, she was at my front door. 'She- she, uh, went for a walk after seeing me at my door.' I looked up at everyone who was silent, looking at me. 'That was the last she was seen." 

Some people gasped but others looked around, not really understanding. 

"Indigo Denning's is missing,' I said, 'I was the last to see her before she went for a walk and never came home. 'I'm not sure when the next time we'll see her is but I, I wanted to make sure you knew of the tough time her family is going through.' My and her family need your support. 'Please, just please keep her in mind. 'If anyone has seen her, tell us. 'She disappeared and no-one's seen her since."

I finished and looked down. People were so shocked. I handed the microphone back the Mr. McCann who summed it up with a few more kind words. 

I got back to my seat to see her friends crying. 

"Thomas,' Dakota and Sarah called, 'she's gone? Missing?" They asked through tears. 

"Y-yeah,' I stuttered, 'yeah she's missing." 

It hurt to say but I did it. 

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LOVE IT?! I HOPE! This is probably my favourite chapter. 

I love Thomas' bad boy actions ;)

And Thomas is such a good boy for his speech. :)


Tori98 <3 <3 <3 

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