By AriDreams

412 35 46

-First Full Draft in Editing- ∽∼ Sushana Alana Issacs is a soon to be seventeen-year-old teenager living with... More

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2 0 0
By AriDreams

Chapter Fifteen

Run that's all I heard. With the half beast blood running within my veins my long legs as well as increased strength pushed my legs faster and longer then both chimney's and Elijah. I could hear the steps soon long gone as I made many twist and turns trying to outrun Chimney, the last thing I need is to be caught. Though what about Elijah, god damnit Elijah he could be caught. I froze suddenly from my running my breath steady and my beast screaming to be released.

No not now, I could kill someone else, I can't do that. I look around the hallway rooms both to my left and right, listening quietly I hear the footsteps fade away quietly as well as a scream. I cringe at the sound realizing the scream as being Elijah's, half of me wants to scream while the beast within me wants to punch a hole in the wall.

I take a deep breath as I hear a very light tapping coming closer in my directional, the beast within me huffs impatiently as I go to one of the door's and grasp the handle, yet it wiggles, but doesn't move as it is locked. I freeze again listening as the light tapping stops as soon as I stop moving. I swiftly move across the hallway to a door on my right I once again grasp the handle very lightly and wiggle is in attempt to open it, yet once again I bare no luck. I want to curse aloud, but I listen closely as I hear very tiny tapping coming closer to me. I stop wiggling the lock and once again the tapping stops only moments after I stop wiggling the lock.

'Someone is trying to encounter us be ready to attack and figure out why they are attempting to sneak up on us while we are distracted.'

That is a settle statement, I will be cautious, how do I make any attempt to escape?

'Why escape now, there is a large chance we can take our attacker out, we would win in a fight no doubt.'

I guess that is true. Okay I must focus now, the beast is attempting to come out.

Quickly I stop frozen and close my eyes allowing my ears to take my direction of my mind. I listen for something anything and I hear a settle thumping coming from behind me about twenty to thirty feet away from me from a turn I took only moments ago. So someone is following me, okay.

I continue to listen to the thumping only hearing the thumping, the thumping that belongs to a beings heart.

I open my eyes and allow my other senses to once again take over as well as the beast to retreat once again my human form coming back to my appearance.

Even though I have returned to human form my excess senses are still in motion, I turn my body to where I once previously came from I listen to the heartbeat as it beats faster. Immediately I understand the beings is ready to go on the offense, yet that being is frightened to approach me, I see why. If I were that being and I would have to hunt myself down, then I would be scared of being killed as well.

I hum in laughter trying to contain any amusmant hidden within my body, I have been ready for a fight for awhile, I mean an actual one. Question is why did I run and leave Elijah behind, I ran, why did I run? Giving a quick sigh I walk my way towards the being as I hear the heartbeat slow as they most likely soon decide to attempt to attack me at a different time. Idiot that was your time, he or she should have attacked me I was attempting to open the first door.

That is my attackers mistake. I stop before turning the corner and take in a silent deep breath before I turn the corner and see someone. Yet not exactly someone whom I wanted to see, actually I thought he was dead, Rylan.

"Planning to attack me aye?" I question backing to the wall putting a shoe to the back and crossing my arms over. Rylan and my eyes meet a second later his gray orbs meeting my deep golden orbs. His gray eyes look fear filled and I simply give him a small smirk because I know he won't attack me with his - fists? Dip shit.

"I was ordered to." He stated standing up elevating to his full height of about 6'1 I rise an eyebrow my beast slowly becoming very wary of his stance, he still looks like he wants to attack. A soft growl rises from the back of my throat as my whole body starts to adjust for an attack, I still remain as calm and collected on the outside as possible.

"Are you asking for a suicide mission?" I question wanting to snap at him, the authority was leaking in my voice as a foreign feeling leaked through my mind. Except it was not foreign, but very familiar, yet no label made its way on it.

"I mean you almost killed me before." He shrugged taking a few steps forward and I felt another growl rise from my throat, seeing his posture freeze for a moment I feel a little better.

"Okay I'm sorry for that I have been on edge ever since - I can not remember how long. A while I think."

Rylan took a deep breath as he simply just looked at me his eyes not cold, but certainly unforgiving. I could still feel him challenging my authority just lightly, he also continued to walk not closer, but to the side slightly. It was more like a pacing from nerves.

"They want you dead, Soshi I will be the only one to till you it besides your 'friends.' The headmaster wants you down, they know they screwed up."

I raise my eyebrow not surprised by the information, I mean I should be more surprised that I'm a werewolf. Yet, once again that does not surprise me either.

"Shocker I am like his play toy that got possessed by a fucking demon." I mutter just loud enough so that it would send a small shiver down Rylan's back. I send a small smirk his way as he recoils from his pacing just a bit.

"I don't hate you besides you almost killing me -"

"You got an apology out of me stop pushing it rylan." I growl loudly outloud.

"Sorry it is in my nature, listen, I want to help you get out honestly. Yet, you need to let me help you." I was tempted to roll my eyes, but as I have been saying I need more allies. Maybe Rylan could be an ally, he would be a strong one wouldn't he.

'Dont trust so early idiot.'

Sighing I take my leg off the wall and uncross my arms, Rylan comes near me frozen slightly with just a little bit of fear shrunken within his own shell.

I pulled Rylan closer by the arm, arms touching I wanted to recoil the touch sent a foreign feeling through my body, it disgusted me. I will never touch Rylan again. Do I take the chance and trust him - wait what about my other allies? Green eyes is she okay? How about Ashton, what if they decided to kill him? What happened to Elijah holy shit I think I just left him out to get killed. Idiot I am a fucking idiot! How could I leave Elijah out there to die after he gave me such valuable information as well, he told me I am something beyond human giving a choice of escape. That sweet choice of escape something narrowing as the chances narrow every single day.

I need allies though, I need allies overall. I can't go around losing them as they drop like flies, God knows where my other allies are and doing.

Concentrated I look into Rylan's eyes looking for some sort of explanation, some sort of spark that would convince me he is willing to be an ally. Not a traitor.

Examining his dark gray orbs it was like looking into two dark holes that would swirl endlessly from the space and overall oblivion. And in the very middle of those dark gray black holes as they swirled endlessly, with as little as emotion as possible, I could see very little specks of light. Just so little with a human eye no one could see them, but then again I'm not human.

That still bugs me, but I have to put it off for a little bit.

"You are asking to be an ally, is what I get from that." I state seriously all amusement or hint of laughter out of my voice. I could feel my eyes start to deepen in color as they typically do when my emotions change.

"Indeed." He stated, but something about that little sentence ticked me off. I knew what it was immediately it was something Ashton did, he had to add the alpha onto it.

"Alpha." I sneered. "Indeed Alpha."

His face shone in confusion, brows furrowed inword, mouth slightly agape revealing a set of nearly perfect white teeth, and his neck slightly backed up as the closeness was almost too much to bear for him. Grow up pussy.

"Indeed - Alpha." I nodded even though he hesitated, I will accept that this only time. Except, it's weird, when he says it I feel open and exposed compared to when Ashton says it, I feel proud and like I rule the world.

"Listen here right now - Rylan." I spat harshly backing up from him my hands behind my back and my eyes starting right into his gray ones. If he respects his leader he will look down and show submission, this little bitch better show some respect.

Just like that, he bowed his head eyes shining with little glimpses of fear hidden within them. Perfect.

"Our first part of our plan is to get my other allies our, alive. That includes Ashton, Rose Mary, Leo, Ana, and Elijah. That's if none of them are dead."

"They are not." He said assured, meaning he saw them before the headmaster sent him off with a suicide job.

"Although I didn't see Rose Mary, some of my group members stated she has halving a really bad coughing fit. The nurse was stated to be walking her away from the crowd."

No. No, the nurse is part of the adults of this facility, and part of the adults in this facility is the headmaster. The one who wants my head, the one who saw Rose Mary with me in the hidden camera. The head master who was in contact with the nurse who was most likely telling him what was going on. No this can't be happening! I don't trust them with her frail body! She is still sick, and only after cancer she is no doubt able to get even more I'll if not treated!

'I do not give a shit at what happens save that girl before they kill her.' The voice screamed at me full of anger full of worry, something the voice tends to ignore most times. This is serious, I have to get her before God knows what happens!

I grabbed Rylan by the shirt collar and brought him close, my mouth near his ear, I could fill the chill go down his spine. Really, not fucking now.

"We are going to save Rose Mary no matter the fucking cost, you got it? I don't give a shit if it takes a day or I have to go a fucking army I will save her. Got it Rylan?" I threaten feeling my body only get more agitated the angrier I get.

However, I also feel something on the inside of me, nothing could describe how it felt as something wild was screaming at me at only the sound of Rose Mary being in danger.

The being inside me screams, yet no sound could compare to it. I had to calm myself my body it was making changes that it shouldn't be, thanks to a simple name. The name has to do with the Alpha thing, I am almost sure of it.

"Soshi are you okay?" Rylan asked trying to shake my growing grip off his shirt collar. I release my hands shaking my head trying to get that unusual feeling out of my body, but my body won't cooperate. Rose Mary is in danger, I can just tell she is.

Taking a deep breath I nod very hesitantly, but I can't be hesitant now. I need to step up and lead or else we will all be dead and my head will be served on a silver platter. That simple thought unerves me to a boiling point, a hidden one at least. I have to find a way to keep my temper secretive, I am so hot headed, it will get me killed.

I shake my head pinching the bride of my nose and taking a deep breath, I'm exhausted, not the fact that I ran. It is the type of exhaustion in my head, in my mind, I'm so mentally exhausted. Why they would want me dead, I have no clue, actually I do. I said it perfectly before, I am their play doll that got possessed by a fucking demon.

Wanting to I smirk showing a graceful set of white teeth, I laugh a little bit, and it sounds very demented in a way. Stretching my arms I Crack a few bones before sharply turned around to my left where I walked from. The exhaustion laid low in my mind, but the need to save my allies and figure out what really was going on impacted me first. That was not a maybe that is a must need. If I don't I may never escape and probably will turn out dead.

For once, I knew were to go, a place no one knew of. Maybe the camera was close to the fountain, but something tells me they would be using that gym if they really knew about it. I could feel that smirk I wore on my face stay perfectly in place like a statues.

"I know where to go." I smile deviously, grasping Rylan's arm, however at the contact the sensations flooding through my body. Yet, once again, it was disgusting. Dammit I just said never to touch Rylan again then I walk up like a baby to their bottle and just grasp his arm. Ugh, but that's not another reason I hate the feeling, because I know that feeling before. He cringed back, the feeling of worry and fear seeping into his bones. I know why too.

"Grow up pussy that was the past." I snap at him, but keep my voice quieter trying to keep some cover incase Chimney is nearby.

We start walking down the hallway, I soon start to realize as we make a right turn our feet walking fast. Our bodies on alert for predators. His fear and my leadership peaking peaking only at the moment of now on our way to decide sometime that could ever change our lives.

Taking a deep breath in as I pass the familiar nurses office, I cautiously searched the area for any sort of human activity of camera in place. They hide those damned things like mice hide in holes. Though, I have never seen a mice, in fact now that I think about it I don't know anything of this so called mice. That was just my mind doing going off in circles, odd.

Giving a quick shake to the head I stop a corner right before the turn pass the water fountain. Searching for any life, but my body tells me that everything is safe. If your gut, or body, tells you something listen it is your best judgment by far. Don't listen to anybody, but you self unless they have the cold hard facts. It is your being and you should listen to yourself.

God damn I sound like a some super joyful miracle worker or something like that. No I sound like - erm nevermind.

I rolled my eyes as the thought bounced in between the thin barriers of my mind. My eyes scanned for cameras and I used the increased sense of smell to simply sniff the area. Like a predator to its prey. I had no scents the only one I had was very faint it must have been seven or so hallways away from when the children ran to wherever they were.

"Clear," I mutter as I swiftly use my long legs to silently walk to the brass doors that I have come to known.

As I am about to open the doors I feel a quick tap on my shoulder the disgusting feeling going through me yet again. Well know I know it's the idiot Rylan,

"The hell do you need?" I snap quietly at him, I instantly smell the fear that runs through his body. God damn this man is a pussy behind a fully grown 6'3 man's body.

"I don't know what your looking at, but there is nothing here." Rylan mutters aloud and I slowly turn around to him and look at him in a funny way.

Is he joking? Does this look a game to him? Who the in the hell-

'Listen patience in needed.'

You are fu-

'I said shut your God damn mouth and listen to what he has to say.' The voice snaps and I feel shocked yet so enraged.

I shut off my communications for now and glare at Ryland raising an eyebrow as if to say explain. He has one shot before he is dead, he may be an ally to me, but he is already getting on my nerves.

"What I mean is Soshi you are opening a wall there is nothing here. No gym it is a white wall." Rylan states putting his hands out for exaggeration and I feel my body shake with anger. Temper of course.

"You stop playing with me." I growl furiously, I am already on edge with this beast along side with me. I want my goddamn allies back. I want my goddamn memory back. I want my goddamn freedom back.

"I'm not its just a wall." He states and walks up to the brass doors. Looking at it as if it were just a normal wall in the hallway. I want to scream, I turn him around his face all full of seriousness. Yet, I am pissed. I do the one thing I'm good at, I attack. No not literally I slap him the sound that went off went for miles. He caressed his cheek as he fell to the floor a whimper leaving his lips.

With that I move to the brass doors, putting my hands on the silver handle I push through and my nose gets greeted by the familiar scent Ashton. He must have not been here long ago.

That pussy can come in if he wants and he can stop playing with me, when he man's up he can be my ally. I guess he is still technically my ally, but ugh - he needs to grow up in a way.

I walk around letting my nose do the tracking, Ashton smelled of the forest with its earthy greens as well as, hm. I walked to the strongest of his scent which was near the weight area. I inhaled the scent trying to pitch and idea on the smell, it was fresh, yet sour. Yet, it was all refreshing in a way.

'I know it.' The voice stated in my head with accomplishment and I rolled my eyes.


'Lemonade he smells of the forest and Lemonade, I don't remember what exactly Lemonade is, but that is a tab I can it on. That is a label I can use.'

Ah okay whatever this lemonade is.

I let my face rest into its natural resting bitch face. Taking in a deep breath I calmed the nerves within my body, not saying I was nervous exactly though. It's not nervousness it is the factor of the word 'if.' So many things can go wrong, I don't even have a plan as we speak of this. I can certainly not go rushing in there, that's like wearing a huge sign around my body saying 'Hey come kill me now!'

Groaning I make my way to the lockers again and I look at my knuckles really quick. They were all perfectly healed from when I tore them bloody. I opened one of the lockers to find the same pair of gloves as before as well as something else. There was a little not attached to this little box, it read,

'Next time don't bloody your knuckles put this on first it'll help.'


No other word no other meaning just shit. Thoughts raced through my mind, not because someone wanted to help me, but because someone knew I was in here and by the way it didn't smell of Ashton God knows whom it was.

With a small hint of worry and curiosity I opened the small box, man different words blasting through my mind. Nighty-five percent of the words which are not exactly child friendly. Actually make that Nighty-nine percent.

As I opened it I saw a white wrapping and something intrigued me of the wrapping. The only reason is I knew what this was, tape to wrap my knuckles in so they bleed less. One of many questions that range through my mind a millisecond a minute was who and why? Also how in the goddamn world did they know? Where I am exactly. Then again it's not foreign, but it is difficult to find.

Yet Rylan said he didn't see anything- was he telling the truth? No then the note with the box defys his explanation, doesn't it? Then again the note was creepy because someone and I mean someone other than Ashton was watching me. Maybe Rylan is right, whatever, unless he comes in and stops being a pussy I will work it out on my own.

'Shouldn't you per say be trying to find a plan to get your friends out instead of working off energy until your physically exhausted?'

Don't start me now. It will clear my head for right now.

'Soshi I may not know whom I am or what I am, but you are going to listen to me. Now.'

Shut the hell up!

'Stop being such a stubborn bitch!'

You are being the stubborn bitch shut up and let me do what I want to goddamn do!

Before I even realised what I was doing I looked at the locker right next to the one with the gloves and box. Well what used to be a locker, now there was a hole through it and to the wall. I pulled my fisted up hand out of the hole and groaned inner worldly. The hand was bleeding and already starting to be firmly marked with a awful bruise.

Stupid voice in my head never shutting the hell up when I want her to. She should listen to me goddamnit, I am the alpha she is not she is some stupid thing that won't ever leave me alone.

I clenched my hands the one that held the box nearly smashing the box. This temper was so bad, but in a way the temper defied me in every way. Hot-headed, deadly, and not putting up with anyone's shit. Yet, at times it was uncontrollable, unstable, and can hurt more than whom was intended for that ass beating.

Merely grunting I unload the tape and start wrapping the scratchy material around my fingertips. Then a thought struck, why in the hell am I wrapping a mysterious wrap around my own body that is from a stranger whom was watching me for however long? You would've thought I dropped that shit keeping it away from my body as I kicked it under the lockers.

I looked at my fingers quickly examining to make sure nothing happened to my hands. When my eyes glanced to my hands I found nothing of any abnormality on my hands, but who knows if I kept it on any longer what would happen. Maybe it's paranoid, maybe someone was trying to help me, or not. Maybe someone was trying to hurt me to poison my skin in attempt to kill me without approaching me.

We all know how that would end out.

I turned towards the punching bag and cracked a small tiny demonic smile, hello old friend.


"For living!" A voice screamed In various tones as the doors slammed open and Rylan came in eyes closed in a defensive stance screaming at the top of his lungs.

He was running fast, like he didn't even see the doors. And as he went through I could see the shock on his face when he entered the gym he also looked a little worried because -


"Fuck!" Rylan screamed in pain as he crashed, right into the lockers. Ouch, well I mean it looked like it hurt, but I couldn't help but laugh my gorgeous ass off. Yes I have a beautiful ass deal with it.

I was laughing so hard it didn't click till now that the doors were wide open.

I ran so damn fast that even global warming couldnt catch up with me.

I ran stretching my legs shutting the doors and my mouth out and up. My heart pounded as I shut the doors to the point of them possibility never opening again. Meanwhile Rylan was cursing so many profanities his whole body might as well be considered a Garbage can.

I walked over to Rylan arms crossed I'm sure my head was blowing steam. I was pissed. Someone could have found us, someone could have found me, Chimney could have found me. Thanks to Rylan's sorry ass.

He looked at me as I felt my eye color deepen, I was in a decent mood after releasing some steam that poor punching bag had another few debts to add to its collection. Meanwhile I long ago abandoned the gloves and went fist in working on different offensive tactics incase it went fist to fist. I mean you can never be too cautious.

However, I am paying the price as my fist are red and angry some of my knuckles once again torn and bleeding. I would consider going to the nurse, but oh right she has green eyes fucking captured.

'Hm told you, should've planned it out.'

Sorry your message went straight to ignored, how does it feel?

Man I could never seem to shake that voice out of my head, no matter if I'm right or not I do what I believe is best for me.

And for something not even a damned someone tell me I'm wrong pisses me off. To put it correctly I didn't schedule because I have a temper and steam to blow off. So deal with it voice because I am me you -

"Soshi a little help?" A strained Rylan murmured put from the crushed lockers. Oh right that ass hole.

I walked over to Rylan I could feel a rumble come from my chest as he looked at me mistakened because he looked at me straight in the eyes. Never look your alpha in the eyes, that is a challenge in my eyes. He is challenging my authority, if he wants my position then he will fight for it.

'Soshi clear your damn head he is confused! He is our ally our damn ally stop being stubborn and rash that will get you killed. I want you to survive listen to me every once and a wild damn it. Or else we are going to end up dead do you hear me? Think really quickly before you do something you regret, warn him, just for the love of everything we could possibly have if we escape. Don't kill him.'

Wise words, that's all that really processed through my mind as tye voice screamed at me. The voice didn't lie, I could see the fear clouding his gray orbs as he submissivly cranes his neck downward avoiding eye contact. All it took was a few seconds before he realised it, all it took was a few seconds or else he would have been dead.

I wanted to shake the feeling, disgusting, I felt all gooey and mushy. Not exactly whom I wish to be, but honestly who am I? I have made so many rash decisions because of the person I am becoming, yet who was I before? I don't like who I am now, but at the same time I do?

Does that even make sense?

Probably not, since when does anything ever make sense? I mean I wake up one day with the urge to kill every being around me. I meet Ashton and green eyes and suddenly that urge disappears within mere seconds of meeting their beings. Meanwhile I grow fangs and claws every now and then trying to figure out if that is exactly normal. Then to add on to the crazy headmaster trying to murder my already confused assume.

To add on top of that I am constantly having these mental arguments with some voice whom I don't even know or what it is. Adding to my confusion of whom I am. Then the final picking on top is the fact that I am trying to escape from a building while attempting to gain my allies back from the grips of the evil headmaster holding them back away from my control.

If anything I want to breakdown within a mix of killing somebody or something, well when am I not killing something? The better question is when am I actually being kind to somebody it seems almost like a foreign action to me in a way. Then again there could possibly have been some sort of time period where I did not want to kill everyone or have everyone I know as an enemy of some sort.

I could hear the voice sigh in my head with agreement no matter what happens this feeling will never dispute itself as all my other issues have with the action of fighting. Yet is this feeling of wondering somewhere the feeling of wanting to belong somewhere that strong to the point that I can't simply combat it? It is different, but as with many other different areas of my life I can not put a label on why. I can never put a label on anything anymore, possbily I could have before, but that is the thing that unerves me to a breaking limit. The fact that I actually believe I had a life before, and the fact that I may never know whom I was before hand. I mean did I always want to kill people? Was I always so short tempered? Was I always so damn hot looking, I mean damn look at my -

'Not the time Soshi.' The voice interrupted a hint of annoyance within her voice. She has a point I do tend to trail off to my goregous curvy body that I could seduce any male into, imagine how could that -

'Sushana!' The voice snapped at me forcing a growl to erupt from chest, how she irrates me for forcing me to focus.

'You can not go drifting off like that, it could get us killed!' The voice screamed at me in a pleading voice. The temptation to scream weak i my mind was extremly tempting, but at the same time she did once again have a point that I was not at all taking note of. I always seemed to drift away from everything.

"Well I'm just gonna take the first shift of the night and let you rest. You seem so out of it that you keep on going in and out of focus more than usual." Rylan sighed looking at me with a mix of emotions with a force of emotions that said the truth without using any words. While his eyes spoke many paragraphs without actually speaking his actions didn't speak, but prove his actions truthfully. For come reason my body relaxed at his words even the beast that roamed my body dangerously alert of everyone and hated nearly everything was relaxed at his words.

I cautiously moved my body over to the corner of the room out of sight from where the door was. Just incase anything happened that is then I would have a chance to react and become aware before my attacker would have a chance at killing me.

"Soshi," Rylan sounded before I had a chance to lay down or even sit down. Yet, I turned around my eyes probably a lighter color, it was to show that I had some respect for him so I would allow him to talk to me.

"Can we talk about how to get people out first, I have some information that will change everything." He muttered nervously and I could feel the beast within me perk up at his words. More information a more of a chance that I can get out with everyone whom I have some bond with.

"Yes let it out before I pass out, even I get exhausted at some point." I rubbed my eyes as I yawned exhaustion starting to seep in through my bones.

"Soshi I was able to snitch on the headmaster and I learned that I have a brother outside of this place." I raised my eyebrow unsure of this term 'brother' I believe it is some sort of relation by blood of the fates of one being to another. Something like that.

"Apparently his name is Davis and we are twins. Also soshi you have one more extended family member its your grandmother she is alive, looking for you with someone named Jackson."

I could feel everything with me freeze, but the question was who was Jackson?

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