Romance N You

By VisionaryTeam

5.8K 154 23

The opposite sex puzzles many of us. In this issue we learn a little more about the things we already knew an... More

Romance N You
Welcome to the World of Romance
Difference in guys/girls in a relationship
What the Opposite Sex Finds Attractive
How to Tell if the Opposite Sex Likes You
Do's and Don'ts of a Relationship
Differnce in Love for Guys/Girls
99 Kisses by Disera
Save Yourself by Ang3lox
Shh...Secret Princess by Redpeace9
Ask Teir
Check Out Those Pisces
What's The Poll?
See Ya!

Valentine's Day: Disasters and Dreams

252 8 3
By VisionaryTeam

It's Febuary, and we all know what that means. Valentine's day! Whether you care for it or not, it's there and happening. Some of us don't always have the best Valentine's day; Those people decided to share with us.


"I was in the ninth grade and my friend who was a guy, and someone I had a major crush on. Anyways I though he had feelings for me in return so I confessed who i felt about him a couple of days before Valentines day. But I learned that he told me he wasn't looking for a relationship, and only though of me as a friend."     --Nickyanne

"My ex boyfriend gave me a ring with my name on it and his. The ring had some other girl's name and when i asked him why, he told he gave it to the wrong girlfriend."     --katykat101

"My worst would be that he didn’t show of the date and then call me like 4hrs later to say, "I don’t think we should be together anymore"     --Javacia

"My absolute worst Valentines Day was last year. I had been going out with my boyfriend for about two months, but we'd only been out together a few times because of our schedules. We planned to go out on Valentines Day, but then I got a call from my grandma telling my that my grandpa had a heart attack and was in the hospital getting prepped for triple bypass surgery. I called my boyfriend and told him that I had to cancel the date because I needed to see my grandpa. My boyfriend was really un-confidant and thought that I was lying so that I could go out with another guy. I got really angry and started crying. He said (this is a DIRECT quote) "I don't understand why you're so f****** fake. You're obviously just crying to make me feel like an a******. You're such a little lying s***. It's sick that you'd lie about your grandpa being in the hospital so that you can cheat on me." So I broke up with him. Happy Valentines Day to me. :/"    --katiekatkittie


"Me and my boyfriend got into a huge argument the day before Valentines day and we broke up big time. The next day, the Valentines Day movie was playing so me and my cousin went just to occupy our lonely minds. But it turned out to be a HUGE fail. When we arrived there were couples everywhere hugging and kissing. Then, when we watched the movie, it was funny but depressing because I kept thinking of my boyfriend. After bashing the lovey dovey-ness of the movie, we went home....back to trying to occupy our lonely hearts. Don't worry though lol Me and my boyfriend ended up getting back together =p"       --natwixter18

"My cousin's 26th birthday... he set my aunt's house on fire! Every member of the family was there! It was awful! Worst valentine's day ever! And btw! V day is November the fifth!"     --lilymoth12


"When my mom revealed to the whole school who my crush was. Worst one I've ever had and thank god the only 1! "    -- yeahbabyyeah


"My worst Valentine's Day Experience was when I went to high school prepared to see my boyfriend and spend Valentine's Day with him only to find that he broke up with me and flaunted himself with a new girlfriend on that day... (Jerkoff..lolL) Needless to say even recently, 20 years later, he says I'm the one that got men!!"      --princessstoni


Better yet, some of us haven't even had the greatest valentine's day just yet! We asked some Wattpaders what their dream Valentine's day would be.


"Just a nice dinner out where its just the two of us, not some quite place where its serious, but not some loud in face family establishment. Where we could talk, and enjoy our company. Afterwards a nice stroll throw the park, or the beach. And when he pick me up for the date get me my favourite flowers take his time to open doors. pull my chair out."      --Nickyanne

"My dream valentine's day would be just staying the whole day together in our pj's watching movies in the couch."     --Katykat101

"My dream day would b jus spending time with my boyfriend. We dont have to do anything special. Maybe a movie and dinner together"      --Javacia


"My ideal and dream Valentines Day is having the one I really feel love for and him just come over to my home to just take over the day and just show me how special I am to him and show me by spending time , affection and words to convince me how much I am loved and needed. To love and be loved in return. Isn't that what we all wish for I have never been one impressed by how much money is spent to prove a point, it's always how much effort he has really put into the occasion, such as , i.e., pick me up ... take me out in the middle of nowhere to a beautiful secluded place , meadow, barn, or somewhere peaceful, and have a prepared lunch/meal with some portable music and just us... Such things may not cost much to put together, but means so much to the heart."       --princessstoni


While some have had disastrous days and others dream of magnificent ones, some have simply been lucky enough not to have a bad Valentine’s Day. Like these people…

"Hm, I've never had a boyfriend either, so no bad Valentine's for me. I will say this... I'm not really into the whole Valentine's thing. When I get a guy... he can shower me with gifts everyday!!! Hahaha xD"       -- WrittenDeep

"I never had a worst valentines day, 'cause I never had a boyfriend. Single and don't wanna mingle. Just want to be as free as the wind, and stare at guys from a distance. xD WAIT! Does pre-k count, 'cause when no one passed out crabby patty candies I was upset! Dx"     -- BeautifullyAwkward

"I never really had a bad Valentine's Day experience, b/c i never had somebody to spend it with in previous years."       --FrenchKid14

By: Tbmarkss author of Bitten by Love Literally & Jazzstardust

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