The Racing Hearts. ZUSTIN.

By otp4ever

5.2K 642 208

"He makes me all awkward." -Zayn Malik. Zayn moved to the new town not expecting anything to change and li... More

Chapter ♡ 1
Chapter ♥ 2
Chapter ♥ 4
Chapter ♡ 5
Chapter ♥ 6
Chapter ♡ 7
Chapter ♥ 8

Chapter ♡ 3

552 82 15
By otp4ever

 Chapter ♡ 3

"I feel like his bitch." Luke caught the gym bag that was thrown at him in haste by Justin and watched their captain run away like he was about to piss himself. Well, he was about to.

"Because you are his bitch. Haven't you noticed!" Louis said ruffling Luke's hair. They proceeded at the corner of the parlor spotting the perfect booth and only empty one in the whole place.

"Yup that's true." Caulum nodded. "You are his bitch from the day he saw you try out for the team."

"And not to mention all the chorus he makes his bitch do for him."

"Okay, now I feel like you guys just want to call me bitch on my face without it looking like you are actually insulting me." Luke deadpan.

Louis snickered taking out his phone. "Well, would you look at that Justin's bitch is a smart bitch." When Louis pulled out his apple phone he didn't realize that his wallet fell out of his pocket. The leather wallet fell on the ground beside a booth not making much of noise when it collided with the tiles.

"Haha... your jokes are very pre-k, can't stop laughing at them," Luke said throwing his and Justin's gym bags on the booth table.

"Aww, the bitch knows his humor," Caulum said sliding in the booth and putting his bag too on the table.

"I wonder what sins I did to deserve your immature self to be my friends." Luke set across Louis and Caulum.

"Okay...okay. Now don't get your panties in the twist." Louis said his hands up in surrender. "All jokes aside Justin does that to everyone."

"Than why don't I see him ordering Ashton or Cody or that Austin around?" Luke glared at the two boys. "It's always Luke put those footballs back in the sports room. Luke bring me my black coffee. Luke where are those notes I asked you to borrow from that hot nerd. Luke go tell Perrie to meet me under the bleachers. Luke didn't I told you to not mess up my cleats when washing them! It's always Luke do that Luke pick me up and god knows what not." He was on full rent not caring that their waiter approached them twice and ran away both times.

Louis understanding the seriousness of the situation throws away all the bitch jokes he still wanted to present. "Luke my man. It's not like that. Trust me. Justin doesn't see you as his bitch and asks you to do things for him. It's opposite actually."

"Please, Louis you wouldn't understand. You are his best friend. He respects you, while I am left to clean his damn car for him." Luke snapped and stood up feeling angrier after saying everything out loud.

"God Luke you are reading it all wrong." Louis looks up at the angry boy. "Justin's a good person, believe me. He has never done anything to make you feel less of a team member. He is..."

"I don't wanna hear it." Luke cuts Louis in the middle. "I am gonna grab a smoke." He walks away hands already in the pocket for his lighter and cigarette.

"Justin hates it when Luke smokes." Caulum slumped down more into his seat watching his friend exit.

"That's what I was trying to say. Justin cares about him and that bloke's head is always looking after Luke's bitch ass." Louis sighs. "But no that bitch has to cut me off and walk away like a total drama queen."

"Excuse me, sir." The waiter comes back. "Are you guys ready to order or you need a minute?"

"Where's that sexy waitress with the shaved head?" Caulum pouted.

"Excuse me?" The waiter asked confused.

"You know that girl with shaved side and cool nose piercing. What was her name?" Caulum snaps his finger and thumb together trying to remember the girl's name. "Something with M. Mona... no, it was Molly maybe."

"You mean Miley?" Caulum nods at the waiter. "She's attending other customers."


"So?" The waiter looks at them expectedly.

"I have coupons," Louis says. "We are going to have a party." He cheers but it dies down when he couldn't feel his wallet in his gym capri.

"What is it?" Caulum asked.

"My wallet, it's not in my pocket." Louis fumbled in his gym bag but there was nothing but his dirty clothes. "It's not here."

"Maybe you dropped it somewhere!" Caulum said trying to calm down his friend.

"My license, credit cards, my coupons and basically my every identity is in it." Louis got up pulling at his hair.

"Okay how about you calm down and we go out to find it! You must have forgotten it in the gym, we can call- they will give it back to you tomorrow."

"I had it when we exited the gym." Louis took several steps back. "You order something for us. I will go check the root we walked."

"Are you insane! We walked for forty minutes." But Louis was already gone. Caulum looked at the waiter and singed, now he was the bitch.


"Did anyone else felt his vibes?" Niall asked.

"The I-wanna-kill-you-and-bury-your-body-in-my-backyard vibes?" Liam's eyes were on the food Miley had just placed on their table. "Yup! Felt it."

"He hates us," Harry said plainly. "But he should wait for little longer. I feel like he's a nice kid and can be a great friend." He smiled.

"First of all don't call him a kid when you shivered from just his gaze." Liam shook his head eating his pizza slice. "And also don't let him hear that you called him a kid in the first place." 

"He will probably kill you." Niall nodded agreeing. He took upon himself to eat Liam and Harry's pizza leavening Zayn's pizza all alone.

"But true. If once we grew on him, his hands will be already tied to our bed; he won't be able to back away." Liam grinned.

"I was thinking the same," Harry said fist bumping Liam. "Though it sounded more like you were louring him in your bed. LIAM why do you always have to put everything in a sexual way? We are eating for god's shake. You are so disgusting." He took back his fist sliding away from Liam in their shared booth.

"I wanna take a bite of his pizza." Niall was staring at Zayn's plate longingly.

"Ni self-control. His mom said something about anger issues. I don't want a Hulk after your fake blonde hair." Liam smirked earning Harry's chuckle and a punch on his arm from Niall.

"I wanna post a selfie," Harry said all of sudden. "Did any of you brought your phone with you?" 

"What happened to yours?" Liam asked.

"I am wearing skinny jeans. There's no room for my ass let alone a phone." Harry snorted.

"Better luck next time. All our asses are wearing skinny jeans." Niall smiled again with his mouth full with pizza and coke.

"I will be right back then," Harry said and stood up. Liam and Niall went back to their random conversation. 

When Harry slid his feet out the booth and stood, he felt a bludge under them. He banded to pick up a leather wallet. He looked around but felt pretty stupid to think that someone would try to prank him. He shrugged coming up with a conclusion that it must be Zayn's. The black leather wallet screamed Zayn to him apparently.

Harry walked out the parlor towards his car not parked that far. It was the last day of summer and his high school would be starting from tomorrow. He and his friend had lived this summer to the foolest, it being their last summer as a teen. Soon they all will be in college and Harry wanted to have the best of these days. They decided to play it cool on last night and just had dinner out. So a picture of this moment was must in his book. 

He coughed when a smoker let out a puff of smoke on his face as he walked by him. He waved his hand in front of his face, waving the wallet left and right to get the smoke away. 

A body pushed on Harry's arm when he was a few steps away from his car. The wallet in his hand flew out of his hand and on the pavement. 

The boy who was rushing past him turned around not really looking at him. "Sorry man." He said and leaned down to take the wallet off the ground to hand it to Harry. 

"No problem." Harry extended his hand to take the wallet. 

The boy was about to put the wallet in Harry's hand when he took his hand back, eyes narrowed. He opened the wallet to check onto something. "It's my wallet." He said looking up at Harry.

"I..." Harry trailed off not knowing what to say. He had thought it was Zayn's but someone else could be the owner- that possibility never crossed his mind. He would have given it to the waiter to find the rightful owner. Now he just felt dumb to pick up a home-alone wallet.

"Harry Styles." Harry looked at the boy narrowing his eyes as it was dark and the street light was providing so little of light. He recognized the boy as Louis Tomlinson. Shit, Harry thought. It was Louis the vice-captain of Northwale football team. The night was supposed to go downhill and just filled with fun. 

"Hey there Louis." Harry greeted praying to all the gods out there that Louis will ignore the fact that he was walking around with his wallet. But somehow he knew that that would be the last thing Louis would do. Ignoring and letting go was not just how Louis rolled. 

"Don't you dare hey me," Louis shouted. Here he goes, Harry signed. "Can't believe you would steal from me."

"It's not like that Louis."

"Oh please shut up pocket picker."

"It's actually pick-pocketer. But that's beside the point. You are misunder..."

"Oh so now you label yourself too. That's what you call yourself now!" Louis was still yelling. "Don't you dare con me Styles."

"What's going on?" Luke came from behind Harry and stood next to Louis. He drooped his half used cigarette on the ground and crushes it with his boot. Harry eyed the stranger not recognizing him from anywhere.

"It's nothing." Harry turned towards Louis again. "Louis here me out. I didn't mean to take your wallet. I thought it was my..."

"So now my things are magically your things!" Louis again cuts Harry.

"No of course not." 

"Does that mean I hallucinated my wallet in your custody?" Louis glared.

"Now you are not making any sense," Harry said slowly not catching on to what was Louis saying.

"Is the Norhtvale's good for nothing captain calling me a liar?" Louis' eyes were big and red with anger floating in them. His hands were in fists. He was second away from pounding on Harry.

"That's not what I meant..."

"Harry man what's taking you so long?" Liam was one to cut Harry off. Niall came walking behind him as he had recognized Northwale's vice-captain from inside. 

"It's Nothing Liam go inside. I will be..."

"Why are you talking to these fuckers?" Harry groaned as another voice cut him. Caulmn stood beside Louis and glared at the three boys.

"This is all big misunderstanding. So no one needs to be here. I will talk with Louis alone." Harry said before anyone could cut him. "I am serious it's not a big of a deal."

He nudged at his both side to gain Liam and Niall's attention who were shooting death glares at the three boys standing opposite. Luke glared in annoyance as he was too familiar with all this rivalry going on between this two school. He was told all about it before and after he had joined the team. He always saw them fighting from a distance when he wasn't part of them, he always thought they were being a nutcase. And now that he was standing with them he felt like they were being more stupid. 

"Now stealing is just common thing for you Styles?" Louis said. "Keep us updated will you."

"Who are you calling a thief you motherfucker." Liam stepped in forward eyes glazing with anger.

"He's calling your good for nothing captain a fucking thief." Calumn too stepped forward going personal with Liam.

"You shut your trap." Niall greeted his teeth. "We all know who's the fucktard captain is here."

"You did not just call my best friend that." Louis grew angrier. Harry was quick to pull his friends away not wanting a fight to occur. He calmly whispered to them to stop it all, but they weren't listening to him. "I will show you who's the fucktard." He shoved Harry's chest.

Harry was a very built so a little push didn't did anything to him. But it did many things to his friends as they started yelling at Louis. Calumn and Louis were also doing the same. Harry tried his best to not to let Liam and Niall even touch those two boys. He wasn't ready to face the consequences all alone. 

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